HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, Flood vent iccEEliil'*,* FL hp1rLo,tnl CooQ F L A7b?E- cssostL FINP_gn"tT i')C-ES Evaluation Report ESR-3851 Reissued September 2020 Revised January 2021 This reporl is subjecl to renewal September 2022. www.icc-es.orq | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the lnternationa! Code Councito) DIVISION: 08 00 00-OPENINGS Section: 08 95 43-Vents/Foundation Flood Vents REPORT HOLDER: CRAWL SPACE DOOR SYSTEMS, INC, EVALUATION SUBJECT CRAWL SPACE DOOR SYSTEMS FLOOD VENT MODEL #CSBA816 CRAWL SPACE STACKED MODELS #ICCSTACKED2: #ICCSTACKED4 FLOOD VENT INSULATED KIT #ICCINSULATED I.O EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: . 2018 and 2015 lnternational Building CodeP' ! 2018 and 2015 /ntemational Residental Codet Properties evaluated: r Physical operation I Water flow r Weatherng 2.0 USES Crawl Space Door Systems flood vents are used to provide for the equalization of hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls 3.0 DESCRIPTIONs 3.1 Generel: Crawl Space Door Systems flood vents are engtneered mechanically operated flood vents. Upon contact with flood water, the flood vents automatically open and allow flood water to enter and exit enclosed areas. The vents are constructed of general purpose ABS SP-9010 plastrc. The Crawl Space Flood Vent Model #CSBA816 has a faux louver with either a solid plastic plate or wire mesh attached to the back of the louver. The louver rs dislodged from the vent upon contact wth flood waters. See Ftgure 1 for an rllustration of the flood vent Model #CSBAB16. The Flood Vent lnsulated Kit Model #ICCtNStJLATED is constructed of general purpose ABS Sp-9010 plastic. The vent frame opening is fllled with a 2-inch thick (51 mm) extruded polystyrene StyrofoamrM Brand Scoreboard Foam lnsulation Board (ESR-2142). The insulation board is dislodged from the vent upon contact with flood waters. allowing flood waters to enter and extt enclosed areas. See Figure 2 for an illustration of the Flood Vent lnsulated Kit Model #ICCINSULATED. The Crawl Space Stacked Model #ICCSTACKED2 contains two vertically arranged Crawl Space Flood Vents (Model #CSBA816) in one assembly. The Crawl Space Stacked Model#ICCSTACKED4 contarns four Crawl Space Flood Vents (Model #CSBA816) in one assembly, with two sets of side by side flood vents vertically arranged 3.2 EngineeredOpening: The Crawl Space Door Systems static flood vents comply with the design principle noted in Section of ASCE/SEI 24 Iot a rcIe of rise and fall of 5 Feet per hour (0.423 mm/s) ln order to comply with the engineered opening requrrement of ASCE/SEI 24-14, the flood vents must be installed in accordance with Section 4.0 of thrs report. 3.3 Ventilation: The Crawl Space Flood Vent Model #CSBA816 and CrawlSpace Stacked l\rodels #ICCSTACKED2 and #ICCSTACKED4 are available covered with metal wire mesh with 0108 rnch by 0.108 rnch 12.74 mm by 2.74 mm) openings. The mesh is covered by a faux louver with 1 1/16 inch (17.5 mm) verttcal clearance between each blade. The Crawl Space Flood Vent Model #CSBA816 provides 11 square inches (7097 mm?) of net free area to supply natural ventilation when equipped with wire mesh. The Crawl Space Stacked Models #ICCSTACKED2 and #ICCSTACKED4 supply 22 square rnches ('14,'194 mmr) and 44 square inches (28 388 mm'), respectively. of net free area to supply natural ventilation when equipped with wire mesh. The Crawl Space Flood Vent Model #CSBA816 covered with a solid plastic plate Crawl Space Stacked lvodels #ICCSTACKED2 and #ICCSTACKED4 covered with a solid plastrc plate. and the Flood Vent lnsulated Kit lVodet #ICCINSULATED do not offer natural ventilation. ,1.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATIoN The CrawlSpace Door Systems flood vents are designed tobe installed into walls or doors of existing or new constructron from the exterior side. lnstallation of the vents must be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, the applicable code and this report. ln order to comply with the engineered openlng design prrnciple noted in Sections and 2.7.3 of ASCE/SEI 24-14. the vent must be installed as follows: I Wth a minimum of two openlngs: one on different sides of each enclosed area. t.,,r\,,.,1,t,,,,,,,,-.-a,,rt,,rttr\t,ttrtt,.r.t,_r\t,.,.t.,.,.,t..t,-\tt,,t"-t Copynght O 2021 ICC Evaluarton Servi@. LLC. AI ights resetued N@ ESR-3851 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Paqe 2 of 4 r Wth a minimum of one vent for the square lootage of enclosed area noted in Table 1. I Below the base flood elevation. . Wth the bottom of the vent located a maximum of 12 inches (305 mm) above grade. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The Crawl Space Door Systems flood vents described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in those codes listed in Section '1.0 of this report sublect to the followrng condrtrons 5.1 The Crawl Space Door Systems flood vents must be installed in accordance with this report, the applicable code and the manufactureis published installation instructions. ln the event of a conflict. the instructions in this report govern. 5.2 The C.awl Space Door Systems flood venls must not be used in the place of "breakaway walls in coastal high hazard areas but are permitted for use rn conjunction with breakaway walls rn other areas. 5.3 The Crawl Space Door Systems flood vents are manufactured under a quality control system with inspections by ICC-ES. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Critena for l/echanrcally Operated Flood Vents (AC364) dated August 2015 (Edrtorially revised October 2017). 7.0 IDENIIFICATION 7.1 The Crawl Space Door Systems flood vents recognized in this report must be identified by a label bearing the manufacturels name (Crawl Space Door Systems), the model number and the evaluation report number (ESR-3851 ). 7.2 The report holder's contact information ts the following CRAWL SPACE DOOR SYSTEMS, INC. 3569 SEA GULL BLUFF DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23455 (757) 363-0005 www.clawlsrracedoors-corn TABLE 1_CRAWL SPACE DOOR SYSTEMS FLOOD VENTS MOOEL OVERALL VENT SIZE (WidthxHeighrxDepth) (in) ENCLOSED AREA COVERAGE (fr') CSAA816 18111r. lOtt'x 11t4 16 x 8r/a 305 ICCINSULATED 18111x 101t'x 1tl1 15r/a x I 300 ICCSTACKED2 30x30x2r/.24\24 610 ICCSTACKED4 401t,x 2431, \ 2311 1 220351ltx 19t1" FIGURE 1_CRAWL SPACE DOOR SYSTEMS FLOOD VENT FIGURE 2_FLOOO VENT INSULATED KIT I ROUGH OPENING SlzE I (width(x Heisht) | I CAROLINA CARPORTS USES THIS MODEL ********** ICC-E$ Evaluation Report ESR-3851 eBC and CRC $upplemenl lssued September 2020 Revised December 2020 This repoft is subject to renewal September 2022. \44f4ry.icc:es.orq | (800) 423-6587 I (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the lnternational Code Councit'!) DIVISION: 08 00 00-OPENINGS Section: 08 95 43-Vents/Foundation FIood Vents REPORT HOLDER CRAWL SPACE DOOR SYSTEMS, INC. EVALUATION SUBJECT: CRAWL SPACE DOOR SYSTEMS FLOOD VENT #CSBA816 CRAWL SPACE STACKED MoDELS #ICCSTACKED2: #lCcSTAcKED4 FLOOD VENT INSULATED KIT #ICCINSULATED 1.0 REPORT PURPOSE AND SCOPE Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation report supplement is to indrcate that Crawl Space Door Systems flood vents, described in ICC- ES evaluation report -FS8.3B:1 have also been evaluated for compliance with the codes noted below. Applicable code editions: . 20'19 California Building Code (CBC) For evaluation of applicable chapters adopted by the Califomia Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development :OSHPD) and Division of State Architect (DSA), see Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1 .2 betow. . 2019 Califomia Resdentlal Code (CRC) 2.0 coNcLUStoNs 2.1 cBc: The Crawl Space Door Systems flood vents, described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of the evaluation report fSR,3851, comply with CBC Chapter 12, provided the design and installation are in accordance with the 2018 tnternational Building Code@ (IBC) provisions noted in the evaluation report and the additional requirements of CBC Chapters 12 and '16. as applicable. 2.1.1 0SHPD: The applicable OSHPD Sections ofthe CBC are beyond the scope ofthis supplement. 2.1.2 DSA: The applicable DSA Sections of the CBC are beyond the scope of this supplement. 2.2 CRC: The Crawl Space Door Systems flood vents, descibed rn Sections 2. O th rough 7.0 of the evaluation report ESfi - 385_1-, comply with 2019 CRC, provided the design and installation are rn accordance with the 2018 lnternational Residenlat-;r, lfiCiprovisions noted in the evaluation report. This supplement expires concurrently with the evaluation report, reissued Septembe r 2O2O and revised January 2021 . ^ t I \ 1 \nltuturt ld rt"t\ 1 1. n! r) lt,rtrrrr,t,t Copyrghl ao 2021 ICC Evatuauon Seruce LLC Altnohrs reseru€.t N(@ Page 3 ol4 ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-3851 FBC and FRC Supplenrent Reissued September 2020 Revised January 2021 This repoft is sLtbject to renewal September 2022. t/w.icc-es.org | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary ofthe lnternational Code Council',' DIVISION: 08 00 00-OPENINGS Section: 08 95 43-Vents/Foundation Flood Vents REPORT HOLDER: CRAWL SPACE DOOR SYSTEMS, INC. EVALUATION SUBJECT: CRAWL SPACE DOOR SYSTEMS FLOOO VENT #CSBA816 CRAWL SPACE STACKED MODELS #ICCSTACKED2: #ICCSTAcKED4 FLOOD VENT INSULATED KIT #ICCINSULATED .O REPORT PURPOSE AND SCOPE Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation report supplement is to indicate that Crawl Space Door Systems flood vents, described inlCC- ES evaluation report ESR-3851, have also been evaluated for compliance with the codes noted below. Applicable code editions: . 2O2O Flonda Buildng Code-Building f 2O2O Florida Building Code-Residential 2.0 coNcLUStoNs The Crawl Space Door Systems flood vents, described rn Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of ICC-ES evaluatron report ESR-3851, comply wlth the Florida Building Code-Bujlding and Florida Building Code-Residential, ptovided the design requirements are determined in accordance with the F/orida Bulding Code-Building and Florida Building Code-Residential as applicable. The installahon requrrements noted in ICC-ES evaluation report ESR-3851 for the 20'18 International Euilding Codeo meet the requirements of the he Florida Building Code-Buildilg and Florida Building Code-Residential. as applicable. Use of the Crawl Space Door Systems flood vents has also been found to be in compliance with the High-Velocrty Hurricane Zone provisrons of the 2O2O Florida Building Code-BLtilding and Florida Bulding Code-Residential. For products falling under Florida Rule 61G20-3, verification that the report holder's quality assurance program is audited by a quality assurance entity approved by the Flonda Building Commission for the type of inspectrons being conducted is the responsibility of an approved vaidation entity (or the code officialwhen the report holder does not possess an approval by the Commission). This supplement expires concurrently with the evaluation report. reissued September 2020 and revrsed January 2021. tt'!n\tt,,h"!,r.,,i,,n,r'rnttlr\itn'd,)t,t\1,t,\t',,tl,t,tr),,11\jir),/,.,,$$@ Copynght O 2021 ICC Evalualon Service LLC Att nghrs reserued