HomeMy WebLinkAboutFL29677.2 Atlantic Series 130 SMI gum BCIS Home I Log In I User Registration [ Hot Topics s Submit Surcharge I Stats&Facts Publications Contact Us # BCIS Site Map Links Search Product Approval USER:Public User Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail FL# FL29677-Rl Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer EGS International,LLC Address/Phone/Email 3133 SW 25th Street Pembroke Park, FL 33009 (954)964-1441 engineers2501@msn.com Authorized Signature Jalal Farooq veronica@afceng.com Technical Representative Gary Zack Address/Phone/Email 3133 SW 25th Street Pembroke Park, FL 33009 (954) 964-1441 gary@egsinternationalllc.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sliding Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Jalal Farooq Evaluation Report Florida License PE-81223 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2021 Validated By JAVAD AHMAD PE, INC. 11 Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL29677 R1 COI SS -Certificate of Independence.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL29677 R1 Equiv SS-Equivalency Compliance Ltr.pdf Sections from the Code i I I I F raduct Approval Method Method 1.Option D I E 1 k ! f 4 Date Submitted 12/18/2020 I i I I Date Validated 01/04/2021, Date Pending FBC Approval 01/04/2021 f - i i Date Approved 02/09/202 ! 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See attached drawing 19-47F for span vs load Evaluatioin Reportsj co mbination,and installation instructions. FL29677 R1 AE SS-Atlantic Series 130 LM Alum SGD_(LMI J - PAE 2020.pdf s Created by Independent Third Party: Yes S/v/.v//.sK/gNJXN!I//I/NNII/!/IgIINfNI/gINII/N/yMINIHY/v/IIMI///IINH+/v/I•/I/Wuv/HIM/NF//INS/H.VN///F/N///Nq/ININV/NII!!//NNINF/INNNININ/N/llNlr✓lIIINIA/l1INI!/N/II!/IN/NI//Nq/IIIN//NNNI//II�IFi/N/H/////I///IN/gHIN//NNIINI//NIINN/I//IH/IINNI!/gN/HRH///y!.gNN/+/en//NNII//✓/III IN/////I/Nv/MglvN/N,e,eeHA/N/.N.etiq/NNIINNN�-'����--�"'���q KJII/+NNIIIHJI/IINNI//H!///N/1NN/IN/AINJNXfIN/IN/N//INN/JN///////IRIINII//H/+Iqe//ivN+vl/i//I//FIp1////Iyyl//N+Neipl/�/I�NNp//F/I//I///RI/N/%/�/H!N//I% P 1 5[§y N��/NV JINN//FN/N!///N//X/III/XIIIIIN/NNI/+//Fi/I//H/iN./N/NNI/HINNN+NNI//INNII///Y/!H//M/N/Ns/1/I/I///H HJ/IMi/N/N/q/NlJ///N//NIIN/H/N/!/IIIN/NI//I1NF///INN/N/lfNJ!////NNII//!IIIN/NF/N INN///!N/////YIIIN////INI//a/HHN/HI/�N//JIq////INf///I�NH.MIII/I/e/k N/N/FNINII///INN///I/+II/II//l+Y/IINJIIHIIN%//I/!I!N////1J11f///!/INN///�I/NNII/I�III/N/glilJ///�NNlu1 N///II/NI,/N/qNI/NIH//I!/!!////IIIN/I+/J//IIJ'/NIIINNNII/+I////INN///+I///II/I/SHIN/// /NHN////NpY/I////W/IF/aNIINFNIN f k 129677o2 Atlantic Series SM 130 Alum' inurn Small missile impact resistant aluminum sliding glass door. S s 'Sliding Glass Door t / ' �/INI///IIJVlI/INN//✓n/INN++ N/I+NN////K�fieM/IIgqI////I//I//!I/////NH/Ia//III/H/NIq/NIIA/////Fi/HNNrI MINI+INI+r/!N/I!/q I//N///I////I/IVHNNN�NNwI1iN/Na..vN/NIH//Iw/FNN//H N--�III/�/N/��v/I!//////N/II/////IIIN/I/NI%lI(IIINIII/NINN+!!�/IIIN///HINT//N/v/IIIN//eN/IIIN+////INN+////I//I//INIII!/VIIII/I/Iw,w/INI/N/q//I/!Y////ice/FIII/HNINI/!NIIIIIe///INII//H/IIgN//IW/I�o�yrN1//q/I NwwIN/Ie•ei4i//N/Nq///NII/N/1!r!�HI//INII///!NN/!A►!!I/tH/!VI/JI/1fIlIJHJ///IHNN//R//IIINN/gaWIIHNI//NIII/I/W/I� � I Limits of Use I Installation Instructions § E S i i i Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes - FL. 9 77 .1 II SS- EGS ATLANTIC SM 130 S`GD DWG .9-4 Fs �. s Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 2020"P f f: a � w w i s Impact Resistant:Yes Verified By: ]alai Farooq PE.#81223 Design Pressure: +130 -�160 1 created by Independent Third Party:Yes I s g � s Other:See attached drawing19-46F fors an vs load �Evaluation Reports pi� combination and installation instructions. FL29677 R1 AE SS--Atlantic Series 130 SM Alum SGD_(SMI. - PAE 2020,p�ft � fl -Created,by Independent Third Pa rty: Yes , /N!lIINNN///NI/IIIavM/II+J IIIN+%/►INII I/IV/I///i/INI//Nw//III/!'-----NIH/�//e/N///NHIN//N!!/I/INI//NNI/I//!IN/INI///IlfNllq+il///H/�INS Nl////////IR//////q/q1/N//////I+///Ha INI/Nq//FIN///INl+/iN///NII/HwN/I//fII1N/!N/IIIINI////!I/IN!//NIH//I///q/I!/IIHNI/N//IIIINq//////HN///NII//////INII//A/INI/I/F//IIv////IN//q////N//I//NINIIIIggNN+IIIII+/FHN;/H/INI/N///I/IN///I/I///+.v/I/I/N+�//IN/H//11/////NNI/N/INN/HN IIIN NNN///H/N!////III////1�NlNI/++fN!!I/INN!///INN/II/III/I/NNII//Nf/INII!//I/IJH//NN� � ----------------------- r 1 F j I f[] f f i `1 I I� i contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 � The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer,Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to.a public-records request,do not send electronic E mail to this entity.Instead.contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have a•ny questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if.they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please l'� Y p Y l�p Y P provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. s; I Product Approval Accepts: 1 IV' ' I 01 E cl' arm. afie 1 F77,77,77 i • E k ii i' !j f s� E i E I f4y j i l 1 f !J� ' i I ! ki E' f fi { , f ! 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