SEP 0 2 2021
St.Lucie County.
5S each+ eon° -- Permitting
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''N`r '6!s Removal and Homeowners Association Affidavit
Owner: Ab(CA �W
Property Address: P p C-1:0dj 1.a pl e KV A-�- P,(�rCe_,
Permit # Contractor: g-6U,' �qkwlvp"eall
b�P-44 0« a pt G
As per City Ordinances 30-25,24-19,24-20, 24-21 and as a condition of obtaining any permit for construction,
repair or renovation:
I understand and accept full responsibility for the prompt removal of all debris and
construction materials from the property for which I am seeking to obtain a building
permit in accordance with the Code of Ordinances of the City. Initials
1 agree that no debris or construction materials will be placed on any public property
or on any public right-of-way except as may be specifically authorized by the Code of /
Ordinances. Initials
I further understand that prior to a final inspection for the project completion or
issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy(or Certificate of Completion), all debris and
construction materials shall be removed from the property or the Inspector will not
approve the final inspection.Additional reinspection fees shall apply. initials Ab
1 understand and accept full responsibility for debris removal at my own expense in
accordance with the City Code of Ordinances. Initials
I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read and understand the above statements and I
further understand that any violation of the terms of this affidavit shall be reported to
the City of Fort Pierce Building Department for action and possible stop work order. Initials
It is the owner and contractor's responsibility to verify approval for any work through
the Homeowners Association and/or Condominium Association, if applicable. The
City will not be held liable for disputes between the Homeowners Association,
Condominium Association, owner and/or contractor.
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Date Contractor or Owner/ uildees Signature
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SSM�ga`h,F oyGotO Building Department t'rolecc vt—iauatx
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*Property Address *Date ` f
Parcel ID# � , �OL ®�O `� *#of plans submitted d *#of CD's submitted
*Owner Name Attmur�x 1 D*�Jwner Address '�d b � La_j4
Phone#( u - c —Fax#(r � b6� - ®J�)—
Email Address ef I p( 1 L /f-i-�c a� in
*Required Information Type of permit Q^ Roo *Valuation$ lbob
*Description of Work: e. R—o D r`. -A-$ P WfS(ULA�Ie,
'l e—e. NQ'J C4� m F-
Phone( - Fax(, Email Address
Phone(_) - Fax L � - Email Address
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City License# C: Y_13. _ m State License#• c�G
Company Name OL W1W PrCs 2 Qu lI l tiperr [ 94>
Address s S j�
aL City/State_ ti Zip
Phone#( � - Fax#( ) - Cell# - aJ�
Email Address t�a:�.4- d Gn, kt,,LQ,— (2 o a2
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Occupancy ��J!.� talk Construction Type G' �� #of Units!_; #of Stories
Sq.Ft.Conditioned Space *r� Total Sq.Ft. 0
I understand that no building maybe occupied until a Certificate of Occupancy/Certificate of Completion has been issued after
final inspection by the Building Department and full compliance with the building code,city ordinances,state statutes and other
applicable rules and regulations have been satisfied. I am also verifying that all sets of plans submitted are.identical.
Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation
has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating
construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for electrical work,plumbing,signs,wells,
pools,furnaces,boilers,heaters,tanks,and air conditioners etc.
Owner's Affidavit: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all
applicable laws regulating construction and zoning.
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