HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Section C(1)ST. LUCIE
Section C (Low Slope Roof)
Fill in specific roof assembly components and identify
(If a component is not used, identify as "NA")
System Manufacturer: PolyGlass
Product Approval No.: FL1654-R27
Design Wind Pressures, From RAS 128 Or Calculations:
Zone 1': Zone 1: Zone 2: Zone 3:
Max. Design Pressure, from the specific product approval
system: Polyalass Modified Bitumen Roof
Type: Plywood
Gauge Thickness: 5/8"
Slope: 1/12, 3/12
Anchor/Base Sheet & No. df Ply(s): 9 61, dip,-,
Anchor/Base Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material:
Insulation Base Layer: NJ IA
Base Insultation Size and Thickness:�jjA
Base Insulation Fastener/Bonding Material:
Top Insulation Layer: N.I.A.
Top Insulation Size and Thickness: NA
Top Insulation Fastener/Bonding Material:
Base Sheet(s) & No. of Ply(s):
Base Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material:
SA\/\/ OP1fAdheared
Ply Sheet(s)' & No. of Ply(s):
Ply Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material:
Top Ply:
Top Ply Fastener/Bonding Material:
Surfacing: Self Adheared
Fastener Spacing for Anchor/Base Sheet Attachment:
Zone 1':N A" oc @ Lap, # Rowse @ NA7oc
Zone 1:"" oc @ Lap, # Rows U4A ® U4A " oc
Zone 2 " oc @Lap, # Rows fq*®" oc
Zone 3:Nq{ ," oc @ Lap, # Rowse @ do
Number of Fasteners Per Insulation Board:
Zone 1':N/A_Zone 1:N/A_Zone 2:N/A_Zone 3:N/A
Illustrate Components Noted and Details as Applicable:
Woodblocking, Gutter, Edge Termination, Stripping,
Flashing, Continuous Cleat, Cant Strip, Base Flashing,
Counterflashing, Coping, Etc.,
Indicate: Mean Roof Height, Parapet Height, Height of Base
Flashing, Component Material, Material' Thickness, Fastener
Type, Fastener Spacing or Submit Manufacturers Details that
Comply with RAS 111 and Chapter 16..