HomeMy WebLinkAboutSIZING REPORTAccurate Power and Technology, Inc 15519 West Us Hwy 441 Suite 101A Eustis, FL 32726 (352) 735-8285 www.accuratepowerandtechnology.co Sizing Report Rated Nominal Voltage 240 Generator Fuel Choice Natural Gas Sizing Method (NEC 220)Part IV (Part III required for selected circuit implementation, Both valid for whole house) General Lighting & Receptacles Load (kW) Square Footage Being Covered (ft^2)1800 5.4 Small Appliance Circuits (20 amps) Kitchen Circuits 2 3 Laundry Circuits 1 1.5 Fixed-In-Place Appliances & Motors Managed Loads Estimated (kW) Nameplate (amps)240 V Load (kW) Dryer X 5.5 X 0.0 Microwave 1.3 1.3 Range - Oven w/ Top X 8.5 X 0.0 Water Heater 5.0 X 5.0 Dishwasher 1.5 1.5 Refrigerator 0.8 0.8 Well Pump 1.5 1.5 Air Conditioning & Cooling Managed Loads Estimated (kW) Nameplate (amps)240 V Load (kW) 4.0 Ton Unit 4.0 X 4.0 2.0 Ton Unit 2.0 X 2.0 Heating & Heat Pumps Managed Loads Estimated (kW) Nameplate (amps)240 V Load (kW) Air Handler Heat Strips X 0.0 40 X 0.0 Transient Requirement Estimated (LRA) Actual (LRA) Utilized (LRA) Largest Motor's Starting Amps (LRA)276 112 112 Summary NEC Load Load (kW) NEC Required General Lighting & Receptacles 9.9 Fixed-in-Place Appliances & Motors 10.1 Sum of all General Loads 20.0 14.0 Cooling 6.0 6.0 Heating (w/demand factors)0.0 0.0 Larger of Heating & Cooling 6.0 6.0 Sizing based on requirements of NEC Article 220, Part IV 20.0 Elevation 0 ft Minimum size generator for motor starting requirements 18 BTU load required 306000 24 kW Generac Model Generator Recommended