HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC RECEIVED SEP 2 8 2021 St.Lucie County Permitting lISCBETLx`' R M=LhER_; CLERK: OE THE CTRCU2T: COURT SASNT LUC2E. COUNTY FILE # 4907766 OR, E400Z{ 4664 RAGE 2,512'a :12ecbri3ecl 08•/Z2'/202Z. 0.4.C)2;1.4 PM.: evi�sc`rzasorwnva-rtrteruu ra ;��- :.OE Mit•eTt�MRAc•: 'Shtn:Space unCavKil Tor icv7s'G2Nttlut!. ' NOTICE:OF C014IMENCEMENT rtM The undcsagaed hereby give: nntiee th-it improviment will be'mada,.y certaia real picp hy..aitd in arco;daace with Chapter 13. LL Onda ctaniMs tha 6ottowiaginformadon is provided in'he Notice't Fcotnmcgacaseat . I.DF.SCRSP'TZO OFPROP$8 "drscrp6oaagdsuretaddrrss):`--TAXFOLION[1MSER�302-i1,4-C)g6.1'-�-000�$ r SU"rY=(?X otan ry TRACT yoz��$i.DG i)Nrr �L\ai of sects n Z township 346 I2an'ae 3SE Q ZGESY SALD$SCFC�TIONOFLI3PR(i*=M NTiTsTurnp�ice Fee�eL oc1��� 3. Name 1pT�Ln F3 E ii3?d3 A ^ r ra>7 b_iadikess 8000 As_ UST : 6w-te`.402 e:- PSt LQ 34952 orriterescrti:yrcperiy 2 xncf. mple titlehotder'(if ether than otvaer) J Z 4.CONxACTOR•S, .. NAME,.ADDRESS ANI]PSONENIIIMBER . .Wynne iievelootnant -Coroorat`i:on. 800p $ usa.r Suite 402 PSL FL 34 r 5 SURETY'S"NAME•ADDRESS 1NDP80NElv'UIVIBERAND'80NDAMOUNT' R 6 XX"J=,S NAME.A"DREESS AND PHONE NUMBE32 Acsons`vnth,n the Srartof;$ionda designated by_Owne�r upon whom not;.' dr other docarnents maybe served-prawded by V " Scc6oa TI3 I3 CI)Ca)7 nonda Statutes ";+s7ahr- Br?TITIcZII .. . _ .. . -{V-{-- xwn .pnnisEss uvn-es3oe ivuii�s 1 ryas ag' a Ft P' rr'j xr 34g52 -77a 466=1553 y. 8.In'addition to hin-self or hers4l Owner destgoates,thcfcllowitig to.recgvo.a copy bf the.iienor's Notieeas'P�videfl'in Sections '._ 733 ]8'(IXbS.F,Iortda Smtaares _. - . tVAME._ADDRFSS AND PHONE NrJNCM2 - � 9 Exparstioa date cf ootart of commetizateat([lte-eicpiration date is::t year iroin•the d3tc,af reeoiding anless a dsKcwrntdatei; spaGedj .2(y W WARMNG%rQ OWNER' ANY PAYMENTS MATS BYTiT£OWt7ER AFt$2 &XPQ ATf OF THE Nomm opQj ENCEMENT ARE cotm=ERED-tjjPRODPA DAYMP_N'fS CtNDE,R'CHAT7£R?73.P.LriT r Sf:rTiON,�t3.13�FLQ(tiDA�t•A•7•Q'7•QS:.AND ATt RP�UL2 1' W Y_OL78:PAYW E�FOR TMPROVEMENT$TO YOI.TR rt'Rt?PERTV_-A lv'OTICE OF C-01�+�MENCP1otENTMUSt'A„�E,R$C9RDF�J_AND fYl-. 'POS'SF"D'ON_THE JOH�T!'P.t�F�Oac•rear rm cf�ts.tenee�-r_rnwr-Tvv_•n_r...�gw.rt•TA A8T�T1!7 FtN.LNCttu�i:C-O i�^„t�TT T�VT['fi'YOr3R w R RE q244F Y - Matthew Lyt a W�ii ari e` " .tr,ro-Pea >rTen S�gnatace gfOwaeror ..: .Pratt Name'and Proxide Signnrory!s Ti[teJOt'f:ee, t U.y� Owtices Authorized:OftecerlDizectortPartner/tl2aaitgcr ca - ..r -u^utc oFF7orlda . LUCout'{ nty Of.- �'+t" .. T e,•.,1 a co The Foregoing ins--11,was acYaowletiged befom-me this. �3: - day.of •�-s� 20 �'� ,gy 'Matthew: Lv1e_W�rine_ W (rraang ofperrori) .- _. (Typccf aathonty e:g,Owner:of5eer,treist=e.attccaiey in fact) t0yrtne Bu2dira Corposat3 ott �, (Name oFpatty,on behalf of whore instntmene viasezecuteii) Personalty YC wwn_�rprodaera the farrowing cype ofA?_ Q oi2O'KSP- /49�wiRvrr..a N1ao� " r DORO aASWN '� (Pnated h'aate o[Netary Pubtiej, (Sigaataro o t.ry Pecbie) . � �•e a(a: _ ''"'t•A."j:+ e��trs.oaaor �•. �...3��� .ti 'BOtld ThM1I ,Under peaattaes of.gequey 't'd2claiz.tbat.I have ineid d cfgieg iij and:ihar"thefaeGs inv QMM, ,heGef(scption 9ZS2S;'Elonde SWtums).- W,. - ... ` SagnaLui•e(sj of Owncr(sj or..Owaer(r)' wlio signed 2bovc. U� tter.AtOaaM7tturarrrt� r m ' N U I nFAPdYt'S177FYTaAi7atC WCL�IthT1t.777WBL�'aCUitIItCL COOV D eF.L\oMCW flrCflaooR 2qS tLZl signed b The Hano able., creYIe R: Miller. Y Y 4 aucvasxrunoxmxmLtwaoatrscwxamoxnunAwacm{uxaecaacaooarpme aDate 2021 08.11 16 10 3fi -04 00 T�aTFoF �tcarcuv�rra�wto.Tnr�t,txcrn�cr Reson. Electronically Cert:E ed Cop✓ 71144 DOCf151t'flMAYFWE atoatT104465arQ4IAYDgYU1W - .: Lccat cn.: 201 South, Indian.Aiver D_, rant Pierce; ?L;3'495G