HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Aerobic Treatment SystemJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK f— THE FILE # 4434961 OR BOOK 4131 CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT W__:L, COUNTY PAGE 1835, Recorded 05/11/2018 04:06:05 PM RECEIVED MAY 18 7n18 Virr TrEN NOTICE OF AEROBIC TREATMENT SYSTEM AS PER FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE (F.A.C.) 64E-6 Permitting De St. Lucie county + Legal Description of property: Riverbend PB 67 Lot 4 As recorded in Plat Book 67 Street Address of Property: _ 3010 NW Radcliffe VVav City: Palm City , Florida ZIP• „ 34990 By this notice, I/we hereby execute and record in public property records at the Si. Lucie County courthouse, and by this notice, I/we inform all subsequent property owners of the use of an aerobic treatment system under F.A.C. 64E-6, and of all the requirements, for the system to be maintained, in perpetuity, in compliance with all lawful requirements. Noticed this day of �'4 .20 lb By property owner(s): Signature &j�- �W4 to — Printed Name Signature r Printed Name Sworn to and subscribed before me this - F V day of (Y"', 20 Ik . T-. $IYAN SHACHAR MY COWOWN 41c0aers�t Notary Public — State of Flori F-XPM2$APdI10,=f My Commission expires �� � tit STATE OF FLORIDA ST. LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL. JOSEPH J�SJ44 f-,-q!.ERK By: