HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ® - Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT =�I�IAM IA% tn/� have agreed to be Adams Homes of Northurest Fbdda tr- (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 736— G- r- (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) k,--umpany Name/Individual Name) -4N the PI � rnh N L_ Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. COA MAL I UK SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Adams (tomes of Norte We4t RWKi , tna PRINT NAhrE -- C�?q/11)1 COUNTY CERTffICAT10N Sla Ic of Florida, County q The toregoiug instrument was signed before me Ibis day of William Bryan Adams who is personal) u Y known � or has produced a as identificahoo. �Sigaata,e o{lyvtatpi'utiii STAMT SHELLEYA. SEPUI_VEDA Print Name of Notary Public ''°� •, SHELLEYA SEPULVEDA MY COMMISSION # GG 262074 EXPIRES; January 25, 2023 .r°' °`°P' Bonded Thru Notary Pudic Undafwti(ets Revised II/16/20 Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the SUB O CNY R SIGNAT NATURE (Qua�ficr) PRUVT NA11¢ as COUNTY CERTEFICATION N1fN5ER State of Florida, County of �TT- u-A ae The foregolog Instrument was sigoed before me ibis IZ day of —� Z by er►�c,r✓I?r, l�i✓x�f IneZ' who is personally known ✓ or has produced a as ideatifieali°o. 11 Sigaature of ota Nry Public RiP ,Ycx Q� egt� t?ohrx�err�l Print Name of Notary P' lic o; r P ;a,.• ?• �: _ • �•� ' ;vFnr s`OP; RICHARD DOUGLAS JOHNSON Notary Public - Stale of Florida CAmmiss'0 p GG 084821 MY Comm Expires Mar 20. 2021 Bonded inraugn National NalaryA5sn t, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREENIENT Pad, e (Company Name/I tividUM Naine) the H (Type of Trade)—� For the project located at Sub -contractor for "I ��(PI unctor) (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID tt) have agreed to be It iS understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with t project, the Building and Code Reo the above mentioned bulation Division of St. Lucie C filing of a Change Of Sub -contractor notice. C�O�NT4CTOR S[CNATUERLE (Qu�titicr) PRINA AME k"•'-"M 1 1� COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of JadLdu cli The foregoing instrument %vas signed before me this` Z day of by %vho is persona y •n !' or has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary Public STAMP iP1' • r' ICI Name of Notary Public -- •'Byc; PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION t1 GG137624 Revrsedll/It/2016 "F4f EXPIRES September 26, 2021 ounty will be advised pursuant to the C RA TOR SICNATURE (Qtt:tlilicr) r; C • b-6 0�LkSS o PRINT NAM1IE COUNTY CERTIFICATfO` NUMBER State of Florida, County of F .uGt The foregoing instrument %yas signed before me this /Z _ day of /b) .4ic't) %vho is persorjall vn f� or has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary Public STAMP firm, Name of Notar y�Publi,�4�-- APTRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION # GG137624 EXPIRES Se tember ��'!!� P 26, 2021 I • �1 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERNIrr SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AAPEX Electric (Company Nam /-1ndividua1 Name) -' -- have agreed to be the Electric (Type of Trade) --`— "-" ---- Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Primary Contractor) — For the project located at — _ (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID x) — — — —. It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. TRAC'r0lt SIGNATURE • (Qualifier) -_ " � "--- _ . . " W. Bryan Adams 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM1IBER — Stare of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this [a— day of a4a'r . 2021, by W. Bryan Adams who is Personally known or has produced a _ as identification. ft hLn k (SEignature of NotaryO� Public a n n 1�l0o r Print Namc of Notary Public SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) l PRINTNAME COUNT Y CERTIFICATT Lj_ NUMBER State of Florida, County of14A L_Lxie— The foregoing ins7rumcni was signed before me this daY of who is personally known 'or has produced a _ as idenfifcation. — S7•AMP �as�YP`I, JAAELHARNER i ature of Notary Public t t MY G6AAMON # GG 089122 EXPIRES April 2.2021 "OF F,°! BmdM T'et Bo&e1 N'ataryServices n' nt Name of Notary Pu be— ,p Notary Public State of Flpnda Hannah E Moore Revised 11 16/2016 My commisaton HH 017099 ora Expires 07/01/2024 f PLANNING & DEVELOPMENTSERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Butf.otNG Plad�u r SUB-(:0NTftAC'rm ACRE EINIENT E\1 C1��ivicftlal.Name) Shll- 18 ( on)pany Iv the Roofing - I ypi have agreed to be Sub -contractor fol. Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Fritl)ary Contractor) _T --- — For the project located at (Pruj cl Sueei Address or Property Tax It) III It is undcrstocld that, if there i any Change of status regardin' OCII• participation wi,til the above mentioned project, the. f3tlildinL, and Code Re-plation Division of St. Lucie County Will bee advised pursuant to the Flling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. William Bryan Adams COI'\'1'1' C'EK'l lf'IG\'I'IUN NCkIHFiR—'------ State of Florida, eluntt ar St. Lucie SUf3-C:UNTH':\C.. 3o�qnl)C�ctrc� a N1 �. PRINT SAME' V— - -- --• — — - -- Cql,\'1'1' Cl;rtT'FFf(•ATTO\' \L�iVIHER-----,--- - Slate or Flarith, C'nuniy of St Lucie- rhe [ere uing lnserument t ,u si�ucd before tnc this _111_ day ul.' The forcgain irrstrumcnt aas signed lic•fure ma this '7 dar nl' ZI William Bryan Adams 2n ?4t, tJoyU___n -Gl Yc �j PI U tq who is persoiuiliv kitoi n -X-or has produced ii who is persoual(y knawn., _ur has produced a as Identifieation. — — M //�� MANIP aturcofr\'ofaryPuhtic Si�na(urcul•fininryPubl": S'rA•1P Print Same ar �i tar} Public ---- � M- 1_..L---! 0 0 ! ^ --- Print Smile orNotars Public Notary Public State of Fir YEE Hannah E MooreMy Commission HH 017099 Stets W F�ndep oore7a pt7� Expires 07/01 /2024 HH 0170992024