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APPROVED Work sheet
ST LUCIE WORKS 2020 HVHZ Electronic Roof Permit Form Section A (General Information) Master Permit No: Process No. Contractor's Name: 776 /e J h Job Address: % 76 5. Us 22 Roof Category ❑ Low Slope ❑ Mechanically Fastened Tile ❑ Mortar/Adhesive Set Tile ❑ Asphaltic Shingles Tile Metal Panel/Shingles ❑ Wood Shingles/Shakes ❑ Sprayed Polyurethane Foam ❑ Other Roof Mean Height (h) ft. Roof Type ❑ New Roof ORe-Roofing ❑ Recovering ❑ Repair ❑ Maintenance Are there Gas Vent Stacks located on the roof? ❑ Yes ,IZNo If yes, what type? ❑ Natural ❑ LPGX Roof System Information Low slope roof area (ft.'): Steep Sloped area (ft.Z): 1 2(0 DO Total (ft.-): 2�a� Section B (Roof Plan) Sketch Roof Plan: Illustrate all levels and sections, roof drains, scuppers, overflow scuppers and overflow drains. Include dimensions of sections and levels, clearly identify dimensions of elevated pressure zones and location of parapets. Perimeter Width a' (.6h): rG , ft. Corner Length (.6h): ft. Corner Width: (.2h): ft. !'11" 12 4^ 217^ 5'i0^— 3-'9n 2'4" — .1273" 2'4" 3'3" 5'10" 6'4" 6'4G 6'4'6'3" 6:3% 44 5 4 6,4. v 2172" 3'9" 3'LI" 3'3' 261" 6:ia 24'6" 6:12 cr1 2 a'19" �1 �} 2]'10" 29 ]" 2.4„ N 9'S^ 3'5" a6.s^ - — 42'9" - ST. LUCIE WORKS 2020 HVHV Electronic Permit Form Section D Metal Roof Panel rM sEe Roof System Manufacturer. b45 ( �"� oil &A-4ovesie-S W r-W> L. o4tn i2 r Pal¢ r MDC Notice of Acceptance (NOA): Minimum Design Wind Pressures (psf) from 2020 RAS-127 or Calculations per ASCE 7-16 (P1) Field: - 5`1.3b (P2e) Perimeter Edges: 54.3 b (P2n) Gable Perimeter: -86•�2 (P2r) Ridge Perimeter. ' gG•72 (P3e) Overhang Corners: 7z (P3r) Ridge Corners: !°1 • / Maximum design wind pressure from MDC NOA: Complete the required roof assembly system components, if a component is not required mark the field N/A. Roof Slope: ® /12 Roof Mean Height: 2 g r ft. Perimeter Width: ft. Deck Type:i 5T0 /r (� wvn Optional Nailable Surface: Optional substrate attachment: Optional Insulation: Insulation Attachment: Fire Barrier: GgG Voje54 Undedayment Type (UDL): Ta p-17M P ail& 7 Ell Fastener Type & Spacing for UDL Attachment: �nS Optional Peel & Stick Membrane: Metal Roof Panel: �. a►` f I SD SS lb" Drip Edge Material: / ✓K /1 ; 'L Drip Edge Size & Gauge or Thickness 3K3" ZHaat�Le Drip Edge Hook Strip (continuous cleat) Drip Edge Fastener & Attachment Spacing: J 0 e t aAC, Screw Type, Size and Gauge for Clip Attachment: Number of screws required per clip: Screw Type, size, and Gauge for Through Panel Attachment, Sealing Washers Required: Nq Clip or Screw Spacing for Metal Panel Attachment: (P1): 2 y in. o% (P2e): 2 y ` in. o/c (P2n): 6 " in. o/c (P2r): F(1 in. o/c (P3e): in.o% (P3r): © in. o/c