2300 Virginia Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-15S3 Fax 7724621578
Q 5342 San Benedetto place Lot 120
Building Permit it � Q' �S7 ! Slte Address: Ft Pierce FL 34951
Street city State Zip
The undersigned hereby certifies that insulation has been installed in the above -described property to meet
the minimum requirements for R-Value of the Florida Energy Efficiency Code in accordance with the approved
plans and specifications, as follows:
1. Exterior walls have been insulated with (check one from list) to a
thickness of 3/4 inches, whlch thickness, according to the
manufacturer will yield an 'R' value of R4 1 ; at bags
per square feet
2. Ceilings have been insulated with (check one from list) to a
Thickness of 10.5 inches, which thickness, according to the
manufacturer will yield an'R' value of 30 : at bags
per square feet
Manufacturer: Owens Coming
Spray on cellulose
Fiberglass batts
Rock Wool Batts
X Aluminum Foil
Fiberglass blankets
X Fiberglass loose Fill
Rock Wool blankets
Rock Wool loose fill
Cellulose loose fill
�t1 G�w �11 Other
3. tnteriorafrt-Walls have been insulated with _Eitterglass Batts to
a thickness of 61/2 Inches which, according to the manufacturer, will yield an'R' value
Of Rig Manufacturer: OwensComina
4. Garage partition walls of conditioned living area have been insulated with Fibemlass Batts to
A thickness of 3.5 inches which, according to the manufacturer, will yield an'R' value
Of R13 . Manufacturer: Owens Coming
The following areas have not been insulated:
Insulation Contractor tu e5* piUOl LL � General Contractor/Builders
n535%4 I NO (� � 0 Fs �7
_ a:br LA ) eS-t ,IBC 1 �Qij'� Adams Horner
Company Name CC number Company Name CC number
Cont act s t4me j License # Contractor's Wme License #
/Q lrz� 412,441
antra o sSignature IV Dote _9n0XWr.1kgnature Date