HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # t! LS;tjbf µ a ,,- AAPEX Electric ISSUE DATE PLANNING 8a DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code CoMpliance Division BULL DING; PERrwrr SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Company Name/Individual Name) -- have agreed to be the Electric (Type of Trade) -- -- Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Primary Contractor) — — For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax (D x') — — —. It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Cade Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. —._.. _. TFtAC'rOR SIGNATURE �' W. Bryan Adams 29179 COUNTYER CTIFICATION NUh16ER State of Florida, County or St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed bcrovc me (his day of �_Jt�_ 20Z(, by W- Bryan Adams who is Personally known or has produced a _ as identification. mom STAMP (JAULLILlure Of Notary public Ann Print Name of Notary Public 'or P Notary Public State of Flpnda Hannah E Moore Revised It 16/2016 a My Commission HH 017099 �;YO-p-, Expires 07/012024 SUB CO NTR4CTORSICNATURE (Qualifier) - PRINT NAlME - _ --.- ....... -` C Y CER7'IFICq 'NN 'L L ER state o/ Florida, County of -EA LA-y;` The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 1.6 day of who is personally known -V—or has produced a _ as identification. Sk _,Z Y °pB�,� JAME L HARNER ri2lure of Notary Public < y Wy CNAMON a GG 089122 EXPIRES *12.2021 Bcnded T'titi B;,ri•el Notary Servces n` nt Name of Notary Pu he — PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR. AGREEMENT - Ffi r' ea4i e) (Company Name/I the iividual Name) have agreed to be (Type of Trade) — Sub -contractor for Ifths �yy�a n� Alrt�lun FL gn (Prunary Contractor) For the project located at 2 — I / _ _ _ _ — (Project Street Ad perty Tax ID #) It IS understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above nienti project the BLI(Idin and Code Reo oned g bulation Division of St filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County ofJa�& C(i The foregoing instrument was signed before me this L �da�y� �o f �Pensona V by Lu/ l f ��/�1 ftsu & S w --ear hasproduced a as identification. Signature of Notary Public STAMP Print Name of Notary public PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION # GG137624 Revised11/16/2016 "'I'; f` EXPIRES September 26, 2021 Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the -C RA TOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier�'Ro ) r' C • uSS o PRINT NANIE _ e,-1271� COU\TY CERTIF(CATr NUMBER State of Florida, County of JQJnf Di t-(C/'t The foregoing instrument vas signed before me this // `dry of bs_ e ( kusso who is perso 'all vn t/or has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary Public ///��� STAMMP Print Name or Notary Public ;+;,►" : PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN •' ': MY COMMISSIONA! GG137624 EXPIRES September26, 2021 PERMIT t1 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT :--l.:SAM 11V !7 QL'Z..1 S f rt'>� (t-.ompany Narpe/Individual Name) the PI >, bcbuNt, _ (Type of Trade) For the project located at iZA t^! Sa5"f.CCS -ZNC have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Adam Homes ofNortmestModds.taa (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID d) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO R SIGNATURE �— (Qualifier) Adams H ttls of NQ*Nest RWS(k Ina PRINT NAME COUMY CERTQ'ICATIONq State of Florida, Cnuoty The foregoing instrument was signed before me this Ili day or by William_Bryan Adams who is personally known bas produced a as identification. �Sigoatme o{tyj�tilic STAMP SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA Priot Neme of Notary Public +�!"'•°yo. SHELLEYA.SEPULVEDA MY COMMISSION k GG 262074 EXPIRES: January 25, 2023 Bonded Thru N Revised II/16/20 otaryPubOcUndtrwrilers Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the SUB-CONT R SIGNATUE �R(Qu.1 SPR1E —1yIJ J (0 COUNTY CERTffICATION NUMBER State or Florida, Co,u°ty of I1u.-acxe The foregoing Instrument was signed before me Ibis .r��� Iv day of 2aby�\r.l"Y n t,')%'.MttnC_Z' Who is personally known ✓ or has produced a as ideotifiealioo. Sigoature of Notary Public Pnot Name of Notary rb11311C o p• "a�,; RICHARDDOUGLASJOHNSON ?: �•�n- NolaryPublic- SlaleolFlorida Commission 0 GG 084821 My Comm Expires Mar 20, 2021 Bonded iArougn Nal,onal Nalary Assn PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUrt.DINC., PBRJiI'1' SUB -CONTRACTOR ACRra:1lENT —-------- _--------____-- have eed to be mpany Name. individual Name) agr � �--_---- the Rooting — Sub -contractor toll- Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (primary ('tsntrtchsr) _— For the project located at (Pruject Street Address or Properi.y I.ax I It is Understood that, if thcrc is any change of status regarding our palticipaiiou with the above tnentioncd project, the. Building and Code Redatloll Division of St. LUCle C:onllty Will be advised pursuant to the filing of a CLlr111gc Of SUb-00111.1-acrol- notlCe. - _ --- --- .---- coNT'11a('T , , m r-Irnr ((�uarfierl..........--- William Bryan Adams r'RIN'r � t�tlf - COI'\ 1'1' C'P;R l IFIC'A'1 ION \C:\113ti1i State of Florida, (ount, of St. Lucie 1 he forgoing insn untcnt FIas signed before nic this da of 20g by William Bryan Adams whois personnlly known -)Lor has produced a - -------- nsIddeen(jtiiificcaationn. Signature of \'Diary Public flan- G _Vh Print same Dr Notary �OP Notary Public State of Fiprida Hannah E Moore p� My COmrntssion HH 017099 kc. ked I lilt, •_gin �7pr ptf' Expires 07/01/2024 l Slil:•C:(,l\°7R:t('Tl :tT (.`OU\'F1' CER•1't1�1C'.4T'1(7N \t;\IBI?(2-----� - StateofFlarida;Countyof St Lucie 1 Tht• F""goiltg irrstrUnIcut aas signed herure ine. ibis 10 dae of whu Is personally knosvu 9—or hits produrerl a as ideal ifiealian. Srgnafuft -- reorNotaryPubh�--- 5'IAS1P -"9K- c_+12_ wl 0.0 r Print Nante of Notary Pahric Y Notary PUbho State o/ FlpridaHannah E MooreMy ComrntaWOn HH 017099Expires 07/01/2024 Plut-q