HomeMy WebLinkAboutCompliance CertificateManufacturer Address, HOMES OF MERIT P. 0. Box 1406 BARTO W,- FLORIDA .13830 I -Date of Manufacture d s J. �. Plant Number W Manufacturer!9 Serial Number and Model Unit Designation ~Q T 263 - 12880 'A&B C� Design Approval by (D.A.P.I.A.) Fss This mb6�h6i�l�(de9f a is _Cons c Airll�ilh the federal mobile home W iw r� 'Ei t�" �SAt at time of manufacture. V (For additional intormatsn, consu owner's manual.) W The factory Installed equipment includes I) Equipment Manufacturer Model Designation Z For heating ; Q ` For air,cooli.ng ` d Fol'cooking r .-d'.!'r". ��s' /e - � Refrigerator � ie:,`r."-�s�,>Al'.l�'i;.c,� ' 0 Water heater Washer �;,4--- IcC,,i X__jy'p Clothes Dryer` Jf i��p�-� y� Dishwasher It a-)rd2B1�ti , J��y 3C�1 � rr Garbage Disposal Fireplace DESIGN WIND Zone I ZONE MAP ❑ Standard Wind 15 PSF Horizontal 9 PSF Uplift W LL_ I'—' W Y . U) . Q � m Z _V W 0 _1. Q Q t— V fr N DESIGN ROOF LOAD North 40 PSF South 20 PSF ZONE MAP Middle 30 PSF —Other PSF NORTH F M—M� ��ftm:wm., I MIDDLE 41L� MIDDLE SOUTH 0 y 0 R Tills mobile home has 11 been thermally e►odAloiNonfotm a� W federal mobllo home construction and salefy,giin 10rds formorall o with th Ifit lh ar Willing equipment manufacturer and model (see list of leff), The above heating equipment has the capacity to maintain an average Ihls,homohorn,at outdoor temperatures of p 'To rnaximlze furnace Operating econom and (n conserve energy, it l; this horn, be lnelafled where the outdoor winterdesign temperature (d7y, Sy --� degrees Fahrenheit.' VW The above Information has been calculated assuming s maximum wind w standard atmospheric pressure. �- � .,, • ` El Air condlti,' COMFORT COOLING , m(n Door provided at factory (Alternate I) Air conditoner manufacturer and model (Sao flat at left), Z Certified k it conditioning — 6 TIWhour In accordance will air condlrling and refrigeration Institute standards, The central air conditioning system Provided In this home has been allorlentgflon of the front (hitch end) of the home facing O�� W system 'is designed to maintain an Indoor temperature of 75° F t' temperatures are F dry'bulb'and a F wet bulb, The temperature to which this home can be cooled will change depone Zr amount of exposure okthe windows of thls home to the sun's radiant heal 1 . home's heat gains wilt vary dependent upon Its ortenfallon to fhesun andat shading provided. Information concerning the calc ulation Of caoling ioa, Q- locations, window exposures and shadingsare providedinChapfer22ofthe 0•' of the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals. L) information pecessary to calculate cooling loads at various locations and an Z-'Provided in the special I comfort -cooling Information provided with this mot 19 Air conditioner not provided at factory (Alternate IQ Q The air distribution system of this home is suitable for the Installation at candllloning. „ The supply alr distribution system installed in this home is sized formobile hr ,Z air conditioning system of up to 6 2 s 8 0 eB.LUJhr. rated copaclfy.', certified In accordance with the appropriate air conditioning and reMgeration standards, when the air circulators of such air conditioners are rated at O:3 in Q,r column static pressure or greater for the cooling air delivered to the mobile It tll air duct system. lniormallon necessary to calculate cooling loads at various locations and odenti provided in the special comfort cooling information provided with this mobile I ❑_ Air conditioning not recommended (Alternate Ill) The alr distribution system of this home has not been designed In anticipation of with a central air, conditioning system, INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER NECESSARY Ta CALCULATE SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN Walls (without windows and doors).....,,, ..U" . 0 9 0 Collings and roofs of light color ................. 0 5 7 .................. Ceilings and roofs of dark color ............ "U. — -- Floors ................. .. ,.'.....,. ..:......................... .u' 0 73 Air ducts in floor .............. ................., , . _ . _ ..U. _0 73 Air ducts In ceiling ..... ........................ . `U' — — — Air ducts Installed outside the hone ....... ......... ... . ....... `U` 2 2 6 The following are the duct areas In this home - Air ducis In floor . .,... ................... .... sq.IL Air ducts In ceiling .... ......... .. ... _ sq. 11. Air duct outside the home....... 47.1 sq. IL To determine the required capachy of egwpmenI to coolahome effirdorittyand economically, a cooling load (neat gain) calculatlonls requlrad, The cooling load IF dependent on theorien. lallon, locaMon and the alructura of the home. Central air condiuonara operate moor emcianrly and provide the greatest comfort when (hair capacity closely approximates the catculateJ cooling load. Each home's air conditioner should be sited In accordance wAh Chapter 22 o1 the AmeNcan Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AL Conddiloning Engh»ers IASHRAEI Handbook of Fundamentals, once file location and orientation are anown, OUTDOOR WINTER DESIGN TEMP. ZONES .a