HomeMy WebLinkAboutTower ApplicationAII APPLICABI,T INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPUCANON TO BE ACCEPIED Building Permit Application Plonning and Development Services Building ond Code Regulqtion Divisioo 2300Viginio Avenue, Fott Pierce FL U982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial x Residential CBDG Funding _ 4!!1gs5; 2651M|NUTE MAID Road Ft. Pierce, FI34945 Property f31 lP f; 1231-111{003{OG5 Site plan Name: T-Mobile A2P0O49A - Tower Work Project Name: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replacing all existing equipment with (3) antennas, (5) radios. New Electrical Meter N/A Second Electrical Meter (Affidavit required) CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION : Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: _Mechanical _ Gas Tank _ 6as Piplng _ Shutters _ Electric _ Plumbing _Sprinklers _ Generator _ windows/Doors Roof Pond Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction:Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: S 20,000 Utilities _Sewer _Septic Buildint Height: - lf valuc of constructlon is 25{X) o. morg, a RECORDED Notlca olCommcncement ls rrquired. f value of IIAVC ls $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commenccment ls required. PERMITAPPLICATION FOR: Cell Tower - Tower Work PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION : OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR; frl3rns T-Mobile Address: 1300 Concord Terrace, Suite 200 City : Sunrise state: FL Mai bcampbell@trunorthe.com Fill in fee simple frth Holder on next page (if differem from the Ourner llsted above) Name: Steve Nichols Company:Ericsson. lnc Address: 6300 Leca6/ D flve City : Plano zip Code.75024 Fax: E_M?il steve nirholsfapri.sson .om State or County License CGC1518237 Date: _ LUGuIE -fr Permit Number: _ Lot No._ Block No. _ 8137001 66s70s I s66925 | A2P0049A Zip Codg; 33323 Fax; _ Phone No. 813-519-9320 E- State: _g_ PhoneNoL SU P PLEM ENTAL CONSTR UCNON LIEN LAW I N FORMATION : DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Name: _ Not Applicable Address: City:State: zip:Pho ne City:State: Zip: _ Phone: FEE SIMPTE TITTE HOLDER: Namg: l&E Hale Enteroriq... tn. _ Not Applicable Address: City: zip : i145?Phon e: City: Zipl Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated I certify that no work or installation has commenced prlor to the lssuance of a permit. SL Lucie Countv makes no reoresentation that is srantine a oermit will authorize the oermit holder to build the subiect structure which conflicts with anv aoolicable Homeownerslssodalioh rules. bvlaws or and covenants that mav resuid or orbhibit such structure. Please consult with your Homeowners Assoclatlon and ievlew your deed for any restrlctloils which mav apply. ln consideration ofthe granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the wo* in accordance with the approved plans, the Florlda Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following buildinS permit applications are exempt from underSoing a full concurrency review: room addltions, accessory stru res, swimming pools, fences, walls, si8ns, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING OWNER: Your fallure to Record a Notice of commencament may result ln paylnt twlce for lmp ents to your property . A Notice of commencement must be iecorded in the public records of St. Lu ty and posted on the jo bsite before the first :nspection. lf you intend to obtain financing, consult er or an attorn before commenci work or recordin r Notice of Commencement.e as ASent for Owner uced ldentification ent. of OR Owner/ Lessee Name of person makint (5eal)@31 ryPu(signature of N Commission No. Type of ldentification Produced PeRonally Known STE\/9 NtcHoLS MANGROVE REVIEW REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER SUPERVISOR REVIEW PLANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTTE REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED ev MORTGAGE COMPANY: - Not Applicable Name: _ Address: _ Pn R^Y ,l Tetonia BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: _ Address: _ STATE OF FTORIDA COUt{TYOF SEI.,IT.DLF swom to (or affirmed) and subscrlbed before me of A phvstal presence or -Onllne Notarlzatlon tais ?-S aay ot kli lr . z@oy # ZONING REVIEW I