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PROJECT DETAILS PROPERTY OWNER LEE BAUMANN PROPERTY ADDRESS 6902 DONLON RDFORT PIERCE, FL 34951 APN 1301-612-0302-000-3 ZONING RESIDENTIAL USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ONE- OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING GROUP (GROUP R3) AHJ COUNTY OF SAINT LUCIE UTILITY COMPANY FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT ELECTRICAL CODE 2017 NEC (NFPA 70) FIRE CODE 2018 NFPA 1 OTHER BUILDING CODES 2020 FL BUILDING CODE CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY SUNERGY SOLAR LLC ADDRESS 3600 GALILEO DR SUITE. 101, TRINITY, FL 34655 PHONE NUMBER (727) 375-9375 CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE SCOPE OF WORK THIS PROJECT INVOLVES THE INSTALLATION OF A GRID- INTERACTIVE PV SYSTEM. PV MODULES WILL BE MOUNTED USING A PREENGINEERED MOUNTING SYSTEM. THE MODULES WILL BE ELECTRICALLY CONNECTED WITH DC TO AC POWER INVERTERS AND INTERCONNECTED TO THE LOCAL UTILITY USING MEANS AND METHODS CONSISTENT WITH THE RULES ENFORCED BY THE LOCAL UTILITY AND PERMITTING JURISDICTION. THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THE PURPOSE OF DESCRIBING THE DESIGN OF A PROPOSED PV SYSTEM WITH ENOUGH DETAIL TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS. THE DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RELIED UPON AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR FOLLOWING MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. THE SYSTEM SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL MANUFACTURERS LISTING AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, AS WELL AS ALL APPLICABLE CODES. NOTHING IN THIS DOCUMENT SHALL BE INTERPRETED IN A WAY THAT OVERRIDES THEM. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFICATION OF ALL CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS, AND DETAILS IN THIS DOCUMENT. SYSTEM DETAILS DESCRIPTION NEW GRID-INTERACTIVE PV SYSTEM WITH NO ENERGY STORAGE DC RATING OF SYSTEM 11,655W AC RATING OF SYSTEM 7,548W AC OUTPUT CURRENT 37.0A INVERTER(S)37 X ENPHASE IQ7-60-2-US MODULE HYUNDAI HID-S315RG(BK) ARRAY WIRING (1) BRANCH OF 13 IQ7-60-2-US MICROINVERTERS (2) BRANCH OF 12 IQ7-60-2-US MICROINVERTERS INTERCONNECTION DETAILS POINT OF CONNECTION NEW SUPPLY SIDE AC CONNECTION PER NEC 705.12(A) UTILITY SERVICE 120/240V 1Φ LOCATION INSIDE PANELBOARD, PROTECTED BY FUSED EATON DG222NRB , 2-POLE, 60A, 240VAC GRID-TIED SOLAR POWER SYSTEMBAUMANN RESIDENCE6902 DONLON RDFORT PIERCE, FL 34951PROJECT SUMMARY DATE: 7/28/21 CREATOR: A.T. REVISIONS PV-1 SITE DETAILS ASHRAE EXTREME LOW 0°C (32°F) ASHRAE 2% HIGH 33°C (91°F) CLIMATE DATA SOURCE VERO BEACH MUNICIPAL AIRPORT (KVRB) ROOF MATERIAL COMPOSITION SHINGLE SLOPE(S)4/12 (18.4°) ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS MODULE DATASHEET APPENDIXARRAY WIRING BOX DATASHEET ARRAY WIRING BOX DATASHEET DISCONNECT DATASHEET INVERTER DATASHEET MOUNTING SYSTEM DATASHEET DIRECTORY OF PAGES PV-1 PROJECT SUMMARY PV-2 PV-3 SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM SAFETY LABELS PV-4 FIRE SAFETY PLAN PV MODULE MICRO- INVERTER PM1-37 315W 12 IN BRANCH 12 IN BRANCH 13 IN BRANCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 JUNCTION BOX 2 1 3 JB1 AC COMBINER CB2 15A CB1 15A 4 CB3 20A C1 8 PV DISCONNECTF1-2 50A 5 SW1 60A AC GEC LOADS KWHR LOAD LINE KWHR LOAD LINE UTILITY METER 240/120V 1ɸ, 3W 9 10 MODULES REF.QTY.MAKE AND MODEL PMAX PTC ISC IMP VOC VMP TEMP. COEFF. OF VOC FUSE RATING PM1-37 37 HYUNDAI HID-S315RG(BK)315W 289W 9.99A 9.51A 40.5V 33.4V -0.126V/°C (-0.31%/°C)20A INVERTERS REF.QTY.MAKE AND MODEL AC VOLTAGE GROUND RATED POWER MAX OUTPUT CURRENT MAX INPUT CURRENT MAX INPUT VOLTAGE CEC WEIGHTED EFFICIENCY I1-37 37 ENPHASE IQ7-60-2-US 240V NOT SOLIDLY GROUNDED 240W 1.0A 15.0A 48V 97.0% DISCONNECTS REF.QTY.MAKE AND MODEL RATED CURRENT MAX RATED VOLTAGE SW1 1 EATON DG222NRB OR EQUIV.60A 240VAC OCPDS REF.QTY.RATED CURRENT MAX VOLTAGE CB1-2 2 15A 240VAC CB3 1 20A 240VAC F1-2 2 50A 0VAC SYSTEM SUMMARY BRANCH 1 BRANCH 2 BRANCH 3 INVERTERS PER BRANCH 12 12 13 MAX AC CURRENT 12A 12A 13A MAX AC OUTPUT 2,880W 2,880W 3,120W ARRAY STC POWER 11,655W ARRAY PTC POWER 10,708W MAX AC CURRENT 37A MAX AC POWER OUTPUT 8,880W DERATED AC POWER OUTPUT 7,548W NOTES THE DC AND AC CONNECTORS OF THE ENPHASE IQ7-60-2-US AND ARE LISTED TO MEET REQUIREMENTS AS A DISCONNECT MEANS AS ALLOWED BY NEC 690.15(D). MATING CONNECTORS SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 690.33. 1 THE ENPHASE IQ7-60-2-US HAS A CLASS II DOUBLE-INSULATED RATING AND DOES NOT REQUIRE GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTORS (GEC) OR EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS (EGC). THE RATING INCLUDES GROUND FAULT PROTECTION (GFP). TO SUPPORT GFP, USE ONLY PV MODULES EQUIPPED WITH DC CABLES LABELED PV WIRE OR PV CABLE. 2 ENPHASE SYSTEM MEETS REQUIREMENTS FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC RAPID SHUTDOWN SYSTEM (PVRSS), AS PER NEC 690.12(B).3 MICROINVERTER BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS ARE MANUFACTURED ENPHASE Q CABLES LISTED FOR USE IN 20A OR LESS CIRCUITS OF ENPHASE IQ MICROINVERTERS. THEY ARE ROHS, OIL RESISTANT, AND UV RESISTANT. THEY CONTAIN TWO 12 AWG CONDUCTORS OF TYPE THHN/THWN-2 DRY/WET AND CERTIFIED TO UL3003 AND UL 9703. 4 DC PV CONDUCTORS ARE NOT SOLIDLY-GROUNDED. NO DC PV CONDUCTOR SHALL BE WHITE- OR GRAY-COLORED5 ALL METAL ENCLOSURES, RACEWAYS, CABLES AND EXPOSED NONCURRENT-CARRYING METAL PARTS OF EQUIPMENT SHALL BE GROUNDED TO EARTH AS REQUIRED BY NEC 250.4(A) AND PART III OF ARTICLE 250 AND EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO NEC 690.45. THE GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM SHALL ADHERE TO NEC 690.47(A) AND NEC 250.169. THE DC GROUNDING ELECTRODE SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO NEC 250.166 AND INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH NEC 250.64. 6 7 MAX DC VOLTAGE OF PV MODULE IS 43.6V AT 0°C (0°C - 25°C) X -0.126V/C + 40.5V = 43.6V). 8 AC AGGREGATION PANEL BUSBAR AND THE OVERCURRENT PROTECTION PROTECTING THE BUSBAR SHALL BE SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 705.12(B)(2)(3)(C) 9 POINT-OF-CONNECTION IS ON THE SUPPLY SIDE OF SERVICE DISCONNECT, INSIDE PANELBOARD ENCLOSURE USING UNUSED TERMINALS, TERMINALS THAT ARE SUITABLE FOR DOUBLE LUGGING, OR USING OTHER LOCALLY-APPROVED METHODS AND HARDWARE, IN COMPLIANCE WITH NEC 705.12(A). THE PANELBOARD SHALL HAVE SUFFICIENT SPACE TO ALLOW FOR ANY TAP HARDWARE AS REQUIRED BY NEC 110.3 AND NEC 312.8(A) PV SYSTEM DISCONNECT SHALL BE A VISIBLE KNIFE-BLADE TYPE DISCONNECT THAT IS ACCESSIBLE AND LOCKABLE BY THE UTILITY. THE DISCONNECT SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 10 FT OF UTILITY METER. DISCONNECT SHALL BE GROUPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 230.72. 10 CONDUCTOR AND CONDUIT SCHEDULE W/ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS ID TYPICAL CONDUCTOR CONDUIT / CABLE CURRENT-CARRYING CONDUCTORS IN CONDUIT / CABLE OCPD EGC TEMP. CORR. FACTOR FILL FACTOR CONT. CURRENT MAX. CURRENT (125%) BASE AMP.DERATED AMP. TERM. TEMP. RATING AMP. @ TERM. TEMP. RATING LENGTH VOLTAGE DROP 1 1 12 AWG THWN-2, COPPER 0.5" DIA.6 15A 12 AWG THWN-2, COPPER 0.76 (55°C)0.8 12A 15A 30A 18.24A 90°C 30A 15FT 0.3% 2 1 12 AWG THWN-2, COPPER 0.5" DIA.6 15A 12 AWG THWN-2, COPPER 0.76 (55°C)0.8 12A 15A 30A 18.24A 90°C 30A 15FT 0.3% 3 1 12 AWG THWN-2, COPPER 0.5" DIA.6 20A 12 AWG THWN-2, COPPER 0.76 (55°C)0.8 13A 16.25A 30A 18.24A 90°C 30A 15FT 0.32% 4 1 6 AWG THWN-2, COPPER 0.75" DIA.3 50A 8 AWG THWN-2, COPPER 0.96 (35°C)1.0 37A 46.25A 75A 72A 75°C 65A 48IN 0.06% 5 1 6 AWG THWN-2, COPPER 0.75" DIA.3 50A N/A 0.96 (35°C)1.0 37A 46.25A 75A 72A 75°C 65A 48IN 0.06% REVISIONS CREATED BY:GRID-TIED SOLAR POWER SYSTEMDATE: 7/28/21 A.T. SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAMBAUMANN RESIDENCE6902 DONLON RDFORT PIERCE, FL 34951PV-2 GROUNDING NOTES 1 ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROPERLY GROUNDED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF NEC ARTICLES 250 & 690 2 PV MODULES SHALL BE GROUNDED TO MOUNTING RAILS USING MODULE LUGS OR RACKING INTEGRATED GROUNDING CLAMPS AS ALLOWED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION. ALL OTHER EXPOSED METAL PARTS SHALL BE GROUNDED USING UL-LISTED LAY-IN LUGS. 3 INSTALLER SHALL CONFIRM THAT MOUNTING SYSTEM HAS BEEN EVALUATED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH UL 2703 "GROUNDING AND BONDING" WHEN USED WITH PROPOSED PV MODULE. 4 IF THE EXISTING MAIN SERVICE PANEL DOES NOT HAVE A VERIFIABLE GROUNDING ELECTRODE, IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSTALL A SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING ELECTRODE. 5 AC SYSTEM GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR (GEC) SHALL BE A MINIMUM SIZE #8AWG WHEN INSULATED, #6AWG IF BARE WIRE. 6 EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO NEC ARTICLE 690.45, AND BE A MINIMUM OF #10AWG WHEN NOT EXPOSED TO DAMAGE, AND #6AWG SHALL BE USED WHEN EXPOSED TO DAMAGE 7 GROUNDING AND BONDING CONDUCTORS, IF INSULATED, SHALL BE COLOR CODED GREEN, OR MARKED GREEN IF #4AWG OR LARGER GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES 1 UTILITY HAS 24-HR UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO ALL PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS LOCATED AT THE SERVICE ENTRANCE. 2 CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SHALL BE LISTED AS SUNLIGHT RESISTANT PER NEC ARTICLE 300.6 (C) (1) AND ARTICLE 310.10 (D). 3 CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO WET LOCATIONS SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN WET LOCATIONS PER NEC ARTICLE 310.10 (C). 4 CONDUIT CONNECTION UP TO CONTRACTOR DISCRETION. SCALE:NTS SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM PV-2 1 THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN CREATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF DESCRIBING THE DESIGN OF A PROPOSED PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEM WITH ENOUGH DETAIL TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS. THE DOCUMENT SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR FOLLOWING MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION MANUALS. INSTALLER SHALL INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION MANUALS. NOTHING IN THIS DOCUMENT SHOULD BE INTERPRETED IN A WAY THAT OVERRIDES THE INSTRUCTIONS IN MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION MANUALS. (150A MSP W/150A MCB) C1 - AC COMBINER (ENPHASE IQ COMBINER 3) SW1 - DISCONNECT (EATON DG222NRB ) MSP - MAIN SERVICE PANEL SEE NOTE NO. 4 (MSP) EMERGENCY RESPONDER THIS SOLAR PV SYSTEM IS EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO THE 'OFF' POSITION TO SHUT DOWN THE ENTIRE PV SYSTEM. NFPA, AND NEC690.56(C)(1) AC COMBINER PANEL (C1) ! WARNING ! THIS EQUIPMENT FED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES. TOTAL RATING OF ALL OVERCURRENT DEVICES, EXCLUDING MAIN OVERCURRENT DEVICE SHALL NOT EXCEED AMPACITY OF BUSBAR. NEC705.12(B)(2)(3)(C) EACH DISCONNECTING MEANS FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC EQUIPMENT (SW1) ! WARNING ! ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD. TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION. NEC690.13(B) AC DISCONNECT (SW1) MAXIMUM AC OPERATING CURRENT: 37.0A MAXIMUM AC OPERATING VOLTAGE: 240V NEC690.54 AC SOLAR DISCONNECT (SW1) PV SYSTEM DISCONNECT NEC690.13(B) ANY AC ELECTRICAL PANEL THAT IS FED BY BOTH THE UTILITY AND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM (MSP) ! WARNING ! DUAL POWER SOURCE. SECOND SOURCE IS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM. NEC705.12(B)(3) LABELING NOTES 1 ALL PLAQUES AND SIGNAGE REQUIRED BY 2017 NEC AND 2018 NFPA 1 WILL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED. 2 LABELS, WARNING(S) AND MARKING SHALL COMPLY WITH ANSI Z535.4, WHICH REQUIRES THAT DANGER, WARNING, AND CAUTION SIGNS USED THE STANDARD HEADER COLORS, HEADER TEXT, AND SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL ON EACH LABEL. THE ANSI STANDARD REQUIRES A HEADING THAT IS AT LEAST 50% TALLER THAN THE BODY TEXT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 110.21(B). 3 A PERMANENT PLAQUE OR DIRECTORY SHALL BE INSTALLED PROVIDING THE LOCATION OF THE SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS AND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECTING MEANS IF NOT IN THE SAME LOCATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 690.56(B). 4 LABEL(S) WITH MARKING, "TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO THE 'OFF' POSITION TO SHUT DOWN THE ENTIRE PV SYSTEM," SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 3 FT OF SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS THE TITLE SHALL UTILIZE CAPITALIZED LETTERS WITH A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 3/8” IN BLACK ON A RED BACKGROUND, AND REMAINING TEXT SHALL BE CAPITALIZED WITH A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 3/16” IN BLACK ON WHITE BACKGROUND GRID-TIED SOLAR POWER SYSTEMBAUMANN RESIDENCE6902 DONLON RDFORT PIERCE, FL 34951SAFETY LABELS DATE: 7/28/21 CREATOR: A.T. REVISIONS PV-3 REVISIONS PV-4 FIRE SAFETY PLAN -4 GENERAL NOTES 1 ACCESS AND SPACING REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY ACCESS TO THE ROOF, PROVIDE PATHWAYS TO SPECIFIC AREAS OF THE ROOF, PROVIDE FOR SMOKE VENTILATION OPPORTUNITY AREAS, AND TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY EGRESSION FROM THE ROOF. THE AHJ SHALL BE PERMITTED TO REDUCED OR MODIFY ROOF ACCESS BASED UPON FIRE DEPARTMENT VENTILATION PROCEDURES OR ALTNERATIVE METHODS THAT ENSURE ADEQUATE FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS, PATWAYS, AND SMOKE VENTILATION. (NFPA 1 2 NOT LESS THAN TWO 36 IN. (914 MM) WIDE PATHWAYS ON SEPARATE ROOF PLANES, FROM GUTTER TO RIDGE, SHALL BE PROVIDED ON ALL BUILDINGS. ONE PATHWAY SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE STREET OR DRIVEWAY SIDE OF THE ROOF. FOR EACH ROOF PLAN WITH A PV ARRAY, A 36 IN. (914 MM) WIDE PATHWAY FROM GUTTER TO RIDGE SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE SAME ROOF PLANE AS THE PV ARRAY, ON AN ADJACENT ROOF PLANE OR STRADDLING THE SAME AND ADJACENT ROOF PLANES. PATHWAYS SHALL BE LOCATED IN AREAS WITH MINIMAL OBSTRUCTIONS SUCH AS VENT PIPES, CONDUIT, OR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. (NFPA 1 3 FOR PV ARRAYS OCCUPYING UP TO 33 PERCENT OF THE PLAN VIEW ROOF AREA, A MINIMUM 18 IN. (457 MM) PATHWAY SHALL BE PROVIDED ON EITHER SIDE OF A HORIZONTAL RIDGE. FOR PV ARRAYS OCCUPYING MORE THAN 33 PERCENT OF THE PLAN VIEW ROOF AREA, A MINIMUM OF 36 IN. (914 MM) PATHWAY SHALL BE PROVIDED ON EITHER SIDE OF A HORIZONTAL RIDGE. (NFPA 1 ROOF ACCESS POINT 1.5 FT. WIDE FIRE ACCESS PATHWAY 3.0 FT. WIDE SMOKE-VENTILATION SETBACK, PER NFPA 1 3.0 FT. WIDE FIRE ACCESS PATHWAY, PER NFPA 1 THIS SYSTEM UTILIZES MICROINVERTERS. THERE ARE NO DC CIRCUITS OUTSIDE OF THE ARRAY PERIMETER OR INSIDE THE BUILDING. ALL ARRAY CIRCUITS SHALL BE ROUTED THROUGH THE INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING, AND WHERE POSSIBLE, ALONG THE BOTTOM OF LOAD BEARING MEMBERS. NO CONDUIT SHALL BE INSTALLED ABOVE THE ROOF.GRID-TIED SOLAR POWER SYSTEMCREATOR:A.T. DATE: 7/28/21BAUMANN RESIDENCE6902 DONLON RDFORT PIERCE, FL 34951 Conductor, Conduit, and OCPD Sizing Validation1. Maximum System Voltage Test1.1. Enphase inverter w/37 Hyundai HiD-S315RG(BK) (315W)sArray PropertiesArray TypeMicroinverter ArraySystem DescriptionEnphase inverter w/37 Hyundai HiD-S315RG(BK) (315W)sModuleHiD-S315RG(BK) (315W)Highest number of modules in seriesin a PV Source Circuit1Design Low Temp.Module VocTemp. Coefficient VocNEC Code CalculationsA. Maximum Voltage of PV Source Circuitsee 690.7(A)NEC Code Validation Tests1.PASS2. Wire, Conduit, and OCPD Code Compliance Validation2.1. #1: AC Branch Output: Transition Box to AC CombinerCircuit Section PropertiesConductorEquipment Ground Conductor (EGC)OCPD(s)Raceway/CableLowest Terminal TemperatureRatingMaximum Wire TemperaturePower Source Description12 AWG THWN-2, Copper12 AWG THWN-2, Copper15A0.5" dia. 90°C55°CBranch of 12 IQ7-60-2-US microinvertersPower Source Current12AVoltage240VNEC Code CalculationsA. Continuous Current12Asee Article 100Equipment maximum rated output current is 12 X 1A = 12AB. Ampacity of Conductor30Asee Table 310.15(B)(16)Ampacity (30°C) for a copper conductor with 90°C insulation inconduit/cable is 30A.C. Derated Ampacity of Conductor 18.24Asee Table 310.15(B)(3)(c), Table 310.15(B)(3)(a), and Article 100The temperature factor for 90°C insulation at 55°C is 0.76.The fill factor for a conduit/cable that has 6 wires is 0.8.The ampacity derated for Conditions of Use is the product of theconductor ampacity (30A) multiplied by the temperature factor (0.76) andby the fill factor (0.8).30A X 0.76 X 0.8 = 18.24AD. Max Current for Terminal Temp. Rating 30Asee 110.14(C)The lowest temperature rating for this conductor at any termination is90°C.Using the method specified in 110.14(C), the maximum current permittedto ensure that the device terminal temperature does not exceed its 90°Crating would be the amount referenced in the 90°C column in Table310.15(B)(16), which is 30A.E. Minimum Allowed OCPD Rating15Asee 240.4NEC 690.9(B) requires that the OCPD be rated for no less than 1.25times the Continuous Current of the circuit.12A X 1.25 = 15AF. Maximum Allowed OCPD Rating20Asee 240.4(D)NEC 240.4(D) requires that OCPD rating not exceed 20A whenprotecting a Copper 12 AWG conductor.G. Minimum Required EGC Size14 AWGsee Table 250.122The smallest EGC size allowed is 14 AWG for OCPD rating 15Aaccording to Table 250.122.H. Minimum Recommended Conduit Size 0.5" dia.see 300.17The total area of all conductors is 0.1197in². With a maximum fill rate of0.4, the recommended conduit diameter is 0.5.Qty Description Size Type Area Total Area6 Conductor 12 AWG THWN-2 0.0133in² 0.0798in²3 Equipment Ground 12 AWG THWN-2 0.0133in² 0.0399in²90.1197in²0.1197in² / 0.4 = 0.2993in² (Corresponding to a diameter of 0.5")NEC Code Validation Tests1.OCPD rating must be at least 125% of ContinuousCurrent (240.4)15A >= 12A X 1.25 = truePASS2.Derated ampacity must exceed OCPD rating, orrating of next smaller OCPD (240.4)18.24A >= 15A (OCPD Rating) = truePASS3.OCPD rating must not exceed max OCPD ratingfor conductor (240.4)15A (OCPD Rating) <= 20A = truePASS4.Derated Ampacity must be greater than or equal tothe Continuous Current (Article 100)18.24A >= 12A = truePASS5.Conductor Ampacity must be at least 125% ofContinuous Current (215.2(A)(1))30A > 12A x 1.25 = truePASS6.Max current for terminal must be at least 125% ofthe Continuous Current. (110.14(C))30A >= 12A X 1.25 = truePASS7.EGC must meet code requirements for minimumsize (Table 250.122)12 AWG >= 14 AWG = truePASS8.Conduit must meet code recommendation forminimum size (300.17)0.5in. >= 0.5in. = truePASS0°C40.5V-0.126V/C43.65VNEC 690.7(A) requires that if the PV module manufacturer provides a temperature coefficient of open-circuit voltage, it must be used to calculate the PV array's maximum system voltage. It includes an information note recommending the use of the ASHRAE 'Extreme Annual Mean Minimum Design Dry Bulb Temperature' as the design low temperature. Using these values, the module Voc (40.5V) will increase to 43.65V at the design low temperature ( 0°C).(0°C - 25°C) X -0.126V/C + 40.5V = 43.65VThe module Voc at the design low temperature is 43.65V.43.65V X 1 = 43.65VPV Source Circuit maximum Voc must not exceed 600V43.65V < 600V = true 2.2. #2: AC Branch Output: Transition Box to AC CombinerCircuit Section PropertiesConductorEquipment Ground Conductor (EGC)OCPD(s)Raceway/CableLowest Terminal TemperatureRatingMaximum Wire TemperaturePower Source Description12 AWG THWN-2, Copper12 AWG THWN-2, Copper15A0.5" dia. 90°C55°CBranch of 12 IQ7-60-2-US microinvertersPower Source Current12AVoltage240VNEC Code CalculationsA. Continuous Current12Asee Article 100Equipment maximum rated output current is 12 X 1A = 12AB. Ampacity of Conductor30Asee Table 310.15(B)(16)Ampacity (30°C) for a copper conductor with 90°C insulation inconduit/cable is 30A.C. Derated Ampacity of Conductor 18.24Asee Table 310.15(B)(3)(c), Table 310.15(B)(3)(a), and Article 100The temperature factor for 90°C insulation at 55°C is 0.76.The fill factor for a conduit/cable that has 6 wires is 0.8.The ampacity derated for Conditions of Use is the product of theconductor ampacity (30A) multiplied by the temperature factor (0.76) andby the fill factor (0.8).30A X 0.76 X 0.8 = 18.24AD. Max Current for Terminal Temp. Rating 30Asee 110.14(C)The lowest temperature rating for this conductor at any termination is90°C.Using the method specified in 110.14(C), the maximum current permittedto ensure that the device terminal temperature does not exceed its 90°Crating would be the amount referenced in the 90°C column in Table310.15(B)(16), which is 30A.E. Minimum Allowed OCPD Rating15Asee 240.4NEC 690.9(B) requires that the OCPD be rated for no less than 1.25times the Continuous Current of the circuit.12A X 1.25 = 15AF. Maximum Allowed OCPD Rating20Asee 240.4(D)NEC 240.4(D) requires that OCPD rating not exceed 20A whenprotecting a Copper 12 AWG conductor.G. Minimum Required EGC Size14 AWGsee Table 250.122The smallest EGC size allowed is 14 AWG for OCPD rating 15Aaccording to Table 250.122.H. Minimum Recommended Conduit Size 0.5" dia.see 300.17The total area of all conductors is 0.1197in². With a maximum fill rate of0.4, the recommended conduit diameter is 0.5.Qty Description Size Type Area Total Area6 Conductor 12 AWG THWN-2 0.0133in² 0.0798in²3 Equipment Ground 12 AWG THWN-2 0.0133in² 0.0399in²90.1197in²0.1197in² / 0.4 = 0.2993in² (Corresponding to a diameter of 0.5")NEC Code Validation Tests1.OCPD rating must be at least 125% of ContinuousCurrent (240.4)15A >= 12A X 1.25 = truePASS2.Derated ampacity must exceed OCPD rating, orrating of next smaller OCPD (240.4)18.24A >= 15A (OCPD Rating) = truePASS3.OCPD rating must not exceed max OCPD ratingfor conductor (240.4)15A (OCPD Rating) <= 20A = truePASS4.Derated Ampacity must be greater than or equal tothe Continuous Current (Article 100)18.24A >= 12A = truePASS5.Conductor Ampacity must be at least 125% ofContinuous Current (215.2(A)(1))30A > 12A x 1.25 = truePASS6.Max current for terminal must be at least 125% ofthe Continuous Current. (110.14(C))30A >= 12A X 1.25 = truePASS7.EGC must meet code requirements for minimumsize (Table 250.122)12 AWG >= 14 AWG = truePASS8.Conduit must meet code recommendation forminimum size (300.17)0.5in. >= 0.5in. = truePASS2.3. #3: AC Branch Output: Transition Box to AC CombinerCircuit Section PropertiesConductorEquipment Ground Conductor (EGC)OCPD(s)Raceway/CableLowest Terminal TemperatureRatingMaximum Wire TemperaturePower Source Description12 AWG THWN-2, Copper12 AWG THWN-2, Copper20A0.5" dia. 90°C55°CBranch of 13 IQ7-60-2-US microinvertersPower Source Current13AVoltage240VNEC Code CalculationsA. Continuous Current13Asee Article 100Equipment maximum rated output current is 13 X 1A = 13AB. Ampacity of Conductor30Asee Table 310.15(B)(16)Ampacity (30°C) for a copper conductor with 90°C insulation inconduit/cable is 30A.C. Derated Ampacity of Conductor 18.24Asee Table 310.15(B)(3)(c), Table 310.15(B)(3)(a), and Article 100The temperature factor for 90°C insulation at 55°C is 0.76.The fill factor for a conduit/cable that has 6 wires is 0.8.The ampacity derated for Conditions of Use is the product of theconductor ampacity (30A) multiplied by the temperature factor (0.76) andby the fill factor (0.8).30A X 0.76 X 0.8 = 18.24AD. Max Current for Terminal Temp. Rating 30Asee 110.14(C)The lowest temperature rating for this conductor at any termination is90°C.Using the method specified in 110.14(C), the maximum current permittedto ensure that the device terminal temperature does not exceed its 90°Crating would be the amount referenced in the 90°C column in Table310.15(B)(16), which is 30A.E. Minimum Allowed OCPD Rating16Asee 240.4NEC 690.9(B) requires that the OCPD be rated for no less than 1.25times the Continuous Current of the circuit.13A X 1.25 = 16.25A rounded down to 16AF. Maximum Allowed OCPD Rating20Asee 240.4(D)NEC 240.4(D) requires that OCPD rating not exceed 20A whenprotecting a Copper 12 AWG conductor.G. Minimum Required EGC Size12 AWGsee Table 250.122The smallest EGC size allowed is 12 AWG for OCPD rating 20Aaccording to Table 250.122.H. Minimum Recommended Conduit Size 0.5" dia.see 300.17The total area of all conductors is 0.1197in². With a maximum fill rate of0.4, the recommended conduit diameter is 0.5.Qty Description Size Type Area Total Area6 Conductor 12 AWG THWN-2 0.0133in² 0.0798in²3 Equipment Ground 12 AWG THWN-2 0.0133in² 0.0399in²90.1197in²0.1197in² / 0.4 = 0.2993in² (Corresponding to a diameter of 0.5")NEC Code Validation Tests1.OCPD rating must be at least 125% of ContinuousCurrent (240.4)20A >= 13A X 1.25 = truePASS2.Derated ampacity must exceed OCPD rating, orrating of next smaller OCPD (240.4(B) and 240.4)18.24A >= 15A (Next Smaller OCPD Rating) = truePASS3.OCPD rating must not exceed max OCPD ratingfor conductor (240.4)20A (OCPD Rating) <= 20A = truePASS4.Derated Ampacity must be greater than or equal tothe Continuous Current (Article 100)18.24A >= 13A = truePASS5.Conductor Ampacity must be at least 125% ofContinuous Current (215.2(A)(1))30A > 13A x 1.25 = truePASS6.Max current for terminal must be at least 125% ofthe Continuous Current. (110.14(C))30A >= 13A X 1.25 = truePASS7.EGC must meet code requirements for minimumsize (Table 250.122)12 AWG >= 12 AWG = truePASS8.Conduit must meet code recommendation forminimum size (300.17)0.5in. >= 0.5in. = truePASS 2.4. #4: AC Combiner Output: AC Combiner to Utility DisconnectCircuit Section PropertiesConductorEquipment Ground Conductor (EGC)OCPD(s)Raceway/CableLowest Terminal TemperatureRatingMaximum Wire TemperaturePower Source Description6 AWG THWN-2, Copper8 AWG THWN-2, Copper50A0.75" dia. 75°C35°CEnphase inverter w/37 Hyundai HiD-S315RG(BK) (315W)sPower Source Current37AVoltage240VNEC Code CalculationsA. Continuous Current37Asee Article 100Equipment maximum rated output current is 37AB. Ampacity of Conductor75Asee Table 310.15(B)(16)Ampacity (30°C) for a copper conductor with 90°C insulation inconduit/cable is 75A.C. Derated Ampacity of Conductor72Asee Table 310.15(B)(3)(c), Table 310.15(B)(3)(a), and Article 100The temperature factor for 90°C insulation at 35°C is 0.96.The fill factor for a conduit/cable that has 2 wires is 1.The ampacity derated for Conditions of Use is the product of theconductor ampacity (75A) multiplied by the temperature factor (0.96) andby the fill factor (1).75A X 0.96 X 1 = 72AD. Max Current for Terminal Temp. Rating 65Asee 110.14(C)The lowest temperature rating for this conductor at any termination is75°C.Using the method specified in 110.14(C), the maximum current permittedto ensure that the device terminal temperature does not exceed its 75°Crating would be the amount referenced in the 75°C column in Table310.15(B)(16), which is 65A.E. Minimum Allowed OCPD Rating46Asee 240.4NEC 690.9(B) requires that the OCPD be rated for no less than 1.25times the Continuous Current of the circuit.37A X 1.25 = 46.25A rounded down to 46AF. Minimum Required EGC Size8 AWGsee 250.122(B)Where conductors are oversized, the EGC must be oversized by thesame rate. Table 250.122, gives a minimum EGC size of 10 AWG.Multiplied by the oversize rate, this yields 16.49735kcmil correspondingto 8 AWG.(26.24kcmil / 16.51kcmil) X 10.38kcmil = 16.49735kcmilG. Minimum Recommended Conduit Size 0.75" dia.see 300.17The total area of all conductors is 0.1746in². With a maximum fill rate of0.4, the recommended conduit diameter is 0.75.Qty Description Size Type Area Total Area2 Conductor 6 AWG THWN-2 0.0507in² 0.1014in²1 Neutral8 AWG THWN-2 0.0366in² 0.0366in²1 Equipment Ground 8 AWG THWN-2 0.0366in² 0.0366in²40.1746in²0.1746in² / 0.4 = 0.4365in² (Corresponding to a diameter of 0.75")NEC Code Validation Tests1.OCPD rating must be at least 125% of ContinuousCurrent (240.4)50A >= 37A X 1.25 = truePASS2.Derated ampacity must exceed OCPD rating, orrating of next smaller OCPD (240.4)72A >= 50A (OCPD Rating) = truePASS3.Derated Ampacity must be greater than or equal tothe Continuous Current (Article 100)72A >= 37A = truePASS4.Conductor Ampacity must be at least 125% ofContinuous Current (215.2(A)(1))75A > 37A x 1.25 = truePASS5.Max current for terminal must be at least 125% ofthe Continuous Current. (110.14(C))65A >= 37A X 1.25 = truePASS6.EGC must meet code requirements for minimumsize (Table 250.122)8 AWG >= 10 AWG = truePASS7.Conduit must meet code recommendation forminimum size (300.17)0.75in. >= 0.75in. = truePASS2.5. #5: Utility Disconnect Output: Utility Disconnect to Main Service PanelCircuit Section PropertiesConductorEquipment Ground Conductor (EGC)OCPD(s)Raceway/CableLowest Terminal TemperatureRatingMaximum Wire TemperaturePower Source DescriptionPower Source Current37AVoltage240VNEC Code CalculationsA. Continuous Current37Asee Article 100Equipment maximum rated output current is 37AB. Ampacity of Conductor75Asee Table 310.15(B)(16)Ampacity (30°C) for a copper conductor with 90°C insulation inconduit/cable is 75A.C. Derated Ampacity of Conductor72Asee Table 310.15(B)(3)(c), Table 310.15(B)(3)(a), and Article 100The temperature factor for 90°C insulation at 35°C is 0.96.The fill factor for a conduit/cable that has 2 wires is 1.The ampacity derated for Conditions of Use is the product of theconductor ampacity (75A) multiplied by the temperature factor (0.96) andby the fill factor (1).75A X 0.96 X 1 = 72AD. Max Current for Terminal Temp. Rating 65Asee 110.14(C)The lowest temperature rating for this conductor at any termination is75°C.Using the method specified in 110.14(C), the maximum current permittedto ensure that the device terminal temperature does not exceed its 75°Crating would be the amount referenced in the 75°C column in Table310.15(B)(16), which is 65A.E. Minimum Allowed OCPD Rating46Asee 240.4NEC 690.9(B) requires that the OCPD be rated for no less than 1.25times the Continuous Current of the circuit.37A X 1.25 = 46.25A rounded down to 46AThe total area of all conductors is 0.1436in². With a maximum fill rate of0.4, the recommended conduit diameter is 0.75.Qty Description Size Type Area Total Area2 Conductor 6 AWG THWN-2 0.0507in² 0.1014in²1 Neutral10 AWG THWN-2 0.0211in² 0.0211in²1 Equipment Ground 10 AWG THWN-2 0.0211in² 0.0211in²40.1436in²0.1436in² / 0.4 = 0.359in² (Corresponding to a diameter of 0.75")NEC Code Validation Tests1.OCPD rating must be at least 125% of ContinuousCurrent (240.4)50A >= 37A X 1.25 = truePASS2.Derated ampacity must exceed OCPD rating, orrating of next smaller OCPD (240.4)72A >= 50A (OCPD Rating) = truePASS3.Derated Ampacity must be greater than or equal tothe Continuous Current (Article 100)72A >= 37A = truePASS4.Conductor Ampacity must be at least 125% ofContinuous Current (215.2(A)(1))75A > 37A x 1.25 = truePASS5.Max current for terminal must be at least 125% ofthe Continuous Current. (110.14(C))65A >= 37A X 1.25 = truePASS6.Conduit must meet code recommendation forminimum size (300.17)0.75in. >= 0.75in. = truePASS6 AWG THWN-2, CopperN/A50A0.75" dia. 75°C35°CEnphase inverter w/37 Hyundai HiD-S315RG(BK) (315W)sF. Minimum Recommended Conduit Size 0.75" dia.see 300.17 Printed Date : 05/2020HYUNDAI SOLAR MODULERGBLACKMono-Crystalline TypeHiD-S310RG(BK) HiD-S315RG(BK) HiD-S320RG(BK)60More Power GenerationIn Low LightAssembledin USA withHyundai CellAll black Module Hyundai’s Warranty Provisions•12-Year Product Warranty·On materials and workmanshipBoth LID(Light Induced Degradation) and PID(Potential Induced Degradation) are strictly eliminated to ensure higher actual yield during lifetime.Tempered glass and reinforced frame design withstand rigorous weather conditions such as heavy snow and strong wind.Global brand with powerful financial strength provide reliable 25-year warranty.Various tests under harsh environmental conditions such as ammonia and salt-mist passed.Hyundai’s R&D center is an accredited test laboratory of both UL and VDE.PERC technology provides ultra-high efficiency with better performance in low irradiation. Maximizes installation capacity in limited space.Reliable WarrantyPERC TechnologyCorrosion ResistantAnti-LID / PIDUL / VDE Test Labs Mechanical Strength Cells12•25-Year Performance Warranty· Initial year: 97%· Linear warranty after second year:with 0.7%p annual degradation,80% is guaranteed up to 25 yearswww.hyundai-es.co.krAbout Hyundai Energy SolutionsEstablished in 1972, Hyundai Heavy Industries Group is one of the most trusted names in the heavy industries sector and is a Fortune 500 company. As a global leader and innovator, Hyundai Heavy Industries is committed to building a future growth engine by developing and investing heavily in the field of renewable energy. As a core energy business entity of HHI, Hyundai Energy Solutions has strong pride in providing high-quality PV products to more than 3,000 customers worldwide. UL 1703-3rd Edition - Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and PanelsCertification25A sssembled in USAHyundai CellPrinted Date : 05/2020Mono-Crystalline Module (HiD-S____RG(BK))310315320Nominal Output (Pmpp)W310315320Open Circuit Voltage (Voc)V40.340.540.6Short Circuit Current (Isc) A9.949.9910.04Voltage at Pmax (Vmpp)V33.133.433.7Current at Pmax (Impp)A9.459.519.57Cell Type-6.25”, mono-crystalline siliconMaximum System VoltageV1,000Temperature Coefficient of Pmax%/K-0.391Temperature Coefficient of Voc%/K-0.31Temperature Coefficient of Isc%/K0.031Electrical CharacteristicsDimensions1,007 mm(39”) x 1,681 mm(66”) x 33 mm(1.3”)Weight18.2 kg (40.1lbs)Solar Cells60 cells in series (6 × 10 matrix) (Hyundai cell)Output Cables4 mm2 (12AWG) cables with polarized weatherproof connectors,IEC certified (UL listed), Length 1.0 m (39.4�)Junction BoxIP65, weatherproof, IEC certified (UL listed)Bypass Diodes3 bypass diodes to prevent power decrease by partial shadeConstructionFront Glass : Anti-reflection coated glass, 3.2 mm (0.126”) Encapsulant : EVA | Back Sheet : Weatherproof filmFrameClear anodized aluminum alloy type 6063 (Black color)*All data at STC (Standard Test Conditions). Above data may be changed without prior notice.Module Diagram (unit : mm)I-V CurvesMono-Crystalline Si Type-Front Side ViewNominal Operating Cell Temperature46°C ± 2Operating Temperature-40 ~ 85°CMaximum System VoltageDC 1,000 V Maximum Reverse Current20A • Only qualified personnel should install orperform maintenance.• Be aware of dangerous high DC voltage.• Do not damage or scratch the rear surfaceof the module.• Do not handle or install modules when theyare wet.Mechanical CharacteristicsInstallation Safety GuideSales & MarketingSales@hyundai-es.co.krIncid. Irrad = 1,000W/m2Incid. Irrad = 800W/m2Incid. Irrad = 600W/m2Incid. Irrad = 400W/m2Incid. Irrad = 200W/m2Current [A]Current [A]Incid. Irrad = 1,000W/m2 Operating Cell Temp = 5°C Operating Cell Temp = 25°C Operating Cell Temp = 45°C Operating Cell Temp = 65°C The high-powered smart grid-ready Enphase IQ 7 Micro™ and Enphase IQ 7+ Micro™ dramatically simplify the installation process while achieving the highest system efficiency.Part of the Enphase IQ System, the IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters integrate with the Enphase IQ Envoy™, Enphase IQ Battery™, and the Enphase Enlighten™ monitoring and analysis software.IQ Series Microinverters extend the reliability standards set forth by previous generations and undergo over a million hours of power-on testing, enabling Enphase to provide an industry-leading warranty of up to 25 years. Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+MicroinvertersTo learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.comData SheetEnphase MicroinvertersRegion: AMERICASEasy to Install• Lightweight and simple• Faster installation with improved, lighter two-wire cabling• Built-in rapid shutdown compliant (NEC 2014 & 2017)Productive and Reliable• Optimized for high powered 60-cell and 72-cell* modules• More than a million hours of testing• Class II double-insulated enclosure• UL listedSmart Grid Ready• Complies with advanced grid support, voltage and frequency ride-through requirements• Remotely updates to respond to changing grid requirements• Configurable for varying grid profiles• Meets CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA)* The IQ 7+ Micro is required to support 72-cell modules.1. No enforced DC/AC ratio. See the compatibility calculator at https://enphase.com/en-us/support/module-compatibility. 2. Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility.3. Limits may vary. Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area.To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com© 2018 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. All trademarks or brands used are the property of Enphase Energy, Inc. 2018-11-19INPUT DATA (DC) IQ7-60-2-US / IQ7-60-B-USIQ7PLUS-72-2-US / IQ7PLUS-72-B-USCommonly used module pairings¹235 W - 350 W +235 W - 440 W +Module compatibility60-cell PV modules only60-cell and 72-cell PV modulesMaximum input DC voltage48 V60 VPeak power tracking voltage27 V - 37 V27 V - 45 VOperating range16 V - 48 V16 V - 60 VMin/Max start voltage22 V / 48 V22 V / 60 VMax DC short circuit current (module Isc)15 A15 AOvervoltage class DC portIIIIDC port backfeed current0 A0 APV array configuration1 x 1 ungrounded array; No additional DC side protection required; AC side protection requires max 20A per branch circuitOUTPUT DATA (AC) IQ 7 MicroinverterIQ 7+ MicroinverterPeak output power250 VA295 VAMaximum continuous output power240 VA290 VANominal (L-L) voltage/range²240 V / 211-264 V208 V / 183-229 V240 V / 211-264 V208 V / 183-229 VMaximum continuous output current1.0 A (240 V)1.15 A (208 V)1.21 A (240 V)1.39 A (208 V)Nominal frequency60 Hz60 HzExtended frequency range47 - 68 Hz47 - 68 HzAC short circuit fault current over 3 cycles5.8 Arms5.8 ArmsMaximum units per 20 A (L-L) branch circuit³16 (240 VAC)13 (208 VAC)13 (240 VAC)11 (208 VAC)Overvoltage class AC portIIIIIIAC port backfeed current0 A0 APower factor setting1.01.0Power factor (adjustable)0.85 leading ... 0.85 lagging0.85 leading ... 0.85 laggingEFFICIENCY@240 V@208 V@240 V@208 VPeak efficiency97.6 %97.6 %97.5 %97.3 %CEC weighted efficiency97.0 %97.0 %97.0 %97.0 %MECHANICAL DATAAmbient temperature range-40ºC to +65ºCRelative humidity range4% to 100% (condensing)Connector type (IQ7-60-2-US & IQ7PLUS-72-2-US)MC4 (or Amphenol H4 UTX with additional Q-DCC-5 adapter)Connector type (IQ7-60-B-US & IQ7PLUS-72-B-US)Friends PV2 (MC4 intermateable). Adaptors for modules with MC4 or UTX connectors:- PV2 to MC4: order ECA-S20-S22- PV2 to UTX: order ECA-S20-S25Dimensions (WxHxD)212 mm x 175 mm x 30.2 mm (without bracket)Weight1.08 kg (2.38 lbs)CoolingNatural convection - No fansApproved for wet locationsYesPollution degreePD3EnclosureClass II double-insulated, corrosion resistant polymeric enclosureEnvironmental category / UV exposure ratingNEMA Type 6 / outdoorFEATURESCommunicationPower Line Communication (PLC)MonitoringEnlighten Manager and MyEnlighten monitoring options.Both options require installation of an Enphase IQ Envoy.Disconnecting meansThe AC and DC connectors have been evaluated and approved by UL for use as the load-break disconnect required by NEC 690.ComplianceCA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA)UL 62109-1, UL1741/IEEE1547, FCC Part 15 Class B, ICES-0003 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 107.1-01 This product is UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC-2014 and NEC-2017 section 690.12 and C22.1-2015 Rule 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when installed according manufacturer’s instructions.Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters pe.eaton.comEaton general duty cartridgefuse safety switchDG222NRBUPC:782113144221Dimensions:Height: 14.38 INlLength: 14.8 INlWidth: 9.7 INlWeight:10 LBNotes:Maximum hp ratings apply only when dualelement fuses are used. 3-Phase hp rating shown isa grounded B phase rating, UL listed.Warranties: Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year fromthe date of installation of the Product oreighteen (18) months from the date of shipmentof the Product, whichever occurs first.lSpecifications:Type: General duty, cartridge fusedlAmperage Rating: 60AlEnclosure: NEMA 3RlEnclosure Material: Painted galvanized steellFuse Class Provision: Class H fuseslFuse Configuration: Fusible with neutrallNumber Of Poles: Two-polelNumber Of Wires: Three-wirelProduct Category: General duty safety switchlVoltage Rating: 240VlSupporting documents:Eatons Volume 2-Commercial DistributionlEaton Specification Sheet - DG222NRBlCertifications:UL ListedlProduct compliance: No Data__________________________________________________________© 2016 Eaton. All rights reserved.RSTC Enterprises, Inc. 2214 Heimstead Road Eau Claire, WI 54703 715-830-9997Outdoor Photovoltaic Enclosures0799 SeriesETL listed and labeled Report # 3171411PRT-002 Revised May, 2018 ·UL50 Type 3R, 11 Edition Electrical equipment enclosures·CSA C22.2 No. 290 Nema Type 3R·Conforms to UL 1741 StandardComposition/Cedar Roof System Basic Specifications Material options: ·Powder coated, 18 gauge galvanized 90 steel(1,100 hours salt spray)·Stainless steelProcess - Seamless draw (stamped) Flashing - 15.25” x 17.25” Height - 3” Cavity - 255 Cubic inches Base Plate: ·Fastened to base using toggle fastening system·5 roof deck knockouts·Knockout sizes: (3) .5”, (1) .75” and (1) 1”·8”, 35mm slotted din rail·Ground Block0799 Series Includes: 0799 - 2 0799 - 5 0799 - D Wire size 2/0-14 Wire size 14-6 Wire size 14-8 Models available in Grey, Black or Stainless Steel SolaDeck 0799-2S SolaDeck 0799-DG Passthrough and combiner kits are available for either AC or DC applications. SolaDeck 0799-5G The Enphase IQ Combiner 3™ with Enphase IQ Envoy™ consolidates interconnection equipment into a single enclosure and streamlines PV and storage installations by providing a consistent, pre-wired solution for residential applications. It offers up to four 2-pole input circuits and Eaton BR seriesbusbar assembly.Enphase IQ Combiner 3(X-IQ-AM1-240-3)To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.comData SheetEnphase NetworkingSmart• Includes IQ Envoy for communication and control• Flexible networking supports Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or cellular• Optional AC receptacle available for PLC bridge• Provides production metering and optional consumption monitoringSimple• Reduced size from previous combiner• Centered mounting brackets support single stud mounting• Supports back and side conduit entry• Up to four 2-pole branch circuits for 240 VAC plug-in breakers (not included)• 80 A total PV or storage branch circuitsReliable• Durable NRTL-certified NEMA type 3R enclosure• Five-year warranty• UL listedTo learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com© 2018 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. All trademarks or brands in this document are registered by their respective owner. 2018-09-13MODEL NUMBERIQ Combiner 3 X-IQ-AM1-240-3IQ Combiner 3 with Enphase IQ Envoy™ printed circuit board for integrated revenue grade PV production metering (ANSI C12.20 +/- 0.5%) and optional* consumption monitoring (+/- 2.5%).ACCESSORIES and REPLACEMENT PARTS (not included, order separately)Enphase Mobile Connect™CELLMODEM-03 (4G / 12-year data plan)CELLMODEM-01 (3G / 5-year data plan)CELLMODEM-M1 (4G based LTE-M / 5-year data plan)Plug and play industrial grade cellular modem with data plan for systems up to 60 microinverters. (Available in the US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, where there is adequate cellular service in the installation area.)Consumption Monitoring* CTCT-200-SPLITSplit core current transformers enable whole home consumption metering (+/- 2.5%).Circuit BreakersBRK-10A-2-240BRK-15A-2-240BRK-20A-2P-240Supports Eaton BR210, BR215, BR220, BR230, BR240, BR250, and BR260 circuit breakers.Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 10A, Eaton BR210 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 15A, Eaton BR215Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 20A, Eaton BR220 EPLC-01Power line carrier (communication bridge pair), quantity 2XA-PLUG-120-3Accessory receptacle for Power Line Carrier in IQ Combiner 3 (required for EPLC-01)XA-ENV-PCBA-3Replacement IQ Envoy printed circuit board (PCB) for Combiner 3ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSRatingContinuous dutySystem voltage120/240 VAC, 60 HzEaton BR series busbar rating125 AMax. continuous current rating (output to grid)65 AMax. fuse/circuit rating (output)90 ABranch circuits (solar and/or storage)Up to four 2-pole Eaton BR series Distributed Generation (DG) breakers only (not included)Max. continuous current rating (input from PV)64 AMax. total branch circuit breaker rating (input)80A of distributed generation / 90A with IQ Envoy breaker includedProduction Metering CT200 A solid core pre-installed and wired to IQ EnvoyMECHANICAL DATADimensions (WxHxD)49.5 x 37.5 x 16.8 cm (19.5” x 14.75” x 6.63”). Height is 21.06" (53.5 cm with mounting brackets).Weight7.5 kg (16.5 lbs)Ambient temperature range-40º C to +46º C (-40º to 115º F)CoolingNatural convection, plus heat shieldEnclosure environmental ratingOutdoor, NRTL-certified, NEMA type 3R, polycarbonate constructionWire sizes•20 A to 50 A breaker inputs: 14 to 4 AWG copper conductors•60 A breaker branch input: 4 to 1/0 AWG copper conductors•Main lug combined output: 10 to 2/0 AWG copper conductors•Neutral and ground: 14 to 1/0 copper conductorsAlways follow local code requirements for conductor sizing.AltitudeTo 2000 meters (6,560 feet)INTERNET CONNECTION OPTIONSIntegrated Wi-Fi802.11b/g/nEthernetOptional, 802.3, Cat5E (or Cat 6) UTP Ethernet cable (not included) CellularOptional, CELLMODEM-01 (3G) or CELLMODEM-03 (4G) or CELLMODEM-M1 (4G based LTE-M) (not included)COMPLIANCECompliance, CombinerUL 1741 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.147 CFR, Part 15, Class B, ICES 003Production metering: ANSI C12.20 accuracy class 0.5 (PV production)Compliance, IQ EnvoyUL 60601-1/CANCSA 22.2 No. 61010-1 * Consumption monitoring is required for Enphase Storage Systems.Enphase IQ Combiner 3 SOLARMOUNT defined the standard in solar racking. New enhancements are designed to get installers off the roof faster than ever before. Components are pre-assembled and optimized to reduce installation steps and save labor time. Our new grounding & bonding process eliminates copper wire and grounding straps to reduce costs. Utilize the microinverter mount with a wire management clip for an easier installation. SMSOLARMOUNTGET OFF THE ROOF FASTER THAN EVER BEFORE OPTIMIZED COMPONENTS • VERSATILITY • DESIGN TOOLS • QUALITY PROVIDERLOSE ALL OF THE COPPER & LUGSSystem grounding through Enphase microinverters and trunk cablesSMALL IS THE NEXT NEW BIG THINGLight Rail is Fully Compatibility with all SM ComponentsENHANCED DESIGN & LAYOUT TOOLSNow Featuring Google Map Capabilities within U-Builder UNIRAC CUSTOMER SERVICE MEANS THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF PRODUCT SUPPORTENGINEERINGEXCELLENCEUNMATCHEDEXPERIENCEPERMITDOCUMENTATIONDESIGNTOOLSCERTIFIEDQUALITYBANKABLEWARRANTYPROTECT YOUR REPUTATION WITH QUALITY RACKING SOLUTIONS BACKED BY ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE AND A SUPERIOR SUPPLY CHAINOPTIMIZED COMPONENTSINTEGRATED BONDING & PRE-ASSEMBLED PARTSComponents are pre-assembled and optimized to reduce installation steps and save labor time. Our new grounding & bonding process eliminates copper wire and grounding straps or bonding jumpers to reduce costs. Utilize the microinverter mount with a wire management clip for an easier installation. VERSATILITYONE PRODUCT - MANY APPLICATIONSQuickly set modules flush to the roof or at a desired tilt angle. Change module orientation to portrait or landscape while securing a large variety of framed modules on flat, low sloped or steep pitched roofs. Available in mill, clear and dark anodized finishes to outperform your projects financial and aesthetic aspirations.AUTOMATED DESIGN TOOLDESIGN PLATFORM AT YOUR SERVICECreating a bill of materials is just a few clicks away with U-Builder, a powerful online tool that streamlines the process of designing a code compliant solar mounting system. Save time by creating a user profile, and recall preferences and projects automatically when you log in. You will enjoy the ability to share projects with customers; there’s no need to print results and send to a distributor, just click and share.INTEGRATED BONDING MIDCLAMP INTEGRATED BONDING SPLICE BAR INTEGRATED BONDINGMICROINVERTER MOUNT w/ WIRE MANAGEMENT INTEGRATED BONDINGL-FOOT w/ T-BOLTSMSOLARMOUNTBANKABLE WARRANTYAs a Hilti Group Company, Unirac has the financial strength to back our products and reduce your risk. Have peace of mind knowing you are receiving products of exceptional quality. SOLARMOUNT is covered by a 10 year limited product warranty and a 5 year limited finish warranty.TECHNICAL SUPPORTUnirac’s technical support team is dedicated to answering questions & addressing issues in real time. An online library of documents including engineering reports, stamped letters and technical data sheets greatly simplifies your permitting and project planning process.CERTIFIED QUALITY PROVIDERUnirac is the only PV mounting vendor with ISO certifications for 9001:2008, 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007, which means we deliver the highest standards for fit, form, and function. These certifications demonstrate our excellence and commitment to first class business practices.UL2703BONDING & GROUNDINGMECHANICAL LOADINGSYSTEM FIRE CLASSIFICATIONLISTEDPUB 16JAN04 - DIGITAL UPDATES