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Product Approval
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Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail
Application Type Affirmation
Code Version 2020
Application Status Approved
Product Manufacturer Sun-Tek Mfg
Address/Phone/Email 10303 General Dr
Orlando, FL 32824
(407) 859-2117
Authorized Signature James Feudner
Technical Representative
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Sky Lights
Subcategory Skylight
Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing
Certification Agency National Accreditation &Management Institute
Validated By National Accreditation &Management Institute
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year
TAS201 1994
TAS202 1994
TAS203 1994
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
s I affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building
Code which affect my product(s) and my product(s)are in
compliance with the new Florida Building Code.
https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtbxPgODTr`2bX3SmdxkQzlgYkti9hvFBgwBsiNia5FSUxg%3d%3d Page 1 of 3
Florida Building Code Online 7/16/21,4:51 PM
Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Yes No N/A
FL20881_R5_COC_ICMGII 2020 FBC letter.pdf
FL20881_R5_COC_IFGC 2020 FBC letter,pdf
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A
Date Submitted 12/04/2020
Date Validated 12/04/2020
Date Pending FBC Approval
Date Approved 12/12/2020
Summary of Products
FL# Model, Number or Name Description
20881.1 ICMGII ICMGII (Impact)Aluminum Skylight
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL20881_R5_C_CAC_NI013292-R2 ICMGII.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant:Yes 03/31/2022
Design Pressure: +60/-60 Installation Instructions
Other: FL20881_R5_II_ICMGII installation inst-Approved 6.21.16
Verified By: James D Wells Jr. P.E. P.E. No. 53616
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Evaluation Reports
FL20881_R5_AE_2017FBC ICMGII report.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
20881.2 IFGC IFGC 4949 Flush Mounted Wood Skylight
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL20881_R5_C_CAC_NI013293-R3 IFGC.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant:Yes 03/31/2022
Design Pressure: +60/-60 Installation Instructions
Other: FL20881_R5_II_1283.IF-IFGC Install Inst- Final -Approved
7.26.16 JW.pdf
Verified By: James D. Wells Jr. P.E. No. 53616
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Evaluation Reports
FL20881_R5_AE_2017FBC IFGC report.pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Back Next
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J & L Wells Consulting LLC
1453 Arbitus Circle
Oviedo,FL 32765
Product Evaluation Report
Date: December 7, 2017
Product Manufacturer:
Sun-Tek Manufacturing, Inc.
I0303 General Dr.
Orlando, FI. 32725
(407) 859-2117
Product Name: ICMG 11(Impact)Aluminum Glass Skylight
Product Category: Skylights
Product Sub-Category: Skylights
Product Approval Method: Rule 61G20-3.005 Method Ila)—Certification Mark or Listing
Prepared By: This item has ham
James D.. Wells, Jr. P.E. cieeuonicany signed James D Wells
Florida P.E. License Number 53616 and scaled by Janes D. Jr
Wells,Jr.PF on Tartest to the
J & L Wells Consulting, LLC (J & L) 12m2an using a -,y ••„
Drum s"mare. - ��; accuracyand
FBPE Certification of Authorization No. 27162 pies. gJ{,;gIsla integrityof
Printed c. I'tM1is UU �I ••
document are not ,, d this d ornament
J& L Project No. 217I53 considered signed and po
J sealed and the signature "„"`,�r"`d 2017.12.07
must ne ventred on any 11:43:13
J& L Report No. 2017-002 electronic copies. -05'00'
Certificate of Independence
J & L Wells Consulting, LLC and James D. Wells, Jr. P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial
interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved
in the approval process of the product named herein.
J&L Wells Consulting,LLC James D.Wells,Jr.
J&L Project No.216051 FL No.53616
Product Evaluation Report No.2017-002 Page 1 of
This is a Product Evaluation Report issued by James D. Wells, Jr., P.E. (FL # 53616) for Sun-
Tek Manufacturing, Inc. based on Product Approval Rule 61G20-3.005 Method 1(a) —
Certification Mark or Listing of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of
Community Affairs—Florida Building Commission.
This product has been evaluated for compliance to the 6" Edition (2017) Florida Building Code
(2017 FBC) and (2017) Florida Residential Code (2017 FRC) including the High Velocity
Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) sections of the code. This evaluation is not an endorsement of this
product or a recommendation for the specific use of this product.
Description of Product
See Installation Detail Instructions dated June 21, 2016 by James D. Wells, Jr. P.E. (FL# 53616)
(Reference 3) for a description of the product, its installation and other pertinent data related to
its use.
Installation Requirements
This product is to be installed as per the manufacturers Installation Detail Instructions(Reference
3)dated June 21, 2016 signed and sealed by James D. Wells,Jr. P.E., (FL # 53616).
Installation instructions have been verified to the test reports NCTL-210-4017-02 and NCTL-
210-4017-02A dated March 29, 2016 (Reference 2) and supported by Anchor Calculations dated
June 21, 2016, by James D. Wells,Jr. P.E. Reference 1.
Code Conformance
This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 2017 FBC and 2017 FRC, High
Velocity Hurricane Zone(HVHZ).
Where approved for use in areas requiring wind born debris protection, this product complies
with Section 1609.1.2 of the 2017 FBC and R301.2.1.2 of the 2017 FRC and does not require
Wind Bourne Debris Protection. This product meets missile level "D" and includes Wind Zone
4 as defined in ASTM El996 and TAS 201-94.
This product meets the water infiltration requirements for HVHZ.
J&L Wells Consulting,LLC lames D.Wells,Jr.
J&L Project No.216051 FL No.53616
Product Evaluation Report No.2017-002 Page 2 of 6
Testing and Labeling
Section 2405.5 - Unit Skylights and Tubular Daylighting Devices
R308.6.9 Testing and Labeling
Skylight shall be tested and labeled.
Testing/Margin of Safetv/Design Pressure Rating
Design Pressure Rating 60 PSF positive, 60 PSF negative.
Exterior Skylights shall be tested for conformance to the 2017 FBC and 2017 FRC in accordance
to the following:
I. Exterior Skylights shall be tested for air infiltration, water penetration and static wind
loading in accordance with 1709.6 (refers to Chapter 24 FBC) of the 20I7 FBC and
per TAS 202 for conformance to the HVHZ, WBDR and areas not requiring opening
2. Impact and Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading shall be tested in accordance with the
following per TAS 201 and TAS 203 for conformance to the HVHZ and WBDR.
a. Sections 1609.1.2, 1626.1 and 1626.2 of the 2017 FBC and
b. Sections R301.2.1.2 and R4403 (refers to Chapter 16 FBC) of the 2017 FRC
This product does not meet Risk Category IV, essential facility buildings or structures,
requirements of Section 1604.5.
Reference 2 documents testing to: TAS 201-94, TAS 202-94, TAS 203-94,
AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/LS.2/A440-08, and ASTM E1886-05 & ASTM E1996-05/09 (WZ4)
in accordance with the above.
Reference 2 documents testing the Curb Mounted Skylight to the following test pressures:
1. Uniform Load Structural Test Pressures where+120/-120 psf(Paragraph
2. Water Test Pressure of+9 psf(Paragraph 9.3.3)
3. Cyclic Wind Loading Pressure of+/-60 psf(Table 1, ASTM El996-05)
Apply the following factors to arrive at Design Pressure:
L A Safety Factor of 2 (2017 FBC, Sections 1504.9 and 1523.4) applied to the Uniform
Load Structural Test Pressures to arrive at Design Pressures of+60/-60 psf.
2. A factor of 1/0.15 =6.67 applied to the Water Test Pressure to arrive at Design
Pressure of+60 psf.
Therefore, the Overall Design Pressure is+/-60 psf.
J&L Wells Consulting,LLC James D. Wells,Jr.
1&L Project No.216051 FL No.53616
Product Evaluation Report No.2017-002 Page 3 of
Glazing Requirements
Sections 2405, R308.6, and R4410 of the 2017 FBC and FRC were reviewed. The product
depicted on the Reference 3 Installation Detail Drawing and documented in testing by Reference
2 meets the applicable requirements of these sections as follows:
Section 2405.1 —Scope
Section R308.6.1 Definitions
Section 2405.2 - Allowable Glazing Materials And Limitations: For monolithic glazing systems,
glazing material shall be laminated glass with minimum 30-mil (0.76 mm) polyvinyl butyral
(PVB) (or equivalent) interlayer. As shown in documented Testing (Reference 2), the skylight
contains insulated glass with 0.090 (2mm) Kuraray Butacite PVB interlayer.
Section R308.6.2 -Permitted Materials: Laminated glass with a minimum interlayer thickness of
0.030 inch (0.76 mm). As shown in documented Testing(Reference 2),the skylight contains
insulated glass with 0.090(2 mm) Kuraray Butacite PVB interlayer.
Mounting Requirements
Sections 2405.4 Framing and R308.6.8 Curbs For Skylights of the 2017 FBC and FRC were
reviewed for compliance with the following requirements:
Section 2405.4 - Skylight frames shall be constructed of noncombustible materials. As shown in
the documented Testing Drawings (Reference 2), the skylight metal frame is made of 0.065"
thick 6063-T6 aluminum.
Section 2405.4 - All skylights at an angle less than 45 deg. from the horizontal shall be mounted
at least 4"above the planar of the roof. Installation of a skylight without a curb shall be
permitted on roofs with a minimum slope of 14 degrees(three units vertical in 12 units
horizontal) in Group R-3 occupancies.—All unit skylights installed in a roof with a pitch flatter
than 14 degrees(0.25 rad) shall be mounted at least 4 inches(102 mm)above the plane of the
roof on a curb constructed as required for the frame unless otherwise specified in the
manufacturer's installation instructions.
R308.6.8 Curbs for skylights. All unit skylights installed in a roof with a pitch flatter than three
units vertical in 12 units horizontal (25-percent slope) shall be mounted on a curb extending at
least 4 inches(102 mm)above the plane of the roof unless otherwise specified in the
manufacturer's installation instructions.
In accordance with documented Testing (Reference 2) and as shown in Installation Drawing
(Reference 3), the skylight assembly is installed on a wood curb 4 inches or more above the roof
J&L Wells Consulting,LLC James D.Wells,Jr.
1&L Project No.216051 FL No.53616
Product Evaluation Report No.2017-002 Page 4 of 6
Product Approval
Section 2410.4- High-Velocity Hurricane Zones-General
Skylights shall have product approval.
Limitation and Conditions of Use
Limitations and Conditions of Use are shown on the Installation Detail Instructions (Reference
Product anchors shall be as designated and located as shown in the Installation Detail
Instructions (Reference 3). Anchor embedment and edge distance exclude roofing material
including, but not limited to, moisture barrier and sheathing.
All roofing details shall comply with Chapter 15 of the 2017 FBC.
Installation details described within the Installation Detail Instructions (Reference 3) are generic
and may not reflect actual conditions for a specific site. Site conditions that deviate from the
details shown in the Installation Detail Instructions (Reference 3) require further engineering
analysis by a Licensed Engineer or Registered Architect.
Product to be labeled in accordance with FBC 1709.5.1 and 2405.5.
Quality Insurance
This product will be manufactured under a quality assurance program audited by National
Accreditation & Management Institute(NAMI). NAMI is an approved Certification and Quality
Assurance Entity per Rule 61 G20-3(3).
Applications/Installations Outside the Limitations and Conditions of Use
Any modification to this product as evaluated in this report and approved by the Florida Building
Commission is outside the scope of this evaluation and will be the responsibility of others. As
allowed in Rule 61G20-3(l)(e), a project specific approval by local authorities having
jurisdiction may be used given an appropriate rational analysis and acceptance by local authority
having jurisdiction.
J&L Wells Consulting,LLC James D.Wells,Jr.
J&L Project No.216051 FL No.53616
Product Evaluation Report No. 2017-002 Page 5 of6
This product complies with the 2017 FBC and 2017 FRC.
Performance and Testing Standards
Structural Test Reports NCTL-210-4017-02A and NCTL-210-4017-02 (Reference 2) documents
testing to the following:
High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) Testing Application Standards (TAS) - NCTL-210-
1. TAS 201-94, Impact Test Procedures, Dade County Building Code Compliance Office
2. TAS 202-94, Criteria for Testing Impact and Non-Impact Resistant Building Envelope
Components using Uniform Static Air Pressure, Dade County Building Code Compliance
3. TAS 203-94, Criteria for Testing Products Subjected to Cyclic Pressure Loading
Reference 2 also documents testing to the following-NCTL-210-4017-02:
1. AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08,NAFS North American Fenestration
Standard/Specification for Windows, Doors, and Skylights
2. ASTM E1886-05 &ASTM EI996-05/09 (WZ4)
References and Supporting Documents
I. Anchor calculations and drawings prepared by J & L Wells Consulting LLC, Dated June
21, 2016, signed and sealed by James D. Wells, Jr. P.E. (FL # 53616) (1&L Project No.
2. Structural Test Report (Including Drawings)NCTL-210-4017-02 dated March 29, 2016
Structural Test Report (Including Drawings) NCTL--210-4017-02A dated March 29,
2016 (TAS Tests)
3. Installation Detail Instructions, dated June 21, 2016 reviewed by J & L Wells Consulting
LLC, and signed and sealed by James D. Wells,Jr. P.E. (FL k 53616)
4. Kuraray Butacite PVB Glass Interlayer(NOA No.14-0916.10) renewed as Trosifol NOA
No. 16-1117.01 issued by Miami Dade County Product Control Section Expiration date
July 8, 2019
J&L Wells Consulting,LLC lames D.Wells,R.
J&L Project No.216051 FL No.53616
Product Evaluation Report No.2017-002 Page 6 of 6
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\tip GERTF/eqn
DATE: 07/06/2016
CODE: 225-1
egnFlED Plot) REVISION DATE: 02/11/2020
To verify that the"Notice of Product Certification"is valid,please visit www.NAMICerti fication.com to assure that the
product is active and currently listed.This certification represents product conformity to the applicable specification and
that certification criteria has been satisfied. A NAMI approved certification label must be applied to the product to claim
certification status. Please review and advise NAM[ if any corrections are required to this document.
Sun-Tek Manufacturing, Inc. Series "ICMG II (Impact)"
10303 General Drive Aluminum Skylight
Orlando, FL 32824 Configuration: O
Glazing: IG-3/16"Tempered Glass/l/8" Annealed
Glass/0.090"Kuraray,Butacite PVB Interlayer/1/8"
Annealed Glass
Frame: W-1283mm(50.5") H-1283mm(50.5")
DLO: W-1162mm(45.75") H-1162mm(45.75")
TAS 201/202/203-94 Design Pressure: 2873 Pa (60 psf)
Water Penetration Resistance Test Pressure:431 Pa t9.00 ps0
Large Missile Impact Rated
Product Tested By: National Certified Testing Laboratories
Report No: NCTL-210-4017-02A
Expiration Date: March 31. 2022
Administrator's Signature:
4794 George Washington Memorial Highway
Hayes,VA 23072
Tel: (804)684-5124
Fax: (804)684-5122