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fire department
ML ' SAINT LUOECOUNTY C7 PLAN REVIEW FORM 5'60N.W.[NUne/D,ive Po/tSa\n�Luc�e,FL 3498B Telephnrpt 772-62�-3�32. rox 772-621'3604 ' Building Dept. isuc ! pwm?em�tvi 3-21-349 --'----------------------------------'----------' Project Name 18,:'3nS,u�osnoo,ve �| a�nsp�nuft | ����_________-_-_____'________l ' Address ccearcme ` | it, / n---------- --�---'-------- cvntracto 'Jess m"r!)`/ i � � �uue,s c* |S,�.� L--'-----_-____--------------`------'' �--------------- --� ' '----'----'-----` r------'--''------------- ---- state Fl- �+'`p Telenhz,e x5anocn-�5a & ---------------------------------` �ircxuecusny/me,� F-_--'--------'----'--------� -------'-----'--- nann/rvpe |y/oOxS�� � ux.,u»��^^��ne | � svva�peot | " ------_--_- -_--_-___-___---- ---' _-__---_--___ -_-______-- --_--__---� Occupant Load ! mx�m,mmmxe | xcceoapx / Ac'�sKey swxzh _-----'--__--_' �--------___� --------------'—� r--'-----------------', �--------'---- ApSpe,mu FApv,rn;t pppp^,m/-: . Genena|Nntes 1.xvelectronic copy mthe construction aucxmemts submitted ov^co.s*q"ieu,mameformat shall ue.pu/only. zAll revisions, wzI^m=uthe eustzm/ccopy mxstuereceived v,^v'u,ye,n:uuq. s. The nmMai »mrequires z4 hv-ir r,otice nvall inspections. «. ARadio coverage pm-�;u,mwSignal Stoensminspection /,'cnv/mouem,cany final /"�pectio^/szxeau/!s. s�The msvaLt/veuuxmnpDepartment ,xaoschedule all oralmsnerti"r,'�,vuyh the pimma,cxu'sOffice. ` *.poxeuins»erv"n.require puvmon-_mfee- prior mrescv°dm/oyofm'u`e,ins.p*cuon, 7. Penetrations ViroUgh rated assemblies shail be of the proper UL design. Design c0t.E:rk iha!l be submitted with the cons.rul:tion plans. u.Fire alarm nxre/,`naouelocated muvnmwithin air conditioned space. y. Plans anuc*m^,uctmnare subject mcorrections mthe field tvmaintain code ,»mp/m^^e. 1o,«"mmau0^oJ.u,ua*o/,.enu/,e«m,*vAC.,r,u,m/sma,emeeuz.omocr".u*ua~an*c/tv. 11.-, o~Installation o,nue,anun./Fire up,irum^'Piro- Alarms, and Fixed Fire p,"t,c-n,ps/stea'sequre'.separate review v,6permit. OF THECURRENTLY ADOPTED VERSION OFTHER/DR{UAFIRE PqGV2NT|ONCODE kSENFORCED. BUILDINGS WITH LIGHT4RAKxETRUSS-TYPE CDNSTRUCJlO11'5PAL���M.ARuEQWITH APPRO1EDF|NEFiGHTERSAFETY ARNiNGSIGNS ]mACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA AOKx'NISTRATMEIC0DF5iFg�-J.012 AND 69A-06O.00D1PRJORTORECEIVING A CERT.'MCATir �)FiD[[UPANCY. See Gene,a|Notes Above andBeq,^in*dRevisions Mow ------------------'------------------'------------------------------------T----- 1 hrfire wall Ul. 463and Zhrrated wa[U1.4|9 2. All Life safetyeiJuipncentshaUbo'in wudk:ngorder��dit|me�| page p ! mri| / )y��:�/��ge� `-_|