HomeMy WebLinkAbout216924-b rev- signed 9-21-21Headquarters Mailing 11345 U.S. Highway 1 P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL. 32958 Sebastian, FL. 32978 Orlando Phone: 772-589-0712 723 Progress Way C.A. # 5693 Sanford, FL. 32771 KSMengineering.net Page 1 of 5 September 8, 2021 Revised: September 21, 2021 Michael Sward Darling Construction 622 Beachland Blvd, Ste. 101 Vero Beach, FL 32963 Re: 6740 N. Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida KSM Project #: 216924-b Dear Mr. Sward: As requested, KSM Engineering & Testing has performed a subsurface investigation at the referenced site. Presentation of the data gathered during the investigation, together with our geotechnical related opinions, are included in this report. Site Description: At the time of drilling, the ocean front site was fairly flat with a few palm trees. There was an existing two-story residence on the site which is constructed seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL). Project Description: Based on the civil and structural plan sets provided to us by the client, prepared by Schulke, Bittle, and Stoddard LLC, and dated 4/28/2020, it is our understanding that the following: An elevated deck is planned to be constructed on the seaward (eastern) side of the existing house, a two-story detached garage will be constructed west of the existing house, and a pool is planned to be constructed between the existing house and the proposed garage. It is our understanding that the detached garage will not be required to be supported on piles since it is not considered to be a “habitable building” and that the proposed deck will not be required to be supported on piles either since it is considered to be a minor improvement to the existing structure. Please contact our office for additional pile recommendations should either of these exceptions be modified. Loads from the proposed detached garage and the second-floor deck will be transferred to the ground by conventional shallow footings. We estimate the maximum loads will be less than 2,500 pounds per linear foot (plf) along the wall foundation for the detached garage and less than 15 kips for any of the column loads for the proposed elevated deck. We estimate that some site fill may be required to reach the desired grades in the proposed building areas. 6740 N. Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida KSM Project #: 216924-b Page 2 of 5 The scope of our study consisted of the following: 1. Performed a total of eight (8) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings in the proposed construction areas to estimate the subsoil relative density. 2. Measured the depth to the surface of the groundwater at each boring. 3. Evaluated the discovered subsurface conditions with respect to the proposed deck, detached structure and pool. Formulated conclusions and professional opinions based on our evaluation of the data. 4. Prepared this report to document the data that was gathered, to present our findings and to present our recommendations. Site Investigation: The site investigation program consisted of performing eight (8) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings, in the proposed construction areas. The SPT borings were terminated at depths of 10 to 45 feet below grade. The approximate locations of the SPT borings are indicated on the attached location plan. The SPT borings were completed in accordance with procedures described in ASTM D-1586. The groundwater table was allowed to stabilize and the depth of the groundwater elevation recorded from existing grade. The records of the soils encountered, the penetration resistances, and groundwater levels are shown on the attached SPT boring logs. Engineering Evaluation and Conclusions: Based on the information obtained from this site investigation, we are pleased to offer the following evaluation: The boring logs and recorded SPT “N” values indicate that the subsurface conditions consist mostly of: • Deposits of loose to dense sand were discovered from the surface to a depth of approximately 45 feet below grade, however • In the location of B-2, deposits of very soft sandy clayed silt were discovered from approximately 32 feet to 36 feet below grade. Please refer to the soil boring logs for specific information relative to the soil descriptions. The following sections provide recommendations for the site preparation and foundation design. 6740 N. Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida KSM Project #: 216924-b Page 3 of 5 Typical Site Preparation: The proposed building areas and any areas to be paved, plus a minimum margin of five feet beyond the proposed construction shall be stripped and grubbed of surface debris, including vegetation, roots and organic matter. Any stumps shall be removed entirely. The building areas should be graded level and proofrolled. Any soft yielding areas shall be excavated and replaced with clean compacted fill. Sufficient passes should be made during the compaction operations to produce a density no less than 95 percent of its modified dry Proctor value (ASTM D 1557) to a depth of two feet. After the exposed surface has been proofrolled, the building and pavement areas may be filled to the desired grades. Additional fill material shall consist of clean granular sand containing less than 10% material passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 mesh sieve. Structural fill should be placed in uniform loose layers of 12 inches in thickness and compacted to at least 95 percent of its Modified proctor value (ASTM D 1557). After excavating for the footings, the exposed excavated footing subgrade should be compacted to attain an in-place dry density that equals or exceeds 95 percent of the Modified Proctor (ASTM D-1557) maximum dry density, to depth of 12 inches below the footing subgrade surface. This can best be achieved with the use of a small vibratory sled or roller type compactor. Testing should be done to confirm that the specified level of compaction has been achieved. Fill Requirement: The contractor should review the Department of Environmental Protection's permit to ensure their fill requirement is satisfied. Compaction Equipment - KSM does not recommend using heavy vibratory equipment on this site, due to the proximity of the neighboring structures and the potential that ground vibrations created by the compaction machinery might be transmitted and cause damage to the nearby structures. Accordingly, non-vibratory compaction methods are preferred to perform the recommended earthwork delineated above. Compaction Testing - In-place density of the compacted soil can be verified using a nuclear density gauge or any other ASTM approved method to determine percent compaction. It is our recommendation that compaction tests in the excavated footings should be conducted prior to placement of any steel or concrete and conducted at every column footing and once for every 100 linear feet of footing trench. Subgrade and each lift (12” max) of fill should be tested for compaction at a frequency of no less than one test per 2,500 sf of building area, per lift and one test per 10,000 sf of pavement area, per lift with a minimum of 4 tests in each area prepared. The placement and frequency of testing can be modified at the discretion of the site contractor and the onsite soils technician based on the requirements of the project as stated by the Engineer of Record. 6740 N. Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida KSM Project #: 216924-b Page 4 of 5 Foundation (Auger Cast-In-Place Piles): Based on our experience with structures seaward of the CCCL, it has been our experience that auger cast piles can be placed more economically than driven pre-stressed concrete pilings. We recommend using 16-inch minimum diameter auger cast-in-place piles (steel reinforced to resist the anticipated forces). In conclusion, we recommend that an engineer/contractor that specializes in auger cast pile installation be consulted after the project’s plans are developed to verify that auger cast piling would be suitable for this foundation. The following are the recommended specifications for the Auger Cast-In-Place piles. Pile Specifications Pile Capacity (Kips) Pile Diameter (In) Pile Depth (ft) Allowable Uplift (Kips) Lateral Load (Kips) 53 16 *22 15 6 88 16 *34 52 6 *Below Scour line (Assumed to be 6 feet below existing grade) All Piles should be installed and inspected in accordance with the recommendation published by the Auger Cast-In-Place Pile Committee of the Deep Foundation Institute. Piles should be placed at a center-to-center distance of greater than 3 pile diameters. The capacity of a pile group must be reduced depending upon the number of piles in the group and their respective position. A minimum time period of 12 hours should be specified for the installation of piles within 5 feet, center -to-center of each other. The minimum acceptable grout factor (actual grout volume divided by theoretical grout volume) should be 1.10. Foundation (Shallow Foundation): Per the client, it is our understanding that the proposed deck, site walls, and detached garage may be supported on conventional concrete, steel reinforced footings. Above piling recommendations can be used for the structures if needed. Provided that our recommendations for site preparation are followed, we recommend the foundations be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot, or less. With the foundation properly designed and the site properly prepared, we anticipate maximum total settlements less than ¾ of an inch and differential settlement of less than ¼ of an inch. The majority of the settlement should occur during construction. This is based on the assumed loading conditions stated in the “project description” section of this report with a minimum continuous footer width of 16 inches and a minimum isolated pad footing of 3 feet squared. Minimum embedment for all footers is 12 inches. The Structural Engineer of Record (EOR) should notify our office if the design loading or foundations differ from our assumptions so that we may provide additional settlement calculations. 6740 N. Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida KSM Project #: 216924-b Page 5 of 5 Pool: It is our understanding that the proposed pool will be located seaward of the CCCL, and therefore will be supported on pilings which are installed at the same time as the other structures on site. Please refer to the Foundation section above for the piling specifications. Backfill material behind the pool shell shall consist of clean granular sand with less than 10 percent “fines” passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve. Place backfill material in loose lifts of 12 inches in thickness and compact each lift to no less than 95 percent of its modified dry Proctor value (ASTM D 1557). Fill Requirement: The contractor should review the Department of Environmental Protection's permit to ensure their fill requirement is satisfied. Closure: Based upon our subsurface investigation at the above-mentioned project location, the reliance of the recommendations presented within this signed and sealed report is predicated on KSM representative’s involvement to verify that not only have the soils been prepared following the indicated recommendations, but the foundations are installed in compliance within the parameters indicated. The Structural Engineer of Record is responsible for confirming that the estimated capacities provided are adequate for the anticipated loading. If additional capacity is required, KSM is to be notified so that our recommendations can be amended as required. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices based on the results of the test borings and the assumed loading conditions. No warranties, either expressed or implied, are intended or made. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between the borings. If variations appear evident during the course of construction, it would be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this project. Environmental conditions, wetland delineation, water quality, and municipal requirements are not a part of this report. We are pleased to be of assistance to you on this phase of your project. When we may be of further service to you or should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office. Respectfully, Cody C. Clawson, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer Florida Lic. No. 91598 JEK/CCC/cv/BM/CL Email to: mike@darlingcc.com; admin@darlingcc.com Brown Sand with Shell Fragments and Root Brown Sand Brown Sand with Shell Fragments Light Gray Sand, Slightly Silty with Some Shell Fragments Gray Sand, Slightly Silty with Shell Fragments Gray Sandy Clayed Silt SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 3-4-4 (8) 4-5-5 (10) 4-4-3 (7) 5-4-5 (9) 5-6-5 (11) 10-13-14 (27) 9-10-11 (21) 6-2-4 (6) 16-13-20 (33) 1-1-1 (2) NOTES See Attached Location Plan GROUND ELEVATION LOGGED BY SH/JP DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY CCC DATE STARTED 9/1/21 COMPLETED 9/1/21 AT TIME OF DRILLING 8.08 ft AT END OF DRILLING --- AFTER DRILLING --- HOLE SIZE inches (Continued Next Page) FINES CONTENT (%) 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 PL LLMC DEPTH(ft)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)POCKET PEN.(tsf)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf) SPT N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PAGE 1 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-1 CLIENT Darling Construction PROJECT NUMBER 216924-b PROJECT NAME 6740 N. Highway A1A PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce, Florida GEOTECH BH PLOTS - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 9/8/21 12:40 - K:\KSM FILES\21 DOCS (KSM-SERVER)\216924\SOIL INVESTIGATION\216924-B.GPJKSM Engineering & Testing P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 KSM Gray Sandy Clayed Silt (continued) Gray Sand with Shell Fragments Gray Sand, Slightly Silty Bottom of borehole at 45.0 feet. SS SS 12-6-5 (11) 10-10-14 (24) FINES CONTENT (%) 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 PL LLMC DEPTH(ft)35 40 45 GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)POCKET PEN.(tsf)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf) SPT N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING NUMBER B-1 CLIENT Darling Construction PROJECT NUMBER 216924-b PROJECT NAME 6740 N. Highway A1A PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce, Florida GEOTECH BH PLOTS - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 9/8/21 12:40 - K:\KSM FILES\21 DOCS (KSM-SERVER)\216924\SOIL INVESTIGATION\216924-B.GPJKSM Engineering & Testing P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 KSM Brown Sand Brown Sand with Traces of Shell Fragments Brown Sand with Lots of Shell Bottom of borehole at 14.0 feet. SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 4-6-5 (11) 4-3-2 (5) 4-5-4 (9) 4-5-3 (8) 5-6-5 (11) 6-5-7 (12) 7-9-9 (18) NOTES See Attached Location Plan GROUND ELEVATION LOGGED BY SH/JP DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY CCC DATE STARTED 9/2/21 COMPLETED 9/2/21 AT TIME OF DRILLING 8.50 ft AT END OF DRILLING --- AFTER DRILLING --- HOLE SIZE inches FINES CONTENT (%) 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 PL LLMC DEPTH(ft)0 5 10 GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)POCKET PEN.(tsf)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf) SPT N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-2 CLIENT Darling Construction PROJECT NUMBER 216924-b PROJECT NAME 6740 N. Highway A1A PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce, Florida GEOTECH BH PLOTS - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 9/8/21 12:40 - K:\KSM FILES\21 DOCS (KSM-SERVER)\216924\SOIL INVESTIGATION\216924-B.GPJKSM Engineering & Testing P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 KSM Grayish Brown Sand with Traces of Root Light Brown Sand Bottom of borehole at 10.0 feet. SS SS SS SS SS 3-3-4 (7) 4-5-5 (10) 5-4-4 (8) 4-5-5 (10) 6-5-6 (11) NOTES See Attached Location Plan GROUND ELEVATION LOGGED BY SH/JP DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY CCC DATE STARTED 9/1/21 COMPLETED 9/1/21 AT TIME OF DRILLING 8.25 ft AT END OF DRILLING --- AFTER DRILLING --- HOLE SIZE inches FINES CONTENT (%) 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 PL LLMC DEPTH(ft)0 5 10 GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)POCKET PEN.(tsf)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf) SPT N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-3 CLIENT Darling Construction PROJECT NUMBER 216924-b PROJECT NAME 6740 N. Highway A1A PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce, Florida GEOTECH BH PLOTS - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 9/8/21 12:40 - K:\KSM FILES\21 DOCS (KSM-SERVER)\216924\SOIL INVESTIGATION\216924-B.GPJKSM Engineering & Testing P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 KSM Brown Sand with Root Light Brown Sand Light Brown Sand with Traces of Shell Fragments Bottom of borehole at 14.0 feet. SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 1-2-4 (6) 4-5-4 (9) 3-3-3 (6) 4-6-7 (13) 6-8-7 (15) 10-11-9 (20) 10-11-12 (23) NOTES See Attached Location Plan GROUND ELEVATION LOGGED BY SH/JP DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY CCC DATE STARTED 9/1/21 COMPLETED 9/1/21 AT TIME OF DRILLING 8.08 ft AT END OF DRILLING --- AFTER DRILLING --- HOLE SIZE inches FINES CONTENT (%) 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 PL LLMC DEPTH(ft)0 5 10 GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)POCKET PEN.(tsf)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf) SPT N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-4 CLIENT Darling Construction PROJECT NUMBER 216924-b PROJECT NAME 6740 N. Highway A1A PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce, Florida GEOTECH BH PLOTS - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 9/8/21 12:40 - K:\KSM FILES\21 DOCS (KSM-SERVER)\216924\SOIL INVESTIGATION\216924-B.GPJKSM Engineering & Testing P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 KSM Grayish Brown Sand with Traces of Root Light Brown Sand Bottom of borehole at 10.0 feet. SS SS SS SS SS 2-3-4 (7) 4-5-5 (10) 6-4-5 (9) 4-3-4 (7) 5-6-6 (12) NOTES See Attached Location Plan GROUND ELEVATION LOGGED BY SH/JP DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY CCC DATE STARTED 9/1/21 COMPLETED 9/1/21 AT TIME OF DRILLING 7.92 ft AT END OF DRILLING --- AFTER DRILLING --- HOLE SIZE inches FINES CONTENT (%) 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 PL LLMC DEPTH(ft)0 5 10 GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)POCKET PEN.(tsf)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf) SPT N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-5 CLIENT Darling Construction PROJECT NUMBER 216924-b PROJECT NAME 6740 N. Highway A1A PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce, Florida GEOTECH BH PLOTS - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 9/8/21 12:40 - K:\KSM FILES\21 DOCS (KSM-SERVER)\216924\SOIL INVESTIGATION\216924-B.GPJKSM Engineering & Testing P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 KSM Grayish Brown Sand with Traces of Root Light Brown Sand Bottom of borehole at 10.0 feet. SS SS SS SS SS 2-3-3 (6) 3-4-5 (9) 4-5-5 (10) 4-5-5 (10) 6-5-7 (12) NOTES See Attached Location Plan GROUND ELEVATION LOGGED BY SH/JP DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY CCC DATE STARTED 9/2/21 COMPLETED 9/2/21 AT TIME OF DRILLING 8.08 ft AT END OF DRILLING --- AFTER DRILLING --- HOLE SIZE inches FINES CONTENT (%) 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 PL LLMC DEPTH(ft)0 5 10 GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)POCKET PEN.(tsf)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf) SPT N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-6 CLIENT Darling Construction PROJECT NUMBER 216924-b PROJECT NAME 6740 N. Highway A1A PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce, Florida GEOTECH BH PLOTS - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 9/8/21 12:40 - K:\KSM FILES\21 DOCS (KSM-SERVER)\216924\SOIL INVESTIGATION\216924-B.GPJKSM Engineering & Testing P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 KSM Brown Sand with Traces of Shell Fragments Brown Sand with Shell Bottom of borehole at 14.0 feet. SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 1-1-2 (3) 2-3-5 (8) 6-8-9 (17) 4-5-5 (10) 7-8-7 (15) 6-7-8 (15) 7-8-9 (17) NOTES See Attached Location Plan GROUND ELEVATION LOGGED BY SH/JP DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY CCC DATE STARTED 9/2/21 COMPLETED 9/2/21 AT TIME OF DRILLING 8.75 ft AT END OF DRILLING --- AFTER DRILLING --- HOLE SIZE inches FINES CONTENT (%) 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 PL LLMC DEPTH(ft)0 5 10 GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)POCKET PEN.(tsf)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf) SPT N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-7 CLIENT Darling Construction PROJECT NUMBER 216924-b PROJECT NAME 6740 N. Highway A1A PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce, Florida GEOTECH BH PLOTS - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 9/8/21 12:40 - K:\KSM FILES\21 DOCS (KSM-SERVER)\216924\SOIL INVESTIGATION\216924-B.GPJKSM Engineering & Testing P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 KSM Brown Sand Brown Sand with Traces of Shell Fragments Brown Sand with Lots of Shell Fragments Bottom of borehole at 14.0 feet. SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 1-2-1 (3) 3-4-4 (8) 5-6-5 (11) 6-6-5 (11) 6-6-5 (11) 5-5-8 (13) 7-10-8 (18) NOTES See Attached Location Plan GROUND ELEVATION LOGGED BY SH/JP DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: CHECKED BY CCC DATE STARTED 9/2/21 COMPLETED 9/2/21 AT TIME OF DRILLING 8.75 ft AT END OF DRILLING --- AFTER DRILLING --- HOLE SIZE inches FINES CONTENT (%) 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 PL LLMC DEPTH(ft)0 5 10 GRAPHICLOGMATERIAL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE TYPENUMBERRECOVERY %(RQD)BLOWCOUNTS(N VALUE)POCKET PEN.(tsf)DRY UNIT WT.(pcf) SPT N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PAGE 1 OF 1 BORING NUMBER B-8 CLIENT Darling Construction PROJECT NUMBER 216924-b PROJECT NAME 6740 N. Highway A1A PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce, Florida GEOTECH BH PLOTS - GINT STD US LAB.GDT - 9/8/21 12:40 - K:\KSM FILES\21 DOCS (KSM-SERVER)\216924\SOIL INVESTIGATION\216924-B.GPJKSM Engineering & Testing P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 KSM NONE 20210908216924-b PROJECT: DATE: SCALE: SHEET OF DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: PROJECT #: C.V. C.C.C.1 6740 N. Highway A1A, Fort Pierce, Florida PERMIT #: 1 LOCATION OF SOIL BORINGS B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8