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l RECEIVED SEP 2 8 2021 St,Lucia County I�t3P111Hti15� MICFIELIE R: 2K2LLER� CLERK OF' THE C2RCUMT 'COURT SAINT I.LTC=E COL;7NTY > ILE 4907768 OR SOaK 4664` PAGE 251.4.,. .Recoicled 08%11./2621 04 z C)2 c7 4 PM 6iTFR R RCIN R .-� �.• 'SItiMEp7GV.srcrr+'.a:l)Yrt e'ru)rdtatj t4tl.' � �. -` NQTICE OF"CUh2IVtEAtCEIVM .0 The un'der�gaed hetryY V.V=notice that imp oveaieitt-wm be inide t4-cuta n zeal property,.-aad:in�aceordaace with.Ch �' Florida`ttawtcsdes fattowia9 mtorrriatwu xs.pn�vlded Pn'the Mace oteoE naeaeemear. - .-. " ^ aper 713 DE^tCRIPITUICV OF PROPER-nr_rygdl dbcccipdon and stt+oet address)TAX FOLIO tQL72«ERZ 30'1:=2.1-Y'—00'O;I'—OOC?' ' v'Z-- � � TItILCT''' LOT ..RI:IIG j)t\*jT ' m East 7s o£ cation W 2 GENERAL DSCRpTONOFIIspit1KENT, =p1i aoe-waesetl 0e r 3R4o ac], 39E'IFW . 3 OV _R n+7FOpZdATO//((�� 4 LX' b 4ddtess $000 'S: USIi S r^ uite _ts'Q2 PSL, L 34952 e.interes{to piDperty tt Name and adders of fee simpic titleholdee''(rfothes,than owarr7 4.COMT�tACTpRS NAME,ADDRESS ANDPSOrCls NUMBEELWynne [)evel os�tner�t CO Z'porat-l.ort: I' 8000' S_ US1, SiYi 402 PSL r' S.SURETSC•S . . ., I±TAME ONENVM8E8 AND.IIONXYA1►40LTlfT: 4 �— � �LESVDEIt•S NA1t�`!1DI]R�SS AND Y802\YE1VU21d8£A:: - . �11 7.PecsI wiehin:die State of FloiI designated .. .. `J Section TMLS t g .by Oworr�n whom notir_rs or o[tier docvmeots.ioay tie seived;as grov d'ea by [[ t)Ca1 T:Honda Staaltes J0Hn'. lflInnan" ...-. i PtAME ADD$�S AND 1.'xONE NtJtrIIlER g'q' ,S - rc a 7 77 S.m aaaiCoa w hiiinself oc .._ ,hers tlf Owner-designates thetcllovnng.tort:eeevea eopY of tLc L+eaor's Notieeas providrd in Section' TJ3]3(J)[bj;F7onda StLoStrsc - .. .• GL NAME:ADDRESS AND PHONE b1ttm ft _ .. o 5 3 W�, 9.,Faepuaaon:datn of nouee of oommrncemetyt:ehn test trauogdate-is'1. tar Crom tF+e.dateof rrcordta - - ' Spec7Hed)' -•2�.� p 9 t;uatess a different datc'ir t IAAtL�vT- TQ OWNN'R A PAYMEh'fS 1fADfi BY'7'L7F[1w*reo t ssrs CCJtrCn'+coc� "'R6PeR PqY C i A"i'ZOJ�OR ]VOT(CP .+ titB1V'rS UNfltRt Cite. R 77> trr [�'fOT7�t3 2 DA rTA rigs Amp cAy-;tiwt T- �. :POe-reD 6N TO-You ORE.TFiE+sxm cr.ewrem R - A b 'J•7 . •/�/� ts1437L'R_��'l�t"6 MGVr�iTSC O _�7b OBT rHT tef.> 'f. run � �. tj� fQf ity_OTPGY otYr_t3M1 t. N:-L�e Iv .. Um Mattti'ew Lv1 a Wynne ' SiE+caturccfOlraccoc Pr3nL�JameartdPso7vSdeSig>mfory,sZitie/O[liCe M�ys Uwntr's inthorned:omleer/Dsceetor/Partaer/Managge: .W. StsteofFloi?dq, m; County of t' r'. 3 a:• ,/� - 2 The fomgping+++strument was'sekno vlridged befom me d-ds 3 day of 8y' Matthew Lv1e tavnn "(Name otpt:rsonj. .(Type of autfiontY e.S"'.O+.vaor::oFficu,trustee•d"aorney in PacEj Q For WYnrie Bu ad na:, Coroorat`xori (Namc.of patty on behalf'of ivhorzi insirument.was executed) Personals" wn Kno =ot.,X ... -pradueed'tlufollowingayPeofID:.. . Q L Zt?���vi : ASift��.3 DQROTHY ANN BASKISV . /�,.• }AY COMMISS{ON'dHFt Od5648. LL! CPnnted Names otNawry Perh[io) estgnaturc.of c Pub7:c), 7j� dEnw Notarrwarrcoaae2naltucs v .ry . Vndar peaatnes of perjury„Z,dccteee tiiaz:i have eeed'the foregoiag antl Chas the.fasts in u are tme to;the brst„of my'knowltge;and betief;.(seeiior/92.5?5 Flasda Sterute0. - .. .. . .V :S+gnaturi:Cs)of or Owner(s)'AuttwK"4 0[GearlDirectoi•/PartrierllVtaiuger-who sigaed above: `T ue.:.OL7°/JO°7(Aeseao� - 0' U a nus%or earur7nunnrtaoctrE�tcc Ta,z,mcoaaxzceProrxvo,'ceau,ascoao°a IIi 91ta'l.ly sigred by-Tie Honorable;.M4c�iellL- P., tMilldr. °°aa"r"tta«°rb°arux'°ecxEcoaar°°x'vra fi°"crtucrart°Rnta°a+,c{+,n Bate: 202 08.I1 16:10 37 -04 00 7xsoFnrcoeneszuc�cotulrataroclucann.ctco{mr . Jut7aocu�c+zswxurauurnorsux{Qtu�eoaru�}: 'Rdasan' E16cEronicklly, Certified Copy, Ylstrtmvsm-tttaeacunecrtuees6cicisveern+sai.1'rin.yr�rm niv i.mcrc:ngcivv.�,,,� .LOCat7Ari:: 201 South Indian._Rive . F}r.: Fort pierce:,. FL 349.50