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YardGard® Gate/Door indow Alarm System (Y ®3) ■ Listed by ETL to UL 2017 ■ Always On Device as Required by Barrier Codes ■ Alarm Goes Off Immediately When Triggered as Required by Barrier Codes ■ Can be Manually Reset or will Automatically Reset in 3 Minutes to Continue Siren ■ 7-Second Delay Allows for Adult Pass - Through ■ 120 dB Alarm Siren - Minimum 95 dB at 10 Feet ■ Convenient Single Button Pass/Reset Operation ■ All Hardware Included for Gate, Door or Window Mount ■ Auto Low Battery Chirp ■ W Oesistant ■ „ ra s on One - 9 Volt Battery (not incl.) ■ ` e 4-Color Retail Packaging ish/French) YardGard YG03 Operation Manual a 4 s7 r Tru Flo Covers and Frames `"' i f 's f !' Part NO. :t s Water 'Parts Lis_ t Part # QTY Descri Lion 1 1 PB-2008 Fitting 2 1 Bonding Split Bolt • Complies with Nation'Electrical Code 680.26(C) • UL Listed • 1 NPT Water Bonding Fitting • 10.6 Total Square Inches LISTS 40YZ nee D 680.26(c) Ell 1 Perma-Cast Co. Pueblo. CO www.permacastonline.com Call 800-748-2776 m PoolBondPB-2008 Water Bonding Fitting. �IMPnec Part dumber Follow these Important Safety Instructions: LISTEII ELECTRICAL. +BONDING PB-2008 40YZ 680.z6(c) Step 1 Components C r A .A: PoolBond Casting Part Number PB-2008 with I" NPT Pipe Thread. © B. Split Bolt Connector, UL ratted for 'Direct Burial. -y C. Solid #8 Copper wire, not supplied. LISTED 40 Z Step 2 Fitting Orientation Horizontal Vertical Down: All Installations Above Ground Pools Install in Pool Plumbing using a Plumbing Tee._ OAlways install the Poolbond Teevith the fitting in horizontal or vertically down orientation to avoid trapped air in pool plumbing. Step 3 here to Install in -Ground Pools above ground Pools awad �' WaterCevel ftr4a9 tilire : a Litter Level4_ to Qrid pa.yao's • 9ontl g Wit. 0 b M Chia Installed near Pool Equipnien't Installed at Return Fitting 0 install on In -ground & Above Ground Pools, Spas, Tubs, & Fountains. ' a DO NOT bury the: PoolBond fitting, it should be -accessible for periodic inspection. A sprinklervalve-box provides good access. 0 iMPORTANT- Install PoolBond fitting at least 3" below water level to assure'.the fitting is .contained in the.pooi water even when equipment is shut down. 4 Ipstaffiqig PoolBond. 4D First, install the male threaded fitting in the threaded tee (dry.fit) until ' "�"'°� 1/2 Tee ---- — rr the fitting just starts to tighten on the threaded tee. Count the number - _Perma-Cast. CompanyStep 1811 Asspen Circle Pueblo, Colorado 81QOG of turns it takes. Document this number and disengage the two parts. J i } 0 Apply thread sealant. Use Plumber Pipe Dope or Teflon Paste, do not use Teflon Tape. ~ me Fema1eseducing.Adapter a Reassemble the two parts using the number of turns recorded in the ,-��a n J.FIPr first step and tighten two more turns. Do not overtighten to avoid damaging so�xt'FIPT r='So�x- 'S°t tFIPi r 1' NOT RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED plastic pipe. Int,allatwnfor ,-l/z•ocz'pipe www.permacastonline.com Revision 8/6/14 PENTAIR >> Products >> Ptuups >> Ingroutld >> Superflo High Perforivance Pumps Page 1 of 2 DEALER LOCATOR 11 CHOOSE, LANGUAGE SEARCH PRODUCTS I SAVE ENERGY I SUPPORT I NEWS & MEDIA I CONTACT US i DEALER RESOURCES PRODUCTS Aboveground Systems Automation Cleaners Filters Heaters & Heat Pumps Lighting Maintenance & Safety Equipment Pumps All Pumps (aground A!Linground Challenger I ligh Flow Pumps Challenger High Pressure Pumps Oym-Pro IntelliFln VS+SVRS Variable Speed Pumps InteltiFloVFVariable Flow Pumps lnteLdlFIoXFVariable Speed Pump IntelliFfo'2 VST Variable Speed Putttp InteWFloit Variable Speed Pump IntelllFlo Variable Speed. High Perfomance Pump IntelliPro Variable Speed Pump InWliProXF Variable Speed Pump IrtelliPro 2 VST Variable Speed Pump inte,L'iPro VS,SVRS Variable Speed Pump Max-E-ProXF High Perfamance Pump Max-E-Pro High Efficiency Pool/Spa Pumps SuoerFla'Hiah Performance Pumps SuperFto VS Variable Speed Pump SuperMax High Performance Pumps SuperMax VS Variable Speed Pump WaterFall Specialty. Pumps WhisperFlo High Performance Pump WhisperFloXF High Performance Pump Aboveground Specialty Pump Accessories Utility, Drainage, Serike Saniti:ers Valves Water Features White Goods SUPERFL®° High Performance Pumps s EFFICIENT, QUIET, RUGGED AND VERSATILE The SuperFto VS are specifically.designed to be the best choice for variety of inground pools. SuperFto features thick Walled body Farts, a heavy-duty 56 square ftange motor, and highly engineered hydraulics. SuperFlo's silent running capability and small footprint allow it to easily drop into a compact equipment pad. FEATURES • 2-speed SuperFto pump models are now ENERGY STAR Certified; meets strict energy efficiency criteria set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. Extremely quiet operation. • -.Unionized fittings 17.5 in. internal slip and 2 in. external, stipl. • Cain and Ramp"' Lid. Heavy-duty, high service factor 56 square flange motor. • Integral volute and pot reduce hydraulic noise. * Hayveerd` and Super Pump are registered trademarks of Hayarard Industries, Inc. CERTIFICATIONS NSF Certified CSA Certified UL Certified Manuals Brochures Dimensional Drawings Performance Curves Replacement Parts Specs Accessories M http:// uww.pentairpool.con-dproductslpumps-ing ound-superflo-high-perforinance-pumps-..... 2/18/201 G PENTAIR >> Products >> Puiups >> Inground >> SuperFlo High Performance Pwnps Page 1 of I ENERGY EFFICIENT SINGLE SPEED Product Model Voltage Ful('Load Amps HP SF SFHP Primary Listings and Certifications' Port Size INPT1 348021 SF-NI-1l2.£E 1 i5/208-230. 8:214.5-4.4 112 ?.Y) 0.45 UL' tar' x h5" 348022 SF-1i':-314FE IsI08-230: S.R14.5.4.4 311, 1.47 1.26 Ui' 1,5"xi.S` 3l,8023 SF-NI-1AE 1151200-238 lt2'6.U-5.6 T 1:25 1.25 UL' 1.5"xt.S- 348024 59-NI-1-112AE 1151208-230 14.019,0=7.4 1.112 1.10 IAS UL' 1.5"x 1.5" 34802i SF-Ni-2AE 709.230 4.fd8.0 2 1.10 2.20 do 1,5-x 1,5" 348026 SF-NI.2-112AE 208-230 11,,1011012 2-1i2 1.04 2,60 UL' 1.5"x 1.57 ' STANDARD EFFICIENCY SINGLESPEED Product Model Voltage. Full Load Amps HP SF SFHP Primary Listings and Certifications* Part size (NPT1 340M6 SF-P l-U2F 1 i61'230 10.E,6.4 1?2 135 c5 UL', NSF' � 1.5" x 1.5 34U037 -SF- N1-3AA 1 i5/23D 10,8/514 314 G25 .45 UC. NSF' 340038 5F.Ni-lA 11S/230 14.2tt.1 1 1.25 1.25 UL%NSF" IS"x 1,5" 340U39 SF-N11-VZA 1-15/230 16.018.0 1-112 1.10 `.65 UL� NSF7 1,5-x 1.5, M040 ,SF-Nt-2A IIQ230 22.4/11.2 2 i.16 2.20 UL'. NSF' 1.5"x.i.S' 34004? SF-1,11-2-1/2 730 11.5 2- 1/2 1.04 'r..60 UL', NSF` 1.9"x 1,5" ENERGY EFFICIENT iWO SPEED 3450RPM. LOW SPEED 1725 RPM Product Model Voltage Full Load Amps lips SF SFHP Primary Listings and Certlflcationso Port Size INPT) Suct. & Dish. 341111 SF-NZ-314A 115 14.614.7 3/4 1.67 '1.25 UL', NSF" 1.5" x 1.5" 340042 5F-N2-1A 230 6.0/2.3 1 1.25 1,25 UL', NSF' 1.5" x L5" 340043 SF-1,12-1-1/2A 230 7.8/3,0 1-1/2 1.10 1.65 {1L'. NSF' 340044 SF-11124A 230 10:UY3.S 2 1.13 2.20 UL', NSF= 1.5' x 1.5" 1:'UU indicates thin pump bears a UL mark sign fjing:.evaluation to U.S..Staodards UL1081 for Parmanentty Ccnnerted Swimming Pool and. Spa Pumps and to Canadian Standards. CAN1CSA C22..2. No, 108-01. (Encta urp31. 2:'NSF Ind cafes that pump bears a NSF matic signiFpiig evaluation to P:SF Standard 50 for Salt -Priming Ceri nfucat Pumps for Swimming pools Only. 3: Product may have been evaluated to olherstate and tacat reoutatory standards, Listing status may change. n(wiys confirm status with appropriate agency if in doubt. http://www.pentairpool.coni/products/humps-inground-superflo-higli-perf6rm.ance-ptimps-... 2/18/2016 CRYSTAL CLARITY VI T H CARTRIDGE CONVENIENCE The Clan & Clear flUercombines top -end Iilter performance cartriJoe surface conzistencyio block and trap v-iith lovv maintenance, This is dependable diesign uses special fiber the inaaaimurn ai-nount of solids. Plug, --o<' use the most durable elements to Strip tiny p i-tictes from vo;k, pbot `• gater-partictes m=ieriats t6 E terrd _al i'rld je tire, ThE Clean u Clear t°tt f v:'lll i c=p as smal't as 20 i-nicrons. (.An average grain ofleach sand is 1,000 your pail sparkling day in and day out. microns!) Plus, cleanina is a breeze, Open tll'_ top, remGJe the f ariridGc ;s esi to I'Eii Gv£ and flnse. cartridge, hose it off and the Clean & Clear felt=r is rea0y to J °-Glcli!i rtrlp ellv't•Ys easy access to cartridge andinternal p'et"is. again. ° Inole-piec_ base and tank are constructed of fiberglass- reiizfofced potypropvtene for sti end th and chemicat,resistance. ° Koh- Ftov-- ` klanual Air Relief i al'•.%e and centifiuqu iisilernat-air-- relie `worlS together to maintain optinnuni filtra',,ion 2fficienry atalt times. PEN f r=QU 1iG`-YE5t'ttA5 I S;:Vb�HE=G'f I SUFF:on'i ! 14EWS4,MU1A I CONTACTUS I OEAL'c?RvCUPCES =RLIDUCTS -RooU,cTs CLEAN & fIL;c_..m4 R- i42nuats Brochures dPr-t:-aq 5;_lrn:. Cartridge Fitters f}imEnsionzl Drawings �umr,�etioc tiernen .,. cLExr: e ;cement ?ar.� CLE,.R Ft�., - .•lnh �- F!c•r1 C5TurnoYerCa^pee:F!In ::! r'itttr; .c o,.d BaricnuE arri�e: %redo: Ffacal=tlxctlre:iit �iicn Arse;a, [UPMnzsl _ GPM -a }iacr to F.— URour �Czi:n -• 1^ ;:i!C3i,. ,- - in._u. c. Se 53 i'" s;r.3 ,•`;:, - - -CC iJ .�` CC 103 !i0 33 +:'c,4r;u J 44L p?,rrn r •". 141G31c ita?:^. :, C!ear F.P Cartrkc:c aka:. W-P, 7 CC "-.i`:+� ?i:.tci7.! t 3.ir:}U i 1603t3 rC ?OfJ t5"v .,. _.... <3.C•:i ;^s'•0> som f -i%+!r-_rs FiBE°GLASS^nr'IMP IR"-EGPOLY=i'.-OPY! ;...r;_filler c � ?Cri•CI ^r n. ++'t^. :.!cell= 4teEf " i.afirl=`�.. '-••14-iz � ?tr.:� iL �`_r.']�C ri'`r`l !fi,`SYFill- Drsaer anl- t Ct 5af'JlCii::,] ci a. a ccr_fe_E ca; tridnE 1ef EeEtar c!.anirla.:+ti f� v cfs _ `_. S.n,A S,ssrn:�:.ir3vt�r t'tdi:, F,rters _-::ipppd ;re tit -_, spin -On uriors i0r plumbing ho,i!-ups. Ti;E__ ;ittars are i.SF Lis-, Ed for cola merclal applications and are avail-, ttte in 50, 75. ICID, 150. =nd 200 square ieot size-. Viand �C:er.ils -EAT!1P.ES t?umpi LigY.tirg > WSFUstsd r-alnc^air_ 4S"fere Ecntanvint . Unionized COnne-dons PumrpS lniegfaiEd CGtltmtlOL'S7iigh ftDYiM IntE^1at eli r_!+ei' �drht2cr 3 • t.hamica( fes;SmIt,,aIIk body Yatex=_ Wzmr reaturrs • Lock ring v:ith Eorin_-toared saEEiy latches Wh,: _cds COratess cartridge for Easy Cteanlnq P. ^r.U.t L•lu+e3 • ;;tali F!o:r manva[ air raliEF valet _ak r r-clAL FRODUL, S • 1 in.fain and r;Jsah out P=_=LACEMENT, PARTS to _ ,,I_ce Ease. and body tlesion Nc,c. wnl strstam fwu vAvil! dellend on p!urnbinr. size and utriar Epst.m mpgttents, h?ta: Pent'cir -' nu't Przducus does not recommend flew rstes cbrve 'Pi. 'In!E^rated continucnls.H!g .Flex ime_, nal air r+Aiei is _ • Eratin nat ordv hen !here is.uncCstruetrd iia::• in the circulatingsystcm. . - - -- -- - - r1"cr•••i w.i rr•+(r.- - r^'Ylrttrft'Onl{nLEt O ?_, n PreSaUra 01 �ir'r ^[: r4gL?F .._....... Watherl ap11tic;tions, ma.,imum operating +va!e, ! rpuature ttnteinal fi,tcl:l 10A d••9rE�s F W dagrees C.) CERTIFICATIONS IHSFI \L�• Listd DEALEERLOCATIOR: I TER. S-3FLUE I SITEvVP I CONTACTUIS I e4TAIR.:;01d [t --, . ,r r".fA"A1 A PENTAIR >> Products » Zi.. �Jng >> Color -Changing » GloBrite P,"_ and Spa LED ... Page 1 of 1 DEALERLOCATOR i CHOOSELANGUAGE SEARCH << lt' PENTA1R AQUATIC SYSTEMS PRODUCTS I SAVE ENERGY I SUPPORT I NEWS & MEDIA I CONTACT US I DEALER RESOURCES PRODUCTS Aboveground Systems Automation Cleaners Filters Heaters & Heat Pumps Lighting All Lighting Canadian Pool Lights Color -Changing All Color -Changing Amerprite Color LED Replacement Lamp forAmerlite Ligh Series Glogrite Pool and Soa LED Liehts InteltiBrite Controller Intetli0rite 5G Underwater Cotor-Changing LED Pool and Spa lights White Landscape & Water Features Niches & Accessories Maintenance & Safely Equipment Pumps Sanitizers Valves Water Features White Goods Product Videos COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS REPLACEMENT PARTS GL®BRITE" Manuals Brochures Pool and Spa LED Lights GlobritePool and Spa LED Lights [English) s GloBrite Pool and Spa LED Lights (Espanoll Globrite Pool and Spa LED Ligh'ts(Frenchl CDs, DVDs and Videos E50 Specs UNDERWATER LED LIGHTS FOR SWIMMING POOLS AND SPAS When you install GloBrite Pool and Spa LED Lighting in a pootscape, poelside evenings go from great to spectacular. GloBrite lights are the creative, cost-effective way to showcase and enhance pool features like baja shelves, steps, beach entries and other shallow water features. GloBrite tights utitize the industty's most advanced technology for bright, energy-effiicient lighting - while using 18% less energy than comparabte shallow water lights. FEATURES • The brightest and most efficient LEDs available. 5 brilliant fixed colors, 7 dazzling pre-programmed light shows. • The perfect complement to lnteL[iBriteo 5g LED Pool Lighting for dynamic, synchronised colored light shows. • Compatible with lntelffouch°i and EasyTouch° control systems for advanced control features. • When used with an optional IntelliBrite Controller, pool and spa owners without an automation system can enjoy fast and easy control of their pool lighting. • Does not require grounding or bonding for quick and easy installations. • GloBrites' lights are UL approved. Note: Only GloBrite white Lights have two dimming levels. GloBrite color lights cannot be dimmed. All Pentair UL Listed underwater Lights are certified for use in fresh water with up to 6.000 pprn salinity; CERTIFICATIONS. C @us UL-C, US Certified E 14EWSLETTER ( DEALER LOCATOR I TERMS OF USE I PRIVACY POLICY I SITE MAP I CONTACT US j PENTAIR.COM Copynght 2016 PenWr Ltd. All Rights P.eserred. http://Nwww.pentaiTpool.conVproductslligliting-color-changing-globrite-pool-and-spa-led-li... 2/ 18/2016 PENTAIR >> Products » I,'! twig >> Color -Changing» GloBrite P' _ and Spa LED ... Page 1 of 1 Part Number Voltage 602,053 12 602054 12 602055 12 602056 12 GLCBRITE LED LIGHTS Card Length (Ft.) Carton Dimensions 30 12' x12' x 4" 50 12" x 12' x 4" 100 12'x 12'x6" 150 12" x 12'X,6- NICHES FOR GLOBRITE LED LIGHTS Carton Wt. JLbs:l ," 6 9 12 Part Number Description Carton Dimensions Carton Wt. (Lb%) 62001.0 Gunite Niche 6" x 4'%x 4" 1.3 e1 620039 Vinyl Niche 0" x_4"x 4" 1.3 ? 101 620041 Fiberglass Niche for GloBrite(White) 8"x.41'x 4' .85 :)�x 620093 Fiberglass Niche for Gio[irite (Blue) 8" x 4' x 4' 1.9 r 620094 Fiberglass Niche forGlaBrIte)Grey) 6"x4'x4" 1.3 s^^ GLOBRITE COMBO KITS Part NamberDescription Carton DimensionsCarton Wt. ILbs.I a -619993,. Genita Combo tit • i G1oBrite100'vc'3G0LV Trznsfermer 1 Gunita Niche 15" z 13' x 13" 25 �.. 6i9444 fuilileCombo ttl2-2GloBritoi00't•.•,r300tn'Transformer 2Gunitefdiches 26"x13"r,13" 40 gg 620051 Fiberglass Combo 01 - 1 GloBrite tOT vd300W Transformer I Fiherglass Niche 15" x 13" x 13" 25 --" 6200W Fiberglass Combo Y2 - 2 61oBrito 10T W%30M' Transtormer2 Fiberglass Niches 26- x 17 x.13" 40 -' 620080 Vinyl Combo 01 -1 GloBrite 100' w/300VG Transformer 1 Vinyl Niche Is-x 13 x 13" 25 f 620081 Vinyl Combo IQ - 2 GloBrite 100' wjOO'W Transformer 2 Vinyl Niches 26" x 13" x 13" 40 12V POOL RATED TRANSFORMERS Part Number Description Carton Oty. Carton Wt, ILbs.) 61YY62 1UOWPool Rated Transformer 112-1r,Vl 619963 30OW Pool Rated Transformer02-14V) 1 12 .v http://U�-ww.pentairpool.coin/productsllightiiig-color-changing-gl obrite-pool-and-spa-led-li... 2/18/2016