HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRE DEPT PLAN REVIEWP-uilding Dept. Name Contractor SAINT LUCIE COUNTY ME DISTRICT PLAN REVIEW FORM 5160 N.W. Milner Drive Pot'. Saint Lt de, FL 34983 s elephone: 772-621-3322 +tax: 772-621-3604 Web Address: www-.sIdd.coin Holden F----•---------------- - •SR,30 South Ucean :405 L— - - ---- FMO Permit # I B-21 37 i BLDG Permit # 2109-0256 I City 1'ensen Beach 08i5 i i ,:Sty h, rs•>f, Beach I:` tip i34')5? Telephone I(772)237-7348 r- -- ---- - --- -- ----- -- -- -- _ ... - --i --- — itect;Engineer ie':'releoO.' Occupancy Type y� se --- i CorstrL-.`.k:n-r�p, Square Feet �— OccupantLoadNumb.2rofStor7es I AccessBcn. r._Cluired Access Key Switch t � 4FS Permit Req:,�ired i FA Permit IRequired FFP Permit r General Notes 1. An eiectronic copy of tLe, c��ostmction documents submitted on a CD ;s requi; Fd. i'he f;',: format shall be .pdf only. 2. All revisions, inc:ud.ing the electronic copy must be received prior to permit+.inc}. 3- The fire Marshal r=quires 24 hour notice. on all nipcctions. 4. A Radlo coverage Pre -Survey Signal Strengtl- inspection is required befcre eny fir_-.; inspection is scheduled. S. The respective: Building Department shall s:hedule all final inspections through the Fire Marshal's Office. 6. Failed inspection.; recyia:r-x payment of fee prior Yc reschedulinq of further inspection:. 7. Penetrat4nos thrno gt; rated assemblies shall be cf the prnper ,J. design. Design trite•ri3 shall be submitted with the construction plans. 8. Fire alarm panrais :,hail be loceted indoors within ail c-mclitionej spar.-. 9. Plans an r:vnstruct+or are subject to corrections in the sie!d to maintain code comp; anc?. 10. Automatic fall sin.adown is required for HVAr systemA that exceed 2.000 cfrr, design capacity. 11. The Installatiun or Alteration. of =ir: Sprinklers. Fire A),tirns,, and Fixed Fire Protection Systems require a separate review and permit. THE CIJ',P tENTLY AD0PTE0 %;FR'rK)N OF THE tLOPIDA F1gE PREVENTION CODE IS ENFORCED. BUILDINGS WITH LIGH F-FRAME TRUSS -TYPE C:C':,i STP.UCt`IUN SHALL SE M n!;KFD WITH APPROVED FIREFIGHTER SAFETY WARMING SIGNS IN ACCORDANCE WITH FL.OR1DA :AU1411Nf ,)TRATI'jt: C0C2LS 644A =.012 AND 69A-60.0081 PRIOR TO RECEIVING A. CERTiFIC..A i E OF OCCUPANCV- see General NoF.=_s IM'.--ele anij Required R? Ltvi.-.ions Below I1 A separate reviev, pcn r ;e f0r Jh,.:- —1 ratia;, d zhe ilrc lk7.rrn and fire sprinkler system$: Page j 1 of 11 1--.1 _ _ - _'_! .e -r ---- - -- -- -- 1 fZeviewed iiy IT i'nI, Date �09-27_2021