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q . All APOuCABLE`INFO MUST BE COIMPLETED`FOR APPLICATION TO,BE ACCEPTED t Qate Permit Numtiec: kit) ,iry i a dui ding Pernn t Application Planning and'Development services Building and Cade Regulation Division Comm Reside' tial, '2 00,.V(rginro:Avenue;:Fort Pierre Ft 34982 I i Phone (772)452 15S3 Fax:(772)462-1578- i PERMITAPRLICATION FOR: Fence Installation PROPOSE( 1MP,RC�VENiNT LOCATION Address: Property Tax'I,D# .: ;- _. Lot No. ` t n _L Site-Plan OndIZVO 1 i�,�/�1t11U Block:No. 4 (1 Project Names 0 . �ETAIf_EDECRIPTION`OF V1IORf�' .a.._.._-..............- .. _ l New Eiectnca) Meter.;.. Second Electrical Meter._. F7— F LCONSTfiUTtON INFORNlAT1;ON, - -.. . : s A i Additional work to be performed under this permit—check all that apply; _IVlech'anical GasT.ank Gas Piping —Shutters _Windb5s/.Doors Pond'. `Electric _Plumbing _Sprinklers —Generator _ Roof Pitch ` Total'Sq. Ft of Gonstruetions _ Sq. Ft.of First Floor: cost of Construction $ �1 _ 2� Utilities: _Sewer Septic Building Height:. �OWNE LE b R� E E� „_. CONTRACTOR Name YV AAName:Todd M Paroline Address Company:Superior Fer.'ce and Fail of,Brevard County Inc City, fz Stater. Address:2778 N Harbor City Blvd 9102 Zip;Code i : Fax:: City; Melbourne State 'FL Phone No..__ ; Lip Code 32935 Fax;.321 638 0086.y E..Mail. ;. Phone:No 32.1-636-2829 i' Fill in fee simple Tutfe,Holder on-next page:(tf diffe.rent. . E-NlailW1cecoast@supenorfenceandrail come from the Owner listed' abovei State or County License 31337., If value of construction is 2500,or more,a RECORDED Notice of Corn(»encernent is required: If value of HAVC is$7,500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. i SUPPi_EIVttTALC©1�STRUCTlC7tI�t�I lAW 14FOEMAT431 DESIGNER/ENGLNEER: ____:NotApplicable MORTGAGE COMPANY Not Applicable N.aime Name Address , _: Address .v.: City: State, City: - State: Zip:: Phone zip:.. Phone:. FEE SIMPLE:TfTLE MOLpER': Not Applicable BONDING-COMPANY: i _Not Applica_61e: `Name: . _ Name: ' Address: _... _ W -. :, �-.. Address _ t City: City' Lip' Phone; Zip; Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT Appiication is hereby:made to obtain a°permit.to do the:w6rk and InsbI14'tlon as,indicated:. I cgrtify.that no work or installation has conirnenced prior to the issuance•of a permit, ? } St.'Lucie'County ma.kes:no representation that is granting a permit wiil authorize.the'permit holder fo build the.subjectstructure. which is in ronflict,with any applicable Home-Owners Assoaation rules,bylaws or and covenants that(nay restrict;orprohibit such structure.Please consult vrlthsyour,Home Owners/association and review.your,deed forany restrictions which may apply. In consideration of thergrantingof this requested permit,I.do hereby agree`thatl will n'all respect4;perform the'work in accordance with the approved plans,the Fiarida;Building Codes and St.Lucie'Caun"ty`Amendments,. The following building permit applications are exerrtpt from urid'ergomg a full cogcurrency review;robin additions; accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs screen rooms and accessoryuses•to another"non residential use WARNING TO OWNER Your failure to Record: m a`Notice,of Cotsiencement may sul ret I n paying twice for s A,Notice.of Comm ehcement'rrit�st be recorded in the public reeo.rds of St tmproveM'ents to your property.. Lucie Caen n sted.on the jot�site.before the first inspecti f.you end to obtairi finanang, consult with le torney .efOre commenctn .+tiork.or re Ill ou otice , Camrrteneement, t i Signat ,e of`Owner(LesseeJGontractot as Agent far Owner Si; of e of cunt mtdr/License Hader STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA ` 3c COUNTY OF_- _ COUNTY Of ti - 3 4 S am to"('iir'affirmM)and subscribed before me,of. 5�w°rn to{ar affirmed)and subscribed before me of, P ysical Pre .n-ce or Online,Natanx t'an.,. P ysical Pre _ c r Online Not anz tid¢�y, � �2d'b this: day of, �A-2B'byftJ�`� 4 this da "of; Y _ Y I Todd M Parol,in'e _ _ _ :. Todd M Parolne Name of ma king.statemerit:. Name of person makingstatement. j Personally Known _ OR Produced..Identification___ Personally Known 'OR Produced Identification { Type of,Identification T e of rdentlficatlon; Yp. , yp P d : Produced uced 1 ig #Ileof (S' o cxyas` pblic ck44EiQ }} 'Au STEPHANIE BRO W Notary Puai�c State Eorida I Notarp pz�blie�5ibt i�A. Commission C©mmies�arri GG 3 Comm�ssron. ExPtresAor ' `Commission COG ' ,My Camm.,ExpUes Apr 5, Bonded;trraugh hatiorai Notary Assn. _ 8oflded tltr Millq lip REVIEWS ,FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE I MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEN! REVIEW REVIEW 'REVIEW REVIEW - --- - ' DATE - RECEIVED DATE ; 'COMPLETED