HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurveyCody `'BOU.N AFZ.`Y S.0 R'VEY:` LEGAL DES RIPTION, ABBREVIATIONS. SURVEYORS NOTES: Lot 44.in_;8 CORAL COVE 60.4.of EACH SET*, Set'5/8"-.iron rebar yyyyStti yelloly:cop marked 'PSM 5543 Unless olheryyise•nok,ed only platted eosemen SECTION 1. FD Found 5/8" Iran Reboilp FF.E.=Finished Floor'ElevoE on 2 shoj4n here n e o . too undo�.ground ut..., es or improvements We according as recorded t the, plat thereof in.Plot Book.11 - OH0H=0H = Over. Head Wires .. 3. (ocoted unless otherWise shorn; n e`s 30A. P..9 t rough 306 9.. Ink'. X X X== Chairi lInk'Fence R 0 if =Right of �(ay This site, l ies .yyilhrn F.I;ood In Zone At!5 0 Moo# 12111CD181J Doled 2/16/12. 01 the Pu�ou6fyi St: Lucie` ic Records of Florida. 0-0--0- Wood. _Fence: 4. Flood Zone shoV' hereon As on :i,nlerpretat is FPL'Transfoimeir Pad by the survey"or and is Pro vided as o courle PL=Voiue as olntled' The flood zone should be willed. by R = Radius of curve determination agency:. L = Length of curve DOV�q 5. Bearrngs'•§hoph hereon are bated, on the Cent ,Q of ,Curve MEAS, = Measur.ed Fine of BERMUDA DRIVE as, being N87 Oi3'4.7"�{ CONC. = Concrete hereon'. according to the`1.Plot described hereon: C.P. Conc{pte Pad fi P;U 0 E.;denotes Pub'tic;UHI.ities-.and ® }doter Meter Easement:. = Poi4er Pole 7 All Lot dimensions sho*n are per ;plot mile: �= Utility Pak otheryj se shoo" ®= We l RECEIVED SEP 0 1 2021 St. Lucie County Permitting -_ BERMUDA DRIVE _ 60' R;Q,y - 20ASPHAt i ROAD 491,40'(P) W. T 491,36'(fr♦) FgQ - Hui alp N 87'08 7". 80,00 I pV� �w1G t�YE F I I J 24Q00P COitC All C 1P ORNER — '' FD, 24000'(I1) PROPERTY CO RNER. 0 SET J I EL 42' 2 0 01 coNc o 0 02 ORI T V .. C7 m LL, CONC.lV o O7 W. O 7 fi0' v"' N r ' SCREEN ROotf I o O I7. 61 s "' o coyc, atno STEPS. TEP$ .N o N87'08'47",'�I• C� i30.0' LIFI ATERWAY .. . +m'mrsuu�a. 0A4 0=,nl IFIA n0111C •. r—o r rrn: 1.,: Ptvi1 W -nnrf I inHn IA cnnin@nn'