HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT PERMIT# ISSUE DATE z F rnt PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES i� Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT S ' have agreed to be (Company Name/In�div�iduj Name) the E lL(& Sub-contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Q 8111z_ (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-CONTRACTO SIGNATURE(Qualifier) rp� lk.,r�6 D,.(�- 2_ G�� &)00�A- PRINT NAME PRINT NAME om COUNTY CERTIFICATION ER /J COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of 1BJ State of Florida,County of Sk I W16-L Th orego'ng instrument was signed bef re me t'hi day of7 The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisdays of 2aby IV I�v 2(li`/by G 1�X1 V�1j1 who is e sonafy known�r has produced a who is personally known 14 or has produced a as id ti cation. TT a t ntifcatio . l a STAMP STAMP S g a re o otary ubli �gnatur Notary Public go it Print Name of Notary Public Print Name f Notary Public PATRICIA R.HILL MY COMMISSION#GG 976680 YEE ic State of Florida m; Q ate: EXPIRES:April7,2024 xander Revised 11 d�?P' Bonded Thru Notary Public Undenvnlen; sion GG 148729 4/2021 .. ... ... ........... .. .. .. . _ - -. ..... _.._: ... _.. _ .. t LiL ► � +td lsx ag3s be co Yz.!M .bwivklual Name) ... '. `4 � _ _ _ ii� cpI�tric�x Hai : ti ` .... € .t'" t !k'�r (Pi ry# a S-�et'.r� va,or:Tl, -m lax: t s derst l tA,fthe-�zs arx ch it, :c��'st�s s re�ar�azi�.oux �u�il���� al3��e saa�tit i�n�cl ... . pr a~ t3 l i4an cO RkJ f, D VISIOTt 0r t..L cio C'is lItym 1 rl� s puisumA l t #sl ii t ;1N.-m zit U t►i?#I C.Or no 10c, VIM.# ,-. . _ . . P1.71tT`1+i iL �Rt.N UAW ............. : �t�t�i��cr�z-ra��S��t��:� •: s� � _p ._._,:. �c�a;�v-r�cx��r��c�,��o��i�r�/�/�a�:..� ..r '�`4s>w n �?ictx'ts�Ys3t���':s�s�u���os-e aviC;sG3s O. �.0�;f 7'h�fu' +wrn;Iris#�trnt;st»•as si�nesllsglcrre;fnc 4h�,s/. }:w i • �IKJC.. g4bni��srs�,nulls ��u•iras�r�t��t��6s :: ��iloS��rravna�3•9i�rras�r:�,ir9lti:�«�;r#>'r�iir`l���U�C PATRICIAR.HILL �' �f^ (� „' �✓ G�9''�D• r5 i „- MY COMMISSION#GG 9 ao R.HAl OMM ES:April 7 2 *s CISSION#GG W3680 �,x�x�Y �,f\nrar}�'arPrlic +�•.,-..P;• ' . •� - VP• FOF F°•' Bonded Thro Notary Public U rs — ;; Qa_= EXPIRES:April 7,2024 �.I.., (. ........._..... ........ .. .. / _:- �..... .....� •jF�FF��• Bonded Thru Notary Public UndenNriters �'x•3n�'�i+;ii uP1Crt�r�Patblac: i�rS'u'kl.stia u�'ti�i�ti';3'iitiTie