HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter; Manufacturer Certificationdl*r
,� [It11ef1t0 BUSIC1e55 FL4.ManufacluBuildmgProgfam 28a1 fllairSloneRoad
-i'fOfeSSlOnal Regt atidn. Tallahassee, Florida32399 0772
Phone 350:487.1824� FaxB510.414.8436
Halsey Beshears,,Secretary. Ron De,Santis, Govemor
June 28, 2019'
Robert Moore
Lark Builders;. Inc.
P.O.Drawer 629
Vidalla, GA 30475
RE: Manufacturer Certificatlon, .ID MFT=ii4• Expiration Date -,June 28, 2022,
Dear Robert Moore
It is my pleasu're-to inform you .that Lark" Builders, 'Inc:, located at 409' DIXOR STREET, ;P'O.
DRAWER 629, VIDALIA, GA:304.75,'has been approved -under the Manufactured Buildings
Program, as; provided for under Chapter 553,Part,I, Florida Sta,fotes, to.,manufacture Factory
Built Schools,:Storage•Sheds; Manufactured Buildings for Installation In Florida.
Construction or modification on a manufactured bulldio.g _cannot -beginuntil. t4e'Third Party,
Agency has approved the plans In accordan.ce:with, the current Florida- biilding Code. Your Third
Party Agency Is a contractor for the Departmeritand hasstatutoryauthority and responsibilities
that must.be met to maintain approved status. You may expect and demand quality -plans
review and inspections.
Each Code change will make your plans obsolete until they Have been reViewed;.approved 'arid
indicated [owthe cover page of the plans]`forcompliance with the Code byyour Third.Party,
Agency for plans review. Please ensure that your plans ,are in. compliance and' are. properly
posted,on:our websitd, All site -related installat]brelssues'are•subject to the -local authority
having jurisdiction.
ThetDepartment.'s contractor .will make unannounced monitoring. visits at least'once. each.'ye"
You must grant complete access to.your manufacturing; facility and records,to remain In
compliance with the rules and,regulations of this program.,
Your certification Is -approved, for three years from, this date, You will receive a renewal notice,,ty
Email.,generated`by the BCIS .(www.flnridabuildino.c�rg) .fbr online: renewal . If you 'have questions
you may contact Robert Lorenzo, at'850-. 17-I83S or our FAX at 850-4114-8436:,
Please visit our website at www'.floridabuildino.org to see valuable Information on the. Florida
Manufactured Buildings Program. A copy of this fetter niustaccompany applications, for local'
building permits.,
cc: Top Line Engineering, LLC
Robert Lorenzo:
Manufacture' Buildings Program
JUL 3 0 2021
ST. Lucie County, Permitting
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