HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA MIAM� WAM FDA DE C'OUN1-Y PRODUCT CO'NTRUL SECTFO DEPART is1E6NT OF REGUL'LTORY AN D EC0NO'sTTC RESOURCES{RER) 118415 SW 26 Sweet,Room 208 BOARD AND CODF A W%1 I N I STRATI ONDIVISION Miami.Florida 3 3 1 75-2474 T(786)315-2590 F(796)315.25Wj —NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) ,vkvw.nkianudade.u"!ccunrrmv Polyglass USA, Inc. 150 Lyon Drive Fernley. NV 89408 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the app]icable rules and reputations governirle-the use Of construction materials_ Tht: documentation submitted has been revicwcd and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER- Product Control Section to be used in 1vliami Dade County and other areas where a]lowed by the Atithority Haring Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be Valid after the expiration date stated b6mv. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (!n Miami Dade County) and,`or the AHJ (in amaq other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this prodract or material tested for quality assurance purposes_ if this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer wiI t incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ i nay imtncdiately revoke, modify. or suspend thL; use of such proditct or material %vithin their jurisdiction. RFR rescrvcs the right to revoke this acccplance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Prodiavt Control Section that this product or material fails to mect Ehe rcquircrrm4nts ofthe applicable buiklirig cycle. This product is approved as described herein.and has been des i sted to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida BUiIding Code. DF.SCRIPTION: Polyglass Self-Adhered Roof System over Food Decks LABELING: Each unit shall hear a pi rmincnI label with the manufacturcfs name or logo, city, state and following; Statement: "(Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless othczwise noted herein. E N E W A L of this NOA shall he comiderW after it renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performaaicc of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur gflcr this expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, as d."or manufacture of the product or process, _Misuse of this NOA as an c nridursement ofany product, for stales, advertisitic, nr any other purposes shall automatical ly terminate this NOA_ Failure to comply with any section of this IN10A shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any purtion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety, INSlPECT10N. A copy(if this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufactumr or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official_ This NOA revises NOA9 17-1016.01 and consists of pages l through 38, The submitted documentation was revicwW by A[ex Tigera. NOA No,: 19-0311.t3=# MIAMV3ADE COUNTY . Expiration Date: I W I 1122 Approval hate; 0312[119 Page 1 irf 38 ROOFING ASSEMBLY APPROVAL Catcizorv: Roofing Sulu-Cateuor►-: Modified RALI lcn Materials SBS1APP!TP0 Deck Type: Wood Maximum Design Pressure -112.5 psf TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS NIAN FACTURLD OR LA11F.I ED BY APPLICANT: TABLE 1 Test Product Product Dimensions Specification Description Polyanchor 250' x 48" ASTM D 4601, A polymer woven, Itigb performance, synthetic base Type II sheet. Polyglass G2 Base 108' x 36" ASTM D 4 60 1, Mph aIt-coated fiberglass reinforced base sheet Tvpc 11 Elastoshield HT 65` 8" x 3' 3-3/8" ASTM D 6162 SAS modified asphalt coated Eberg]assrpoly�*ster reinforced base sheet_ traplcx SIBS HT 65' S"x 3' 3-318" ASTM D 6162 SBS Inodi Pied asphalt coated fib erglasslpoiyester 13asa 650 reinforced base sheet. Elm,toba:u 65' 2"x 3' 3-3/8" ASTMM D 6163. SBS modified asphalt coated fiberglass reinforced Type 1 base sheet. Elastoflex SA V 66' 8" x 3' 3-N" ASTM D 6163. Self-adhered, ftberglass reinforced, SBS modified Type I bitumen membrane with a self-adhering back face and a smooth top surface, Elastoflex SA V FR 66' 8" x 3' 3-318" ASTM D 6163, Self-adhered, fire-rated, fiberglass reinforced, SBS Type i mod ifoed bitumen membrane with a selGadhcrnng back face and a smooth top wurfaQe, Elastoflex SA V 66' 8" x 3' 3-34" ASTM D 6t63, Sclf adhered, fiberglass reinforced, SBS modified PLUS Type 1 bitumen membrane with a self-adhering back face and a smooth top !eurfuce, Elastoflcx SA V 66' 8" x 3' 3-1!8" ASTM D 6163, Self-adliered, fire-rated, fiberglass reinforced, SBS PLUS FR Type 1 modified hi lumen membrane with a self-adhering back face and as muoth top surface. XtraFlex SBS Bata 66' 8"x 3' 3-'fa" ASTM D 6163. Self-adhered. fiberglass reinforced, SIBS modified SA Type I bittimell membrane with a sclf-,aclhering back face and a smooth top surface. XtraFlex SBS Glass 65' " x 3' 3-3I8" ASTM D 6163, S BS modified asplutlt coated fiberglass reinforced Base Tvpc f base sheet, Elastobase P 65' 8" x 3' 3-3/8" ASTM D 6164, SFAS mod ificd asphalt coated polyester reinforced base Type I sheet, Elastoflex SA P 32' 1G" x 3' 3-3/8" ASTM D 6164, Self-adhered, fiberglass reinforced, SBS modified Type f bituinen tttembrane with a self-adhering back face and a granule top surface. \OA No.: 19-0311A4 MwMFoa� Expiration Date: 10111/22 ' Approval (late: 03121119 Page 2 of 38 Glastoflex SA P FR 32' IG" x 3' 3-3/8" ASTM D 6164, Self adhered, fire-rated, polyester reinforced, SBS Type I modified hitumen membrane with a self-adhering back face and a grant& top surface_ Polyfrt;sko G SBS SA 32' 10" x 3' 3Jlg" ASTM D 6164, Self-adhered, fiberglass reinrorcL;d, SBS modified Type 1 bitumen membrane with a self adhering back face and a granule top surface, Polyfresko G SBS SA 32' 10" x 3' 3-'fs" ASTM D 6164, Self-adhered, fire4ratcd, fiberglass reinforced, SBS FR Type i modified bitumen membrane with a self-adhering back Face and a gntnuIv top surface_ Polyreflccl 32' 1 D"x 3' 3-'18" ASTM D 6164, Self-adhered, polymer, SBS modified bitumen Type i membrane with a self-adhering back face and a smooth top surface. traFlex SBS G SA 32' 10" x Y 3-318" ASTM D 6164, Sc3f-adhered, fire-rated, polyester reinforced, SBS Type I modified bitummi membrane with a self'adhering back Fact apd a grrantile top surface. Polybaztd 32' 10" x 3' 3-319" ASTM D 6222 Torch applied, polyester rclnr weed, APP modified bitumen membrane with a burn off polyethylene back face and a smooth or sanded top snrtace. Polyfles 32' 1V x 3' 3-3/8- ASTM D 622.2 Torch app]icd, polyester reinforced, APP modified bitumen membrane with a bung off polyethyleno back face and a smooth or sand top surface, trnFlex APP S 32' 10" x 3' 3-318" ASTM D 6222 Torch applied. polyester reinforced, APP modified bitumen membrane with a burn off polycthylimc back Face and a smooth or sanded top surface, PolyKool 32' 10" x 3' 3-'A4" ASTM D 6222, Self-adhert td, polyester reinforced, APP modified Type t bitumen minribrane with a self-adhering back Face end a white film faminate on the top surface, traPlex Kool APP S 32' 10"x 3' 3w i8" ATM D 6222, Self-adhered. polyester reinforced, APP modified SA Type I bitumen niernbraae with a self adhering back Face and a white film laminate on this top surface. Polyflex SA P 32' 1W" x 3' 3-'Is" ASTM D 6222, Self-adhcrmd, polyester reinforced, APP modified Type I bitumen membrane with a s�If-adhering back face and a granule tour surface, Polyflex SA P FR 32' 10" x 3' 3-'f$" ASTM D 6222, Se I f-adhered, fire-rated,polyester reinforced, APP -[-ype I modified bitumen membrane with a �ieIf-adhering back face and a granokc top surface. Polyfresko G APE' SA 32' 1 Q" x 3' 3,'1@" ASTM D 6222, Scl f adhered.polyester reinforced,APP rmodi Cicd Type, 1 bitumen membrane with a self-adhering hack Face aH a_qanule top surface. Polyfresko G APP SA 32' 10" x 3' 3J1A" ASTM D 6222, Self-adhered, fire-rated.polyester reinforced, APP FR Type I modified bitumen membrane with a self-adhering back face and a granule top surface XtraFkcx APP G SA 32' 10"x 3' 3_3fR" ASTM D 6222. clf-adhered, fire-rated, polyester reinforced, APP TyTo I modified bitunion membrane with a self-adhering back face and a granule top surface_ NOA Nu_ 19-031 L04 w�tbr� Expiration Date- 10111122 Approval Date: 03/21/19 Page 3 of 38 Polyglkiss APP Raise 65' 8" x 3' 3-14" ASThv1 D 6509, AFF modified asphalt coated fibetglass reinforced Type I base sheet. 110 100 1, 3-5, 50, 55 gal. ASTM D41 A pt�tli�tmting solution of solvent and a blend of tube or 17 oz. spray selected asphalts used to promote adhesion. can PG 350 1.3, 5, 50, 55 gaI, or ASTNI D3019 A libered rubberized adhesive desigued for use with tube Type III modified bitumen membranes- PG 400 1,3, 5, 50, 55 gaL or ASTLNi D4586 A thick, fibered, nibberized flashing cement for use in tube ASTNI D3409 dry or damp conditiot7S. PG 425 1, 3, 5, 50, 55 gal. or ASTM D4586 A thick. fibered, rubberized fiashin 1�cm4n! for 4isc iut tube ASTM D3409 dry or damp conditions, PG 450 ]. 3, 5, 50, 55 gal, or ASTM D4586 A thick, tibered. rubberized flashing cement- tube PG Soo 1, 3, 5, 50, 55 gal. or ASTNI D4586 A thick, ffbered, rubberized flashing ceimr nt for use tube with modified bitumen membranes. POLYPLl1S 35 1. 3, 5, 50, 55 gaL or ASTM D3019 A libered rubberized adhesive designed for use w kh tube Type [1I madified bitumen membranCS- POLYPLU 45 1, 3, 5, 50, 55 gal-or ASTM 134586 A thick, tibered, rubberirecl t701shing cement. tube POLYPLUS 50 1,3, 5, 50, 55 gat, or ASTM D4586 A thick, fibered, rubberized flashing cement for use tube with mod ied bitumen membranes- XtraFlex 10 1, 3, 5, 50, 55 gal, ATM D41 A penetrating solutions of soIvent and a blend of tube or 17 uz, spray selected asphalts lased to promote adlieston- can traFli.x 35 1, 3, 5, 50, 55 gal- or ASTM D3019 A tibered rubberized adht slvc: due dgned for use with tube Type III modified bitumen mombrarics, XtraFlex 50 Premium 1, 3, 5, 50, 55 gal. or ASTM D4396 A thick, f'ubercd, rubberized flashing cement For use Modified Wet/Dry tuhu with modified Bitumen membranes, Cement WB-3000 5 gallon pail Proprietary A law-I OC, water-based acrylic primer to enhance adhesion of self-adhered membranes. NOA No.: 19-0311.04 rav M� a °o Expiration Date: loll 1122 F Approval Elate, 03121119 Page 4 of 38 APPROVED INSULATIO S: TABUS 2 Product Name Product Description Manufacturer (With Current No ,,M Polythi-rm-ii Polyisocyunurate foam insulation Folyglass USA, Inc_ Myrtherm Polyisocyantu•ate foam insulation Polyglass USA, [Tic, Po[ytherm 0 Po[yisocyanuratu foam insulation Polyglass USA, Inc_ XtraFlex Falyiso PokyisocyamLratc foam insulation Polyglass USA, Inc. XtraFlex Polyiso G Polyisocyanaatc foam insulation Polyglass USA, Inc. ACFoain-I1 Polyisocyanurate foam insulation Atlas Roofing Corp ACFoam-III Polyisocyanurate foam iorsulatiotf Atkas Roofing Corp Structodek High Densily Fiberboard Roof WoA ffbcr insulation board Blue Ridge r iberboard, Inc_ Insulation DensDeck, Den,;Deck Prime Gypsum insulation board Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LL(: H-Shield Pei yi socyanurate foam insulation HLLnter Panels, LLC H-Shield CG Polyisocyanuratelperlite composhe insulation Hunter Panels, LLC ENRGY-3 Polyisocyanurate foam insulation Johns Manville Corp. Fesco Board Expanded mineral FNb r Johns Manvi11e Corp. Multi-flax FA-3 Polyisocyanurate foam insulation R.max Operating, LLC.. ECUROCK Gypsuni-Fiber Roof Board Fiber reinforced coverboard united States Ciypsum Corporation MIAMFCIADE BOA o.: 19-0311,04 COUNTY Expiration Date: 101I 1122 Approval Date: 03121/19 Page 5 of 38 APPROVED FASTENERS: TABLE, 3 Fastener Prnduct Product IN-[anufactorer !umber Name Qes(-rjRLjM Dimension. With..Carrent NO.AL) 1, Dekfast DF-;F 12-PTA 3 Insulation fastener for woA SFS Grotip USA, Inc. steel and concrete decks 2, Dekfast DF-;T,I4-PH3 Insulation fastener for wood, Various SFS Group USA, Inc, steel and concrete decks 3_ Dekfast DF415-PH3 Insulation fastener for wood, Various SFS Group USA. Inc. steel and comrecc docks 4_ Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8 Gi kIv�EIumc hex stress plate. 2 "Is" x SFS Group USA, Inc- 3 '14„ 5, #14 Roofgrip lnsulation and membrane Various OMG, [ale, fastener 6. Flat Bottom MctaI Plate A2-SS aluminized steel plate 3" square QMC'F, Inc- 7. Trufast#14 HD Fastener Insulation fastener for steel and Altenloh, Brinck & Co_ Nvood decks U.S_, Inc. 9, Trufast 3" M eta t Insulation Round Qalvalume AZ50 stet 3.23 round Altenlob, Rrinck & Co. Plate plate 3" round U.S., Inc. 9, Polygrip Fasteners #12 insulation fastener for wood, Various Polyglass; USA, Inc steel and concrete decks 10_ Polygrip Fastener#14 Insulation fastener for wood, Various Pol}+glass USA, Inc. steel and com-mw decks IL Polygrip Fasucner#15 hisulation fa.,3tencr for wood, Various Polyglws USA, Inc. steal and conerctc clocks 12._ Polygrip Hcx Plats Cialvalume hex stress plate_ 2 718"x Polyglass USA, Inc 3 '14" 13_ OMG 3 in. Ribbed GaIvalume stress plate. 3" round 0-MG, Iris, GaIvalume Plate{F[at) 14_ OXIG 3" Qdvalurne Steel Galvalume stress plate_ 3" round OMG, Inc_ Plate 15, Dekfast PLT-R-3 Ga[Val umc stress plate. 3" round SFS Grp4ip USA, Inc. 16. Millennium Onc'stop A two component, low rise, Adco Products, Inc_ dba )~oamable Adhesive polyurohane foam adhesive Royal Adhesives & Sealants 17. Millennium One Step Green A two component, low rise. Adco Products, inc_ dba Foamable Insulation polyurethane foam adhesive Royal Adhesives & Adhesive Sealants is. Millennium ?G-1 Pump A two component, low rise, Adco Products, Inc. dba Gracie Adhesive polyurethane fnam adhesion; Royal Adhesives Sealants SOP► No.. 19-031l.l}4 wuur-,wpap MOUNTY Expiration Date: 10111122 Approval Date: 03121119 Page 6 nF 38 APPROVEDSURFACING: TABuc 4 Chosen cninpunenbs m u s I be apptied according to manufacturer's appli€ation instructioils. Number Produo Product Application Specification Manufacturer Name Di sc(Aution Rate Gravel To be installed itt a flood coat 400 Ibslsq NIA Generic ofapproved asphalt at 60 lbs?sq 2. Slag To be installed in a goad coat 300 lbslsq N/A Gcncric of approved asphalt at 60 lbslsq 3- KM Acryl 15 A premtuum whitc or tinted L-1` gallsq ASTM D6093 Polyglass USA, elastomcric acrylic based roof Ine- coatiny(%water-based)- A polyester fabric may be used for reinforcement with this coaling, 4. KM Acryl 15 QS A gremiurn white or tinted l- gallsq ASTM D6033 Polyglass USA, quick setting, elastameric [no. acrylic based roof coating (water-based)- A polyester fabric may be used for rein forcement with this coating 5, KM Acryl 25 A. premium white or tinted I-I`/, gallsq ASTM D6083 Polyglass USA, elastomeric acrylic based roof Inc- coating(eater-based). A polyester fabric may be n_sed for reinforcement with this coating, . K-M Acryl 25 QS A prurruum white or tinted 1-l'Ir allsq ASTM D6083 Polyglass. USA, quick Setting, clastomeric Inc. acrylic based roof coating (water-based). A polyester fabric may be used for reinforcement with this coating. 7. KM-PS #220 A siirgle componetit, solvent, 1.25 gallsq ASTM D6694 Polygl ass USA, white or tinted, silicone Inc. Coating, 8. -PS m254 A premium grade high solids, 1-25 gali�,l ATM D6694 Polyglass USA. white or tinted, single lnc- cnntPOTIL rnt, muisturc cure. fluid applied silicone coating ff- fYOA tin.. 19-1131IA4 t�t�u� FJU;Kjl;coue�rr Expiration date: 10111/22 Approval Date: 03121119 Page 7 of 38 APPROVEDSURFACING: TABLE 4 Chosen components must he applied according to manufacturer's applicAtion instructions. Number Product Product Application Specification Manufacturer Name Description Rate 9. P(d 300 Are asphalt cutback fibered roof I V2-2 gn[lsq ASTM D4479 Polyglass USA, coating- May be applied by Inc. brush or spray equipment to rejuvenate awd BUR 10, PG 600 N'on-fibered alutnirum roof 1t-i galisq ASTM D2824 Polyglass USA, Coating- Tyre I Inc. 11. PG 650 Pi be red aluminum roof coating, 1 Y,,2 gailsq ASTM D2824 Polyglass USA, Type III Inc. 11 P 700 A prerniuni white or tinted I-V 6a11sq ASTM D6083 Polyglass USA, elastnitrcrW acrylic based roof Inc. coating (water-based)- A polyester Fabric may be used for reinforcement with thin; coating, 13, PG 700 QS A premium white or tithed 1-P/2 gallsq ASTM D6083 Polyglass USA, quick setting, elastomeric Inc- acrylic based roof coating (water-based). A polyester fabric may be used for reinforcement with this coating. 14- PCB 800 An asphalt based. non-fibered 3 gal/sq in two ASTM D1227 Polyglass USA, clay emulsion coats Inc. 15. PolyBrite 70 A premiuttt white or tinted 1-1'fr gallsq ASTM D6083 Polyglass USA, c:1 ts(omeric acrylic based roof Inc. coating(water-lased). A polyester fabric may be used for reinforcemena with this coating. 16. PolyBritc 70 QS A pre miurn white or tinted I-P/2 galls[) ASTM D6083 Polyglass USA, quick scUing, elastomeric Inc- acrylic based roof coating (water-based)- .A polyester fabric may be used for reinforcement with this Coating, 17. PolyBrite 90 A premium grade high solids, 1.25 galisq ASTM D6 94 Polyglass USA, white or tinted, single Inc. Component, inoisture care, fluid applied Silicone coating O A No- 19-0311.04 huAMI-BAD <�aurrrr I:xpiratian Date: 1f1J11J22 Approyal Date: 03121119 Page 8 of 38 APPROVED SURFACING, TABU 4 Chosen components must be applied according to manufacturer's applieation instructions. Dumber Yrodizct. Product Application SpeCiiCaliun Maskufaeturer Mille Description Rate 18. PolyBrite 95 A single component, white or 1.25 galrscl ASTM D6694 Polyglass GSA, tinted,sohrcnt, moisture dire Inc_ siGconc coating, 19. POLYPLUS 60 LNon-libered aluminum roof 'l2.-1 gallsq ASTNI D2824 Polyglass USA, coating. Type [ Inc_ 20_ 1'OLYPLL:S 65 Fibered aluminum roof coating. I -2 gallsq ASTM D2824 Polyglass USA, Type III Inc. 21_ XtraF[cx 60 Aluminum iron-fibered olkhminum roof Yz-I gaUsq ASTM D2824 Polyglass USA, Roof Coating coating, Type I Inc_ 22. XtraFlex 65 Aluminum Fihcrcd aluminum roof coating. 1' -2 gallsq ASTM D2824 Polyglass USA. Roof Coating Fibercd Type III Inc. 23_ XtraFlex 70 Prt:mium A premium whitc or tinted I-P/2 gal}sq ATM D 083 Polyglass USA, Acrylic FR Roof elastornoric aurylie based roof Inc_ Coating coating(mrater-based). A po[ycstcr fabric may be used for reinforcement with this Coating. 24_ XtraFlex 80 Emu Ision An asphalt based, non-fbered 3 gaUsq in rxro ASTNI D1227 Polyglass USA, Roof Coating clay emulsion coats Inc. 25_ XtraFlex 30 An asphalt cutback fibered roof 11/2-2 gallsq ASTM D4479 Polyglass USA, Bituminous hoof coating, May be applied by Inc. Coating Fibered brush or spray equ.Lpment to rejuvenate aged BUR 26. XtraFlex SRC 8000 A single component,white or 1.25 gaPs4 ASTM D6694 Polyglass USA, tinted, solvent, moisture cure Itrc. silicone coating. 27. XtraFlex SRC 9600 A prcmiuni grade high solids, 1.25 gallsq ASTM D6694 Polyglass USA, white or tinted, single 111C. component, Molsltire Cure, fluid applied silicone coating OUNTY a OA \o- 19-0311.04 rsuu�iaaa; vj Expiration Bate: 10/11/22 Approval Date: 03121119 Page 9 of 38 EVIDENCE UBMITTFD.- Test Aecnev Test NamclRcport Reaart No. Date Factory Mutual Research 4470 2WWAM 08.04.94 Corporation 4450 2D5A9.AM 0 .22.99 4470 3000857 01.12,00 4470 3004091 01.12.00 4470 3001334 02.15.00 4470 3014692 08,05.03 4454 3014751 08.27.03 4450 3019317 06,30.04 4470 3024311 1 1,01.06 4470 3012321 07.29.07 4470 3036182 07.31,09 4470 RR202591 10.22.15 Trinity CRD TAS 114 11752,09.94-1 02.08.00 TAS 114 11751.05.03 05.30.03 TAS 117(B)-ASTM D903 02084L06.04 06.02.04 TAS 114 02762_03.05 03,30.05 TAS 114 02764.09.05 09.09_0 TAS 114 P1739,01.07 01.23.07 TAS 114 P 1734-07.0 6-R 1 02.27.07 TAS 117(H)-ASTM D6862 C8500SC.11,07 11.30.07 TAS 114 & F 4470 P7960SC_11.07 11.30.01 TAS 114(D)-- ASTM D1876 P10070.10.08 10_09.08 TAS 114 (H) F13760,09.09 09.10.09 FM 4470 & TAS 114 P33970.03.11 03.15.1 1 ASTM D6163 !ASTM D 4601 1'33960.03.11 03.15,1 1 ASTM D6163 P37590.03.13-2-ki 02.05.13 ASTM D6164 P37590.03.13-3A 03.06.13 TAS 114 P1738_02.07-R2 04.29.13 TAS 114 &. TAS 117 (B) 1 1757,04.01-1-RI 04.30,13 ASTM D6509 P37590.03.13-1-111 06.26.13 ASTM D6222 P37590.03.13-5-RI 07.01.13 ASTM D 164 P37590.07.13-1 07.02.13 TAS 114 & FM 4474 P41630,08.13 08.06,13 ASTM D4601 TAS 117 P45940_09.13 09.04.13 A Th1 D6222 P37590,09.13 09.12.13 ASTM D4601 ;' TAS 117 F4.5970M5.14 05.12.14 ASTM D6162 5C5170.05.15 05.08.15 A 'rm 176162 SC5170-12_15-1 12,29.15 TAS 114& FM 4474 PLYCT-SC8905,05.16-1 05.17.16 TAS 114 &. TAS 117 (B) 11757.12.00-1-R2 04,05,17 PRT Construcdon Materials ASTM D6222 PUSA-061-02-02 01.28,08 Technologies A5T)d D6163 PUSA-064-02-02 02?7.08 ASTM D6222 PUSAr062-024)2 12.04.08 AST"d D6694 PUSA-134-02-01 05.16.14 KM" OA No.: 19-0111,04 tI `pEC�UWrY Expiration Bate, 10111/22 Approval Date: 03121119 Page 10 of 39 EVIDENCESUBMITTED: Test Agenev Test Name Report Report No. Date A TN-1 D6694 PUSA-135-02-01 05.16,14 TA 1 l 7(B) PUSA-202-02-01 05.08,17 FM 4470& TAS 114 PUSA-202-2-U2 05 23.17 NOA No.: 19-0311.04 MLAMMADE C-MNT*r Expiration Date: 10111122 Approvat bate: 03121119 Pagel] of 38 Membrane Type: SBS:`APP Deck Type rt: Food, Non-Insulated Dcck Description; "Ij3 " or greater p€yw-uu 1 or woad plank, fastened at 24" spans with 8d common nails at 4" o,c, or#8 woad screws at 6"o-c- ystem Type E(1): Base sheet is mocha rGicaIly attach ad to root`deck. Me mbrancs subsequently adhered AllGeneral and System Limitations apply, Base Sheet; One ply of Elastobasc, EIastobasc P, Ela9toshieId. HT,Polyanchor, XtraFlcx SBS Glass Base or XtraFlex SBS HT Base 650 fastened to the deck as described below: Fastening: Attach base sheet using I 1 ga- annalar ring shank mils and 1-518" diameter tin caps spaced 8" o-f:, in a 4" lap and S"o-c. in three zqually spaced staggered rows in the center ofthe sheet. Ply Sheet: One or more pGc;s or EIastaflex SA V, Elastofliex SA V FR, Elastoflex SA V PLUS, EIasloflex SA V PLUS FIB or XtraFIex SBS Base SA self-,adhered- Membrane- Onc p€y of EIastoflex SA P, Elastof3cx SA P Fk1 Polyflex SA P, Poly 0cx SA P Fly, Polyfreske G APP SA. Polyfresko C, A P P SA >~R, Polyfresko G SBS SA, Pnlyfrewkv C'T SBS SA FR, Pu IyKool. Palyreflect, XtraFlex A P P T SA, XtraFlex KooI APP S SA or Xtra F Iex SBS G SA self-adhered. Surfacing: Instal€ one of the approved surfacing products listed in Table 4 to obtain desired coaling or (Optio:ral) required fire classification. Maximum Design Pressure: -52.5 psf; (See General limitation'V.), NOA Via.: 19-0311.04 ruarai�waECoVl 7r Expiration Date: 10/11122 Approval Date: 03121119 Page 30 of 38 WOOD DECK YSTE-m LIMITATIONS' 1. A s€ip sheet is requirecl with Ply 4 and Ply 6 when used as a mechanically fastened base or anchor sheet, CIFNERAL LiMITATIONS: I. Fire classification is not part of this acceptancsr; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials, Dimctory for fire ratings 0r III is product. 2. Insulation may be installed in multiple layers. The first layer shall be attached in comp Iiancc with Product C.'orttroI Approval guidelines, All other layers shall be adhered in a full ntopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-40 1bs-?sq-, or tttechanicaIIy attached using the fastening pattern of the top layer 3. All standard panel sizes are acceptable for mechanical attachmen[- When aFphod in approved asphalt, panel size shall be 4'x 4' maximutti- 4. An overlay and/or recovery board insulation panel is requirtcd on all applications over closed cell foam insu€atiotts ivhctk the base sheet is fully mopped. If no recovery board in used the busc sheet shall be applied using spot mopr tt6 with spprcved asphalt, 12" diameter circles_ 24" o-c-, or strip mopped 8" ribbons in three rows, one at each side lap and one down the center of the sheet allowirtg a continuous area of ventilation. Encircling of the strips is not acceptable. A 6„ brc,tk shall lie placed every IT i], each ribbon to allow cross ventilation. Asphalt application of either system sha€I be at a minimum rate of 12 Ibs-?sq- ote: Spot attached systems shaII be Iimited to a maxi murn design pressure of 45 psf. 5, Fastener spacing for insulation attachment is based on a N1 inimuni Characteristic Force (F') va€uc of 275 IbL, as tested in compliance with Testing Application Standard TAS 105. If the fastener value, as field-tested, are below 275 lbf- insulation attachment shall not be acceptable- 6- Ras ncncr spa6ng For mechanical attachment of anchorrbasc sheet or membrane attachment is based on a minimum Fastener resistance value in conjunctioa %vith the maximum design value listed within a specific system- Should the fastener resistance be less than that required, as determined by the Brtilding 0Ffiuial, a revised fastener spacing, prepared, signed and sealed by a Florida registered Professional Lrigineer, Registered Architect, or Registered Root`Consultant may be submitted- Said rcv iscd faswilur spacing slialI utilize the withdrawal resistance value taken from Testing Application Standards TAS 105 and calculations in cotnplianoc with Roofing Application Standard LEAS 1 17. 7. Perimeter and corncr areas shall comply with the enhanced uplift pressure requlrerrmums of[hcsc areas, Fastener densities *hull bu increased for both insulation and base sheet as calculated in compliance with Roofing Application Standard F-AS 117- Calculations prepared, signed arid sealed by a Florida registered Processional E:nginecr, Registered ,Architect, at Registered Roof Consultant (When this limitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Limitation 49 gill not be applicable.) . At attachment and sizing of perimeter hailers, metal profile, and/or flashing termination designs shall conform to Roofing Application Standard RAS 11 I and applicable wind load requirements, 9. The maximum designed pre!ssuru 1 imitation Iisted shall be applicable to all roof pressure zones (i.e. field, periteters, and cOmers)- Neithcr rational analysis, nor extrapolation sha€I be pertttitted for enhanced fastening at enhanced pressure zones (i.e. perimeters, extended corners and corners), (When this Iimitation is specifically referred within Ihis NOA, General Limitation#7 will not be applicable.) 10- A€€ products listed herein s�haI1 halve a quality assurance audit iat accordance with the F]eruia Building Code sand 9ulc 61 G20-3 of the Florida Administratjve Code- END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE 'QA No- L9-0311.04 r�taaiFoaDacotar�rr Expiration Date: 10/11/22 Approval date. 03/21/19 Page 38 of 38 12115.f=0 TGFUM14571 -RooFmg systffms I UL Product iQ Roofing Systems See General Informatio€i far Roofing Systems PQLYGLASS USA INC R14571 1111 W Newport Center Dr Deerfield Beach, J*L 33442 USA SINGLE PLY MEMBRANE SYSTEMS Unless otherwise indicated, the insulation and base sheet are me€ttanicaIly fastened in piace; the membrane is heat welded in place, (0pti0nal)Noncombustible roof deck classifications are applitable for use over minimum 15/32-in,combustible thick Plywood roof decks when rninimurn 1/2-in. thick gypsum board or minimum 1/4-in. thici Georgia-Pacifi€Gypsum LLC 'DensDeck0 Roof board" "Dens Deck Prime Roofbowd" "DensN&DuraiSvardT' Roafboard" or minimum 1/4-in,thick United States Gypsum Co. -SECUROCK" Roof Board Type FRX-(3"or minimum 7115-in. thick National Gypsum Co. -DE Kcell0 FA Glass Mat Roof Board"are used directly over the combustible roof decks with all joints staggered a minimum of 6-in. from plywood roof deck butt joint$. Unless otherwise indicated, in any noncombustible roof deck Classification any UL Classified insulation may be utilized underneath a layer of minimum 114-In,thick Georg ia-Pacific Gypsum LK "De nsDeck9 Roofboard", Tens Deck PrirneM Roa%oard'. "Den 50e€k OuraGuard�- Raofboard"pr minimum 114-in.thick United States Gypsum Cu.-SKLIROCKTM Roof Board Type FR -G-, General statement far use of V8POr retarders and/or deck/insulation Whesives noncombustible (NC) roof decks only when such vapor retarders or decklinsu lad un adhesives are aceepiable to Polyglass USA Inc_they may be utilized. "Pplygfass Base" "Modibase" "Polyglass G2 Base" may be used in lieu of any Type G2 base sheet in any NC Classification_These products may also be used in any combustible FMf deck(minimum C-15{32)ClassiFcation in Which a generic Type G3 is referenced 0-c%.not brand specifi€)."Polyglass Ply 4" "Polygiass Plyb"(Type G1)" "Polygrass Vented base" " traFlex Ply IV", "XtraFlax Ply VI`and'XtraFlex G2 Base" may be used in any NC Classification.These products may also be used in any minimum C-15/32 roof deck Classification in which a generic Type G1 is referenced (i.e. not brand specific). 'Base Pro-,-Polyflex 5A Base" "Elastaflex SA V Polar Base", "Elastoflex SA Base Plus"or-Elastobase 5A' may be used as an acceptable altemates of -Elastoflex SA V" base sheet. Rete#enCes to polyisoryanurate insulation may include P4lyglass USA Inc. products "Polyth arm ID"and"Palytherm " ACCepireWe alternates to the membranes listed are given below; Membrane Listed Acceptable* Alternatives "Polybond" "Modibond" or "Torch Pro Smooth" "Polybond " " Modibond G" or "Toren Pro Granular" "Ekastoflex VG FR" "Elastoflex VG HI' FR" or "Elastoflex VG FIR (Type 1I)" "Polyflex ", "Polyflex Cold Bond" "Polyflex HP" or "Pelyflex G (Type II)" "Elastoflex VG" "Elastoflex V G HP" or "Elastoflex G (Type II)" Ilastoflex 56" "Elastoflex P-C' or "Elastoflex S6 HP" or "Elastofle 6 (Type II)", "XtraFlex SBS Poly Base" "Elastoflex S6 22" and "Elastofle 56 25" "Polyflex G PR" " odibond G FR"r "Polyflex G HP FR" OR "Polyflex " (Type II) " traFlex APR G FR" Membrane Listed Acceptable Alternatives IMP S-++iq.uiDrospector.comlenlPmfilo?omI49003 1 'r 12115W20 TGFU.RI4571 -Mooring Systems I UL Pmducti❑ "Polyfresko G FR" Tolyfresko G HP FR" ar "Polyfresko G FR (Type II)" "Elastoflex S6 G FR" "XtraFlex SBS POLY " or "XtraFlex "Elastoflex S6 G HP FR" or SBS POLY G T" "Elastoflex S6 G FR {Type II}" Polyfresko G SBS FR" "Polyfresko G SBS HP FR" or Tolyfresko G SBS FR (Type "Elastoflex S6 G", "Elastoflex S6 -G" "Elastoflex SIS G HP" or ".Elastoflex S6 G (Type II)" "Elastoflex SA W "Elastof[ex SA V Polar Base" "Elastoflex "Elastoflex SA Base" SA V Plus "Elastoflex SA Base Plus" or "Elastobase SA 'RD lytherm-ID", "Potytherma Tapered"or"Polytherm l� Composite'insulations may be used wherever POlyiso€yanurate insulations are specified in the Classifications bel my. Insulation may be optional for any rror,-combustible roof deck systems unless the insulation acts as a coVerboard over another insulation. ThE "Cure Technology" finish may be added to any Po lass USA Inc. membrane without adversely affecting the VI_ClassiFcation for that productfassembly_The pfodu€tlassembly would ma Wain the same Classification with of without the"Cure Te€hnology"pro€ess. Unless otherwise indicated,-Ply IV"dr-Ply VI" may be used in any Classifi€ation below that reference generic Type G1. Unless otherwise indicates#,-G2 Sase" may be used in any naneombustible roof deck Classification below that reference generic Typff GZ. "Mlyflex Cold(fond"may be used as an acceptable alternate to"Polyflex G https.Viq.ulprospector_comlenfprafla?a=149OW 2f2 TGFU.R14571 -Roofing System5 J LJL Product iQ Class A - Fully Adhered 1 . Deck: NC Incline: 112 Insulation (Optional):—Polyiso cya n u rate, urethane, perlite{p❑lyisocyanurate composite, perlite/urethane composite, Glass fiber, phenolic or perlite, any thickness. Base Sheet:—One or more plies "EIastobase" "Elastovent" -XtraFlex SBS Glass", "Polyflex", "Elastoflex V', mXtraFlex SB5 Glass Interply-, -Elastoflex V-C" or Type G2. Membrane:—"Polybond" "Polybond G" "Po lyflex.' "Polyfresko G" or"Polyflex G" (modified bitumen), heat welded_ Surfacing:--"PG BOO Asphalt Emu15ion Roof Coating" applied at 3 to 4-gal./T00-ft2_; or Karnak Corp. "No_97 Fib rated Aluminum Asphalt Ro❑f Coating" ❑r Karnak Corp, "fro,97 Asbestos Free Aluminum Roof Coating" at 1 to 2-galjl00-ft2,: or Brewer Co "Fortress 5001 Asphalt Errmulsion"applied at 4-gal./100-ft2.,followed by "PolyPlus 6V"r applied at 3/d to 1-gal,/100-W. 2, Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 1/ Jnsulation; — Polyisocya n u rate, perlitelpolyisocyanurate composite, perlite/urethane composite, Glass fiber, phenolic or perlite, any thickness,with insulation joints staggered a minimum of 6-in, from plywood joints, Base Sheet:—One ar more plies "Elastobase", -Elastovent" '.Polyflex.' .'Elastoflex V" "XtraFlex SBS Glass Interply rElast❑flex V-C'or Type G2. Membrane'— "Polybond", "Polybond G", "Polyflex", "Polyfresko G"or"Polyflex G" (modified hitvrnen), heat welded. Surfacing:—"PG 800 Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coating" applied at 3 to 4-gal,/10O-ft2,; or Karnak Corp_ "No. 97 Fibrated Aluminum Asphalt hoof Coating" or Karnak Corp_ "No_97 Asbestos Free Aluminum Roof Coating.'applied at 1 to 2-gal,/100-ft2;or Brewer Ca "Fortress 5001 Asphalt Emulsion" applied at 4-gal./100-ft 2, followed by "P❑IyPlus 60%applied at 3/4 to 1-gal,/100-ft , 3. Deck: C-1 5/32 Incline: 1J?- Insu[ation:—Minimum 1/4 in, [Mick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC"De nsDeck1 Ro❑f boa rd" a-Den sDeck Primed Roof board" or "Dens Deck DuraGuard'„' Roof boo rd perlite,wood fiber or Glass fiber, thick Mechanically fastened. Base or Ply Sheet:—One a more plies-Polyflex" (mechanically fastened of heat welded), "EJastobase", "Elastovent" "Elastoflex V " traFlex 565 Glass Interply" "Elastoflex V-C"or Type G2r mechanically fastened or hot mopped. Membrane_—"Polybond", "Polybond G", "Polyflex", "Polyfresko G" or` olyf€ex G- (modified bitumen), heat yielded or riot mopped, Surfacing; —"PG 800 Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coating" applied at 3 to 4-9al./100-ft2,; or Mousey Products "Endure Aluminum Roof Coating", "Weather Check"or "Pro-Grade Aluminum Roof Coating" applied at or Karnak Coup "No. 97 Fibrated Aluminum Asphalt Roof Coating" or Karnak Corp "No_97 Asbestos Free Aluminum Roof Coating at S to 2-gal./100-ftz,or Brewer Co- "Fort res s 500 Asphalt Emulsion", applied at 4-goL/100-ft�_, followed by "PolyPIus 60", applied at 314 to 1-gal./I00-ft.�. 4, Deck: NC Incline: 1 Insulation (Optional):— Polyisocyanurate,Glass fiber, perlite, wood fiber, any combination, any thickness_ Base Sheet:—"Polyflex", mechanically fastened or heat welded; or Type G2, mechanically fastened or hot mopped_ Membrane:—"Polybond", "Polybond G" "Polyflex" "Polyfresk❑ G" or"Polyflex G-(modified bitumen), heat welded, Surfacing; ---PG S00 Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coating" applied at 3 to 4-gal./100-ft2.; or Grundy Industries-al M�Aluminum Roof Costing" applied at 1 to 2.ga1./100-ft2,; or Brewer Co "Fortress 5001 Asphalt Emulsion", applied at 4-gal./100-ft2_, followed by "PoiyPlus 60", applied at 314 to 1-gal./l00-ft2_ . Deck, NC Incline: 1 Insulation (Optional):—Polyisocyanurate, urethanes perlite{polyisocyanurate composite, perlite{urethane composite, Glass fiber, phen❑IiC, perlite or wood fiberboard, any thickness. Base Sheet<—One or more plies "Duflex"or"Polyflex" (heat fused or mecl}anically fastened), "Ela stobase", "Elastoovent" "Elastoflex V -XtraFlex 565 Glass Interply", "Elastoflex V-C" a Type G2, hot mpppedr heat fused or mechanically fastened, Membrane:—"Duflex G FR" " traFlex A P P 1)ual" "Polyfresko G FR" "XtraFlex A P P G FR" "Polyflex G FR-or"Modihpnd G Fly- (modified bitumen}, beat fused. 6, Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 112 (lase Sheet:—One or more plies"Duflex"or "Polyflex" or"Polyglass Base" (heat fused or mechanically fastened), "Elastobase", lastovent" "Elastoflex V" "Xtraflex SSS Glass Interply-, -Elastoflex V-C" or Type G2, hot mopped, heat fused Dr mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet.—One or more plies "Duflex" or"Polyflex" or"Pclyglass Base"r heat fused,or "Polyglass BdSe" "EIastobase", "Elastovent "Elastoflex V", "}(traFIex SBS Glass Interply" "Elastoflex V-C'or Type G2r hot mopped OF mechAnically attar:hed_ Mps-Aq.ulprospector.corrmfenfprofifa?e=149003 Vs 12115!21)20 TGFU_R14!-371 -Roofing Systems I UL Product IQ Membrane:— "Duflex G FR" "Xtra Hex APP Dual", "Folyfresko G FR" " traflex APP G FR"r "Polyflex G FR" or"Modibond G FR" (modified bitumen), heat fused. 7_ Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 112 Insulation.—Folyisoryanur�te (2-in_thick minimum), perlite(3/4 in. thick minimum),Glass fiber(7/16-in. thick minimum), perlite/polyisocyanu rate composite, perlite/urethane composite(2-in, thick minimum) or(2-in,thick minimum) po lyisocyanu rate cowered with 1/2 in,thick perlite or wood fiberboard, Base Sheet—One or more plies "Duflex" a "Polyflex" heat fused or mechanically fastened; or one or more plies "Elastobase "E la stovent', "iE I-astafIU V",or "Elastoflex V-C", heat fused, mechanically fastened or hat mopped; or one or mare plies Type G2 hot mopped or mechanically fastened_ Ply Sheet;—One or more plies-Duflex" or Voloex"r beat fused; or one or more plies"Elastobase" "Elastovent", "Elastoflex V", "XtraFlex SBS Glass Interply-, "Elastoflex V-C" or Type 62. hot mapped or mechanically fastened, Membrane:—"Duflex G FR", "XtraFlex APP Dual" "Polyfresko G FR" "XtraFlex APP G FR" "Poly(lex G FR" or"Modibond G FR" (modified bitumen), heat fused_ 8. Deck: NC Incline: 1/ Insulation (Op ttona1),—Po ly isocyanurate, urethane, perlite/polyisocyanurate composite, p erl i te/uret ha n e composite, Glass fiber or woad fiberboard, phenolic or perlite,any thickness_ Base Sheet:—One or more plies"Duflex" or-Polyflex" heat fused or mechanically fastened; or one or more plies "Elastobase", "Elastovent", "Elast❑Flex V" " traFlex SBS Glass Interply" ❑r-flastofleu V-C" hot mopped, mechanically fastened or heat fused;or one or more plies Type G2, hot mopped or mechanically fastened_ Membrane;— "f:la5tof1ex VG FR" "EI istoshieId T5 G FR", 11astofaex 56 G FR XtraFlex SBS PC)LY G" "XtraFlex 5155 POLY G T", "XtraFlex SBS Glass G", "XtraFlex SBS Glass GT" or"Polyfresko G SBS FR" (modified bitumen), hot mopped or heat fused. 9. Deck: C-1 5/32 Incline: 1/ ease Sheet: One er more pries"Duflex" or"Polyflex", heat fused or mechanically fastened;or one or more plies, -Eiastabase", "Elastovent" "Elastoflex V" " traFlex SBS Glass Interply" a Type G2, hot mopped or mechanically fastened_ Ply Sheet:---One or more plies "Duflex" or"Polyflex", heat fused;or one or more plies, "Elastobase" "Elastovent" "El astoflex V`, "XtraFJex SBS Glass Interply„ -Elastoflex V-C" or Type G2, hot mopped or mechanically attached, Membrane: "Elastoflex VG FIR", "Elastoflex S6 G W „Polyfresko G SBS FR" "XtraFIex SBS POLY G" "XtraFlex SBS .POLY G T", "Xtraflex SBS Giass G "XtraiFlex 5135 Glass GT" or"Elastoshield TS G FR" (modified biturnOn). hot mapped or heat fused. 10. Deck: C-15/32 Indine: 112 Insulation:—Minimum 2-in. thick PC lyi socyanu ra te, minimum 3/4-in. thick perlite, minimum 15/16-in_thick glass fiber, perlite/polyisocyanu rate Cornposfte, perlitelurethane composite 12-in. thick minimum}. Base Sheet:—One or more plies-Duflex" or"Polyflex", heat fused or mechanically fastened;or one or more plies,-Elastobase", "Elastovent", "Elastoflex We "XtraFlex SIBS Glass Interply" "Elastoflex V-C"or Type G2, hot mopped or mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet:—One or more plies-Duflex" or-Polyflex", beat fused; or one or more plies, "Elastobase" "Elastovent" "Elastoflex V "XtraFlex S 6 5 Glass Interply-, "Elastoflex V-C" or Type G2, hat mapped or mechanically attached, A ern bra ne:—"Efa5tofIex VG FR" "E1a5tvflex S6 G FR" "Polyfresko G SBS FR" "XtraFlex SSS POI-Y G XtraFlex SBS POLY G T', "XtraFlex SBS Glass G", "XtraFlex SBS Glass GT" ❑r"Elastoshield TS G FR" (modified bitumen), hat mopped a heat fused. 11, Deck: NC Incline: 1 Insulation (Optional):•--•Cellular concrete,gypsum concrete, vermiculite concrete, {perlite concrete or structural concrete, Primer-—Not UL Classified —as required by manufacturer_ Membrane.—"P❑lylaond", VDlybond G" "Polyflex" "Polyflex G" "XtraFlex APP G FR" "Polyfresko G FFR", "Polyflex", "Polyflex G" "Duflex G PR" "XtraFlex APP Dual" "XtraFlex APP G FR" "Polyflex G FR" or"Modibond G FR SurfarIn9,—(not required for-Poiyf€ex G FR-, -Modibond C FR", "XtraFlex APP Dual-, -XtraFlex APP G FR", Volyfre5W G FR" or"Duflex G FR") "PG 800 Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coating" applied at 3 to 4-98l./14l}-ft2., or Monsey Products "Endure Aluminum Roof Coating" applied at 1-112 gaIJ100-ft2.; or Grundy Industries "al MB Aluminum Roof Coating" applied at 1 to 2-gal./1()0-ft2.,or Brewer Co"Fortress 5001 Asphalt Emulsion" applied at 4-9al,{100-ft�„followed by-PolyPlus 60", applied at 314 to 1-gal,/100412, 12. Deck: NC Incline: 1 Insulation (Opt ionail:—Uf Classified perlite, woad fiber, Glass fiber, po lyi socya nu rate, polyisocyanu rate/co mposite, EPS{wood fiber, FPS/perlite or EPS/composite, any thickness. hllps;ffwq.ulpnmpaclor,comlene pronla7e4149003 2'8 12!1 S!2020 TOFU-R14571 -Rogfing Systems I UL Product iQ Base sheet:—One or more plies Type G1 or Type G2, Membrane:—One or more plies "%lybond", "Polybond G" "Polyfiex"or"Palyflex G" (modified bitumen), heat fused- Su rfad ng.—"PG 800 As ph Bit Emulsion hoof Coating" applied at 3 to 4-g aljl 00-ft2_,-or Fields "F350 Heat Shoe Id Aluminum Coating" or "F630 Heat Shield Fibered Aluminurn Coating" applied at 1-1/2 g3IJI00-ft2-;0r Brewer Co "Fortress 5001 Asphalt Emulsion" applied-at 4 gal./1Q0-ft2,r followed by"PalyPlus 60"applied at 3/4 to 1-ga1./100-ft2, 13. Deck: IBC Incline: 112 Rarrier Board (Optional): --Minimum 1/2 in. thick gypsum hoard. Insulation (Optional):—Po lyis ocyanu rate. any thickness. Base Sheet (Op#lunal):—Type G2, "OufIex" "Elastobase", "Elastovent" "ElastofIex V", "XtraFleu 5BS Glass Interply" "EIastailex V-C" or "Polyflex". Membrane:— "EIastaFlex VG FR-, "Polyf[ex G FR" "Modibond G Fit", "XtraFlex APP G FIR" "Poiyfresko G FR" "E7uf1eX G FR" "XtraFIex APP Dual" "XtraFlex SBS Glass G" or'XtraFlex SBS Glass GT", hest fused;or"Etas toil ex S6 G FR" or"Polyfresko G S B S W. hot mopped; or "Elastoshield TS G FR", heat fused or hot mopped- 14. Deck; C-15/32 Incline: 1 InsuIa#ion:—Minimum 1/4 in.thick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC-Dens0eck Roof board" or"Dens Deck Prime Roofboard" or "bensGeck Dura6uard' Roofboard', perlite, wood fiber or Glass fiber, mechanically fastened, Ply Sheet:—Type G2, mechanically fastened. Membrane;—.-Polybond" or"Po€yffex"(modified bitumen), h eat+,weIded. 5urfacin9,— "PG 800 AsphaIt Emulsion Roof Casting" applied at 3 to A gal,/100-ft,2; or Monsey Prod ucts"IEndure Aluminum Roof Coating" "Weather ChKk" or"Pro-Grade Ahiminum Roar Coating" applied at 1-112 gaL/I00-ft� or Brewer Co "Fortress 5001 Asphalt Emulsion-applied at 4 gal-/I00-ft2-, followed by "PolyPIus 60", applied at 3/4 to 1-gA/100-f .2. 15, beck: NC Incline: 112 lnsulation (Optional):—Polyisocyanurate. per lite, Glass fiber or wood fiberboard,any thickness, Base Sheet:•---One ply Type G2, hot mopped or mechanically fastened; or"Elastobase" or"Elast❑vent", heat fused, hat mopped or mechanically fastened. Membrane:—"Elastof€ex S6 G FR "Flo lyfresko G SBS FR" "XtraFlex SBS POLY G' "XtraFlex S B S POLY G T" or "E I asteshie I d TS G FR", hot mopped or heat fused. 16- Deck: C-15/32 Incline. 1/2 Base Sheet;—One ply Type G2 or"Elastobase" or"Ela stovent-, mechanically fastened- Ply Sleet:—0ne ply Type G2, hat mopped or mechanically fastened; or"Elastobase" of "ElastovenV, hot mcppPd. heat fused or mechanically fastened tnsulation (Optional):—Polyisocyanurate, perlite, Glass (iber, any thicknes5- Membrane:—"Elastoflex S6 G FR" "P❑lyfresko G S9S 5R" "xtraFlex 5BS POLY G", "XtraFley S B S POLY G T" or "E I asto shiel d TS G FR" hot mapped or heat fused, 17- Deck: -15/ 2 Incline: 112 Insulation: — Polyiso cya nu rate(2-in. thick minimum), Glass iiber 05/16-in-thick minimum), perlt#e/poiyisocyanurate composite, per3ite/urethane composite (2-in.thick minimum)- Base Sheet:--One or more plies "DufIex" or"Polyflex-. Treat fused or mechanically fastened,or one or more plies "Elastoiase"r "E lastovenI" '.Elastofiex V" "XtraFlex SIBS Glass Interply" or"EIastofleu V-C"r hot mopped or heat fused or Type G2, hot mopped or mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet (0ptiona€).,One or more plies "Ouflex"or"Polyflex", heat fused,or One or more pIIes "Elastobase", "El a stovent"r "Elastoflex V" "MraFlex 5BS Glass loterply" or"Elastoflex V-C", hot mopped ❑r heat fused; or one or mofe plies Type G2, hot mapped or mechanically fastened. Membrane:'-- "DufIex G FR" "XtraFlex APP Dual-, "Polyfresko G FR" "XtraFlex APP G Fit" "Polyrex G FR" or"Modibond G Fit" (modified bitumen), heat fused. 18. Deck: -15/32 Incline: 1/ Insufa#ion:—Po lyi 5ocyanura te (2-in-thick minimum),Glass fiber(15/16-1n,thick minimum), perlitelpolyisocyanurate composite, perlite/urethane composite(2-in-thick minimum). I4ttp#,'Mq,4lpro5per-tor,00rrVeNprorile?e=14SO03 3f$ t211 W2020 TGFU.R14571 -Ro❑fing Systems I UL Product IQ Base Sheet:—One a more plies"OufIex'or "Polyflex", Treat fused or mechanically fastened;or one or more plies "Elastobase "Elastovent" "Elastoflex V" "XtraFlex SBS Glass Interply" or Type G2, hat mopped or mechanically fastened. Ply Sleet (Optional):----One or more plies "Duflex"or"Polyflex", heat (used;or one or more plies "Elastobase" "EIP stove nt" "Elastoflex b" "XtraFlex S85 Glass Interply" "Elastoflex V-C" or Type G2r hot mapped or mechanically fastened_ Meml)rane.— "�Iastoflex S6 G", "Elastoflex Sb G-C" or"Polyfresko G SBS- (modified bitumen), hot mapped. 19_ Deck: C-1 5/32 Incline: I Insulation:—Minimum 1/4 in. thief Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC "DensDeck€�- Roofboard" of"DensDeck Primer Roofboard" or "Dej)sDeek DuraGuardr" R❑ofboard", or 1-in_thick perlite, woad fiber or Glass fiber, mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet:— Type G2, mechanically fastened. lwlembrane:— "Polyflex", heat welded_ Surfacing:— MDnsey Products "Endure Aluminum Roof Coating", "Weather Check" or"pro-Grade Aluminum Roof Coating.' applied at 1-112 gaI.J1&0-ft_1;or Brewer CO 'To rtre5s 5001 Asphalt Emulsion" applied at 4-g al_/1 00 40,. followed by"Flo lyPtus 60", applied at 3/4 to 1-g aljl00-ft.2 20. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: -112 Barrier Board:—Minimum T/4 in,thick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC"De n0eckt Roof boa rd- or"DensDeck Primes Roof boa rd" or "Den sDeck DuraGuard'' Roofbaard"with all butt joints staggered a minimum of 6-in_from the plywood roof deck joints. Base Sheet:—Type G2, mechanically fastened. Membrane:—"Polyflex G FR" "Modibond G FIR "XtraFlex APP G FR"a "Polyfresko G FR", heat fused_ 21. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 2 Impact: 4 Insulation (Optional):—Palyisocyanurate, perlfte,woad fiber or polyisocyarsuratelperlite board,any thickness. Barrier Board:—Miriiroum 1/4 in.thick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC "Dens Deck 0 Roo fboard" or "DensDeck PrimeS' Roof boa rd" or "DensDeck OuraGuard" Roofboard", mechanically fastened with all butt joints staggered a minimum of b-in. from the plywood roof deck joints, Base Sheet:—"Elastobase", mechanically fastened or"Elastoflex SA V Plus M "Elastoflex SA V FR-or II'lstofIex SA V FR Base Vent" (self-adhered), Fly Sheet (Optional):— "Elastobase', heat fused or mechanically fastenedr or"Elastoflex SA V Plus FR", "Elastoflex SA V FR" or "Elastoflex SA V FR Base Vent", (self-adhered)_ Membrane:—-'Polyflex SA P Fff", "Polyfresko G SA P FR" „Elastoflex SA P FR" "Polyfresko G SBS SA P FR", "Elastoflex $A V FR HT", (sePf- adhered}or"Polyflex G FR", "Modibond G FR", "Mira Rex APP G FR" "Polyfresko G FR" "Duflex G Fri" "XtraFlex APP Dual', "Elastoflex S6 G FR" "Polyfresko G 5BS FR", "Elastoflex VC FR" "XtraFlex 5B5 POLY G" "}(xraFlex 565 PQLY G T" "XtraFlex 5BS Glass G" "XtraFIex SBS Glass GT" or"ElastoshAd TS G FR", heat fused_ 22. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 11 Insulation (0ptiona1), Polyiso[yarrurate minimum 1-1/2 in. thick with all joints staggered 6-in. (minimum) from the plywood joints, Base Sheet:— Type G , mechanically fastened followed by"Elastobase" a -Elastovent", mechanically fastened_ Ply Sheet (Optional):—"Elastoflex SA V Plus FR"r "Elastoflex SA V FR"or "Elastoflex SA V FR Base Vent", (self.ad h ered), Membrane; —"Polyflex SA P FR" "Polyfresko G SA P FR", "l;lastoFlex SA R FR" "Polyfresko G SBS SA P FR"r or"Duflex G Fit" "XtraFlex APP DLIaI , 'Polyflex G FR" "Modibond G FR" "X#raFlax APP G FR", "�lastoflex 56 G FR', "Polyfresko G SBS FR" "Elastoflex VG FR", " traFIex 5BS POLY G", " #raFIex 585 POLY G T", "XtraFlex SBS Glass G" "MraFIex SBS Glass GT- or"Elastoshield TS G FWe heat fused_ 3, Deck: NC Incline: Insulation (optlional): "POlytherm0" or Atlas Raofing Corp. "AGFoam III" or"ACFoam II"or Hunter Panels"Fl-Shield"r any thickness. Base Sheet:—"Elastobase", heat fused or mechanically fastened or "Elastoflex SA V FR "Elastoflex SA V Plus FR" of "Elastoflex SA V FR Base Vent"r (self-adhered)_ (Membrane:—"Polyflex SA P FR" "Polyfresko G SA P Fit", "Elastoflex SA P FR", "Polyfresko G SBS SA P FR-, "Elastoflex SA V FR HT", (self- adhered) or"Polyflex G Fit" "Modibond G FR", -XtraFleK APP G FR", "Polyfresko G FR" "XtraFli2x APP Dual" "Duflex G FR", "Elastoflex 56 G FR", "Polyfresko G S85 FR" "Elastoflex VG FR" "XtraFlex SBS POLY G", "XIfaRex SBS POLY G T" "XtraFlex SBS Glass G" "XtraFlex SBS Glass GT" or" Elastoshield TS G FR", Treat fused, 24_ Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 3 InsulatTon (Optional):— Polyisocyanurate, perlite, woad fiber or polyisoryanurate/perlite board,any thickness, https:Viq.ulprospector_cornienfpeofilo'?e�149003 44 12115I2020 TOFUAW571 -Roofing 5yswms I lJL Product iQ Barrier Board.— Minimum 114 in. thick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC"De nsDeckM Roof board" or Tens Deck Prime ID Roofboard"or "Den sDeck DuraGuard" Roofboard", inechanicaI[y fastened with all butt joints staggered a minimum of 6-in, from the plywood roof deck joints Base Sheet:—-&istobase". mechanically fastened- Ply Sheet(Optional):—"Elastoflex SA V Plus FR "Elastoflex SA V FR" a "Elastoflex SA V FR Base Vent", (self-adhered). Membrane:—"Elastoflex 56 G FIR", "XtraFlex SBS POLY G" "xtraFlex SBS POLY G T-or "Poiyfresko G SBS F11% heat fused, 5- Deck: INIC Incline: 3 Insulation (Optional): "Polytherm"or Atlas Roof ing Corp- "AC Foam Ell" or"AC Foam II" of Hunter Panels "H-Shield", any thickness- Barrier Board (Optional):—Minimum 1/4 in. thick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC TensDeckel Roofboard" at"Dens Dec k Prlme a Roof board" or "DensDeck DuraGuard"' Roofboard", mechanically fastened- Base Sheet:—"Elastoflex SA V Plus FR" "Elastoflex€5A V FR" or"Elastoflex SA V FR Base Vent" (self-adhered). Membrane:— "Pofyflex SA P Fit "Palyffesko G SA P FR" "Elastoflex SA P FR" or"PoJyfre5W G Si3S SA P FIR" (self-adhered). 26. Deck: NC Incline: 112 Base Sheet:—Type G1 a Type G2, mechanically fastened. Membrane; —"%lyflex G" or"Polybond G", heat fused, 27. Deck: NC Incline: Membrane:—"PoJyflex SA P FR" "Polyfresko G SA P FR" "PolyPresko G S05 SA P FR"or "Elastoflex SA P FR" (self-ad lie red)- 28. Deck: NC Incline: 1 Inw[atian (Optional)_— Polylsocyanurate,any thickness, Barrier Board (Optional); Minimum I/21n- thick gypsum board a minimum 114 in.thick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC "Dens Deck ID Roof Inoard" or"Dens Dec k PrimeZ- Raofheard" or"D ens Deck DuraGuardl" Roofboard" or minimum 114-in. thick United States Gypsum Co. "5 ECU RQCKTM Roof Board Type FRX-G"- Base Sheet(Optional):—"Elastoflex SA V", "Elastoflex SA V Polar Base" "Elastoflex SA V Plus" "Elastobase SA" or"Elastoflex SA Base Plus", self-adhered or-Flastolaase", mechanically fastened- Membrane:—"PoJyflex SA P" "XtraFlex APP G SA" `XtraFlex:Koel APP G SA", or"Polyfresko G SA P"self-adhered; or"Polyflex G FR", "Modibond G FR" heat{used, 3. Deck: C-15132 Incline. 112 Insulation. —Polyisocyanurate (2-in-thick minimum). Glass fiber(15/16-in. thick minimum), perlite/polyisocyanurate composite, perlite/urethane composite(2-in.thick minimurrt). Barrier Board;—Minimum 114 in-thick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC "DensDeck Roof board" or"DensDeck PrimeV Roo fboard" br "D ens Dec k Dura4SLFard` Ito of board" mechanically fastened with ail butt joints staggered a minimum of 6-in. frorn the plywood roof deck joints. Ba$e Sheet;—"Elastoflex S6" "XtraFlex SBS POLY Base" "Elastoflex P-C" (heat fused or mechanically fastened), Membrane:— "Elastoflex S5 G" "Elastoflex 56 G-C"or"Polyfresko G SBS", (heat fused). 30. Deck: NC Incline: 1 f Insula#ion(Optional)—"Polytherm"or Atlas Roofing Corp- "ACFoam III" or"AC Foam II", any thickness- Base Sheet:—"Elastoflex SA V Plus FR", "Elastoflex 5A V FR" Or "Elastoflex SA V FR Base Vent (self-adhered)- Membrane:—"PolyKeol SA"or " traKooJ APP S SA", (self-adhered) 1. Deck: 5/32 Incline: 1/ Base Sheet:—Type G2. me0anirally fastened followed by "Elastoflex SA V PJus FR" "Elastoflex SA V FR" or"Elastoflex SA V FR Base Vent", (self•adhered)- Membrane,—"Poly Koal SA" or"}(traKool APP SSA", (self-adhered). 32. Deck: NC Incline: 1 f Insulation (Optional):—Polyisocyanurate. any thickness. Base Sheet(Optional):---"Elastoflex SA V Plus" "Elastoflex SA V", "Elastaflex 5A V Polar Base", "Elastobase SA" or"Elastoflex SA Bast Plus self-adhered; or"EIastobase" or "Elastovent", mechanically fastened. titlps=fFiq-ulprospactor.GornleWprofile7o 14!HM 5;8 1211512020 TGFU_R14571 -Roofing Systems I UL Product iO Metnbrat,e:—'Elastoflex S6 G" "Elastoflex S6 G-C-or"Polyfresko G SB5", heat fused. 33. Deck: NC Incline: 1 -1/4 1 n s u lation (optional):—Any UL Classified i5ocyanate or polyurethane,any thickness. Base Sheet:•— "Elastoflex SA V Plus FR", "61a5#offex SA V FR" or"Elastoflex SA V FR 9�ise Vent", (self-adhered). Mornb ran e; —"PolyKooI SA" or"XtraKool S SA", (self-ad he red�. 34. Deck: NC Incline: 1 Insulation (optional}; —Any UL Classified palyisocyanurate, any thickness. Base 5hect:— "Elastoflexr SA V Plus rR", "Elastoflex SA V FR" or"Elastoflex SA V FR Base Vent", (self-adhered). Membrana.—"Polybianka SA P", (self-adhered}. 35_ Deck: PVC Incline: 112 Insulation (Optional):—Palyisocyanurate. Glass fiber, periite or wood fiberboard any thickness, any combination, mechanically fastened cr hot mapped. Rase Sheet.---Type G2. "El astobase" "EIa5tovent-, -Modibase" "Elastoflex T, or"Xtraflex 5B5 Gla5s Interply", mechanically fastened_ Ply Sheet (Optional):—Type G2, "Elastobase" "Elastovent "XtraFlex SBS Glass Bass", "Modibase", "Elastoflex V" "XtraFlex SBS Glass Interply" "Elastoflex S6", "XtraFlex SBS POLY Base", "Polyflex"or'Duflex"adhered with "Polyplus 35% "PG350" "PG350 Low VOC". "XtraFlex Cold Applied Mod Bit Adhesive"or Al cc Products LLC "SK Modified Bitumen Adhesive Na_269"at 1 to 1-1I2 gal./100-ft_} Membrane:—"Elastoflex€G S6 FW, "Polyflex G Fit" " odihond G FR" "Xtr9lex APP G FR" (sand-backed), "XtraFlex APP Dual"or Dufiex G FR- (sand-backed),adhered with "Polyp lus 35", "PG350", "PG350 Low VOC" "XtraFlex Cold Applied #+loci Bit Adhesive" or Alco Products LLC-SRS Modified Bitumen Adhesive No. 269" at 1 to 1.1/2 gaI.f100-ft_2 36. Deck: C-15/,32 Incline, 1/ Insulation {Optional}: Palyisocyanurate (1.3 in. thick minimurn), Glass fiber(7/1 b in.thick minimum) ar perlite (314 in,thick minimum), mechanically fa5teried or hot mopped. Base Sheet:—Two plies Type W. first ply mechanically fastened and the second ply fully adhered with "Polyplus 35" "PG35T, "PG350 LOW VOC" "XtraFlex Coid Applied Mad Bit Adhesive" or Alco Products LLC "SBS Modified Bitumen Adhesive No.269" at 1 to 1-1/Z ga€./1 O0-ft_2 Membrane:—"Elastof[ex G S6 FR" "Polyflex G FR" "Modibond G FIR" -XtraFlex APP G FR" (sand-backed), adhered with "Polyplus 35 "PG350" "PG3SO Low VOC", "XtraFlex Cold Applied Mod Bit Adhesive"or Alca Products LLC "SBS Modified Bitumen Adhesive No. 269-at 1 to 1.1/2 gaIJ100-ft,2 37_ Deck: C-15/32 Incline. 1l Barrier Board:—Minimum 1/4 in, thick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC "DensDeckt Roof board" or "DensDeck PrlmeZ, Roofboard" or "Den5Deck OuraGuardTM Roofboard" mechanically fastened with all butt joints staggered a minimum of 6-in.from the plywood roof deck joints, Insulation (Optional):-- Po lyis ocyanu rate, Glass fiber, goad fiberboard, any thickness, mechanically fastened_ Base Sheet:—One or more plies Type G2, mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet (Optional); —Type CG2y "Elastobase" "E la stove nt", "Elastoflex V "XtraFlex 5BS 4Gias5 Interply" "Polyflex" or"Duflex-f5and- backed)adhered with "Polyplus 35", -PG350" "PG350 Law VOC" "XtraFlex Cold Applied Mod Bit Adhesive"or Alco Products "SBS Modified Bitumen Adhesive No. 269" at 1 to 1-1/2 ga€./10Q-ft.2_ Membrane:---"Elastoflex G S6 FR-, -Polyflex G FR", "Mod ibond G FR" "XtraFlex APP G FR" (sand-backed) "XtraFlex APP Dual" or Dufleu G FR" (sand-baked), adhered with "Polyplus 35", `PG350" "PG350 Low VOC "XtraFlex Cold Applied Mod flit Adhesive" of Alco Products LLC "SBS Modified Bitumen Adhesive No.269" at 1 to 1-1/2 gal./100-ft.2 38. Deck: NC Incline: 112 Insulation (Optional):—Palyisocyanurate, po lyi socyanu rate/pe rl i te composite, Glass fiber, perllte or wood fiberboard, any combination, any thickne55 or polystyrene any thickness covered with 3/4 in_thick perlite, minimum 1/4 in_thick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC "Den sDeckO� Roofbaard" or-DensDeck Prime' Roofboard" or"1)ens-Dec k DuraGuard- Roof board" mechanically fastened 7/16-in. thick Glass fiber or 1-in.thick wood fiberboardr mechanti Cally fastened. Base Sheet:—"Type G2, "Ela5toflex V", adhered with "Polyp lus 36", "PG350", `PG 350 Low VOC" "XtraFlex Cold APplied Mod Bit Adhesive" of Al co Products LLC "SBS Modified Bitumen Adhesive Na. 2 69" at 1 tort-112 gal./100_ft.2_ Mem bran e:—'Elastoflex G Sb FIR" "Polyflex G FIR", "i' adiband G FR" " tfa0ex APP G FR" (sand-ba(:ked}'LXtraFlex APP Dual" or Duflex G FR" (sand-barked), adhered vAth "Polyplus 35", TG350" "PG350 Low VOC-, "XtraFlex Cold Applied Mod Bit Adhesive" of Alco Products https;#iq,ulprospactar.canVenlprofile?e=149003 6,8 12f1512020 TOFU-R14571 -Roofing Systems I UL Produot iQ LLC "565 Modified Bitumen Adhesive No. 269" at 1 to 1-112 gaL/700-ft-�- 39, Deck. -15/3 2 Incline: 11 Base Sheet:— Type Cat, mechanically fastened. Ply sheet—TypeG2, hat mapped. Membrane.—"T POFLEX G FR", heat fused. 40. Deck: -15/32 Incline: 1 Base Sheet:—Type G2, mechanically Fastened. Ply Sheet:—"Duflex", hot mopped- WI em bra ne:—"TPOFLEX G FR", heat fused. 41. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 1/2 Insulation:—Potyisacyanurate. perlite, wood fiber or polyis❑cyanurate/perlite, any thickness, Base Sheet:—"Paly#leu"r hot mapped. Membrane:---- "TPOFLEX G FR% heat fused- 42. Deck: NC Incline: 3 Insula#Ion (Optional):—Any UL Classified polyisocyanurate, any thickness, mechanically fastened- 6ase Sheet:—"Elastoflex SA V FR Base", (self-adhered)- Membrane;—-PolyKooI 5A R"or"Polyreflect", (self-adhered), 43. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 1-112 Base Sheet:—Type G2, mechanically Fastened Ply Sheet:—"Elastoflex SA V FR Base", (self-adhered). membrane:—"P❑IyKool SA R" a "Polyreflect", (self-ad hered)- 44- Deck: C-1 5/32 Incline: 1/ Insulation;—Potyi so cya n u rate(2-4). thick minimum}, Glass fiber(15/16-in. thick minimum), perlite/polyisocyanurate composite, perlite/urethane composite(2-in,thick minimum)- Base Sheet:—One or more plies "Duflex" or'Polyffex' (heat fused or mer:hani cal ly fastened), "E I astobase". "Elastoflex V", "xtraPlex 585 Glass Interply" at Type C2 base sheet (hot mopped or mecha Rica Hy fastened)- Ply Sheet (Optional):—One ar more plies "Duflex"or"Polyflex" (heat fused), "Elastobase', "Elastoflex V", "XtraFlex SBS Glass Interply" "Elastoflex V-C' or Type G2 base sheet(hot mopped or mechanically fastened). Memh ran e:— Polyflex G FR" or "Modibond G FR", heat fused, 45. Deck: C-1 S/32 Incline: 1 f Barrier Board:— Minimum 1{2 in.thick gypsum board or minimum 1/4 in. thick'Georg ia-Pacific Gypsum LLC "D ens Deck S Roofboard" or "Den5Deck PrialEe"D Roofboard"or"DensDeck DuraGuard," Roo Fboard"or minimum 1/4-in.thick Unitetf States Gypsum Co- "SECURQCKTM Roof Board Type FRX-G" are used directly over the combustible roof deck with all butt joints staggerer!a minimum of b- in-from plywood roof deckjaints. Base Sheet(Optional):—Type G2 Base sheet, mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet:—".Elastoflex 5A V FR Base". (self-adhered). Membrane:—"PolyKool SA R" or "Polyreflect", (self-adhered). 46. Deck: CSC Incline: 112 lnsula#ion (Optional):—Polyasacyanurate, Glass fiber, perlite/polyisocyanurate composite, perliteJurethane composite, any thickness- Base Sheet:—one or more plies "Duflex" or"Polyflex heat fused or mechanically fastened;or one or more plies "Elastobase", "Elastovent" "XtraF[ex SBS Glass Base", "Elastoflex W, -XtraFIex SSS Glass Interply" or Type G2, hot mopped or mechanically fastened- Ply Sheet (Optional):—One or more plies "Duflex"or "Polyflex", heat fused;or one or more plies "Elastobase" "Elastovent" "Elastoflex V-, - traFlex SBS Glass Interply" "Elastoflex V-C" ar Type G2, hat mopped or mechanically fastened- Membrane:—"Polyflex G FR" or'Mad ib❑nd G FR"r heat fused. Mips)iq-urprosp,oVor,comlerJprofile7o=I493743 7r8 1DIS5 2021) TOP U.R1 4 571 -Roofing Systems I UL Product iQ 47. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 1/ Insulation,— Polyisocyanurate(2-in. thick minimum)r Glass fiber(15/164q.thick minimum), per]ite/polyisocyanurate composite, perlite{urethane composite(2-irk.thick minimum). Barrier Board:—Minimum 1/4 in-thick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC "Dens Deck 8 Roof boa rd" or"Den 50eck Primes Roo fboard" ar "Dens€7eck DuraGuard' Roofboard". United States Gypsum Co. "SECU ROC K m Glass-Mat Roof Board" (Type SGMRX), NatEQnaI Gypsum "OEXcell Glass Mat Roof Board" ar"DEXcell FV Glass Mat Roof Board" mechanically fasten.,d with all butt joints staggered a minimum of 6-in, from the plywood roof deck juints- Base Sheet: "Elastoflex S6" "XtraFlex 56S POLY Base" "Elastoflex P-C' (heat fused or mechanically fastened), Ply Sheet; —"Elastoflex W', 'XtraFlex SSS POLY Base","Elastoflex P-C" (heat fus,-d or mechanically fastened). Membrane:— "E:lastoffex S6 G FR" "Elastoflex S6 G-C FR" or"Polyfresko G SBS FR", (heat fused)- 4$- Deck: NC Incline: 1 Insulation (Optional):—Polyisocyanurate, perlite,woad fiber or polyisocy�knurate/perlite board,any thickness. Base Sheet;—"Elastobase", mechanically fastened or "PoJyfilex SA Base" "Elastoflex SA V Plus PR" "Elastoflex SA V FR" or "Elastoflex SA V FR Base Vent" (self-adhered) Ply Sheet (Optional):—"Elastobase heat fused or,mechanically fastened,or"Elastoflex SA V Plus FR" "Elastoflex 5A V FR"or "Elastoflex SA V FR Base Vent", {s Of-ad heredi. Membrane:— "Polyflex SA P FR" "Polyfresko G SA P Fit" "Elastoflex SA P FIR" "Polyfresko G 56S 5A P FR" "Elastoflex SA V FR HT', (self- adhered)or "Polyflex G FR-, Wodibond G FR" I'XtraFlex APP O FR" "Polylresko G FR", "Duflex G FR" "XtraFlex APP Dual", "Elastoflex S6 G W. Tolyfresko G SBS FR-, "Elastoflex,VG FR", "7QraFlex SBS POLY G" "XtraFlex SBS POLY G 7, "XtraFIex SBS Glass G 'XtraFlex 595 Glass GT" or"Elastoshiefd TS G FR", heat fused- 49. Deck: -15/32 Incline: 2 Insulation (Optional):—Polyi socyan u ra te, peel ite, vraod fiber or polyisocyanurate/perlite board, any thickness. Base Sheet—"Elastobase" or"Elastovent"r mechanically fastened; or"Elastoflex 5A V FR-or"Elastoflex SA V Plus FR", self-adhered. Ply Sheet(Optional):—"Elastoflex 5A V Pius FIR" "Elastoflex SA V FR" or"Elastoflex SA V FR Base Vent", self-adhered- Membrane:—"Polyflex SA P FR-. "N[yfre5ko G SA P FR" "Elastoflex SA P FR" or"Polyfresko G 565 5A P FR%self-adhered;or"Duflex G FR", "XtraFIex APP Dual', "Polyflex G FR-, "Modibond G FR", " traFlex APP G FR', „Elastoflex S6 G FR" "Polyfresko G SBS FR" "Elastoflex VG FR", -XtraFlex SBS POLY G', 'XtraFlex SBS POLY G T" "XtraFIex S55 Glass G", 'XtraFlex SBS Glass GT" a "I:lastoshieid TS G FR', heat fused. http5;b'iq,ulprospector-coWen1profle70=1 4 9003 gr$