HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Title4 Mail Lien Satisfaction to: Dept of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Neil Kirkman Building, Tallahassee, FL 32399-9509 Identification Number t Year Make T Body VVr-GBHP Vessel Regis. No. — Title Number - IT249P23980A Reri`tcred Owner. 52' 50512514 I Date of Issue 02/08/2021 t MANUEL ENRIQUE PAGOADA 5018 NE 1ST TER LOT 11 10 POMPAND BEACH FL 33064-3305 "3 Mail TO: MANUEL ENRIQUE PAGOADA 5018 NE 1ST TER LOT 11 10 F POMPPANO BEACH FL 33084-3306 $;�� tp Ae 1 oo ii 11 tt 1111 Iu��nr��t0lunl�nrlrrinittullft�urttltnn�t�u�rnl�rl ff II II t:Cj G G r`- il A03361 & Lien Release Interest in the described vehicle is hereby released IMPORTANT INEORWATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of the certificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. 3_ Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below for more information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel: http:/Iwvw.,.4ihsmv.gov/htmiltitlir.1'.Mmf 11YA ' Identification Number' Year tdake , body VJl L BHP VeSset Reots ne ! Title Number =� ` . Lien Release `U `. j.T249P23980A- i-.1987:, AtIERI. ! [is' i 52' 50512514 Interest n the described velua is hereby released Prey Color 'Brand— Rirnary Brand Sbcdnbary Bns Ora o Use Prevlssue Date gy = rss I $. state- FL_:�UkK I '- .� .PRIVATE ( 11% 19/2020.} Title Odcmeter Slatds qr Vessel mantrfacturer or CH use 'Fliiq Material -- Prop Date of Iss_ue — ! ! Date j02/05/2021I Regist�Kcd"Ota?ter. MANUEL ENRIQUE PAGOADA 5018.NE.1ST TER LOT 11 10 POMPANO BEACH FL.33064-3305 1st. Lienlioidcr zz NONE =•`st -e DIVISION OF MOTORIST S TALLAHASSEE J -€� FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGt-tYJAY SAFcTY AND MOTOR 'VEHICLEST 9 - F Contrui Number i r y r Terry L. Rhodes Robed R. Kynoch ETEChtiVe Director p Director rj TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER (This section must be completed at the time of sale.) Federal antllor state law require that the seller slaic the milece, porelctida name. salting price and date sold in connection with the transfer of oumership. Failtat, in coonlete or providing a false stalemenl may remit in tine_c md.'or imprisonment. (r •; �.a : • This title is -arranted b he free from any liens except � noted on the face of the ceriif ic:de and the motor vehicle or vcss cl de-,cribed is hereby trans{mxd to: s�F %.If- Most Enterlhvdtaser'sName-- _.__..----- - Address:.---'---�._.-----._.__.�._.__.____._—.___.._,.-' '� fF Seller Mead Enter Selling Price: - Seller Most Enter Dole Sold:_ viv.sYilc that this ❑3or❑ 6 digit odometer now roads l It "11—I,l—II — — ll_IIXI(no lcnths)miles, dole mud aaadIltereby certify thatto lhchcai aftuy lmotvledgc lheadomcfcr reading: s 9 ); - �1.mflcclsACIUALMIlXAGF_ '_.isINEXCFJ'SOFITSMECHANICAL MM. F :f.isNOTTHE ALFLIALMILEAGE r UNDER PENALTIESPERJURY, 1 DECLARE THAT 1 HAVE READ THE FOREGOING. DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. _OF SFI,I:IItMad L'O-SE•IS.F.RMtast Sign Here: __ - ......__.-,M _ Sign Here: _—_—_—_—._.-- :.'!� Htinl Hcrc: - prim Hers:.._..—___._..._.---"------ -..�—__._....—. _.__-�._-----._ rl� - _-.---•__.__ Selling llealcr'x ileense:.ionbcrri _. TaxNo.: 'Ca<(:nllceled: ';;•,'.-`1 - _ ,.MrtiooNa e, " 'Sta a- - - ..ITIRCIRASERMut ... - . - .. .CO-PIIPCHASERMusi - . Sign Here ,_' ,- : ".. ,. > ...., ., Sigti Hcrc: �— -- -- - 41 Mal Lien Satisfaction to: Dept of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Neil Kirkman Building, Tallahassee, FL 323SM500 c Identification Number Year Make — Body — Wi-L-BHP Vessel Regis. No. T50512515 Title NumberIT24SP23980B 11987MERI l HS 62' Registered Owner: Date of Issue 02/06/2021 MANUEL ENRIQUE PAGOADA 5018 NE 1ST TER LOT 11 10 POMPANO BEACH FL 33064-3306 \tail To: 4: MANUEL ENRIQUE PAGOADA 5018 NE 1ST TER LOT 11 10 POMPPANO BEACH FL 33064-3306 Idehttficatton Number Ir Year j Make — Body V T249P23980B t-'.1sat MF;zr• I Ws l FL UW OdC Aek Statics Or-, ssel Wntrfacturer cr-OH use ` gaster'ed (Jammer MANUEL.ENRIQUE PAGOADA 5018 NE 1ST . TERLOT 11 10 POMPANO BEACH, FL 33064-3306 tt Lieriholder NONE DIVISION OF OAF MOTOR IST' SERVIC ES -�f�. r vv"'I -P• t`�R'd, Robert R. Kynoch Director R A03352 ■ , I , f 1 , � rl Lien Release Interest in the described vehicle is hereby released IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by Sellersection at the bottom of the certificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below for more information and the appropriate forms required fort he purchaser to title and register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel: http:/Avww.ifhsmv.gov/html/tillinf.htmI L ElHP Vessel Regts No. Td1e Phtrnbet=: j4 1 Led Release r" _ I1�1:oo. 505.12-, Is'. L hiteresf in the rJescribed vehicle is hereby released Braridfs i— Use' {{ Prey Issue Date By- IPRIVATE111/19/2020I•�� HuB fdaterial i . Prop —t' 'Date , issue D 2021 ate TALLAHASSEE a FLORIDA �a DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES c Iz-r Gtnlral Number /1 Q 0, _b 1 0 Terry L. Rhodes Executive Director TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER (This section rust be completed at the.tine of sale.) Federal andlorstate law require dod the seller state the milege, purchaser's oame, selling price and date sold in connection with the transfer ofawnership. Failure to complete or providing a false statement may result in fines and/or imprisonment. This title is warranted to be free from any liens except as noted on the fare of the certificate and the motor vehicle or vessel decrihed is hereby transferred to: Seller Must EnterAozhasc?sName: J_ Address: Seller Must Enter Selling Price: — Seller Must Enter Date Sold: _ 1/Weswcthatthis❑5or❑6digit odometei•nowreadsl_II_II_I,I_II- II_I,IXI(no tenih)miles. d:deread onddherebycertify that tothe best ofmyknowledgerheodometermading: 1. mfl ecLs ACTUAL MILFAGF_. �2. is INFXCESS OFIS MECRANICALLU.M. 3. is NOT THE ACTUAL MILEAGF UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT, THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. 3E LLER Mast ' CO -SELLER Most Sign Hcre: Sign Here: ----_-- Prinl Here:. - Print Here:. ---- Selling DealcesLieenscNumher: .Tax No.: _-_ Tax C. l lccled: 'Auction Namur License Nunubcr: PURCIj.4511t Mn t CO -PURCHASER Must •. . _� Sign Hcrc Sign Hcrc' Pn- . nlHere _,.