HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERA-If-I' SUB-C®NTRACT®R AGREEMENT AAPEX Electric (Company Name/Individual Name) - -- have agreed to be the Electric (Type of Trade) — — "- - -- Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Primary Contractor) -- — For the project located at — _�� 113 M,"" (Project Sireel Address or Pml] rtY TTax ID z) — It is understood that, if there isany change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. TRACTOR SIGNATURE ... (Qualifier) -' W. Bryan Adams 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION fVURjgER — -- State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this . 1D day or 20 Zl by W- Bryan Adams who is personally known or has produced a _ as identification. lskkkaof Notary Pubt ft O� �iqnn mov i Print Name of Notary Public SUB-CONTRACTORSICNATURE �,, � FL .._.. PRINT NAA7E CuUNrY CER7IFfCgTt�jry NjJryJSER State of Florida, County orEA Lure — The fo�egooinggQinslrumcni was signed before me this ba da.V-of 20 "by who is personally known �_Ior has produced a as idenrif-Ication. STAMP 2YPua�c JAJhZLHARNER i ature of Notary Public * ',oi�s My GUTAMON a GG 069122 �1< EXPIRES, Agril2.2021 � lFaF 10 acndM T-.. % BLdrei Notary Services n' nt or �Jotary Pu be Notary Public state of Flpnda Hannah E Moore Re'visud I 1 I6/2015 p� MY Commission HH 017099 �7a�dr Expires 07/0112024 PLANNING DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division ,OT�L' PcziiQa the (Company Name/1 iividual Name) H (Type of Trade) For the project located at BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for" �� O� ��( � Ill�e L r r (Pttmary Contract,,) (Protect Shet•t Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with t project, the Building and Code Rea the above mentioned ottlation Division of St 1-111" C filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONT'RaCTOR SIC;NATURE(Qualilier) UT NAME klam� COUNTY CERTIFICAT ION NUMBER Slate of Florida, County of Q( u ef.e The foregoing instrument $vas signed before me this lb day of ±"'Persona v n _or has produced a as identification. I Signature of Notary Public STANIP i&N.otaryPublic PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION # GG137624 Revised I IiIG/,()i6 : �d f, EXPIRES September 26. 2021 1e ounty will be advised pursuant to the CRA TORSICNATURE -- _ (Qulilicr) PRINT NAME GCS$ rJ COUNT} CF..RTIFICATfO NUMBER State of Florida, County of CtC/t The foregoing instrument $vrs signed before me tliis _ '� (p,,��p����� ID day. of byLt eusSl) who is persoriall vn t or has produced a _ as identification. — Signature of Notary Public STAMP Print Name oN .t-ry 4blic PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION # GG137624 EXPIRES September 26, 2021 PERMIT t/ ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (l.ompany Name/Individual Na,me) - , tZ14 S��t.�� —VN the PI u rnh N (Type of Trade) -L—-Sub-contractor for have agreed to be Adams tomes of Nortwest Fiatda tnG (Primary Conlractor) For the project located at _ kL L3 �� r (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Z U Q(ualifier) Mama Ratites of NQtwilest FlW1k tr- P-- NAIVIE --� COUMY CERTQ�'ICATIONq� — State of Florida, Couory The foregoing instrument was signed before me Ibis � day of 24R, by William Bryan Adams who is personally know. �r has produced a as identification. BTMa�*tvilwstaT7 f�sbiic -- STAND SHELLEYA. SEPUI_VEDA Print Name of Notary Public Egaiiir-� SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA MY COMMISSION # GG 262074 EXPIRES: January 25, 2023Bonded Thru NRevised 11/16/20�aryPuDflcUndelwnlers11 SUB CONT R SIGNATURE (Quatficr) PRDVT NA11� �-1 Wr7� COUN -FY CERTffICATION NUMBER Stele of Florida, Cquoty of 'Yr. U_ CXe The f.rcgolag lostrumeot was signed before me Ibis 1h f�(.J day of 2 W by Yl��.r✓11r, ���,mC,n�L who is personally knowo ✓ or bas produced a as ideotificatioo. Sigoalure of Notary public STANTP S�}YeY c` ��e9tC�.S t7o hnSU�l Prtot Name of Notary rwblic a:�• Pr;B •., • �•�Cammisslon RICHARD DOUGDJOHNSON? NolaryPublic-• qf, � ;' MyComm Expire^•• tlondedlnraupNall PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PL:It\LIT SUB -CONTRACTOR CTOR AGREE: NIENT _—_.___._-------------_.__ -- have artreed to be (t"ompany Nalneffidividual Na)ne.7 � the Rooting Ad Sub -contractor fen- ams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (l Ylle of Trade) _ (Primary ('ontraCttiiy ---- - For the project located at (I'roja . Strret Address Or I'ruprrty Tas lIJ it is understood that, if there i any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Pro ject. the. Building and Code Regulation Divisua7 Of St. LUCK COUIltV Will be advised pursuant to the filing Ora Change of Sub -contractor notice. William Bryan Adams 1'RI\'I' N4�Ili (COI'X'I'1'C'l•;R-)IF'IC.\'rIONNU�l13i•:R ------ 5t:uc of Florida, Comity of St. Lucie I he (trtguing Insrrunwnt was signed befurc me (ttis da.v of 2t)p ,1, William Bryan Adams who is personally knotrn -)Lor bas produced a asIII/ddeenttiiificcaationn.NIP Signature of \'Diary Public fIO _ na _IMou U Print same or Notary Public -- i °4p Notary Pumice State d Flpnda F Hannah E Moore jf My COmmissfon HH 017099 l2e.iseJll;i(rDtn 7p�pt7� Expires07/012024 SUF3-C:(.t\n'It;\C'F - , IC\:\'I'URI o�Ctm tigCi f;t1C;\'Il'C'L;RTIr�ICAT'ION'NU\4R1?R � — - Slate (if Flarida, Count. (if St Lucie Tile £ilregaii4l; iltstritnien( ttas Signed berure me ibis I D day of 0 Y c l u P 1 U t q who Is iRrsoually knot.n O-ur has produced u as identirication. V' Si;;nn(urc"+�`ufN�tart-['ubh _`_2—�. rA�MP S U Print Nance ot'Nolary Public -- R Notary Public State of FlpndaHannah E MooreMy Commissto� HH 017099Expires 07/012024