HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Plans6 o x22%B•w'21.63 tA9J i 1.6e a P w - w 2214 ' sa. i ^ • " zs.o. FCM UM942 PIN LEGEND . C/E -: Covered Entry CAC — Concrete Pad with Nr Conditioning _. CB catch Basin CBS - Concrete Block Structure CMP - Com so Metal Pippee CPE —Concrete Pad with Pool Equipment t Civ — Cable TV Box GV — Water Cote Vahe H1.O — Fire Hydrant QA — overhead Utility Line .. PP— Power Pak SSMH — Sanitary sewer Manhae 1CH — Telephone Communications Box . UB — UiidJ' Box WM — Water Meter FCAF — Found 4'x42onaete Monument RP - Found }' iron P41e BPC — Fount Y Iron pipe with Cap . FIR -- Found lb kon Rod RUC"- Found /5 kon Rod with Cap SWC — Set 15 hen Rod with Cop W7357" • FPC — Found 1/2" ken P4m with Cap nd —Found Maa Natl Nod Usk 111 -Found FZdNai+ g with FN — RK - Found Nag with Tin nab r.' ARK P— Found PK Nail • ,• - - FM - Found No with Usk IM Rod —Found Road spt#e /Co /CO — in Pavement Cut out XO.00 — Existing _ Elevation -. El. — Elevation BM — Bench Mark Storm Water Run Off direction FEMA Flood Zone data shown here on is based on IIthe visual inspection of the digital Flood Hazardous Maps provided by the Federal Emergency Ma agement Agency (FEMA) and is limited to the accuracy of such maps. Flood Zone: X Community : 1202B5 Panel #: 150(Not Printed) Suffix: J, Date: 2.16.2072 PREPARED FOR: Group One Construction Charlotte Almore ' Prepared By: Regina C, Kanner, PSM114363 Kanner Surveying, Inc. LB#7357 LEGAL DESCRIPTION; Lot 7, SOUTHERN STAR .STABLES SUBDf the Plat thereof, as recorded in, Plat E and 25, Public Records of St. Lucie !„__according to 11 53, Pages. 24 nty, Florida. / SURVEYOR'SREPORT This Surrey shall not bevalidunless sealed with an embossed Surveyor's Sea! 2 No underground improvements have been located as part of / this Survey. / 3 The last field date of this Survey was: 5-31-17, Form Board IB4sa/ 5-26-17' jj 4 This Survey was prepared using the Plat of Record only. No - other documents were provided and no search of the public. records was performed by this office. 5 The Survey shown hereon meets the requirement for field accuracy in a suburban area as set forth by the Minimum Technical 'Standards (5J-17.050-052FAC). 6 Left Blank. 7 Unless other wise noted all bearing and distances are in" accordance with, the record plat and have been verified by field measurements. See mop for bearing base. 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been based on found survey 'control along the center line of "Southern Star Drive 21.17 aa"7 9,"None 1.0' The Legal Description shown hereon was provided by; the client and/or`'his/her representatives. n T le No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of ' 1h,is ISurvey. 12 Off set calls to found survey control are relative to the nearest property corner, intersection of lines, point of curvatures $ PC), point of reverse curvatures (PRC) or other identifiable. point. �3 Cornptidnee with' local zoning requirements and or with requirements set forth by other State, Public, and/or Private Its entities has not been verified as part of this Survey. a ,14 shown are in accordance with the North American g e _Elevations Vertical Datum of 1988 0 0 Lot 6 1 Weems ���ME $ � o ' / s lea, 4q of i Ize 1C, 0 i Boring lV� fx21.02.1, i S94O� 9g x 21.06 $ o Boring 6t , i { 2 11(51 $I a I I ^y 73 T30 I e�ary O Oil %K up Bank Wood Rail x2aaz i coo, Top Sank 136+), 1 ;�00 Zo r / FlR ttl4912 , �`�� O C/ � r7• •00. 1 ,00 �\ sit! Sup 0STDS JJ Date:. 12 / Reviewi 4e + / ar 0 Proposed Well red For. KARNER SURVEYING, Residential & Commercial Surveying Servic@5 l i /•e7 rzs CHARLOTTE ALMORE F sW Martin Downs Blvd.#333, Palm City, P1,34gg0e: (772)288 7206 Fox:(772)223 8181 1 +® +21.03 'p & -1� — ! Bonntiig 11 / +2t {=DOH in St. Luci6 County Environmental Health i Plan Approved for Construction .medes All Previous Site Plans for 6 I�� r: - — \ t t t tl DETAIL 1 1 "=20' 1 i 1 Fade c,; t 1 sweet 7mr Boundary Survey . s�nrw �na raver rxi. Avwa 2y� 'rewa aoau ` 1 of 1 Job MM CAM FT. FAe Nay - 17a5a0 � 4 0 e' w E I a 0 w a 0 r .a.# =ss,.1e =1as1 To Bank --- -- -- .. .=.. v.,v �. - sop cans - __ ' � I .fast To Bank .toes �, zaw ��kky nirc Le SURVEYOR'SREPORT - - .aw then FlR _ ___{ _ „ b : 10' UtNf ass 4 d Raif Fence E 10' Ut(U Eaxment 4' Wood all :''31'Y': ♦ , :. ,,, •. -.. y With an _rf1„ •last w 4., woad Rdli Fence 10: tlGal�Fmernant _; 4 weed _Fame —. —. �— tY meat —+ —ty-- ,: q y 1 This Survey Sholl not be kU 'IiKi „{>!rkless sG of cl W 1+ _ i Length=24.00' Surveyor's Sea/ Radius=25. - ; a=5s•zT29e 2 No underground improveritrats ,have been loeatgd asa ofµ, 27.31 Length=69.69\,j �1aw .191am / this Survey. I Radius=72.00' \ / 3 The last field date of this , Sur"vey was: 5 3 f-17' F6rrn ' $, _i 50 'Front setback Une I A =55.2729 �Os r? fTBC LB4942 . , • , . m --�-------I--- -----i------------T------- e � 4 This Surveywas re area-usin the Plot of Record onl ��y' #y ,. Opp other documnts were provided and no search of the pUC3 a ' -� "'• I records was performed b this office. ells �d 5 The Surveyshownhereon meets the requirement for 'fie d` , : V, " Is t ... H, v � •nle' 3 E ��' ` accuracy in a suburban area as set forth by the kinim�r a „ Technical Standards ' (5J-17.050-052FAC). :t',tr T EayB& •itn ., 9 o i =v.m 6 Left Blank. o. 7 Bank +... _ , wg'w. --- 7 Unless other wise noted all bearing and distanq, a 1 srd"> accordance with the record lot and hove 'been'�vergie #ie ' V measurements. See map for bearing base, :°' ; 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been' base&I'on found 'su �. controF along the center line of Southern Star frive, Mal i j �. '�+ ze.n .inn:. 9 None 27.e0 •2,.00 g 10 The Legal Description shown hereon was, .l�t"ovided:,by `# e ' ` .2QBB a . e ( e client and/or h_is/her representatives. R4 Boards See Detail o part, a� • I x 11 No 'ownership of fence lines has been determrried"a a Existing Form B x m ! 20025 Southern Ator Stables R this Survey. ' $ 12 Off set calls to found survey control are relative -to' t ' # „ nearest property corner, intersection of tines, point af�,Cu 6&C.ees E w j o (PC), point of reverse curvatures (PRC) or other identifia�b ° portA 13 Compliance with local zoning requirements and or W#,, a-------=--------- ---- ---- ---------------''-----471.3------------------ -------------------------------------- I'` 3� requirements set forth b other State, Public, ai d�or`< t _ gb----------- ; entities has not been verified as part of this Surv- y 3 ( ( I � 14 Elevations shown are in accordance with the`' 6,,thx Vertical Datum of 1988an sass I a c " 10.95 Acrest---------- I o pPP Lot 7 t- 152.1 -----®____ Lot 6 , './" .*"e", a Al 77 2 as r g \ # At Kr /1 q� t t s W e . a -. � \ � � i W - � .. it � ' •. < ,n. „y y�.e ,'• � •L \\\ . I O = a F „ > „ m 7 .. a...., a F/ or 00 - ; y %. ,o;, •_, ro Fob 3 j i �2 1Ory v? h 2 T by 2�a, rg r, �ij I.. Top Bank Tap Bank Top Bank & d' .Q w _ `� �• `'j 3 .taw =ism =fe 4' Wood ,� I �. r, 4' Woad i .70 lass - .�F..WooJ Ra71 .' „ sk 4 Wood I " rQB i', _ :<_ n Ra __ __ _..___ - -"!'-- —Q— sass P� O. - �r iri —v —{} 7 ;-- - o- I ,tam ' qlh�.. �. To Bank _ Top Bank'i 1 Top Book...Top Bank �. , I . i+ 051 P .Anchor .21.79 ' -'—•less . — �._. .�- I '� af..ss �r, SSi.?' `'96 - j s' *i...�, ' ---_�. — -- , - — n > 1 0 =az,e,sf.0 I 80 Drainage Easement .fats ^1' w azst 80' Orakfoge Easement i I CVO{,t. A61 4 q i 1 589'48'i i "W 770.00 AR r_n:<14, i FC 4942 } out 9 LEGENDl GAC -Concrete Pad with Air Co tiarin g fr9 -Catch Basin ., I . -- "`-.� e t `a! t ,] CBS - Cencrefe Block Shvcturc ' ' �.... _ ". "'.�,"� .. ; :.. i h�4y+d t :+ CUP - Corrugated Metal Pi : \` cPE - co aret® Pad Wt how Egaipmdd MAY Clv - rablo 1v Box P 4` cv- water cote vahe Hazardous�Mapseprrovided by the Federal EmergencyManagementAgency (FEMA) �andaisFlimted " 4 ,. Nr0 - roe Nyaa t ST, Lude county, Perhiittln `' Tss -�e Stan communca8one sax Y P Not Printed) Suffix: J, Date: 2.16.2012 g v y w D/L - Mer fly BMity Lute to the accurac of such ma s. oe ssMN - sar er P y sewer Manhae Flood Zone: X Community #: 120285 Panel #: 150 OB - Date, Box ` � DETAIL; WM - Water Ueter FCM - Found 4'x4'Concrete Monument FM - Found }' kon Pipe RPC - Found i, iron Pipe with Cap�� 3 ..t nR - Found 15 Aron Rod , , 3 ''" ">+4 4 •�' x.. Fly -Found 15 kw Rod w/th Cap � II S,• a;, Y' SRC - Set 15 son Rod with Cap 1Bj7357' nPC - Found 1/2' Jmn Pipe with Cap ' 1 FM -Found Mall NNY M- Fund WNaa wk Xak I FN- Found N, nY: a PREPARED FOR: `(, ✓ H'1 / ( * > FNTi - Found Noll with Rn Tob FPK - Found PK Ro11 Group One Construction „ FPKD - Found PK Nail with Disk /CO Found Ran Road Opt .. . Charlotte Alm ore> i /CO - k1 Pavement Art Out El. -Existing Elevation Prepared B Regina C. Kamer, PSMI[4363 El. - Elevation P y� 9 A �8M•S - Bench Mark Kamer Surveying, Inc. LBJ7357 Storm Water Run Off direction KARNER 1IIRVEYING, INC. �. ... fte t Residential & Commercial Surveying Services ( v; sao,s 5aaty t„ 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd.#333, Palm Clf FL34990 °" t -) ° 1 Phone: (772)288 7206 Fax:(77)223 8181 WWW. &7E7RSURVEYIN0INC.COM arner0 cast.net a sso '°� TO m a 0 Lot 1 Of Edge of Pavement -- I Edge of Pave 4 •1&8e G To Bank S89'S0'53 W 630.1 ' ,t Too Bank Wood — — — >_ 10' Utility Easement _W'Ood Rail F ce ml Fence :zl.ia rAM Mm Y` 10' Utiiit E� — - I — of Pavement 10.55 4' Wood -Rail Fence ]. FCLB M 4942 _ _ F� PK LB4942 3'31 �' t Southern�I tr Drive Y b. 95 tt 3!1 as ee tt LB4 q - Y LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 7, SOUTHERN STAR STABLES SUBDIVISION, accprding to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 53, ages 24 and 25, Public Records of St. Luce County, Fllorido. SURVEYOR'S REPORT 1 This Survey shall not be valid unless seated with an embossed S ' S Length_24.20 ��' urveyors eal - - m Radius=25.00' II i \ -„�� 2 No underground improvements have been located as part of I A=55'2729" :. 1.2 f this Survey. z1s, Length=69.69' m .10. ,also Radius=72.o0' \ / 3 The last field date of this Survey was: 5-31-17, Form Board A=5_5'27'29a 1.4 �� FIBC LB4943 5-26— 17 sD 'Front Setback Line 4 This Survey was prepared using the Plat of Record only! No Pp other documents were provided and no search of the public a ° rll I records was performed by this office. 17 5 The Survey shown hereon meets the requirement for field accuracy m a suburban area as set forth by the Minlmun4 Technical Standards (5J-17.050-052FAC). I _ x1A 7s .ar.o] I.. a° 6 Left Blank. ��°`� r°p_B°n-k-' I 7 Unless other wise noted all bearing and distances are in accordance with the record plat and have been verified b� field measurements.. See. map for bearing base. � 8.Parcel/Lot line locations have been based on found survey control e. along the center line of Southern Star Drive ' / I 9 None a ( a .aaw7 client and/or his/her repress sae ° .21.6099 4l « .,,.08 B m wit hereon was provided by tf�e 11 No ownership of fence lines 10 The Legal Description shown ryya $ I M.22 Mnfi p es has been determined as part of this Survey, 12 Off set calls to found survey control are relative to the nearest property intersectionsection of lines, point of curv aturesatures (PC), pot of reverse curvatures (PRC) or otheridentifiable point . 13Com lance with local zoning requirements and or with �r entities hasrequirements not been verif ed other asspart ofPublic, this Survey. Private w a s a m 41 14 Elevations shown are in accordance with the '.North American a e Vertical Datum of 1988 I j, °Pryer +aa.e4 0 0 Lot 7 ---- Lot 6 l 10.95 Acresf /l - Opp Ra I I q r t a , t \ ... � . �.../ �( I Ilc a: �$ rt, sssse ® DOMINION YYtl81 nnnlava wmmmn aa1: +. wuamw 11 m INtamatl anINe1W t_ n� ra � so .. � \ INEENIo -3 I ., ., s. -•.. ip, j.. ��� J I I I I h. v / qL ,/ `'' _ ., I , �,` tl�`k � I t\tf g„ n? (/ I 1 I I ,/ S�rNaa.olj/ •.`. V I I op 1 ttat I � I 1 ^ C '`� •e�aY L tt a ut ,��" f /i �� �� ' /� t .ao.ns 2 ztss ' °ta ti Ott i i it x_� �, Boring m •zr.as o I I I o ra; x21:021 1 / fil. `"— __y t\ ii/ I ii I y , / 9t/pr —_—..___�` t, r�, I .. , // Tie �° F c ..... / e Y � I e o p / 21.06 Lou w° 4i1>8oring !N / /r !i I q I 'y TyNOo/ ti f _MIN , c�p-0ry/REQ. �c 7 -r 2 t,0 q .3 Fr i NT b J,7 o I I I�EA�R,� • i $ I °41 $ � rytp � /Sjfpr%' �$ s 6Op c� �I ZNG. I ! J399 :�r;p Sep 2 TECH, D, I/aor o 1.r5 I .Is.eo�eat ilea I To Bonk I r. �Qb le °�06 Top Bank 1 Tap Bonk:.. -.MdS .. — P . 1---.ate—Top Bank — N ti `.i 3' I 'q/' �0f/'f _ — • .1am— - T ssz 'wood Roil,Boring Il I _ I as ' .rs - 4' Wood Ra' I 4' Wood R " I xrAee 4' Wood ii .,w. 7 S aa4a P1'za.ao To Bank r Tap Bank I lap Bankrrf 3L�'j• 7 �ap j / Vie/ ePf 40r1 ` r P Top Bonk I - - .I . e I ^4%/ �a `h'4 , C , / 4' d. 22:19J t T a Anchor .a1.]s 9044 .� � { I I � I � s1.m 7 Y 1. IBA4 o i •6A1 QJ a, . az]e a lass I I 80' Drainage Easement .,sts .. ry 6r \� "BorinQ i. set ii a a4 1 1 ( .-.-+c--------- .4 a o .21M L69 80' Drainage Easement I J I .a1.5] LEGEND CIE - Covered Entry CM: - concrete Pad with Air Conditioning Ce -Catch Basin CBS - Concrete Block Structure CMP - Corrugated Matti Pipe CPE - CaneretePod with Paul Equipment CN. - cable TV Box GV - Water Gate vave HYD - Fire Hydrant O/L - Overhead UtihYy Line PP - Power Pole SSW Sanitary Sewer Manhole 7CB Telephone Communications Box UB - Utlkty Box WM - Wotu Meter FCM Found 4 x4"Concrete Monument RP - Found } Iron Pipe FIPC Found tron Pipe with tap FIR - Found 5 Iran Rod FIRC - Found /5 Iron Rod with Cap SrRC - Set 15 Man Rod with Cap 1817J57* FMC - Found 1/2' kon Pipa with Cap FM - Found Mwyy Nail FAD - Found hkg Nan with Disk FN - Found Nail FNTr - Found Noll with Ten Tab FPK - Found PK Mail FPKD - Found PK Naii with Disk FRRS - Found Rail Road Spike /CO - In Pavement Cut Out XO.00 Existing Elevation V. -. Elevation BM Bench Mark /_S Storm Water Run Off directioF) P ) 4.81 i - S89'48'11 "W 770.00 I FIR LB4942 h po Op•, Ar is t t / / t FEMl4 Flood Zone data shown here on is based on the visual inspection of the digital Flood /( HoArdous Maps provided b the Federal Emergency P P Y 4 Y Management Agency (FEMA) and is limited 1 St. Lucie County/ - to t� a accuracy of such maps. FDUI i :I I _= Flood Zone: X Community #: 120285 Panel #: 150 (Not Printed) Suffix. J, Date: 2.16.2012 Environmer-!al I lealth Site Phan Approv4 u fur Construction ; w: y�' / n / DETAIL SupeisEdes All Pr pvious Site Plans for I OSTDS Well 0 % I I Date: _ I i tit ,`\ Proposed Well Reviews PREPARED FOR: i a tt � File � �e Sri Group One Construction r. Charlotte Almore Prepared By: Regina C. Kamer, PSM14363 Kamer Surveying, Inc. L8#7357 Prepared For: O#ARLOTTE ALMORE KARNER SURVEYING, I IV. Residential & Commercial Surveying Se.Nces 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd.#333, Palm Cif F1.34990 Phone: (772)288 7206 Fax:(773 ' 23 8181 - WWW.KARNERSURVEYiNGINC.COM karner�a mcast.net M """a !bh: Rev(seaa DemrW'Gbry '��„_, 17a5-JU +20. irvey 1 OF 1 LEGEND CIE - Covered Entry CAC - Concrete Pad with Ar Conditioning CB - catch Basin '.. CBS - concrete Black Structure CUP -Corrugated Atria/ Pipa CPE - Concrete Pod with Pool Equipment CTV - Cable TV Box Gv - Water Gate Valve 0/T - FHn -my7Bty L. Line PP - Power Pak SSMH - Smitary Sewer Monhole TO - Telephone Communications Box UB - llti77ty Box WM - Water Meter FCM - Found 4 x4 Concrete Monument nP - Found }' Iron Pipe FIPC - Found Iron Pipe with Cap FIR - Fouts 5 Iron Rod FIRC - Found /5 Iron Rod wRh Cap SMC - Set #5 Iron Rod with Cap 1917357' RPC - Found 7/2' Iron Pipe with Cap FM Found Meg Nail FMD - Found Meg Nat with Disk FN - Found Nail FNFT - Found NoIT with Tin Tab FPK - Found PK NailI, FPKD - round PK Nail with Disk .. FRRS Found Rail Road Spike /Co - in Pavement Cut Out X0.00 - Existing Elevation El. - Elevation BM - Bench Mark S Storm Water Run Off direction Fdr / P t y.5.. :C��: FEM Flood Zone data shown here on is based on the visual inspection of the digital Flood Noz rdous Maps provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency'(FEMA) and is limited to t e accuracy of such maps. FlooZone: X Community : 120285 Panel #: 150 (Not Printed)Suffix: J, Date: 2.76.2012 PkEPARED FOR: G[oup One Construction Charlotte Atmore Ptepared By. Regina C. Karner, PSM#4363 Korner Surveying, Inc. L8#7357 .........- FCM LB4942 _ _ FPK LB4942 Southern r Drive a \ LB494?�, LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 7, SOUTHERN STAR STABLES SUBDIVISION, according to I the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plot Book 53, Pages 24 and _25, Public Records of St. Lucie. County, Eilorida. SiJRVEYOR'S REPORT 1 This Survey shall not be valid unless sealed with an embossed Surveyor's Seal 2 No underground improvements have been located as pat of this Survey. 3 The last field date of this Survey was: 5-31-17, Form Board 5-26-17 4 This Survey was prepared using the Plat of Record only No other documents were provided and no search of the public records was performed by this office. 5 The Survey shown hereon meets the requirement for field accuracy in a suburban area as set forth by the Minimum Technical Standards (5J-17,050-052FAC): 6' Left Blank. 7 Unless other wise noted all bearing and distances are in accordance with the record plat and have been verified by field measurements. See map for bearing base. 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been based on found su ey control along the center line of Southern Star Drive 9 None 10 The Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the client and/or his/her representatives. i 11 No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of this Survey, 12 Off set calls to found survey control ore relative to the nearest property corner, intersection of lines, point of curvatures (PC), point of reverse curvatures (PRC) or other identifiable point. 13 Compliance with local zoning requirements and or with requiremerts 'set forth by other State, Public, and/or Private entities ha,@ not been verified as part of this Survey. 14 ElevatipFis shown are in accordance with the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (l 1� lI [ C r Ra1�ieN uauuan nxap7,ts RlaNlllw n® ® t• f♦ t_ f♦ f♦ f♦f!I waMaai nubble: Inn im; eiiaum n l l� ~ y ! r \ Ln i q x r r Boring IV,) ell ! r ! r o ^o!- x21.02r1 ! T l 1. E P�Oh @ef f i! `�?y x 21.06 i i w W < 0 Boring /it L ! OZ fT p'. ti`(v Sa r O +21.03 \ 6+4 70 Ate. /iqo Oy 4 !s o ce erg. w I '99, F/hacy e 1 egg OO, - 00 l pi a Top Bonk a 7 .° ti 83. �' ! Oar•@ e F` - — — ;wo are `OL0!! o,,�-..--. '. Wood Rail _ la ! ` Cp 3y. Borng I! .1 1, sank!!/I,/ so 01 l __=--------_ 6 c \.\Borin 1 !!! 04.151 FIR'LB4942 I Q7jzj%QF h J 00' FDOIi ii --t. Lucie County Env lrcrrmen'al Health Site Plan Ar\r>roveu ioi C> ostruction Previous Site Plans for Supersedes, I Prev OSTDS ',I bl l &^Well nafa- 1-71/4 17 / y�D!! (, DETAIL Q 7 Quo! 1 "=20' / Proposed Well 1 .0 KARNER SURVEYING, INC,, Residential & Commercial Surveying Serves 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd.#333,`Palm City, ti.34990 ; Phone: (772)288 7206 Fox:(772)2,23 8181 t mne. Boundary Survey Scats f[Hatw Fi I t NaraFxo. 170-M FDOH in St. Lucie County Environmental Health Site Plan Approved for Construction Supersedes All Previous Site Plans for OSMS & Well # ..��s DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772) 285-0572 BRIAN 7. MASKOL FL PE #66080 m Ul O z z w w � a � � O O w w F F p a a O O Z_ z_ O � J J_ ra co co co w 0� 0� w w a a n n w 0 0 h N N Q � � N � O N Z O (n N w w K -I �I t • I� DATE DESIGNED GMW 05-19-17 DRAWN GMW 05-19-17 CHECKED )OB NO. 2017-120 50'2 3_ 8 30 5'-2" 6'-6 a W-10" 12'-0 8'-2" e 2 PATIO W�1211 E O E I EGRESS 1 : o E o CLG. HT. 10 -0' B O I EGRESS OB E E E E o E EE EE E E En 0 13' 0" 9'-G" 13'-11" 12'-3" 12'- 1 "' ° NOOK o BEDROOM 5 BEDROOM E E © E E CLG. HT. 10' -0' CLG. HT. 10' -0' o 0 ti CLG HT. 10' E in a E 0 5._3. z CLO -0 Oin _ E � 10._4" o ❑TH H En FAMILY ROOM Lu in CLG. HT. 10'-0' ^ = BATH 2 1 CLG. HT: Id-0' MUJ U C URTYARD w W� W.I.C.❑PATIO W �Q En o4'-8JI " - t LLI 3 ® 1 .. v O o~� - 2'- 10'-2" n 3 ❑ 'v ao o I,LU L11Vjj W I D 7� — - - - I?3' 0 3 b rn E DINING ROOM CLG HT, ld-0'' E ry W H v 1 E ® E o E E o © EE EI E E E M ENT Y b H 50 gal. Water Heate 4 10. " w/Recirculating Pum and Pan. GO ` Provide Min. 1" Drah to Q�Q Indirect Waste Line Floor Drain). CLGI HT,. 10'-0' . 1 E L EQ• I 6'- 1 E(RESSPia X, i N O M - I? LIVING ROOM E MASTER TE: WATER HE TER DRAIN a+ BEDROOM CLG HT. ll'-o V TO BE 1-1/z" MIN. s '+ i 'TH AND SHALI. COMPLY N CLG. HT. 11' 0' H WATER HEAR Lj Lj �OUMFACTURER'S MENDATION$ FOR SIZE. ❑5 1 EGRESS N E CLG. HT. 10'-0' Ln ib o+ O 5'- O 0 N © 1 u of E FAMILY ROOM CLG HT. 1U'-0' 14'-10" 7'-5 8'-2" 12'-01, CU-17 2 L EGRESS 1 F1W U Ell 11301E Ell MI 12'-3" 13'-11 E 1 BEDROOM 8 0 0 CLG.. HT,. 10'-0' � ❑o 0 2:U LE41 cn Y 1 BATH 4 CLG HT: 10'-0'TIC `Q 0 W.I ACS W.I.C. , 4'-8•' 1 a 4'-8" LER IEI 2'-5 :. 30'_l.. M 4 TIL-g ROOM CLG HT 10' -0' 0 El 1 ATH 6 yl _DCL E LG HT. 0' -0' N 6 50'-2" 13 0 B E PA IO CLG. H . 10'-0' n NOOK CLG. HT. 10'-0' 10'-4" 11'-8'' Ln FAMILY ROOM UJ °' CLG HT. 10'-0' U Lu Lu 1 � �- o FOYER F, DINING ROOMS CLG HT. 10' .ET E E 1 ^ O M 4 14'-4" 0 BEDROOM 3 CLG, HT. 10'-0' �I P N ATH 1 R F KITCHEN CLC CLG HT. 10'-0' 10 = 5❑ i0 ROO BEDROOM 2 CLG. HT. 10' -0' W.I.C. EQ. EQ. q DINING ROOM A S CLG HT. - ^N' CLG: HT. 10'-0' HE22X36" FOYER T 21'-7" CLG HT. 10`-0' It I O ❑ ❑ I 19 L HB 4 BEDROOM 4 CLG. M. Id-O' ❑5 "" Provide 1/2' gypsum Cy board between garage/ 2 residence & garage attic E (typical) a 1 0`gal. Water Heater 911 o w/Recirculating Pump and Pan. 6 N Provide Min. 1" Drain to y E Indirect Waste Line (Floor Drain). GARAGE E 0 sr-8" E IEJ EI IS 1171 C] z 4'-5" 11'-4" 6'-4" 5'-3" 10'-6" 7-3 W 00 50 gal. Water Heater NTR w/Recirculating Pump and Pan. 1 10-111. Provide Min. 1" Drain to 2 Indirect Waste Line (F oor Drain). EGRESS 1 EGRESS I 0 6 -8" 5.'-7k 9" 4 i 1 EGRESS 5 E E E E 1V_W' 1 BEDROOM 9 N E CLG HT. 10' -0' a DOOR SCHEDULE +D.P, NOTES MARK STYLE WDOOHGT ❑1 OVERHEAD 16-0' 9-0' ❑2 DOUBLE EXTERIOR 6'-0' 8'.-0' (SINGLE LITE FR. DRS. ) MAIN EGRESS -DO NOT SHUTTER Q SINGLE EXTERIOR T-10' 6'-B' FG 6 Panel Door with Weatherstrippino and Threshold ® SINGLE 3'-0' 6'-8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL 5❑ DOUBLE INTERIOR T-W 6'-8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL © DOUBLE EXTERIOR T-0' 8'-0' DOUBLE LIGHT FRENCH ❑7 ➢OUBLE. INTERIOR 2'-d W -8' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL SINGLE '1 -6' 6'-8' 'HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL. 9 ❑ SINGLE 3 -0' 6' -B' SOLID CORE 20 MIN. RATED SELF CLOSING ©0 SINGLE 2'-6' 6'-B' HOLLOW CORE-6 PNL. 1 THESE PLANT AT' ^r '^QED WoPX ARE SUBJECT TC-ANY L Fr %iTONB. REQUIRED BY FiELC 431 E TORS THAT MAY B8 NEGSCARY IN OR' ER TO COMPWWITH ALL APPLIC LE CODES. Au.mmuFACTURES LA 3LEs SHOWO'IG UIFACTORS AND SHGC COMPLIANCE WITH FBC ENERGY E MUST REHIARN ON ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS UNTIL INSPECTIONS Ad IIE APPROVED T i0 NOTE, ALL WINDOWS TO BE IMPACT RESISTANT. CLIMATE AND GEOGRAPHIC WINDOW SCHEDULE MARK TYPE STYLE D..P.- NOTES WIZH.. O SH 35 INGLE HUNG 4'-6' '-3' .OBSCURE O SH 25 INGLE HUNG T-2' 5'-3' EGRESS I� PW IXED GLASS 3 -d 2' -0'OBSWRE ® (2)SH 25 INGLE HUNG 3'-2' T-7 PICTURE WINDOV OS SH3450 INGLE HUNG 3'-6. 5'-3'. EGRESS DESIGN CRITERIA DAMAGE FROM WEATHERING - NE'GLIGIBLE DAMAGE FROM TERMITES - VERY HEAVY I CUBIC VOLUME OF HE CONDITIONED SPACE 59246 (CUBIC FEET) FDOH in St. Lucie County Environmental Health Site Plan Approved for Construction Area Tabulation Supersedes AN P evious Side Plans for 5810 OSTDS #.S . ' II11,b91 1 6;4 & V11Wi * Date: Is li A/C Area Courtyard 1369 RE vipw& Patio#1 130 Patio#2 130 Main Entry 148- TERMITE TREATMENT :�.II_E7� Entry #1 87 Entry #2 87 Total 7761 CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHIAENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD FLOOR PLAN 3/16"=1'-0" SCALE ha aU M A, DESIGN & FORENSICS, ENCa 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 , PgRT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772) 285-0572 - BRIAN J. MASKOL FL PE #66080 IN S 0.6J _ STATE ��OF p^'���LOFt1o��C9� W, LUCIE J Z ON IMii'lli3 FAROC � E(.Ti I 'N i E 1 j.E AN fir'?!I S'rItE "; PT 0 \ JU rn' AV f z F- F- w w a � � O O U V) N LLI W W 0 a z z 0 m m w w a. a. r. r. w 0 0 Q ti N N .-1 O N z O •.-�. N w d W H� UDC z � oc z o� o !S z ILL 0Z V) WWW W O �W J � 0 1--4 LL Q N 0 0 N 2 DATE DESIGNED GMW 05-19-17 DRAWN GMW 0519-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-120 �Rjpy I MM, 4'-5" 3'-6" 4 FL 2] 0 0 El 0 F-1 F-5 4" 2° conc. a e O in _ ~ IS _3-1 L-4 � F3 m L 2 F-1 U 24'-2" 0 4" 2500# FIBERMIX CONC. OVER .006 VAPOR BARRIER ON CLEAN, COMPACTED, TERMITE TREATED FILL O -1$1-0.00' Assumed F.F.E. F-3 F-1 101 El ` F1 —31 conc. F1 a IM El IFL2 L-7 L-1 Irol O IF 1 i _ C_3 v F-1 4'-4i" a�_all L � 60 Al_Cn11 ,_z„ L-9 ni_-nr 16" x 11 W/4- A' III IF a 5R .v. L-1 6 �8 ,� Cast Crete Lintel Schedule All Rebar to be #5 Grade 60 min. MARK L LINTELOF GRAVOIWYBL&AD ALLOWABLE P OWABLE BEAM SPECS. L-1 17'-4" 1326 520 8F20 1T/113 L-2 4'-6" 6113 2724 8F16 1T/1B L-3 5'-4" 5365 2290 81`16 1T/1B L-4 9'-4" 1843 1133 8F16 1T/1B L-5 13'-4" 1075 606 8F16 1T/1B L-6 7'-6" 2661 1634 8F16 1T/1B L-7 S-6" 6113 3547 8F16 1T/1B L-8 13'-4" 1838 962 BF241T/iB L-9 S-6" 8974 5591 81`24 1T/1 L-10 7'-6" 5686 3547 BF24 1T/i13 L-11 4'-6" 8672 4292 8F241T/18 L-12 6'-6" 8360 2959 1 81`24 1T/1 Mim. Beam depths shown, beams may be increased without coment At Lijels 30" deep or larger, provide (1) #5 vertical rebar at 24 o.c. along length of lintel L-9 LINTEL PRESTRESSED L-2 I L-2 II :I F-1 L-2 OIIIC I L-2 II 12'-4" K 12'-4" n n r o d. 4" 2500# i2 conc. pad 0 OD 0 a —4" 5'-8" 3'-6" 5'-8" 6'-2" '-0" 81_3" Y-6" Y-1" ct 2 3 OR L-2 00 0 0 0 0 F-1 F-1 L2 0 16'-4" F-6 F-5 F-3 c F_6 F-6, L � r o IILj F-6 F 5 L-2 0 31-6°° ti 0 �, L-2 O L-6 F-5 m F-5 un o 0 0 00 11111111 lEll19Ell El F-3 4" 2500# FIBERMIX CONC. OVER .O 6 VAPOR BARRIER ON CLEAN COMPACTED, TERMITE TREATED FILL *0.00' Assumed F.F.E. F-1 0 00 0 El L-4 L-6 6'-0" O o —3 � F 3 4" 2500# _ conc. pad y El a " rn F-1 L-8 F 1 L-9 1 00 ' ' ' .a F-1 L-3 16" X 16":COLUMNS 4'-0" L L-9 W/ 4 - #5 REBAR c r NOTE" ALL FILL CELLS TO HAVE #5 REBAR TOP TO BOTTOM, ALL FILL CELLS WITH REBAR TO BE FILLED WITH GROUT gyp. INDICATES FILLED CELL W/ #5 VERTICAL REBAR REINFORCING SPA. 0 W-0" O.C. MAX. & AS SHOWN ,',.,(TYP-) F6UNDATTON PLAN 3/16"=1'-O" SCALE �� 0 mi IMF IrNq TREATMENT REQUIRED J , m Cut - 2 PAD FOR CU o m NH 50 gal. F-3 �— Water Heater w/Recirculating Pump 4" 2500k FIBERMIX CONC. OVER .0 6 VAPOR BARRIER TERMITE EATI2EATEDAFILLD F 2 -1$)-0.00' Assumed F.F.E. F-1 F-2 L-1 MMOR F-1 16" x 16" mono. footing with (2) #5 rebar cont. 4' 16" 16" MONO. EDGE FOOTING F-2 16" x 16" mono. footing w'itn (2) #5 rebar Cont. and curb 4"to6 8 4 16" 16" CURB FOOTING AT GARAGE F— 3 16" x 16' mono, footing with (2) #5 rebar Cont. see Ian 4" 4 12 16" STEP FOOTING F;— 5 8" x 8" thick edge with (1) #5 rebar cont. 4`1::�]8" 8„ PATIO EDGE F-6 Recess 4" at Shower 4„ 4� 8" 16" 16" TYP. SHOWER RECESS IF u \_ L-2 N 4" 2500# o 0 o conc. pad V) O � o L4 0 0 F-3 F-1 4" 2500p FIBERMIX CONC. OVER .006 VAPOR BARRIER ON CLEAN COMPACTED, TERMITE TREATED FILL *0.00' Assumed F.F.E. F-3 IF Ell F-1 L o -3 /2" L-2 \ i L 1 e i\ F n 1 on S000. pa 777 :. F-1 N. _9 l.. e. 'Y 1(4 1#5 ROBARNS GENERAL FOUNDATIONNOTES Concrete shall be a minimum of 4" thick over clean, compacted, termite treated fill and 6 mil polyethylene vapor barrier. If concrete slab contains 6" x 6" 1.0/10 WWM provide 1" coverage Concrete shall have at minimum compressive strength of not less than 2500 p.s.i. All 90 deg. hooks are to be extended 10" minimum beyond the turn.. Field bends are to be done cold and the diameter of the bend, measured on the inside of the bar, is not to be less than six bar diameters. Minimum coverage for rebar shall be 3" in footings and 1 1/2" in bond beams. Hooks may be rotated horizonitally if required to achieve minimum coverages. Rebar overlap shall be 48 bar diameters. 30" for #5 rebar The foundation design assumes that the soil has a minimum load carrying capacity of 2000 p.s.f. Satisfactory compaction test of fill does not verify lower soils are adequate. All specifications and dimensions to be verified by contractor. All exterior slabs shall slope a minimum 1/8" per foot for drainage. Saturate and. compact all construction areas i with a heavy propelled vibratory roller to a minimum of 95% of the ASTM D-1557 modified proctor method. FORMWORK & SHORING No structural concrete shall be stripped until it has reached at least 80% of the 28 day design strength. Design, Erection, & Removal of all formwork, shares, & reshores shall meet meet the ACI Standards 347 and 301 Contractor to verify all building setbacks prior to the start of construction. A formboard survey shall be submitted to the building department for approval prior to pouring concrete. SOIL STATEMENT: Dowel Rod Repair Note In the event vertical steel has been omitted from the down pour locations, drill 5" into concrete (no closer than 3 3/4" ..from edges and 5" from ends of cap walls). Remove dust per manufacturers instructions and use Two part epoxy to .anchor the #5 rebar in place. Use either "Hilt! C 100" or Simpson Epoxy —Tie. PLUMBING NOTES: Plumber to consult with contractor and equipment ordered for rough in dimensions. Verify all dimensions with the floor plan. The floor plan dimensions dictates all other dimensions on other sheets. Do not scale drawings, if any conflicts arise, contact the Architect or Engineer for clarification prior to construction. All sanitary lines 2" or less shall have a slope of 1/4" per foot minimum. All sanitary lines above 2" shall have a slope of 1/8" per foot minimum. Provide Anti -Scalding Valve in all showers. Lowest living area floor elevation (refered as 0.00') to be set by a professional land surveyor to the required building department elevation, but not less than 18" above {tli9rCtGWypr;8fggMefb6dpl testing shall be performed to verify soil bearing capacity is a minimum of 2000 p.s.f. In the event the soil bearing capacity falls below 2000 p.s.f. the engineer is to be notified immediately Foundations, Slab and site preparation shall conform to the recommendations of the geotechnical report. DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772) 285-0572 BRIAN J. MASKOL FL PE #66080 \tia�-- 0/// FNSp-, pp 660' STATE OF W - S/0� Ft- z w C w O O Lu wL It w w 0 0 z z 0 0 0 m onon w w a a O O 0 ti ry ' N rl o I z O to y N w I rr, �L U z<� O v, O LL Hz U�J UJ 8.L = W U LU Z) OO Q. J Ln Q (V 0 0 DATE DESIGNED GMW 05-19-17 DRAWN GMW OS 19 17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-120 'Pilo y e r % RIDGE VENT (TYP) 4 6" 12" A 01 EM10111011A E01 11mi 101 �mi ��� IMI 101 I01 I10I Im11�1 ICI 1M1 IMI IICI ��� I�'I ��� ��� ��� I CDnKIT CI C\/ 'T- i`1i%i a 6" 12" 1 16"x8"SOFFIT VENT SPACED 0 8'-0" O.C. MAX. (TYP) RIDGE VENT (TYP) 1 LEFT ELEV T IG 3/16"=1'-0" SCALE RIGHT ,-,-r,ION /j OBSCURE / J/10 =1 -U JI.HLC RIDGE VENT (TYP) 12'-0" 10'-0" 7'-6" RIM 0'-0" -6" no 1 Construction shall follow 'Florida Building Code' (FBC) 2014, FBC 2014 Residential,FBC 2014 Plumbing Code, FBC 2014 Mechanical Code, FBC 2014 Energy Conservation, and the NEC (NFPA 70) 2011 Edit,l.,on 2, The Contractor, Subcontractor, Supplier, etc, shall verify all dimensions, cond I t i ons- at ;Jobs I te, 3 ALL written dimensions on these drawings take precedence over scaled demenslons, 4 Structural features not detailed on these pages will be addressed by the Engineer as construction progresses, 5. Residence located in negligible weathering area, and In very heavy termite infestation area per FRC 301 STRUCTURAL NOTES B.O.T. 10'-0" 1, Design loads in accordance with ASCE 7-10 YIndow gak, 2, SOIL bearing capacity 1 2000 PSF Head 7 -6" ' 3. All structural concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3000 PSI at 28 days, 4. Slab/Footings to be concrete with minimum 2500 PSI compressive strength at 28 days:, See plan for size and steel requirements, 5. Minimum concrete protection for reinforcing bars, Footings,' 3' Beams, 1 1/2' Suspended Slabs I' 6. Lap all reinforcing steel a minimum of 48 bar diameters,, U.00' Grade 40 steel minimum in beams and co l umns, J 7, All lumber In contact with concrete or masonry shall be pressure treated. 8. Splitting or cracking of structural components due to installation of hardware is not permitted. 9. Unless otherwise noted, the Installation of specified hardware shall conformtothe manufacturers Instructions and standard practice, 10. Bearing points of trusses shall have vertical studs In a number equal to the number of plies of the bearing member when the bearing Member is or more plies unless noted, 11, Unless otherwise noted for exterior walls, exterior plywood sheathing and Interior drywall Is to be nailed with 10d or better na I t s 6' o c edges and 6' o, c, f I e I. d, or screwed w I th drywall screws 1,25 Inches tong and 0.131 inches diameter, 12. Wall and ceiling finishes (not including trim) shall have ` a flame spread Index of not greater than 200 and a smoke' deve Loped i ndex of not greater than 450, Per USG, ;A' wallboard has a flame spreadindexof not, greater than 25 and a smoke developed Index of not greater than 450, 13. Insulation shall have a flame spread 'Index of not greater than 25 and a smoke developed Index of not greater' than 10'-0" 450 (not applicable to facings when installed In concealed spaces with facing installed in substantIad contact with ROOF VENTILATION CALCULATIONS the unexposed finish surface), per ❑wnens corning,' Batt 7'-6" Insulation has a flame spread i,hdex of 10 and MAIN HOUSE VENTILATION-REQ,, 5810 SF x 144 x a smoke developed index of 10, 1/150 = 5578 SQ IN TOTAL VENTILATION SHOWN16038 SQ, IN. 14 Gypsum wall board shall conform to ASTM - C22, C475, C514, C1002, C1047, C1177, C1178, C1276, C1396 OR TOTAL RIDGE VENTILATION SHOWN; 2268 SQ, IN. C1658 and installed per FBC residential code, Per USG, wallboard conforms to C1396, MIN, MAIN HOUSE SOFFIT VENTILATIONi 5578 SQ. IN. - 2268 SQ, IN, = 3310 SQ, IN. 15, CeF@mIc the shall be Instal led, per ANSI TOTAL SOFFIT VENTILATION SHOWNi 3770 SQ, IN, 0:00' Al§@- 1, A10$ 4, A108, 5, A108, 6, A108, 11, Al18. 1, Al18, 3, A136, 1 and A137,1.Fiber slat reinforced cementitlous backer shall be used behind wall applied ceramic tiles and conform to ASTM C1288, C1325, C1178 OR C1278, Per Durock, cement board exggeds ASTM C1325, 1 DESK N & FORENSICS, INC. 725 E PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PO T SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772) 285-0572 BRIAN 1. MASKOL FL PE #66080 I J `Ala4s////// .6 STATE OF 4u ",lsS/ONAL z IN- H ° W W a � f O ' V V �VA1 m ;L 0 a Z Z J_ J_ fD [t1 0! 0! W W a a n n w o 0 F N N p N C4 N O N z 0 N w R J A, (j W U� HI LU (n O LL 1r-/ iz,�// v , I..L LL1 W Lu C)�=U Uj ::) LU OO�I DATE DESIGNED GMW OS 19-17 DRAWN G W 05-19-17 C ECKED JOB NO. 2017-120 1e A, r, STRUCTURAL NOTES: All reinforcing steel shall be high strength billet steel and shall conform to ASTM A-615 grade 60 specifications. Lap continuous reinforcing 48 bar diameters or 30" in beams and in slabs. Lap r bottom steel over supports and top steel at midspan. Hook 3 '� discontinuous ends of all top bars. Reinforcing steel shall have a minimum of 1" concrete cover, or as follows: X GENERAL ROOFING NOTES BOTTOM TOP SIDES 19/32" plywood sheathing or equal installed with staggered joints & GI dips, Beams: 1 1/2" 1 1/2• 1 1/2" nailed to trusses with Bid corrosion resistant annular ring shank nails spaced max. 6"o.c. throughout, except max. 4"o.c. at gable ends. Slab. on Grade: 1 1/2" 1" _ 13 Structural Poured: 3/4" 3/4_ i All roof trusses are to be pre -manufactured assemblies provided by Poured Walls: 3/4" o a licensed wood truss fabricator with seperate drawings and data Slabs exposed prepared for actual project conditions by a Florida registered to the weather 3/4" 1" _ o professional engineer certified for truss design. Any deviation from 00 the proposed plans as shown regarding placement or bearing shall be brought to the attention of the trues engineer prior to fabrication Reinforcing steel shall be detailed and fabricated lnaccordance with the. "Manual of Standard Practice of Detailing Reinforcing of the trusses. The truss manufacturers certified layout shall govern after fabrication. Concrete Structures" and the current "ACI Building Code 318" 8" x 16" C.M.U. WITH CELLS FILLED WITH GROUT & #5 VERT. DOWEL P.T. 2 x 6 AT (3) SIDES OF OPENING, FASTEN TO BLOCK AS NOTED. DOOR SIDES 1{2" x 6" REDHEADS WITH MIN. 2 x 1/8"WASHER 12" FROM ENDS AND. 2eo.c. MAX. DOOR HEAD 1/4" x 2 3/4" TAPCONS STAGGERED 24"o.c. The handling, erection, and flxing of wood trusses shall be in - All structural steel shall conform to current ASTM SpecificationA-36 Garage Door Buck Detail accordance with the specifications contained on the certified mfgr'a (� drawings and data. All woodin contact with masonry shall be pressure treated or approved All engineered headers and truss hangers to be provided by the seperating material truss manufacturer All dimensions shall be verified in field by the contractor. If there are Splitting or cracking of structural components due to installation of any discrepancies the Architect or Engineer shall be notified before hardware Is not permitted. proceeding. Unless otherwise noted, the installation of s�scified hardware shall 90 DEGREE H conform to the truss manufacturers installation Instructions and All Design and Construction shall be inaccordance with the current OVERLAP 25" standard practice. American Concrete Institute (ACI). and the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), The Florida Building Code and all applicable local codes BUCK ATTACHMENT NOTES Structural Concrete shall attain a minimum ultimate compressive strength (Fc) in 28 days as follows: AT DOORS USE P.T. PINE OR SPRUCE AND ATJ,pCH BUCKS TO BLOCK WITH 1/4" DIA. TAPOONS WITH 2 1/41" INTO C.B.S. SET A6" FROM CORNERS AND AT 12 EMBEDMENT O.C. MAX. Column Footing and Wall Footing: 3000 psi. Column and walls from foundation to roof: see column schedule. Ali other concrete: 2500 pet. AT. WINDOWS USE P.T. PINE OR SPRUCE AND ATTACH BUCKS TO BLOCK WITH Bid CASED HARD COIL NAILS OR T NAILS 4" FROM ENDS AND 12"o.c. are shall ea allowable soil bearing Footing g g sizes and psi Allr footings t capacity of 2000 poi All footings shall bear in virgin soil. If this capacity si 41 USE "STRUCTURAL" SHIMS DURING DOOR INSTALLATION Is not the case, the Architect or Engineer shall be notified before WOOD AND/OR CEDAR SHIMS SHALL NOT BE USED. proceeding with the work. Timber (Heavy Timber Construction) \ TIE BEAM STEEL SEE W SEE WALL SECTION FOR • STEEL REQUIRMENTS (a) Truss manufacturer shall submit a signed and sealed shop ' SHEATHING N A'I LI N G N 0 TE S drawings by a registered Engineer. (b) Wood rafters to have a Stress Grade of Fb=1200 ps.i, Change in Bond Beam Elev. (c) Roof members should be secured to the beams or other Na➢ina Pattern structural components with hurricane anchors for wind uplift. Zone 1: 8d at 6 o.c.. field & 4 o.c. edges All wood members shall have a minimum fiber stress in bending Zone 2: 8d at 4"o.c. edges & field -of 1200 ps.i.- with 1/360 max. deflection. Zone 3: Bid at 4"o.c. edges & field All bolted connections shall be 1/2" Cadmium plated or better. Pneumatic Nails Log bolts to be used only in shear connections with minimum Pneumatic or mechanicaly driven nails will 4" threaded penetration past steel plate. be accepted under the following conditions: Min. nails size 8d or larger ring shank with Lag bolted conditions shall be drill tapped no larger than the Min. shank diameter. .113 internal thread diameter and shall not be hammer driven. Min. Length: 2-1/2" Min. Head Diameter. .280 Full Round Under Girder Trusses provide equal number of studs as girder 1 :, 4 bottom chord Min. Ring Diameter .012 over shank did. plys at frame bearing locations 24 min. lap (2) 16e Min. 16 to 20 Rings per Inch truss Note GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Gun nails shall be permitted as an acceptable fastener from any manufacturer All work to be as per the current edition of the Florida Building Code and meet or exceed all applicable local requirements. Wood screws meeting the same size requirement may be used in lieu of nails without comment General contractor is responsible for all labor, materials, utilities, testing, waste removal, storage, securing of site, accomodation, transport/freight, Nailing Schedule and: all other cost related to the completion of this project., unless explicitly boi wo identified here. at ROOF & FLOOR DIAGRAM Use sheathing with #8 gun nails at 6"o.c. Owner Is responsible for all municipal related charges such as impact at supported panel edges and #8 gun fees, and water connection, except building permit fees, which are to be nails at 6 o.c. at Intermediate supports. included in the construction bid. ROOF SHEATHING TO GABLE END FRAME General contractor to check all drawings for errors and ommlasions and Use e`8 gun nails at 4"o.c. bring them to the attention of the architect prior to starting any work, or ordering any materials of the respective division of work. If such errors EXTERIOR SHEATHING and ommisslons are not reported in writingto the architect,. any resulting damages or costa shall be born entirely by the general contractor. Use /8 gun nails at 4"o.e. at panel edges and gun nails at 4"o.C. at panel top and Architect Is not responsible for the contractors method or means of bottom and 6"o.c. In field construction .LS WITH - CONTINUOUS TO FOOTING Bottom Chord Lateral Bracing Unless otherwise noted, the installation of specified hardware shall EXTERIOR CEILING &SOFFIT NOTE conform to the manufacturers instructions and standard practice. 7/8" Stucco finish over 3/8" high ribbed gals. wire lath fastened to framing members. with No. 11 guage nails with 1 3/4" embed. with 3/8" All plans and drawings are not considered complete until they have been dia. head 6"o.c. max. edges to be tied and nailed at 9"o.c. reviewed and approved by the Building Department Provide one layer of 15# felt to bottom of framing before installing lath. and the building permit has been issued. INTERIOR WALL FRAMING OTE THRESHOLD NOTE Interior non bearing walls to be " metal S Uds (25 Go.) 24"O.C. At egress door (Entry Door) the max. hgth. Crimper may be used In lieu of screws. of the threshold shall be 1/2" corner bars at beam — (outside only) (2) corner bars at footing min.) vert dowel lapped with wall reinforcing, oil laps 25" (min.) in grout filled cell 5 au corner oars ig ga ma some size, number, and spacing as horizontial bars In footing, beams, and walls Corner Reinforcing Detail A e w . \ . INTERIOR BEARING WALL DETAIL @' "GRB" TRUSS TYPICAL INTERIOR BEARING WALL GARAGE INTERIOR WOOD SCARING WALL DETAILS 'i. ., DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 E PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772)285-0572 BRIAN 1. MASKOL FL PE #66080 .660 STATE OF Z H O_ Z f Y U U w LU Lu 0 0 Z J_ ED m QC w a r, uU a N N N .ti N Z U H N W aC W LU Q UDC) LU O /� Vlr LL , ^ W�W + W Z 1.�/""L,. = U LU Z) W u a 1 FLU V) iLn < (1J LLU C O O2 ' DATE D SIGNED G1W 05-19-17 DRAWN GMW 05-19-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-120 PRODUCT APPROVAL Approval N Number Product Model Number Manufacturer Glass Type Attachment Method Building Rated Design Pressures Product Rated Design Pressures FL#: 239.2 S.H. Windows SH500 PGT Impact , 3/16" x 1 3/8", min embedment Tapcons 0 6"/10" 0 See Elev. +60/— 70.0 FL*243.13 Fixed Window PW 5520 PG F Impact 1/4" x 1 3/4" min embedment Tapcons ® 6"/15"O.C. ii See Eiev. 49+/-130 ' FL#: 15225.3 Double or Swing 1 gglnile %oar w/ Gaed Panels Fiberclossic Ther a Tru Impact 1/4".;'_x 1 1/4" min embedment 06"/14" O.C. See Elev. +/— 47.0 FL#: 5684.1 Overhead Door W8 09 Clop,y NA 5/16" x 1 5/8",min. embed. lag screw each bracket ' See Elev.; +54/ —60 Approval Number Product Model Numbe Manufdcturer Attachment Method Building Rated Design Pressures Product Rated Design Pressures NOA#: 15-0212.07 Roofing 5V CRIMP SUNLAST #10 SCREWS ® 16" O.C. IN FIELD & ® 8" O.C. IN PERIMETER AND CORNERS SEE PLAN `-74.75'FIELD -176 PERIMETER CORNER 1 METAL ROOFING OVER 30# ROOF FELT OVER 19/32 C.D.X. PLYWD. SEE CONNECTOR PRE MANUFACTURED ROOF TRUSSES 2'-0" O.C. SCHEDULE 12 PRE ENG. WD. 6� � R-30 MIN. TRUSSES 24"c.c. ALUM. DRIP EDGE ON R30 BLOWN INSULATION 2 x 6 P.T. FASCIA WRAP ABOVE LIVING AREAS PAD TO BE 4" LARGER ALL AROUND WITH ALUM. WIRELATH AND STUCCO SOFFIT WITH VENTS PROVIDE "CASTCRETE" PRECAST LINTELS ABC ALL OPENINGS TWO COAT STUCCO FINISH-\ GRADE min. Nz' DRYWALL CIELING THAN UNIT 1/2" CL G. X 2x4 GALVANIZED TOP • 0FIRESTO.T. BOARD ! PLATE (2) COURSE BEAM Y2" DRYWALL BOTH SIDES ANCHOR UNIT TO PAD WITH MIN. 1/4" DIA. BLOCK WITH Q) #5 TAPCONS 01 1/2° EMBEDMENT DEPTH REBAR AND FILLED = WITH GROUT EACH & NEOPRENE PAD. (TYPICAL FOR 4) ---_ 8 x 16 x 8 C.M.U. 2x4METALSTUDS 4" _-- WITH #5 VERT. DOWEL SUCTION & LIQUID r---� ��--- IN GROUT FILLED CELLS o REFRIGERANT LINES , 1 x 2 P.T. FURRING 24"o.a IR4 FOIL INSULATION '',1 BASEBOARD (TYP.) AT LIVING AREA 2x4 TREATED BOTTOM LIGHT GAUGE METAL TRACK PLATE RUN REFRIGERANT LINES SHORTEST CONCRETE PAD. .... -1/2" GYP. D.W. ,.° DISTANCE TO BLDG. EXTERIOR WALL \ SEE PLANS FOR CONTINUATION. 'FASTEN TREATED BOTTOM `4" THICK CONCRETE SLAB (2500 CONDENSED —TIE DOWN .DETAIL PLATE TO SLAB W/ psi) WITH FIBER MESH OVER 0.145"Ox2-1/2" LNG. VAPOR BARRIER OVER CLEAN NOT TO SCALE 1 x 4 P.T. 1411111111101 0 16" O.C. COMPACTED TERMITE TREATED , rFIRESTOP SOIL 2500# CONIC. FOOTING ;. WITH (2) #5 REBAR Typical Interior Wall SectionWN - - r NOT TO SCALE I ^ ^ '`' '� I 4" 25008 FIBERMIX CONIC. SEE FOOTING ON OVER COMPACTEVAPOR D, '... ` DETAILS TERMITE tEATED FILL PRE —MANUFACTURED ROOF TRUSSES 2'-0" O.C. PRE —MANUFACTURED ROOF T ical Wall Sec ion TRUSSES 2'-0" D.C. R-30 BLOWN —IN �INSULATION 2x4 BLOCKING SPACED NOT TO SCALE' 0 2'-0" O.C. (2) #10 WOOD SCREWS AT EACH BLOCKING ilk" DRYWALL CIELING 2x4 GALVANIZED TOP PLATE LIGHT GAUGE METAL 1z" DRYWALL CIELING TRACK DRYWALL BOTH SIDES NOTE: WALL IS NON 2x4 METAL STUDS LOAD BEARING 2x4 METAL STUDS J¢" DRYWALL BOTH SIDES BASEBOARD (TYP.) R-13 BATT INSULATION 2x4 TREATED BOTTOM LIGHT GAUGE METAL TRACK LIGHT GAUGE METAL TRACK PLATE 2x4 TREATED BOTTOM \ PLATE FASTEN TREATED BOTTOM —4" THICK CONCRETE SLAB (2500 ".,''.•i l` i '.;::s'et PLATE TO SLAB W/ psi) WITH FIBER MESH OVER 0.145"Ox2-1/2" LNG. VAPOR BARRIER OVER .CLEAN P.A.F. ® 16" O.C. COMPACTED TERMITE TREATED SOIL FASTEN TREATED BOTTOM PLATE TO SLAB W/ 0.145"Ox2-1/2" LNG. P.A.F. ® 16" O.C. WALL SECTION BETWEEN GARAGE AND RESIDENCE Knee Wall Framinl' @ Main EntryTru in s BearNOT T°SCALE NOT TO SCALD 3/8" continuous bead of CBS caulk (back bedding) behind buck to prevent liquid ,passage .. Min. 1 1/4" embedment set flange in continuous q 1 t1%2 d ws and min. edment at °L4A bead of caulk across the °' sL gl. doors entire face of buck 1/2" drywall stucco finish perimeter caulk Attach PA. bucks 7ull x. struct. shim with Bd coil nails at 12"o.c. Typ. Alum. window per jamb orsliding glass manufacturers door jamb product approvals NOTE: Method of attachment and waterproofing procedures are the same at poured concrete sill. Gunable sealants shall comply with ASTM C 920 Class 25 grade or, greater for proper joint expansion and contraction Typical Window & S.G.D. Jamb Detail at CBS Wall Includes Buck Attachment Method r) DESIGNED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF FBC 2014 SECTION R703.8 ' FLASHING" Alum. window frame 3/8" continuous.. bead of corrosive resistant caulk (back bedding) behind Tapcon concrete shim to prevent liquid passage srews installed as specified in window 1/4" struct. shim manufacturers product approval set flange In continuous bead of caulk across the entire face of buck window sill perimeter caulk stucco finish C_ Gunable sealants shall comply with ///' d ASTM C 920 Class 25 grade or ° m greater for proper joint expansion and contraction precast cone. sill Typical Precast Conc. Sill Detail � F s DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772) 285-0572 BRIAN J. MASKOL FL PE #66080 I �tivvA��2J CENS /7j�/� '. STATE OF z O z z a � � a O O L, w ° ui w z z m m of Q. a n n .y IU, o 0 N N �,, O N z .-I N Ce Ce LU k� ILL d�L� U I� 0�0 LL w UJ c�2U CeZ)w 001113- -jLn QN O N 2 z O U w F— U Z) W [- Oa z DATE DESIGNED GMW 05-19-17 DRAWN GMW 05-19-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-120 ROOF SHEATHING ATTACHMENT REOUIREMENTS Qi NAIL @ 6" O.C. PERIMETER AND 6" O.C. FIELD ® NAIL @ 6" O.C. PERIMETER AND 6" O.C. FIELD ® NAIL @ 4" O.C. PERIMETER AND 6" O.C. FIELD NOTE: ROOF SHEATHING SHALL BE 19/32" THICK CDX PLYWOOD ROOF SHEATHING FASTENED TO ROOF FRAMING W/8d RING SHANK NAILS (PER FRC 803.2.3.1) SPACED PER ZONE DESIGNATIONS AS SHOWN ABOVE ',ESSURES ZONES - PSF 2 3 4 5 -58.1 -85.9 +36.5 -39.6 +36.5 -48.9 -53.5 -80.3 +34.8 -37.9 +34.8 -45.5 -47.3 -72.9 +32.6 -34.1 +32.6 -41.2 -42.7 -67.4 +31.0 -31.3 +31.0 -37.9 +27.2 -30.3 +27.2 -30.3 WINDOWS AND OTHER _____-..-. .. ....�........._ _....DOING. ROOF ZONES. 1 THRU 3 WALL ZONES: 4 AND 5 ` WIND ZONE — WALLS ZONE 5 IS 4'-0" FROM CORNERS 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 A 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 33 2 2 {{ 2 Z 2 2 T 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 \\ 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 I2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 i WIND & NAILING ZONE ROOF PLAN NOT TO SCALE / 2/ 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 m 2 2 2 2 12 2 3'' 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772) 285-0572 BRIAN J. MASKOL FL PE #66080 ���tA1!l191t1�f// .66 STATE OF ;W Ln z w C E Y O u W W Z Z j J ca !D w W a rl w o F N � N '-I N z � N ce f Uceb W z z W (n O zLL p , Z '-'zwww w � W z n OOa z CL J Ln LL QN O ,CD O w N 2 i i i DATE DESIGNED GMW 05-19-17 DRAWN GMW 05-19-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-120 �,Alk moor. '-8 16" 30'- 14'-9'5/8" 24'-10 3i Ile 43'-4 1/8" I 2' z. 37'-3 1 /4" � 22'-11 1 /4" 12`-3 1 /4" DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 $E PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCE FL 34984 (772) 285-0572 BRIAN J. MASKOL FL PE #66080 L a��l`op 3 MA 0.6 STATE o- i n v Z F O z o u U w w rL z Z_ J 7 m w w a n w c N � N ti N Z 0 ��y N W w o Ui..�.. z � oc o cn �zLL � oC www a� = U UJ F- w 00 a Q N O O N 2 DATE DESIGNED GMW 05-19-17 DRAWN GMW 05-19-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-120 TRUSS PLAN 3/16"=1'-0" SCALE T'l BEDROOM 7 M BEDROOM 6 PATIO DINING ROOM DISC •• Fung l REF z VP W W In ULu > LL JIH Lu� Ce DROOM 5 / I ry I --- -- \ 1-------------- I BATH 2 1 \ \ \ COURTYARD \ \ PATIO " \'\ IM it I1 LI W D EN�RY 50 gal. Wa�ter Heater w/Recirculating Pump and Pan 1 MASTER 1 al=narv)m W.I.C. N ENTRY T i i FAMILY ROOM DINING ROOM LH 50 gal. Water Heater w/Recirculating Pump and Pan " !' ELECTRICAL PLAN SCALE BEDROOM 8 Xzz-z i� O220 DISC PATIO f pl NOOK 0AW 50 gal. Water Heater w/Recirculating Pump and Pan a BEDROOM 2 v; GARAGE \ G. D. O. SHALL BE LISTED AND LABELED IN ACCORDANCE WITH UL325 1 Mo11 I 20( P DINING ROOM ENTRY 400 KC. MIL copper in 2-1/2" gals. conduit (3 '(3 0 ((THW) cop en and (tf #4 ground (PTHW) copper m 2' galy. conduit F.P.L. service Wall Am ponel:200 AMP ML0 200 Am O el j20%240 Vol}trcuit Panel e BEDROOM 9 NOTE: PROVIDE DISCONNECTAND', WATER PROOF GFI AT ALL AC CONDENSER LOCATIONS DEMAND LOAD - MAIN AREA PANEL GENERAL LIGHTING/REC. @ 100% (2,750 SF*3 + 4500VA APPLIANCE) - 3 KVA REMAINDER @ 35% - (9.8*0.35) - 3.4 KVA APPLIANCE LOAD - (9.5 @ 0.75%) - 7.1 KVA DRYER - 5.0 KVA RANGE - 8.0 KVA �-400 AMP METER 3) /GRD IN MAIN COMBO W/ ELECTRIC HEAT @ 100%: 14.4 KVA a.c disc (2) 200 AMP BREAKERS TOTAL DEMAND LOAD 40 900 240 = 170 AMPS N CUi v DEMAND LOAD - REAR LIVING AREA 6/ " dta. x 10'-0" 1/0 GRD GENERAL LIGHTING/REC. @ 100% (3,060 SF*3 + 9000VAAPPLIANCE) - 3 KVA. to ground rod M 4 REMAINDER @ 35% - (15.2*0.35) - 5.3 KVA APPLIANCE LOAD - (13.1 @ 0.75%) - 9.8 KVA 220 DISC r3/4"per (2) DRYER - 10.0 KVA ELECTRIC HEAT @ 1000/,: 14.4 KVA ' TOTALDEMAND LOAD(42,500/240) = 177 AMPS e tie ground wire to footing rebars Electrical Riser Diagram ELECTRICAL LEGEND 2 WALL MOUNTED LIGHT. FIXTURE ovP VAPOR. PROOF LIGHT FIXTURE e I SURFACE MOUNTED FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE UNDER CABINET FLUORESCENT FIXTURE Electrical Load Calculations ORECESSED COILING LIGHT EXTERIOR LIGHT WALL FIXTURE 5810 Living S.F. at 3 VA ;20 Amp Appliance Ckts 17430 VA j ® JUNCTION Box 63) 3000VA Each 9000 VA 1 I CEWNG FAN WITH LIGHT OPTION ® DOOR CHIMES 3 Laundr 9 1500VA Each 4500 VA I ® SMOKE DETECTOR 3 DryerS® 5000VA Each 15000 VA EXHAUST FAN WITH LIGHT 3 Water Heaters ® 4500VA Each 13500 VA CARBON MONOXIDE 0DETECTOR 3 Dishwashers ® 1200VA Each 3600 VA (b THERMOSTAT 1 ange Rf. 8000 VA ` oc0F � COMBINATION -SMOKE/ DUPLEX OUTLET - SWITCHED CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR 31(ReCircuit 0 500VA Each 1500 VA � DUPLEX OUTLET VW TELEVISION 3JMicrowaves 0 1000VA Each 3000 VA M0 220 V OUTLET QPN TELEPHONE Disposal 3000 VA m WEATHER PROOF GFl Total 78,530 VA iH G1 PUSH BUTTON SNATCH - V} Dq THREE WAY SWITCH FLUORESCENT FIXTURE First 10 KVA at 100% 10,000 VA DIMMER SNATCH Remainder at 40% 27,412 VA (3)AC Heat at 100% 43200 VA Total 70,612 VA NOTE: RECEPTACLES IN KITCHEN & BATH AREAS TO BE 46" A.F.F. ALL 120V SINGLE PHASE 15 & 20 AMP BRANCH CIRCUITS SUPPLYING OUTLETS THAT ARE NOT GFCI MUST BE AFCI. 70,612 VA / 240 V = 294 Amps TAMPER PROOF RECEPTICALES MUST BE INSTALLED IN 120 VOLT, SINGLE PHASE 15 &. 20 AMP BRANCH CIRCUITS 400 Amp Service Smoke detectors Wired to 120V Bathroom lights DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIE BLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772) 285-0572 BRIAN 1. MASKOL FL PE #66080 In:_ -', y STATE OF W w z ;W o W a � � N O 0 w ~D_ a lu w 0 0 z z 0 0 J J ED M m m W W W U, OL a N n N Q N O N I ti ti O 7 N W L1J UlyC) LL1W [� /—/' Ue) 0 Q Z H� LL ( "F•0L www al�2 U W 00CL J Ln QN O O N 2i U H� U W J W DATE DESIGNED GMW 05-19-17 DRAWN GMW 05-19-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-120 Ili q. 'I !I M 1 PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM Plumbing contractor to provide a water hammer & shut off valve at each fixture Insulate all hot waier lines TUB DESIGN & FORENSICS, INC. 725 SE PORT SAINT LUCIEBLVD. SUITE 203 PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34984 (772) 285-0572 BRIANJ. MASKOL FL PE #66080 ' ��®ti+,llildP�ff lee i TF1TE qr Z H' F— lO Z Z^ W W � f f 0 0 U f V) U U ,W t t W Lu � DI z z 0 0 J_ J nr fa Ca S' d W W a a n n W o a F N N Q 0 N N N N O N iZ H N W ■ ■ ■ • ■ • • DATE DESIGNED GMW 05-19-17 DRAWN GMW 05-19-17 CHECKED JOB NO. 2017-120 P41