HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement I JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF & CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCI(�OUNTY FILE # 4298978 OR BOOK 3986 PAGE 224rSftr_ff I8A'/19/2017 11:40:29 AM ST. LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THI IS A �Uc TRUE CORRECT COPY F THE rA rF.R RE(:0RD1N(FRF:TV10; (j: ■ORI J P ITH, ERKI By Dep t PEN X1IrN(�A18iilt: _ Coate: � � 192017 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT,: lbe undersigned hereby given nutiLe that intpnn'emenl gill he made to certain real property,and in acconlancC With ChaplCI 713. Florida statutes the fidlo%%ing infurntation is prat ided in the Notice of eantmencenteriL I 1.llESCRIP'L'ION OF PROPERI'1'ILegal dCseriptiun and street addrc<sl TAX FOLIO NIIMBF.R: 3535.601-0108-000-4 I I SUBDIVISION BLOCK_„ TRA("1'_•-._1.09' BI,D[: UNIT _- ISLAND DUNES CONDOMINIUM A UNIT PH-54 A/K/AADMIRAL CONDOMINIUM(OR 2930-2228) Kitchen 8 Bath Renovation J _ .(:1�:NERAl.1)ESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT; _ 3.OWNER INFORNIA,rm: a.Nume Rory C.OeJohn 8750 S OCEAN DR PH-54,Jensen Beach,FL 34957 b.Address _ .. _. _.. __c.interest in pntperty__,.` d.Name and address ul'1'ee situplC titleholdCr t if other than o%%ner')_ -,. _..._ _� 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME.ADDRESS AND 111()NE NUMBER: C-kO C4 h"dm"'�"c.PO8nx t376Jen�n Beach,FL Nathan eooW 772.530-0G59 5.8URE'1'Y'S NANIE.,ADDRESS AND PIfONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: _ •„ _- a- 6.IXNDER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: - 7.Persons within the State of 1--lorida designated hr Owner upon%%hunt notices or other documents May he Nereid as pro%ided he Section 713.11(1)(u)7..Horida Statutes: NASIF ADDRFSS AND PHONE S.In addition to himself or herself.Owner designates the following to recek c a copy of idle l:ienor's Notice tLs j TOvided in Section 713.13(I f(hl.Florida Statutes: NAME,ADi1RF_1;5 AND PHONE NUMBER: 9.Expiration dale of police of Cununencenteni ithe espirution date is I %.ear from the date of recording unless alJiffercnt date i. WARNING TO 0R'NFR:.CX1'Pal'.lt(•:XTti 1L4j1F.R5'THE OWNER aFFER THE'F.k III RATION OF THE NOT)('1:OF C'0�4�fF.NC'Y'.�1EST ARE CONSIDkRED IMPROPER PAYMUN'rS UNDER('jAPTIiR?1l.PARZ-1 SF.C'l'IQN 713.13,NLOR11)A,STAT ITH.S.AND CAN Ri:SCI:f IN YOUR PAYING T�''ICF.FOR 1MPR0V \1.KN I:S TO YOUR PROPt:RTY_A NOTICE UI C(.TN1h11 N('I vlE�l_I'MIST BL Rfi'ORDF-D ANI) ID STE 'TII;]OH .SITE UFFORE'1'HF. FIRST INSPECCIU\. if-1T U INTFND TO OBTAIN ILNANQhLC CONMILT WjTli ).Q.R li DFR WAN A'-I'URVFa'HFEFORk CO\I\tF\ 'N(i\\') Of(_&hfC QINQ YO�K_N(:)TICF.ON C'OMMENO-NIF\1-. /W S(%notary of Owner-or Print Sarhe and Prns;idc SiKnatory's'Pitle/(Btice Owner's Authorized OtYcer/llirector/Partner/\lanager State of Florida } County of The roregguing instrument was ackno%%ledged before me this_ _day ol'_ �'`C'�IL� _'(1�•.7 (:Nutue of Per", (T%pe of au{hority...e.g..0wrier.officer.trustee.anurne.v in tarn For ,_1 (Name of puny on txhall'of.thotn insirumdnl%tits execuled) Persunalh-Knovit_ of produced the follsnving type of ID: / poi r.�•�g0'®�Il� AYNE It Notaty Putific- late of Florrtla (Printed Nanm of Notary Public) )Signature of Not Public) :'� •? COmm{ssion M GG 24467 s y t3'MY Comm.lEmpires Aug 25.2020 �` ou MN uonalNuta.yassn Under penalties of penury. I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the fa s iri'4r111� Ira nd helier(section 92.525. ' tridu Statute.i. Signa / (')o ner(sl ur O%vneris)':%ulhurized OfYicer/f)irector/Partnl r/:�fanaRer w'hn�iRned uhpte; By Ro.ON 109-1:R-mbo,- Ii I II I ,