HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Titlen•r Ida +�rwn Nrm�ter YearMake•- —Body Wi L BHP —T Vessel Regis. Na � Tdle Number 11T263128. A`t �` 1982 07= 1 HS 59' 21770405 Registered Owner- Date of Issue 05/28/2021 Lien Release Interestin the dascn-bed vehicle is hereby released VICTORIA REYDIAIM CHAVEZ GARCIA 6y 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 1 TiUe FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6342 Elate Mail To: VICTORIA REYNALDA CHAVEZ GARCIA 3200 S 7TH ST-LOT 1 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6342 LA IdpORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of the certificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this uehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below for mote information and the appropriate forms required forthe purchaser to title and registerthe vehicle, mobile home or vessel: tdtpltwww.hsmv stale.f I.uslhtmillUnf. himl ,.mat@'., .l-_ ) y r .d' yy `. I'. /' 3i ..'B78nd4�.__"` %n +Y. jai' F'':I FL17TTIt.S R' cx. s 5yY:: a.,, ifs . 4 c I,f ` PR•iVARcF' r .,]-2F21/2020 x , o ix - Title —r 'EngtneDriva-. HullMatenal —Prop Dateotl5sue �' �` 05%28/2021 Dale (-OdometerStalusorYesselManutacrurerorOH.use=--- - . .. Registered Owner 'VICTORIA: REYI`Z IDT h: CHAVEZ GARC7Zi 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 1 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6342 ;. IsillCflllDlaCr . NONS DMSION OF MOTORIST. SERVIGES :' :' ".. :' .:IALEAHASSEE..' FLORIt)A riEPARTMENTOF HIGHWAYSAFETYAND MOTOR VEHICLES Rolieit R. K ttnch' 3 r Tent' L Rhoe ds. - " . .. ' ;, . 'Y.Gontroi fricntbei : 6ieatWe Director Director .. 1-50022.7 0 : 24. `11`'. ` I50022710 ; TRANSFER OFTITLE BYSELLER (This sari or must be completed at the time of sele.) - Federal and/nrstare law requireilia�tDeselterstntothemiteage,pwamseesaam4 Sl�u®ddmsvldiamnaeccoawiththetrsmsrerafo��mer"ship. - :...F®liucw-coioplcteor pr6%i4gofelse===tmsyIPA inEm=&Oripipsisonmeat .-.. _' ' .' .. .. Phis udeis tr..ir..ni_�etti hefr�e$omen]!Iienc ccceptasmted on7lzh= ofthe Certificate and the owtuiveLicle¢.v�seld�mLedah�ehy tr�s!'enadto: - .. '� SeDertdust Entdl'nri2r�els heiaei � .. {.-`'- . Se1let MustFnteiSeltiagPricc �. _ .: ... SetterMust Ent Date Sold•.. . I3 111 ---tdenffiZ, dumber IT263128608 . Registered Owner Year — Make Body — Wr-L-SHP Vessel Regis. Na - TiNe Number 1982 { TWIN HS �59, 121770407 1 Date of Issue 05/28/2f021 VICTORIA RMaTnA CHAVEZ GARCIA 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 1 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6342 Ma$ To: VICTORIA REYNAIDA CHAVEZ GARCIA. 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 1 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6342 B# 34-4bubts Lien Release interest in the described veNde is hereby released Data IMPORTANT INPOE14ATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the -transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of the certificate of tUte. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below for more information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to tiUe and register the vehicle, mobile home Or vesseL http'lhvww hsmv sfate.fl.uPubmMint.html �Ptav r Cctor Pnmary Brand < r _: �secvnaatyttrano ! ; { Mate II27fi t Y Brat ds . tI�RiVAtl'E 12/21/2020 TI vy `— -- ` Dateattssue = Odamelei5lahtsatVesselpefiulactuferarOHuse i �- EttgnaQmre liuAMatenal �t)aletit � � �o5j2e/2o21 Registered Owner v3CTORIA'REYN LUA CHAVEZ.GARGIA 3200 S 7T$ ST I',OT I. FORT PLFRCE, E7a 34982-6342 - IsfTaenholder' '� NONE DIVISION OF MOTORIST SERVICES TALLAHASSEE �t FCORIDA• DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY MOTOR VrHICiFS ' I Jerry 6 Rhodes E' Robed R_ Kynoch „Gonfrat iVtitriher +iwyy E�11 f Execuln a Director £: "•24 : /1 ;150022711 s TRANSFER OF TfRE BY SELLER (ihts sectIon must be txitnpleted at the time at sale.) ' `u Fedec3ladlmstatelmvtegattedatdrese]Ierstate4,etn�ge.pvrtiradsam"selrinSPrixaoddetesaldincomtetiaawitht6enxasruafuwiierslup..: . y FmliaemcampleteurprciidinSafalsesWCnm t?inayiaedt¢tlmeseadfarwprisanmeat ' . ... TlisrideisMaaaii'rYitohefteefiwnruYGcnsoec rssttatedcmtheface•afth.r fifi ie�ditmmor�'dudecr.vesddmn ishereLytrus4mdt¢ Seller Must Ertel Prachise�s A1ame' SellerMustFmterSrJiingPncc .: - ,..:.SelleiMastEmaDzfeSold `' ` X aote m16, dxtc:ead endlhaebycatirythatotlmlistafrnjInowledgethecdom-ticteedmg' - .ImestarethattSss Q.Sar Q,6lhsritidumeteraaty rcads�.t t 1 IL �C ) . `. 01-seffltsACTUALMILE4tr'E.- 2.isINEXCESS,OFrCSWXHANICALL%dS-.• :; Q 3.uNDi7I3EACIUALMILEAGE' . ❑:, UNDFR�t'ENAMIES OF PEf2:lUiiY,1 DECIJtf2E THATI HAVE R� THE FOREG0IN0 aOduMENTAND Tr1ATTHE FAC75 STATED IN l7 ARETRUE. SEL-ERSfast Co. .. nHerc :5ip�t lirsc .. ... Sellmgllr^1asli�seNumbv �- TsiacTva. �:' TazCaIIeeed:;. . , '�Aac unN=e: I.ice7ueNmnba' j S� v.\ ' CQ-PtIRC[�ASERMunS y „• <;sr as .• rti: a y f �. In $ mac. a3 ^F�. "Y , -, :.^ :? A _$ � S `'s ,-ao.-<. .. .. �. �''_''.. h. .�...AmtFielK _-_-'.__"-_�, ._ ....< ems. .:.. :,.• `e: <r,