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RE: Job CRMSSMB1 L Lumber design values are in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-2014 section 6.3 These truss designs rely on lumber values established by others. A-1 Roof Trusses 4451 St Lucie Blvd Site Information: Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Customer Info: RENAR DEVELOPMENT CO. Project Name: MORNINGSIDE Lot/Block: Model: SEAMIST 2215 Address: Subdivision: City: County: St Lucie State: FL Name Address and License # of Structural Engineer of Record, If there is one, for the building. Name: License #: Address: City: General Truss Engineering Criteria Design Loads (Individual Truss Design Drawings Show Special Loading Conditions): Design Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. / TPI 2014 Design Program: Alpine Engineered Products Wind Code: ASCE 7-16 Wind Speed: 160 Roof Load: 40.0 psf Floor Load: 55.0 psf This package includes 33 individual, dated Truss Design Drawings and 16 Additional Drawings. With my seal affixed to this sheet, I hereby certify that I am the Truss Design Engineer and this index sheet conforms to 61 G15-31.003,section 5 of the Florida Board of Professional Engineers Rules. No. Seq # Truss Name Date No. Seq # Truss Name Date No. Seq # Truss Name Date 1 2486 A01GE 8/2/21 13 2544 FG01 8/2/21 25 2900 11 8/2/21 2 2491 A02 8/2/21 14 2535 FL01 8/2/21 26 2901 J3 8/2/21 3 2923 A02GE 8/2/21 15 2532 FL02 8/2/21 27 2902 J5 8/2/21 4 2500 B01 8/2/21 16 2538 FL02GE 8/2/21 28 2903 J6 8/2/21 5 2507 B02GE 8/2/21 17 2529 FL03 8/2/21 29 2904 J7 8/2/21 6 2931 C01G 8/2/21 18 2541 FL03GE 8/2/21 30 2497 L01 8/2/21 7 2926 CO2 8/2/21 19 2526 FL04 8/2/21 31 2494 L02 8/2/21 8 2927 CO3 8/2/21 20 2523 FL05 8/2/21 32 2907 Vol 8/2/21 9 2932 C04G 8/2/21 21 2518 FL06G 8/2/21 33 2908 V02 8/2/21 10 2928 C06 8/2/21 22 2547 FL07GE 8/2/21 34 STDL01 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 11 2929 D01 8/2/21 23 2888 FL08 8/2/21 35 STDL02 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 12 2930 D02GE 8/2/21 24 2549 HP 8/2/21 36 STDL03 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 The truss drawing(s) referenced have been prepared by Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. under my direct supervision based on the parameters provided byA-1 RoofTrusses, Ltd. Truss Design Engineer's Name: Ryan Bays My license renewal date for the state of Florida is February 28,2023. NOTE: The seal on these drawings indicate acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the truss components shown. The suitability and use of components for any particular building is the responsibility of the building designer, perANSI/TPI-1 Sec. 2. The Truss Design Drawing(s)(TDD[s]) referenced have been prepared based on the construction documents (also referred to at times as'Structural Engineering Documents') provided by the Building Designer indicating the nature and character of the work. The design criteria therein have been transferred to Ryan Bays PE by [Al Roof Trusses or specific location]. These TDDs (also referred to at times as'Structural Delegated' Engineering Documents') are specialty structural component designs and may be part of the project's deferred or phased submittals. As a Truss Design Engineer (i.e., Specialty Engineer), the seal here and on the TDD represents an acceptance of professional engineering responsibility forthe design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only. The Building Designer is responsible for and shall coordinate and review the TDDs for compatibility with theirwritten engineering requirements. Please review all TDDs and all related notes. ����ttiliiillNrrrrr 84 ENS rF No. g i �•• STATE OF 11r�:,,, !Y1-,\`� Ryan Bays, P.E. 4451 St Lucie Blvd. Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Page 1 of 2 RE: Job CRMSSMB1 L No. Seq # Truss Name Date 37 STDL04 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 38 STDL05 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 39 STDL06 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 40 STDL07 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 41 STDL08 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 42 STDL09 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 43 STDL10 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 44 STDL11 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 45 STDL12 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 46 STDL13 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 47 STDL14 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 48 STDL15 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 49 STDL16 STD. DETAIL 8/2/21 Lumber design values are in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-2014 section 6.3 These truss designs rely on lumber values established by others. Page 2 of 2 Ryan Bays, P.E. # 91231 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L A01 GE GABL 1 1 Seal #: 2486 16'3-1/16" 9'0-5/16"� .5X6 112X4 L M N O P O K I 12 H 6 J 03X6H G E (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) D ;3X4a O T 14TI A 1 AGI R 113X6AF AEm3X4 AD AC As AA�3MZ Y X W v u T S 1112X4 SEAT PLATE REQ, SEAT PLATE REQ. 25-3-318" I1'fi--3/i fi'{ Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or *=PLF TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): -0.001 M 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL AG 202 /- /- /200 /133 /455 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.002 M 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.010 K - - R* 80 /- /- /46 /30 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.012 K ( ) Wind reactions based on MWFRS Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 AG Brg Width = 7.4 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.157 R Brg Width = 295 Min Req = - Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.031 Bearings AG & AF are a rigid surface. Bearings & AF require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.196 Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 233.8 Ibs op Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Maximum Top GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 A - B 43 0 B-C 124 -83 1-1 39 -161 J -K 26 -93 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Lumber C-D 101 -491 K-L 17 -31 Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; D - E 90 -429 L - M 1 0 Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; E - F 77 -361 M - N 0 0 Webs: 2x4 SP #3; F-G 55 -295 N-O 0 0 Bracing G- H 65 -290 O- P 0 0 (a) Continuous lateral restraint equally spaced on H - 1 52 -228 P - Q 0 0 member. Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Plating Notes Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. AG-AF 133 -560 Y - X 3 -3 All plates are 1.5X3 except as noted. Purlins AF-AE 123 -522 X-W 2 -2 AE-AD 11 -12 W - V 0 0 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins AD -AC 8 -9 V - U 0 0 to laterally brace chords as follows: AC -AB 6 - 7 U - T 0 0 Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) TC 24 16.24 25.27 AB -AA 5 -6 T- S 0 0 BC 120 0.00 25.27 AA- Z 4 -4 S- R 0 0 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers Z - Y 4 -4 at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Wind Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. C -AE 659 -152 N - U 150 -120 Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. L - W 111 - 95 O - T 171 -137 M - V 179 -144 P - S 120 - 97 Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply (Ibs) See Al Std Detail for gable wind bracing and other Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. AG- B 238 -202 H -AB 131 -124 requirements. AF- C 192 - 674 I -AA 130 -124 AE- D 111 -120 J - Y 131 -125 E-AD 136 -125 K-X 131 -125 F-AC 129 -124 Q-R 13 -10 **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L A02 COMN 11 1 Seal #: 2491 18'6-11/16" 811-5/16"10'6"� H=5X6 ;4X4 G 1.5X3 T4 ;3X6 F ;4X4E J m3X6(Al ) a) K 12 6 17 M 5X10(L") RB-2-3/16" ;3X6C D (a) 62 = 03X4 N ;3M G03X6 = p%5X6(R) d 4.54 M5X6(R) B 12 1 14—T A L 8x8 Q 25'5-3/4" 12'5-3/4" 1P-9/16" 25'3-1/2" 1 + 12'8-1/2" 1j5_ / 38' Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.156 C 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL Q 976 /- /- /582 /211 /453 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.319 C 949 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.070 C - - M 2140 /- /- /1438 /787 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.143 C ( ) J 412 /-83 /- /312 /141 /- Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.684 Q Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf p MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.997 M Brg Width = 3.5 J Brg Width = Min Req = 2.5 Min Req = 1.5 Spacing: 24.0 " p g� C&C Dist a: 3.79 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.875 Bearings Q, M, & J are a rigid surface. J Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 207.2 Ibs Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE A - B 41 0 F - G 1231 - 676 Lumber B - C 1230 - 2371 G - H 676 - 268 Top chord: 2x4 SP M-30; T4 2x4 SP #2; C - D 566 -1234 H - I 740 - 361 Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; B2 2x4 SP M-30; D - E 602 -1203 I - J 571 257 Webs: 2x4 SP #3; E- F 1047 - 684 J- K 39 0 Bracing (a) Continuous lateral restraint equally spaced on Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) member. Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Q - P 327 -512 N - M 1069 -628 Plating Notes P - O 2213 -1531 M - L 1269 - ('*) 1 plate(s) require special positioning. Refer to O - N 2213 -1531 L - J 269 468 464 scaled plate plot details for special positioning requirements. Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Purlins Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins B - Q 608 -876 E - M 1345 -1962 to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) 981 B - P 2123 -981 82 G - M 82 897 897 -14 BC 67 0.19 25.23 P - C 257 - G - L 4 BC 28 25.23 37.90 C - N 868 -1048 H - L 395 - 640 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers N - E 606 -146 L - I 458 -452 at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes Shim all supports to solid bearing. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPIA. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L A02GE GABL 1 1 Seal #: 2923 Ao�_ 10'6" 10'6-7/8" 6-15/ 46" =3X4G H F I J 12 E K 6 L D o "? M C AB N N o =2X4(A1) B Z ' 2X4f D8R) 0 43%i 6" S R Q P Y X W V U T III1.5X4 =3X4 3X6 127-1/2" 8'11-13/16" I1' /l 6"1 217-13/16" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or *=PLF TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.105 P 707 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B* 118 /- /- /65 /34 /13 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.210 P 352 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.032 1 - - S 408 /- /- /381 /199 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ( TL) : 0.064 1 B /-311 Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.605 B Brg Width = 148 Min Req = - Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.712 S Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Bearings B & S are a rigid surface. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.431 Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 120.4 Ibs Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 A - B 39 0 B - C 885 - 732 H - 1 899 I - J 894 -475 - 516 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Lumber C - D 880 - 660 J - K 883 - 524 Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; D - E 884 -598 K - L 773 -458 Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; E - F 906 -555 L - M 620 320 Webs: 2x4 SP #3; F - G 828 - 439 M - N 563 - 296 Plating Notes G - H 568 -270 N - O 531 -345 All plates are 1.5X3 except as noted. Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Purlins Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - Y 740 -767 T - S 668 -765 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Y - X 747 -770 S - R 348 -471 Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 75 0.04 21.65 X - W 750 -771 R - Q 348 470 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers W - V 752 -771 Q - P 350 -472 at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. V - U 757 -775 P - O 348 -473 U - T 674 - 775 Loading Gable end supports 8" max rake overhang. Top Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) chord must not be cut or notched. Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. I - S 159 -88 Z -AA 445 -408 Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C S - Z 451 -406 AB- L 464 -432 member design. Right cantilever is exposed to wind Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. C-Y 149 -149 J -Z 47 -16 Additional Notes D - X 128 -122 AA- R 198 -167 See Al Std Detail for gable wind bracing and other E - W 128 -100 K -AB 213 -178 requirements. F - V 280 -291 Q - M 113 -80 T-H 454 -813 P-N 116 -66 **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPI-1 defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L B01 MONO 8 1 Seal #: 2500 17'0-112" W3X4(R)E T2 /5% =3X F T 1 12 6 F__1 1111.5X4 C G o4X4 Ir Hg3X4 -_ (a) 1 06X10 Q 4.54 1114X4(R) B 12 ro-TA 1 1118X6 J SEAT PLATE REQ. iT0-1/2" 11'S-9/16+ 16'9" 3T1/2" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.071 C 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / L1 / RL J 811 /- /- /517 /170 /474 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.144 C 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.026 1 - - F 694 /- /- /494 /401 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.053 1 ( ) Wind reactions based on MWFRS Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 J Brg Width = 7.4 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.624 F Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf p MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.710 Bearings J & F are a rigid surface. Bearing J requires a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.859 Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 100.8 Ibs Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 A - B 41 0 C - D 1207 -1666 B- C 991 -1743 D- E 0 -129 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP M-30; T2 2x4 SP #2; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Rt Bearing Leg: 2x4 SP #3; J - 1 150 -676 H - G 810 -762 Bracing I- H 755 -766 (a) Continuous lateral restraint equally spaced on member. Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. Purlins B - J 609 - 720 D - G 685 - 710 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins B - I 1528 -734 F - G 593 -466 to laterally brace chords as follows: C - 1 573 -454 E - F 1358 -1270 Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 75 0.19 16.69 I - D 977 -819 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPI-1 defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L B02GE GABL 1 1 Seal #: 2507 17' 1 L 1112X4 J /3X4H 1 G 12 F 6 B (a) D (a) C y3X4 B T 14--�lis° A 1 W Vm3 4 u T �iX S R Q P O N M 12X4 17' Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or *=PLF TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LQ: -0.001 J 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL W1 87 /_ /_ /59 /34 /28 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.002 J 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.017 J - - V /-414 Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZTL ( ): 0.020 J U /-139 BuildingCode: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 p T /-133 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.166 R /-139 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.082 Q /-132 P /-132 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.212 O /-142 Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 148.4 Ibs Wind reactions based on MWFRS GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): W Brg Width = 204 Min Req = - VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Bearing W is a rigid surface. Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 41 0 G - H 45 220 Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; W1 2x4 SP #2; B-C 102 -610 H - I 20 -143 Bracing C - D 97 -529 1 - J 33 -141 (a) Continuous lateral restraint equally spaced on D - E 83 -451 J - K 24 -61 member. E - F 71 - 375 K - L 3 -12 F - G 58 - 297 Plating Notes All plates are 1.5X3 except as noted. Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Purlins W-V 9 -4 R-Q 659 -126 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins V - U 652 -123 Q - P 661 -126 to laterally brace chords as follows: U - T 655 -124 P - O 662 -127 Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 120 0.00 16.94 T - S 658 -125 O - N 664 -127 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers S - R 658 -125 N - M 664 -127 at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Wind Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. B - W 4 - 386 B - V 714 -133 Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. V - C 145 -119 H - P 153 -123 Additional Notes See Al Std Detail for gable wind bracing and other D - U 161 -125 J - O 164 -133 requirements. E - T 152 -123 K - N 102 - 82 F-R 154 -124 L-M 7 -6 G-Q 154 -124 **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPI-1 defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L C01 G HIPS 1 1 Seal #: 2931 263# 194# 194# 194# 263# + + + + t TO-3/8" T 7- 7- s6X6 5X6 C T2 D T 12 T _ 6 =3X10(B3) B Emm3X10(63) 1�e A H=5X6 G F 1 =3X4 20'11" li'S-9/16" 21, j- TO-3/8" mot- 2'0-3/8" 2'0-3/8" -i 514# 131 131# 131 514# Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LQ: 0.114 H 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 2073 /- /- /- /907 /- BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.227 H 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.044 G - - E 2073 /- /- /- /907 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ( TL) : 0.087 G Wind reactions based on MWFRS Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.7 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.787 E Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.7 Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.965 Bearings B & E are a rigid surface. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Varies by Ld Case Max Web CSI: 0.324 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 94.5 Ibs Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 39 - 26 D - E 1727 - 3982 GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE B - C 1727 -3986 E - F 39 -26 C - D 1499 -3491 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; T2 2x6 SP 2400f-2.OE; Bot chord: 2x4 :SP 2400f-2.0E + SP M-31:; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - H 3494 -1499 G - E 3491 -1499 Special Loads H - G 3459 -1496 ------(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) TC: From 62 plf at -1.46 to 62 plf at 7.00 TC: From 31 plf at 7.00 to 31 plf at 14.00 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) TC: From 62 plf at 14.00 to 62 plf at 22.46 Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. BC: From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 7.00 BC: From 10 plf at 7.00 to 10 plf at 13.97 H - C 841 - 69 D - G 851 - 70 BC: From 20 plf at 13.97 to 20 plf at 21.00 C - G 36 -4 TC: 263 lb Conc. Load at 7.03,13.97 TC: 194 lb Conc. Load at 9.06,10.50,11.94 BC: 514 lb Conc. Load at 7.03,13.97 BC: 131 lb Conc. Load at 9.06,10.50,11.94 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) TC 24 7.00 14.00 BC 73 0.04 20.96 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses- Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L CO2 HIPS 1 1 Seal #: 2926 91 3' ,+, 9, I �5X6 1112X4 -5X6 D E F 12 k 1.5X3 C C' 1.5X3 6 M O io � V 3X4(A1) B � H=3X4(A1) 4-3%6" 4 J I =5X6 20'11" f1'5-9/16"l 21' 11'5-94 Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.073 J 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / L1 / RL B 952 /- /- /572 /372 /161 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.145 J 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.022 C - - H 952 /- /- /572 /372 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.044 C ( ) Wind reactions based on MWFRS Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.715 H Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.685 Bearings B & H are a rigid surface. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.227 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 95.2 Ibs Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 39 0 E - F 590 - 949 GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE B - C 726 -1386 C - D 625 -1096 F - G 625 -1096 G - H 726 -1386 Lumber D- E 590 - 949 H- 1 39 0 Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Bot chord: 2x4 SP M-30; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Purlins B - J 1176 - 504 J - H 1176 - 512 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) TC 24 9.00 12.00 Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. BC 120 0.04 20.96 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers C - J 257 -284 J - G 257 -284 at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. E - J 595 -192 Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPI-1 defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L CO3 SPEC 10 1 Seal #: 2927 10'6" 10'5-1 /2" D=4X4 12 io 6 1.5X3 C M r � E ;-0.5X3 N =3X4(A1) B (O F=3X4(A1) 4-3%i6' 4-", A1 G 5X6 20'11" A`/16" 20'11-1/2" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.040 G 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / L1 / RL B 949 /- /- /565 /190 /164 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.081 G 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.016 G - - F 864 /- /- /485 /163 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.033 G ( ) Wind reactions based on MWFRS Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.426 F Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.630 Bearings B & F are a rigid surface. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.250 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 93.8 Ibs Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 39 0 D - E 473 -1072 GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE B - C 613 -1434 E - F 616 -1426 C - D 468 -1073 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Bot chord: 2x4 SP M-30; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - G 1234 -479 G - F 1224 -467 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. BC 120 0.04 20.81 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers C - G 309 -389 G - E 312 -378 at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. D - G 631 -183 Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPI-1 defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L C04G COMN 1 1 Seal #: 2932 - 65-1/2" 65-1/2" B=4X4 12 6 co 0 co =3X4(A1)A C-=3X4(A1) 1 4-3 1/ 6" pp III3X8 10'11" 2'0-1/4" 2' 2' 2'0-1/4" �{ 294# 294# 294# 294# 294# Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LQ: 0.024 D 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / L1 / RL A 1129 /- /- /- /346 /- BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.046 D 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.006 D - - C 1129 /- /- /- /346 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.012 D ( ) Wind reactions based on MWFRS Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 A Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf P FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.218 C Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.304 Bearings A & C are a rigid surface. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Varies by Ld Case Max Web CSI: 0.442 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 49.0 Ibs Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): A - B 529 -1740 B - C 529 -1740 VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP M-30; Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - D 1510 -439 D - C 1510 -439 Bot chord: 2x6 SP 2400f-2.OE; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Special Loads Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) ------(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) Webs Tens.Comp. TC: From 62 plf at 0.00 to 62 plf at 10.92 B - D 1161 - 228 BC: From 10 plf at 0.00 to 10 plf at 10.92 BC: 294 lb Conc. Load at 2.02, 4.02, 5.46, 6.90 8.90 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 120 0.15 10.77 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPI-1 defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses- Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L C06 GABL 1 1 Seal #: 2928 55-1/2" 5'5-1/2" D=4X4 12 T 6 C E o\ M=2X4(A1)B F=SO 2X4(A1) M 1 4-3/16 A G J I H = 10,111, -I Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or *=PLF TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.001 H 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / L1 / RL F* 98 /- /- /48 /39 /10 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.002 H 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.001 J - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.001 J ( ) F Br Width = 131 Min Re g q Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 Bearing B is a rigid surface. Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.271 Maximum To Chord Forces Per PI Ibs P y (Ibs) Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.085 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 39 0 D - E 162 -49 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.078 Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 49.0 Ibs B - C 44 -58 E - F 63 -70 GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): C - D 163 -49 F - G 39 0 VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - J 141 - 35 I - H 151 -38 Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; J-I 151 -38 H -F 140 -38 Plating Notes All plates are 1.5X3 except as noted. Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. Purlins C - J 289 -175 H - E 289 -175 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins D - 1 6 -79 to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 120 0.15 10.77 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes See Al Std Detail for gable wind bracing and other requirements. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPI-1 defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses- Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L D01 MONO 2 1 Seal #: 2929 D 12 6 F7' 1.5X3 C co M M V V 2X4(A1) B 4_�. '"���� A =5X6 F E SEAT PLATE REQ. 7'10-1/2" 1'5�� Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.015 F 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 424 /- /- /393 /136 /236 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.021 F 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.008 F - - E 219 /- /- /265 /94 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.011 F ( ) D 93 /- /- /48 /90 /- Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf P FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.170 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.573 E Brg Width = - Min Req = - D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.166 Bearing B is a rigid surface. Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 35.0 Ibs Bearing B requires a seat plate. GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Lumber A-B 39 0 C-D 42 -119 Top chord: 2x4 SP M-30; B - C 219 -351 Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Purlins Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - F 286 -492 F - E 0 0 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 93 0.15 7.88 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers Webs Tens.Comp. at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. C - F 559 - 324 Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Left bottom chord exposed to wind. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L D02GE GABL 1 1 Seal #: 2930 AO_ F E 12 6 D io co M �Z V � C V 7 2X4(A1) B 4-3„ Li H A G J I H III 1.5 4 SEAT PLATE REQ. SEAT \ PLATE REQ. i \ - 8' 1'5�� Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or *=PLF TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): -0.000 E 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / LI / RL B 213 /- /- /157 /55 /239 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.001 E 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.001 E - - G* 73 /- /- /49 /39 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ( TL) : 0.002 E Wind reactions based on MWFRS Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf P FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.268 G Brg Width = 88.0 Min Req = - Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.048 Bearings B & B are a rigid surface. Bearings B & B require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.050 Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 42.0 Ibs Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 A - B 39 0 D - E 29 -177 B-C 37 -359 E -F 23 -54 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Lumber C - D 41 - 286 Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Plating Notes B-J 13 -25 I -H 3 -6 All plates are 1.5X3 except as noted. J - 1 7 -13 H - G 0 0 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) to laterally brace chords as follows: Webs Tens.Comp. Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) F - G 99 -52 BC 75 0.15 8.00 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C C - J 173 -87 E - H 262 -139 member design. D - 1 239 -126 Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes See Al Std Detail for gable wind bracing and other requirements. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L FG01 FLAT 2 2 Seal #: 2544 16'8-1/2" =3X12 =5X10 1111.5X3 III1.5X3 =6X6 =5X10 =3X12 A B C D E F G W1 W1 P O N M L B2 K J I H 1114X4 =4X10 III1.5X3 =H0312 =5X6 -5X6 III1.5X3 =4X10 111 44 SEAT PLATE REQ. 16'8-1/2" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 40.00 Wind Std: NA Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: NA mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.098 C 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL P 3327/- BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.459 C 437 240 BCDL: 5.00 Category: NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.018 H - - H 3333 Des Ld: 55.00 EXP: NA Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.085 H P Brg Width = 4.0 Min Req = 2.0 BuildingCode: NCBCLL: 0.00 Mean Height: NA ft Creep Factor: 2.0 p H Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: NA psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.465 Bearings P & H are a rigid surface. Load Duration: 1.00 BCDL: NA psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: NA TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.986 Bearing P requires a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: NA ft Rep Fac: No Max Web CSI: 0.791 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 218.4 Ibs Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 0 - 2558 D - E 0 - 6648 I: NA GCpi: NA Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 Wind Duration: NA WAVE, HIS B - C 0 -6646 C- D 0 -6738 E - F 0 -6648 F- G 0 -2585 Lumber Top chord: 2x8 SP 2400f-1.8E; Bot chord: 2x4 SP M-30; B2 2x4 SP 2400f-2.OE + Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) SP M-31; Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Webs: 2x4 SP #3; W1 2x6 SP #2; W2,W5 2x4 SP #2; P - O 56 0 L - K 6738 0 Nailnote O- N 4640 0 K- J 4693 0 Nail Schedule:0.131 "x3", min. nails N - M 4640 0 J - 1 4693 0 Top Chord: 1 Row @ 6.50" o.c. M - L 4640 0 I - H 56 0 Bot Chord: 1 Row @12.00" o.c. Webs : 1 Row @ 4" o.c. Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Use equal spacing between rows and stagger nails Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. in each row to avoid splitting. (1) 1 /2" bolts may be used for A - P 0 -1632 D - K 0 - 560 (2) 0.131"x3", min. nails on A - O 2773 0 K - F 2089 0 The Top Chord Only. O- B 0 -2403 F- J 7 0 B-N 8 0 F - 1 0 -2433 Special Loads B- L 2136 0 1- G 2803 0 ------(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.00 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.00) L - C 0 -571 G - H 0 -1632 TC: From 100 pIf at 0.00 to 100 plf at 0.02 TC: From 389 pIf at 0.02 to 389 plf at 16.71 BC: From 10 pIf at 0.00 to 10 pIf at 16.71 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 120 0.00 16.71 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. The TC of this truss shall be braced with attached spans at 24" oc in lieu of structural sheathing. Additional Notes Truss must be installed as shown with top chord up. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L FL01 SY42 2 1 Seal #: 2535 2,6" (TYP) 53" TY 127-1/2" 1111.5X3 =3X6 1111.5X3 1111.5X3 =3X6 1111.5X3 A B C D E F LG =1.5X3(R) =1.5X3(R) 1.5X3(R) 1.5X3(R) N K J I H =3X4 =3X4 =3X4 =3X4 SEAT PLATE REQ. 12'7-1 /2" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 40.00 Wind Std: NA Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: NA mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.118 D 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / LI / RL K 681/- BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.195 C 744 240 BCDL: 5.00 Category: NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.022 B - - H 681 Des Ld: 55.00 EXP: NA Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.036 B K Brg Width = 7.5 Min Req = 1.5 BuildingCode: NCBCLL: 0.00 Mean Height: NA ft Creep Factor: 2.0 p H Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: NA psf BCDL: NA psf P FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.571 Bearings K & H are a rigid surface. Load Duration: 1.00 MWFRS Parallel Dist: NA TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.578 Bearing K requires a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: NA ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.346 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 70.0 Ibs Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 1 0 D - E 0 -1651 I: NA GCpi: NA Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 Wind Duration: NA WAVE B - C 0 -1651 E - F 1 0 C - D 0 -1663 Lumber Top chord: 4x2 SP #2; Bot chord: 4x2 SP #2; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs: 4x2 SP #3; Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. K- J 1125 0 1- H 1125 0 Purlins J - I 1663 0 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) BC 120 0.25 12.38 Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. L - M 0 -4 D - I 0 -217 A- K 0 -108 1- E 656 0 Additional Notes K- B 0 -1250 E- H 0 -1250 + 2x6 continuous strongback. See standard details for B-J 656 0 F -H 0 -108J bracing and bridging recommendations. - C 0 -217 G - N 0 -4 Truss must be installed as shown with top chord up. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPI-1 defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L FL02 SY42 1 1 Seal #: 2532 2'6" (TYP) j= 5'3" 7'9-1/2" 12'5" 14'11-1/2" —4— 17'9" 20'7-1/2" �{ =1.5X3(R) =3X6 =3X6 W=3X6 =3X8 =3X4 1112X4 A B C D E FG H I J S r���. 1.5X3(R)T Le� L�� Q P O M N M L K =3X4 =3X4 =3X4 =3X8 1114X4 =3X6 W=3X6 2'5" 2'5" SEAT PLATE REQ. 12'5-3/4" 8'1-3/4" 20'7-1/2" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 40.00 Wind Std: NA Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: NA mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.169 C 867 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL R 692/- BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.266 C 551 240 BCDL: 5.00 Category: NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.033 B - - N 1144 Des Ld: 55.00 EXP: NA Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.053 B K 472/- BuildingCode: NCBCLL: 0.00 Mean Height: NA ft Creep Factor: 2.0 P R Brg Width = 7.5 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: NA psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.978 N Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 BCDL: NA psf P K Brg Width = - Min Req = - Load Duration: 1.00 MWFRS Parallel Dist: NA TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.638 d surface. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: NA ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.353 Bearing R requires a seat plate. Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 119.0 Ibs Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) I: NA GCpi: NA Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 Wind Duration: NA WAVE A- B 1 0 F- G 218 -120 Lumber B-C 0 -1683 G-H 218 -120 Top chord: 4x2 SP #2; C - D 0 -1695 H - I 0 - 701 Bot chord: 4x2 SP #2; D- E 0 -1681 I- J 3 0 Webs: 4x2 SP #3; E-F 218 -120 Plating Notes All plates are 1.5X3 except as noted. Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Purlins R- Q 1145 0 N- M 700 0 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins Q - P 1695 0 M - L 701 0 to laterally brace chords as follows: P - O 1191 0 L - K 699 0 Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 120 0.25 20.38 O - N 1191 0 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. Additional Notes + 2x6 continuous strongback. See standard details for S-T 0 -4 G-N 0 -291A bracing and bridging recommendations. - R 0 -108 N - H 0 - 810 R - B 0 -1273 H - M 69 - 7 Truss must be installed as shown with top chord up. B- Q 628 0 L- I 56 - 27 Q- C 0- 226 I- K 0 - 779 D -P 0 -302 K-J 0 -15 P-E 720 0 J -K 0 -127 E-N 0 -1239 **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPI-1 defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L FL02GE SY42 2 1 Seal #: 2538 �— 1'4" —{ (TYP) 2'7 1/4" 1112X4 =3X3 =3X3 1112X4 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P AD AC B AA Z Y X W V U T S R Q 1112X4(R) 1112X4(R) =3X3 =3X3 SEAT PLATE REQ. 18'3-1/2" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or *=PLF TCLL: 40.00 Wind Std: NA Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: NA mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.000 D 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL p• 110/- BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.000 D 999 240 BCDL: 5.00 Category: NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.000 O - - P Brg Width = 219 Min Req = - Des Ld: 55.00 EXP: NA Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.000 O Bearing AD is a rigid surface. BuildingCode: NCBCLL: 0.00 Mean Height: NA ft Creep Factor: 2.0 p Bearing AD requires a seat plate. TCDL: NA psf Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: NA psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.082 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Load Duration: 1.00 MWFRS Parallel Dist: NA TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.009 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A _ B 3 0 H - I 2 0 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: NA ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.032 Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 109.2 Ibs B - C 10 0 1 - J 2 0 1: NA GCpi: NA Plate Type(s): C- D 2 0 J- K 2 0 VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 Wind Duration: NA WAVE D- E 2 0 E- F 2 0 K- L 2 0 L- M 2 0 Lumber F-G 2 0 M-N 8 0 Top chord: 4x2 SP #2; G- H 2 0 N- O 3 0 Bot chord: 4x2 SP #2; Webs: 4x2 SP #3; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Bracing Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. AD -AC 0 -3 W - V 0 -2 Sheathing is required for any longitudinal(drag) forces. All connections to be designed by the building AC -AB 4 0 V - U 0 2 designer. AB -AA 0 -2 U-T 0 -2 Plating Notes AA- Z 0 -2 T- S 0 -2 All plates are 1.5X3 except as noted. Z - Y 0 -2 S - R 0 -2 Y-X 0 -2 R-Q 4 0 Purlins X-W 0 -2 Q-P 0 -3 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. BC 120 0.25 18.04 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers A -AD 0 - 70 P - O 0 -15 at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. AC- C 0 -19 O - P 0 - 34 M-Q 0 -18 Additional Notes See standard details for bracing and bridging Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply (Ibs) recommendations. Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. Truss must be installed as shown with top chord up. B -AC 0 -129 1 - V 0 -133 C-AB 0 -121 J -U 0 -134 D-AA 0 -138 K-T 0 -132 E-Z 0 -132 L-S 0 -137 F-Y 0 -134 R-M 0 -126 G-X 0 -133 Q-N 0 -109 H-W 0 -133 **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L FL03 SY42 3 1 Seal #: 2529 2'6„ (TYP) 91-1/2" 11'8" 207-1/2" =3X4 1.5X3(R) =4X8 =3X4 W=3X6 =4X8 1112X4 S A B C D E F G H I J K 1.5X3(R) T Q P O N M L =3X6 =3X12 W=H0312 =3X4 =3X12 =3X8 3X4 SEAT PLATE REQ. 20'7-1/2" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 40.00 Wind Std: NA Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: NA mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LQ: 0.501 E 482 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL R 1120/- BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.631 E 382 240 BCDL: 5.00 Category: NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.063 L - - L 1135 Des Ld: 55.00 EXP: NA Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.087 L R Brg Width = 7.5 Min Req = 1.5 BuildingCode: NCBCLL: 0.00 Mean Height: NA ft Creep Factor: 2.0 p L Brg Width = - Min Req = - Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: NA psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.933 Bearing R is a rigid surface. Load Duration: 1.00 BCDL: NA psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: NA TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.816 Bearing R requires a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: NA ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.781 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 114.8 Ibs Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 1 0 F - G 0 -4538 I: NA GCpi: NA Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 Wind Duration: NA WAVE, HIS B - C 0 -3514 C- D 0 -3514 G - H 0 -4538 H- 1 0 -3510 Lumber D- E 0- 4540 1- J 0- 3510 Top chord: 4x2 SP M-30; T2 4x2 SP #2; E - F 0 -4549 J - K 3 0 Bot chord: 4x2 SP M-30; Webs: 4x2 SP #3; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Plating Notes Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. R - Q 2030 0 O - N 4549 0 All plates are 1.5X3 except as noted. Purlins Q- P 4338 0 N- M 4346 0 P- O 4338 0 M- L 2028 0 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) BC 120 0.25 20.38 Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. S - T 0 -4 F - N 51 -437 A-R 0 -110 N-H 691 -121 Deflection R- B 0 -2255 H- M 0 -925 Max JT VERT DEFL: LL: 0.50" DL: 0.25". B - Q 1641 0 1 - M 0 -258 C- Q 0- 258 M- J 1638 0 Additional Notes Q- D 0 -911 J- L 0 -2255 See standard details for bracing and bridging D - O 663 -124 L - K 0 -15 recommendations. O - E 37 - 366 K - L 0 -114 Truss must be installed as shown with top chord up. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L FL03GE SY42 1 1 Seal #: 2541 1'4" �{ (T'P) 1'3-1/4" _I 11'11-1/4" 2'1-1/4" yl 1112X4 =3X3 =3X3 1112X4 A B C D E F G H I J K 'v V L 1112X4(R) U T S R Q P O N M =3X3 =3X3 1112X4(R) SEAT PLATE REQ. SEAT PLATE REQ. 12'7-1 /2" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or *=PLF TCLL: 40.00 Wind Std: NA Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: NA mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LQ: 0.006 J 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL V* 216/- BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.008 J 999 240 BCDL: 5.00 Category: NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.000 K - - L 212 Des Ld: 55.00 EXP: NA Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.000 K V Brg Width = 144 Min Req = - BuildingCode: NCBCLL: 0.00 Mean Height: NA ft Creep Factor: 2.0 p L Brg Width = 7.5 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: NA psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.300 Bearings V & M are a rigid surface. Load Duration: 1.00 BCDL: NA psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: NA TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.196 Bearings V & M require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: NA ft Rep Fac: Varies by Ld Case Max Web CSI: 0.036 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 81.2 Ibs Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A- B 6 0 F- G 8 0 I: NA GCpi: NA Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 Wind Duration: NA WAVE B - C 20 0 C- D 8 0 G - H 8 0 H- 1 23 0 Lumber D -E 8 0 1-1 6 0 Top chord: 4x2 SP #2; E- F 8 0 J- K 6 0 Bot chord: 4x2 SP #2; Webs: 4x2 SP #3; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Plating Notes Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. V - U 0 -6 Q - P 0 -8 All plates are 1.5X3 except as noted. Purlins U- T 5 -1 P- O 0 -8 T-S 0 -8 O-N 4 -1 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins S - R 0 -8 N - M 0 -6 to laterally brace chords as follows: R - Q 0 -8 M - L 0 -6 Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 120 0.25 12.38 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. A- V 0 -147 L- K 0 -29 Additional Notes See standard details for bracing and bridging U - C 0 -36 K - L 0 -93 recommendations. H - N 0 -39 Truss must be installed as shown with top chord up. Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. B- U 0- 279 G- P 0 - 302 C- T 0- 265 O- H 0 - 246 D-S 0 -299 N - 1 0 -335 E-R 0 -287 J -M 0 -119 F - Q 0 - 286 **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPI-1 defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L FL04 SY42 5 1 Seal #: 2526 2,6" (TYP) 9'1-1/2" 117-1/2" 2010-1/2" 3X4 =1.5X3(R) =4X8 =3X4 W=3X6 =4X8 =1.5X3(R) A B C D E F G H T I J K L � 1.5X3(R) =1.5X3(R)D s R Q P O N =4X6 =3X12 W=H0312 =3X4 =3X4 =3X12 =4X6 SEAT PLATE REQ. 2010-1 /2" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 40.00 Wind Std: NA Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: NA mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LQ: 0.511 F 478 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL S 1134/- BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.640 F 381 240 BCDL: 5.00 Category: NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.065 M - - M 1134 Des Ld: 55.00 EXP: NA Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.090 M S Brg Width = 7.5 Min Req = 1.5 BuildingCode: NCBCLL: 0.00 Mean Height: NA ft Creep Factor: 2.0 p M Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: NA psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.896 Bearings S & M are a rigid surface. Load Duration: 1.00 BCDL: NA psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: NA TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.830 Bearing S requires a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: NA ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.797 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 113.4 Ibs Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 1 0 F - G 0 -4657 I: NA GCpi: NA Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 Wind Duration: NA WAVE, HIS B - C 0 -3571 C- D 0 -3571 G - H 0 -4657 H- 1 0 -3570 Lumber D- E 0- 4657 1- J 0- 3570 Top chord: 4x2 SP M-30; T2 4x2 SP #2; E - F 0 -4667 J - K 1 0 Bot chord: 4x2 SP M-30; Webs: 4x2 SP #3; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Plating Notes Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. S - R 2058 0 P - O 4667 0 All plates are 1.5X3 except as noted. Purlins R- Q 4427 0 O- N 4430 0 Q- P 4427 0 N- M 2059 0 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) BC 120 0.25 20.63 Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. T - U 0 -4 F - O 29 -379 A-S 0 -110 O-H 692 -109 Deflection S- B 0 -2287 H- N 0 -951 Max JT VERT DEFL: LL: 0.51" DL: 0.26". B - R 1673 0 1 - N 0 -257 C- R 0- 259 N- J 1670 0 Additional Notes R- D 0 -946 J- M 0 -2288 See standard details for bracing and bridging D - P 698 -109 K - M 0 -110 recommendations. P- E 28 -384 L- V 0 -4 Truss must be installed as shown with top chord up. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L FL05 SY42 5 1 Seal #: 2523 F� 2'6" (TYP) 9' 1-3/4" 117-3/4" 20'11 " =3X4 1.5X3(R) =4X8 =3X4 W=3X6 =4X8=1.5X3(R) A B C D E F G H I V J K 1.5X3(**) =1.5X3(R) ul IT S R Q =4X6(**) =3X12 W=H0312 =3X4 =3X4 =3X12 =4X6(**) SEAT PLATE REQ. SEAT PLATE RED. 20'11" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 40.00 Wind Std: NA Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: NA mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LQ: 0.517 F 473 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL U 1137/- BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.646 F 379 240 BCDL: 5.00 Category: NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.066 N - - M 1137 Des Ld: 55.00 Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.090 N U Brg Width = 7.5 Min Req = 1.5 BuildingCode: Noffit: 0 0 Mean H M Mean Height: NA ft Creep Factor: 2.0 P M Brg Width = 7.5 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: NA psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.901 Bearings U & N are a rigid surface. . Load Duration: 1.00 BCDL: NA psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: NA TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.838 Bearings U & N require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: NA ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.802 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 116.2 Ibs Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 1 0 F - G 0 -4675 I: NA GCpi: NA Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 Wind Duration: NA WAVE, HIS B - C 0 -3595 C- D 0 -3595 G - H 0 -4675 H- 1 0 -3594 Lumber D- E 0- 4675 1- J 0- 3594 Top chord: 4x2 SP M-30; T2 4x2 SP #2; E - F 0 -4685 J - K 1 0 Bot chord: 4x2 SP M-30; Webs: 4x2 SP #3; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Plating Notes Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. L - T 0 -1 Q - P 4685 0 All plates are 1.5X3 except as noted. (**) 3 plate(s) require special positioning. Refer to T - S 2071 0 P - O 4450 0 scaled plate plot details for special positioning S - R 4447 0 O - N 2073 0 requirements. R- Q 4447 0 N- M 0 -1 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) to laterally brace chords as follows: Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. V - W 0 -4 F - P 29 -379 Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 120 0.25 20.67 A - U 0 -112 P - H 691 -112 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. T - B 0 - 2301 H - O 0 - 946 B- S 1685 0 1-0 0 - 257 Deflection C- S 0- 259 O- J 1683 0 Max JT VERT DEFL: LL: 0.52" DL: 0.26". S - D 0 -942 J - N 0 -2302 D-Q 697 -112 K-M 0 -117 Additional Notes Q - E 28 -384 L - X 0 -4 See standard details for bracing and bridging recommendations. Maximum panel length exceeds 30". TPI allows non -bearing partition walls to be supported at any point when panels are 30" or less. Truss must be installed as shown with top chord up. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L FL06G SY42 1 1 Seal #: 2518 38# 38# 38# 38# 38# 38# 38# 51-3/4" t V 4-11-1!:" 2-�- 2' 2-�- 2' 51-3/4" 2'6" (TYP) 9' 10'6-1/2" 20'11" =4X4 =5X8 =4X4 W=3X6 W=3X6 =5X8 A B C D E F G H I J =1.5X3(R) =1.5X3 R U K =1.5X3 R L=1.5X3(R) M W1 V W S R O P O =5X6 =5X10 W=H0308 =4X6 =4X6 =5X8 N =5X6 �11 9 108 208 2q'1,1" 1'5" SEAT PLATE REQ. SEAT PLATE REQ. 20'11" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 40.00 Wind Std: NA Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: NA mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.304 F 806 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL T 980/- BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.418 F 585 240 BCDL: 5.00 Category: NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.034 N - - W 958 Des Ld: 55.00 EXP: NA Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.046 N T Brg Width = 7.5 Min Req = 1.5 BuildingCode: NCBCLL: 0.00 Mean Height: NA ft Creep Factor: 2.0 p W Brg Width = 7.5 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: NA psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.262 Bearings T & N are a rigid surface. Load Duration: 1.00 BCDL: NA psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: NA TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.824 Bearings T & N require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: NA ft Rep Fac: No Max Web CSI: 0.278 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 169.4 Ibs Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 0 - 38 G - H 0 - 3827 I: NA GCpi: NA Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 Wind Duration: NA WAVE, HIS B - C 0 -3256 C- D 0 -3256 H - 1 0 -3137 1- J 0 -3137 Lumber D- E 0- 3827 J- K 0- 3137 Top chord: 4x2 SP #2; T2 4x2 SP M-30; E - F 0 -3833 K - L 0 -48 Bot chord: 4x2 SP #2; B3 4x2 SP M-30; F - G 0 -3827 Webs: 4x2 SP M-30; W1,W2 4x2 SP #3; Special Loads Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) ------(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.00 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.00) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. T - S 1892 0 Q P 3833 0 TC: From 100 pIf at 0.00 to 100 pIf at 5.02 TC: From 50 pIf at 5.02 to 50 pIf at 16.02 TC: From 100 pIf at 16.02 to 100 pIf at 20.67 S - R 3746 0 P - O 3709 0 BC: From 10 pIf at 0.00 to 10 pIf at 5.02 R - Q 3746 0 O - N 1945 0 BC: From 5 pIf at 5.02 to 5 pIf at 15.65 BC: From 10 pIf at 15.65 to 10 pIf at 20.67 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) TC: 38 lb Conc. Load at 5.02, 6.02, 7.65, 9.65 Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. 11.65,13.65,15.65 U-V 25 0 F -P 0 -112 Plating Notes A- T 0 -154 P- H 131 0 All plates are 3X6 except as noted. T - B 0 - 2038 H - O 0 - 620 B- S 1482 0 1-0 0 - 204 Purlins C- S 0 -249 O- K 1295 0 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins S - D 0 -531 K - N 0 -2049 to laterally brace chords as follows: D - Q 116 0 L - N 0 -137 Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) Q- E 0 -111 M- W 8 0 BC 120 0.25 20.67 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Additional Notes + 2x6 continuous strongback. See standard details for bracing and bridging recommendations. Truss must be installed as shown with top chord up. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPI-1 defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses- Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L FL07GE SY42 2 1 Seal #: 2547 1'4" �{ (TYP) 1'3-1/4" + 27-1/4" + 3'11-1/4" — — 5' 3X3 A B C D E 1.5X3[R) F1.5X3(R) 1.5X3(R) N1.5X3(R) K G J I H 3X3 SEAT PLATE REQ. SEAT PLATE REQ. 5' Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or *=PLF TCLL: 40.00 Wind Std: NA Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: NA mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LQ: 0.000 B 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL K* 224/- BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.001 B 999 240 BCDL: 5.00 Category: NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.000 B - - G 73 Des Ld: 55.00 EXP: NA Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.000 B K Brg Width = 52.5 Min Req = - BuildingCode: NCBCLL: 0.00 Mean Height: NA ft Creep Factor: 2.0 p G Brg Width = 7.5 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: NA psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.203 Bearings K & G are a rigid surface. Load Duration: 1.00 BCDL: NA psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: NA TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.009 Bearings K & G require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: NA ft Rep Fac: Varies by Ld Case Max Web CSI: 0.061 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 33.6 Ibs Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A- B 1 0 C- D 1 0 I: NA GCpi: NA Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 Wind Duration: NA WAVE B - C 16 0 D - E 1 0 Lumber Top chord: 4x2 SP #2; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Bot chord: 4x2 SP #2; Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. K-J 0 -1 I -H 0 -1 Webs: 4x2 SP #3; Plating Notes J- 1 13 0 H- G 0 1 All plates are 1.5X3 except as noted. Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Purlins Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. L - M 0 -6 E - G 0 -67 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: A - K 0 -112 F - N 0 -5 Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) J - C 0 -40 BC 54 0.25 4.75 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. Additional Notes Truss must be installed as shown with top chord up. B - J 0 -277 D - H 0 -264 C - I 0 - 270 **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L FL08 SY42 7 1 Seal #: 2888 10" 111-3/ III 1.5X3 = 3X4 1112X4 A B C 1.5X3(R) G 1.5X3(R) H PF D =3X3 =3X6 E 1.5X3 gEAIII 6 3/4" T PLATE REQ. 1'5" 1'11-3/4" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 40.00 Wind Std: NA Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: NA mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LQ: 0.006 A 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL E 722 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.019 A 495 240 BCDL: 5.00 Category: NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.004 A - - D 38 /-291 Des Ld: 55.00 EXP: NA Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.014 A E Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 BuildingCode: NCBCLL: 0.00 Mean Height: NA ft Creep Factor: 2.0 p D Brg Width = - Min Req = - Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: NA psf BCDL: NA psf P FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.163 Bearing E is a rigid surface. Load Duration: 1.00 MWFRS Parallel Dist: NA TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.183 Bearing E requires a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: NA ft Rep Fac: Varies by Ld Case Max Web CSI: 0.146 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 23.8 Ibs Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 14 0 B - C 3 0 I: NA GCpi: NA Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: NA WAVE Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Lumber Top chord: 4x2 SP #2; Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. F - E 0 -175 E - D 0 -175 Bot chord: 4x2 SP #2; Webs: 4x2 SP #3; Special Loads Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) ------(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.00 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.00) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. G - H 0 - 89 B - D 307 0 TC: From 100 plf at 0.00 to 100 plf at 1.85 BC: From 10 plf at 0.00 to 10 plf at 1.85 A - F 0 -198 D - C 0 -15 TC: 278 lb Conic. Load at -0.06 F - B 299 0 C - D 11 -43 Purlins B - E 0 -635 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 19 0.12 1.73 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Hangers / Ties (J) Hanger Support Required, by others Additional Notes Negative reaction(s) of -291# MAX. from a non -wind load case requires uplift connection. See Maximum Reactions. Truss must be installed as shown with top chord up. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L HJ7 HIP_ 2 1 Seal #: 2549 -8# 272# 141 ? + 2'8-11/16" D 12 4.24 p 1.5X3 C 00 r; io o� in r` a 2X4(A1) B a-ans• 1 A FE =4X4 � 1'11-13/16" 9'10-1/16" 1-5-1/�-- -� 2'9-15/16" 2'9-15/16" 20# 10 187# Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LQ: 0.026 F 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 363 /- /- /- /237 /- BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.062 F 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.011 F - - E 382 /- /- /- /137 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.026 F ( ) D 69 /- /- /- /60 /- Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 2017 RES Max TC CSI: 0.595 B Brg Width = 4.9 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf p MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.743 E Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - D Brg Width 1.id Min Req = - Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Re Fac: Varies b Ld Case p y Max Web CSI: 0.296 i Bearing B is a rigid surface. Loc. from endwall: not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 40.6 Ibs Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE A-B 19 -13 C-D 52 -71 Lumber B - C 400 - 555 Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Bot chord: 2x4 SP M-30; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Special Loads B- F 545 - 358 F- E 0 0 ------(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) TC: From 0 plf at -1.98 to 61 plf at -0.10 TC: From 2 plf at -0.10 to 2 plf at 9.84 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) BC: From 2 plf at 0.00 to 2 plf at 9.84 Webs Tens.Comp. TC: -8 lb Conc. Load at 1.46 TC: 141 lb Conc. Load at 4.29 C - F 389 -592 TC: 272 lb Conc. Load at 7.12 BC: 20 lb Conc. Load at 1.46 BC: 105 lb Conc. Load at 4.29 BC: 187 lb Conc. Load at 7.12 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 116 0.15 9.84 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses- Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1L J1 JACK 4 1 Seal #: 2900 12 C 6 2M(A1) B T 10-3/16" C4 4-3/_T_�16" � � j A D 1'5-9/1611 1' Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): NA Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 198 /- /- /177 /99 /56 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): NA BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.000 D D 10 /-7 /- /19 /14 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.000 D ( ) C - /-21 /- /34 /35 /- Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf p FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.318 B Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.038 D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 Bearing B is a rigid surface. Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 5.6 Ibs Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE A- B 39 0 B- C 41 -24 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Purlins B-D 0 0 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 12 0.04 1.00 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L J3 JACK 4 1 Seal #: 2901 C 12 6 Q0 co Cfl O 2X4(A1) B 4-3" N A p 1'5-9/16" -1 o 3' ed Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): NA Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 234 /- /- /181 /87 /109 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): NA BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.001 D D 53 /- /- /29 Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.002 D ( ) C 70 /- /- /39 /58 /- Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.358 B Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf p MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.082 D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 Bearing B is a rigid surface. Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 11.2 Ibs Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE A - B 39 0 B - C 32 - 78 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Purlins B-D 0 0 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 36 0.04 3.00 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L J5 JACK 2 1 Seal #: 2902 C 12 6 ro M (O t O � u7 N � 2X4(A1)B M A D 1'5-9/1 6" olm 5' -I Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): NA Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 308 /- /- /224 /99 /161 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): NA BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.006 D D 92 /- /- /50 Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.011 D ( ) C 133 /- /- /79 /108 /- Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.395 B Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf p MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.263 D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 Bearing B is a rigid surface. Loc. from endwall: not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 18.2 Ibs Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE A- B 39 0 B- C 59 -119 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Purlins B-D 0 0 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 60 0.04 5.00 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L J6 JACK 2 1 Seal #: 2903 B 12 6 I? O N 2X4(A1) A 446" C i 5' _I Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): NA Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL A 208 /- /- /129 /41 /129 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): NA BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.007 C C 94 /- /- /56 Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.014 C ( ) B 139 /- /- /86 /113 /- Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.424 A Brg Width = 3.5 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf p MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.276 C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - B Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 Bearing A is a rigid surface. Loc. from endwall: not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 15.4 Ibs Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE A - B 62 -123 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Purlins A-C 0 0 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 60 0.04 5.00 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L J7 EJAC 5 1 Seal #: 2904 B 12 6 M _O M 2X4(A') A 4_3„ C 7' Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): NA Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL A 294 /- /- /182 /60 /181 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): NA BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.017 C C 131 /- /- /78 Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.035 C ( ) B 194 /- /- /120 /158 /- Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf p FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.769 A Brg Width = - Min Req = - Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.535 C Brg Width = 1.5 B Brg Width = Min Req = - - Min Reqrd Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 y Loc. from endwall: not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 21.0 Ibs Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE A - B 87 -155 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; Chords Tens.Comp. Purlins A - C 0 0 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 75 0.13 7.00 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Hangers / Ties (J) Hanger Support Required, by others Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPI-1 defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L L01 GABL 1 1 Seal #: 2497 AO_ j= 8'3-1/4" -}- 8'3-1/4" -i F=4X4 E G 12 6 � D H 0 r C m I in B J T A K ra-s11s^ 1rT LV III3X6 S R Q =3X4P0 N M III3X6 SEAT PLATE REQ. SEAT PLATE REQ. 16'6-1/2" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or *=PLF TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.004 B 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL U* 83 /- /- /43 /30 /10 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.008 B 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.054 J - - V 214 /- /- /107 /133 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.079 J ( ) Wind reactions based on MWFRS Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 U Brg Width = 191 Min Req = - Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.190 V Brg Width = 7.3 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.073 Bearings U & V are a rigid surface. Bearings U & V require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.127 Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 92.4 Ibs Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 A - B 43 0 F - G 382 -38 B - C 163 -83 G - H 297 - 37 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Lumber C-D 217 -49 H - 1 216 -47 Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; D - E 297 -39 I - J 163 -81 Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; E - F 382 38 J - K 43 0 Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Bracing Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Fasten rated sheathing to one face of this frame. Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. U - T 83 -77 P - O 79 -74 Plating Notes T-S 81 -74 O-N 78 -73 All plates are 1.5X3 except as noted. S - R 79 -74 N - M 79 -72 Purlins R - Q 79 -74 M - L 78 -72 Q-P 79 -74 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply (Ibs) BC 120 0.00 16.54 Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. U - B 296 -195 O - G 212 -140 C - T 125 - 96 N - H 165 -126 Wind D - S 165 -126 M - 1 124 -96 Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C E - R 212 -140 J - L 296 -195 member design. Q - F 0 -215 Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes See Al Std Detail for gable wind bracing and other requirements. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPI-1 defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L L02 SPEC 5 1 Seal #: 2494 8,4„ 8,4„ C///4X6(R1) 12 6 _m M c6 In �-,4X413 D -4X4 A E ra311F 1 I I I H G FJ III3X6 =3X8 =3X4 III3X6 SEAT PLATE REC. SEAT PLATE REC. 16'8" �Ig/4 �Ig/4 Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.017 H 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL 1 772 /- /- /459 /304 /152 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.034 H 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.003 D - - J 772 /- /- /459 /304 /- Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ TL : 0.005 D ( ) Wind reactions based on MWFRS Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 I Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.875 J Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf P MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.623 Bearings I & F are a rigid surface. Bearings I & F require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.421 Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 89.6 Ibs Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 21.01.01A.0521.20 A - B 41 0 C - D 545 -812 B - C 544 - 812 D - E 41 0 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. I - H 214 -180 G - F 84 -74 Purlins H-G 84 -74 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) BC 120 0.00 16.54 Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. B - I 592 -705 H - D 557 -215 B - H 557 - 215 D - F 592 - 705 Wind H - C 285 0 Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L Vol VAL 1 1 Seal #: 2907 15/1 C 1-3-9/16" 4— 1'3-9/16" 5/1 �" 12 6 B = 3X4 �2X4(D8CR) 5�7\,- N A t =4M8R) /4" D 3'9-1 /16" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or "=PLF TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.003 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / L1 / RL D* 82 /- /- /36 /16 /4 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.007 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.001 - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.002 D Brg Width = 45.0 Min Req = - BuildingCode: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 p Bearing A is a rigid surface. Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.065 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.098 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 165 -170 B - C 163 -170 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 Loc. from endwall: not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 11.2 Ibs GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Chords Tens.Comp. A - C 166 -133 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 45 0.00 3.75 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes See Al Std Detail for valley details. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. Job: Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 08/02/2021 CRMSSMB1 L V02 VAL 1 1 Seal #: 2908 65/16„ 3'3-9/16" 3'3-9/16" ��5/1�" 12 B-4X4 T 6� N \ �2X4(D8R) A C Fl E 02X4(D8R) D III1.5X4 7'9-1/1 6" 3'8-3/4" 3�1/2" 3'8-3/4" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or *=PLF TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 10.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.006 D 999 360 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / L1 / RL E* 82 /- /- /40 /23 /6 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.013 D 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.003 D - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 40.00 EXP: B Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.005 D E Brg Width = 93.0 Min Req = - BuildingCode: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 25.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 p Bearing A is a rigid surface. Soffit: 0.00 TCDL: 5.0 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.207 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.183 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 215 -190 B - C 215 -199 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.129 Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:10(0)/10(10) Weight: 25.2 Ibs GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) VIEW Ver: 20.01.01A.0724.11 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Lumber A - D 271 -157 D - C 271 -157 Top chord: 2x4 SP #2; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Purlins B - D 433 - 335 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 75 0.00 7.75 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes See Al Std Detail for valley details. **WARNING** Please thoroughly review the "A-1 ROOF TRUSSES ("SELLER"), GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS CUSTOMER ("BUYER") ACKNOWLEDGMENT" form. Verify design parameters and read notes on this Truss Design Drawing (TDD) and the Specialty Engineer reference sheet before use. Unless otherwise stated on the TDD, only Alpine connector plates shall be used for the TDD to be valid. As a Truss Design Engineering (i.e. Specialty Engineer), the seal on any TDD represents an acceptance of the professional engineerin responsibility for the design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only, under TPI-1. The design assumptions, loading conditions, suitability and use of this Truss for any Building is the Ryan Bays, P.E. responsibility of the Owner, the Owner's authorized agent or the Building Designer, in the context of the IRC, the IBC, local building code and TPI-1. The approval of the TDD and any field # 91231 use of the Truss, including handling, storage, installation and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Building Designer and Contractor. All notes set out in the TDD and the practices and 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 guidelines of the Building Component Safety Information (BSCI) published by TPI and SBCA are referenced for general guidance. TPIA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Truss Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Designer, Specialty Engineer and Truss Manufacturer, unless otherwise defined by a Contract agreed upon in writing by all parties involved. The Specialty Engineer is NOT the Building Designer or Truss System Engineer of any building. All capitalized terms are as defined in TPI-1. Copyright © 2016 A-1 Roof Trusses— Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prohibited without the written permission of A-1 Roof Trusses. 10/28/2020 HIP/ KING JACK (TYPICAL) STDL 01.0 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL. 34946 (772)409-1010 ATTACH END JACKS USING (4) 0.131" O TOE NAILS AT TOP CHORD & (3) 0.131" O TOE NAILS AT BOTTOM CHORD. ATTACH KING JACK USING (3) 0.131" 0 TOE NAILS AT TOP CHORD & BOTTOM CHORD. ATTACH CORNER JACKS USING (2) 0.131" 0 TOE NAILS AT TOP & BOTTOM CHORDS (TYP). CORNERSET GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: MAX LOAD: 55 PSF ROOF LOAD, 175 MPH, ASCE 7-10, EXP. B & C, UP TO 60' MEAN ROOF HEIGHT & EXPOSURE D UP TO 30' MEAN ROOF HEIGHT. Ryan Bays, P.E. 491231 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946 5/28/2020 HIP/ KING JACK (HVHZ) STDL 02.2 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL. 34946 (772)409-1010 ATTACH KING & END JACK WITH (1) THJA26 HANGER OR EQUIVALENT AT BOTTOM CHORD ATTACH KING & END JACKS WITH (1) LSTA12 TWIST STRAP AT TOP CHORD WITH (10) 1Od NAILS PER STRAP (MIN.) & (3) 0.131" 0 TOE NAILS. ATTACH CORNER JACKS & STD. JACKS WITH (1) LSTA12 TWIST STRAP AT TOP CHORD & BOTTOM CHORD WITH (10) 1 Od NAILS PER STRAP MINIMUM (TYP). HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE CORNERSET SPECIFICATIONS: MAX LOAD: 55 PSF ROOF LOAD, 175 MPH, ASCE 7-10, EXP. B & C, UP TO 60' MEAN ROOF HEIGHT & EXPOSURE D UP TO 30' MEAN ROOF HEIGHT. NOTE: IN ADDITION TO STRAPPING TOE- NAIL BOTH CHORDS OF CORNER JACKS TO CARRYING MEMBER PER THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: • 2X4: (2) 0.131" 0 TOE NAILS • 2X6: (3) 0.131" 0 TOE NAILS LSTA12 TWIST STRAP WITH 1 OD NAILS, MIN. (10). SEE MFR'S RECOMMENDED CONNECTION. HIP, OR KING JACK (TYP.) JACK, OR CORNER JACK (TYP.) IMPORTANT NOTE: CONNECTION DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FBC 2321.6- 2321.7 PROVIDING METAL STRAPPING (FLORIDA APPROVED PRODUCT) TO RESIST MIN. 700LB UPLIFT AT ALL CONNECTIONS IN HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE. Ryan Bays, P.E. 491231 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946 FEBRUARY 17, 2017 1 ALTERNATE GABLE END BRACING DETAIL 1 STDTL03 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772409-1010 DIAG. BRACE AT 1/3 POINTS IF NEEDED ALTERNATE DIAGONAL BRACING TO THE BOTTOM CHORD NUKILUIV I AL 6KALL (SEE SECTION A -A) TRUSSSES @ 24. O.C. 1' - 3' MAX. \ ITECT S ALL ROM "n:• <r•:;� {.; s." �>Im ;:wn wAi I IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BLDG. DESIGNER OR THE PROJECT ENGINEER/ARCH TO DESIGN THE CEILING DIAPHRAGM AND IT ATTACHMENT TO THE TRUSSES TO RESIST OUT OF PLANE LOADS THAT MAY RESULT F THE BRACING OF THE GABLE ENDS. 2X6 DIAGONAL BRACE SPACED 48' O.C. ATTACHED TO VERTICAL WITH (4) - 16d NAILS, AND ATTACHED TO BLOCKING WITH (5) - 10d COMMONS. NAIL DIAGONAL BRACE TO PURLIN WITH TWO 16d NAILS. 2X4 PURLIN FASTENED TO FOUR TRUSSES WITH (2) - 16d NAILS EACH. FASTEN PURLIN TO BLOCKING W/ (2) - 16d NAILS (MIN.). PROVIDE 2X4 BLOCKING BETWEEN THE TRUSSES SUPPORTING THE BRACE AND THE TWO TRUSSES ON EITHER SIDE AS NOTED. TOENAIL BLOCKING TO TRUSSES WITH (2) - 10d NAILS AT EACH END. ATTACH DIAGONAL BRACE TO BLOCKING WITH (5) - 10d COMMON WIRE NAILS. CEILING SHEATHING BRACING REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL GABLE TRUSSES STRUCTURAL GABLE TRUSSES MAY BE BRACED AS NOTED: METHOD 1: ATTACH A MATCHING GABLE TRUSS TO THE INSIDE FACE OF THE STRUCTURAL GABLE AND FASTEN PER THE FOLLOWING NAIL SCHEDULE. METHOD 2: ATTACH 2X SCABS TO THE FACE OF EACH VERTICAL MEMBER ON THE STRUCTURAL GABLE PER THE FOLLOWING NAILING SCHEDULE. SCABS ARE TO BE OF THE SAME SCAB ALONG SIZE, GRADE, AND SPECIES AS THE TRUSS VERTICALS. VERTICAL NAILING SCHEDULE: - FOR WIND SPEEDS 120 MPH (ASCE 7-98, 02, 05), 150 MPH (ASCE 7-10) OR LESS, NAIL ALL MEMBERS WITH ONE ROW OF 10d (.131' X 3') NAILS SPACED 6' O.C. - FOR WIND SPEEDS GREATER 120 MPH (ASCE 7-98, 02, 05), 150 MPH (ASCE 7-10) NAIL ALL MEMBERS WITH TWO ROWS OF 10d (.131'X3') NAILS SPACED 6' O.C. (2X4 STUDS MINIMUM). STRUCTURAL GABLE TRUSS MAXIMUM STUD LENGTHS ARE LISTED ON PAGE 1. ALL BRACING METHODS SHOWN ON PAGE 1 ARE VALID AND ARE TO BE FASTENED TO THE SCABS OR VERTICAL STUDS OF THE STANDARD GABLE TRUSS ON THE INTERIOR SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE. NOTE: THIS DETAIL IS TO BE USED ONLY FOR STRUCTURAL GABLES WITH INLAYED / STUDS. TRUSSES WITHOUT INLAYED STUDS ARE NOT ADDRESSED HERE. STANDARD GABLE / TRUSS UKAL TRUSS .." �. 3TUD AN ADEQUATE DIAPHRAGM OR OTHER METHOD OF BRACING MUST BE PRESENT TO PROVIDE FULL LATERAL SUPPORT OF THE BOTTOM CHORD TO RESIST ALL OUT OF PLANE LOADS. THE BRACING SHOWN IN THIS DETAIL IS FOR VERTICAL/STUDS ONLY. Ryan Bays, P.E. # 91231 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946 12/23/19 PIGGY -BACK TRUSS STDTL04.1 _ PIGGY -BACK DETAIL (TYPICAL) 180 MPH WIND, 30.00 FT MEAN ROOF HEIGHT, A.S.C.E. 7-10, PARTIALLY ENCLOSED BLDG. LOCATED ANYWHERE AT ROOF, EXPOSURE C, WIND D.L.= 5.0 P.S.F. (MIN.), KZT= 1.00. OR... — 160 MPH WIND, 30.00 FT MEAN ROOF HEIGHT, A.S.C.E. 7-10, PARTIALLY ENCLOSED BLDG. =_ LOCATED ANYWHERE AT ROOF, EXPOSURE D, WIND D.L.= 5.0 P.S.F. (MIN.), KZT= 1.00. IMPORTANT NOTE: ROOFSE 45LUCIE LUCIE BLVO. 4451 ST.S TOP CHORDS OF TRUSSES SUPPORTING PIGGY -BACK CAP TRUSSES MUST BE ADEQUATELY FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 BRACED BY SHEATHING AND/ OR PURLINS. THE BUILDING ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL 772-409-1010 PROVIDE DIAGONAL BRACING OR OTHER SUITABLE ANCHORAGE TO PERMANENTLY RESTRAIN PURLINS AND LATERAL BRACING FOR OUT OF PLANE LOADS OVER GABLE ENDS. MAXIMUM TRUSS SPACING IS NOT TO EXCEED 24" O.C. DETAIL IS NOT APPLICABLE IF CAP SUPPORTS ADDITIONAL LOADS SUCH AS CUPOLA, STEEPLE, CHIMNEY OR DRAG STRUT LOADS. "REFER TO ENGINEER'S SEALED TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGS FOR PIGGY -BACK AND BASE TRUSS SPECIFICATIONS." PIGGY -BACK TRUSS. (REFER TO ACTUAL TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.) 2'-0" MAX OPTION NO. 1 - TEE-LOK 3" x 8" TEE-LOK MULTI -USE CONNECTION PLATES SPACED AT 4'-0" O.C. MAX. PLATES SHALL BE PRESSED INTO PIGGY -BACK TRUSS AT 4'-0" O.C. STAGGERED FROM EACH FACE AND NAILED TO BASE TRUSS WITH 4 EACH 6d (1.5" X 0.099") NAILS IN EACH PLATE TO ACHEIVE MAXIMUM UPLIFT CAPACITY OF 377 LBS AT EACH 3" X 8" TEE-LOK MULTI -USE CONNECTION PLATE (MINIMUM OF 2 PLATES). OPTION NO. 2 - APA RATED GUSSET: 8" x 8" x 0-7/16" (MIN.) APA RATED SHEATHING GUSSETS EACH FACE. ATTACH AT 8'-0" O.C. w/ 8 (EACH) 6d COMMON (0.1 13" x 2") NAILS PER GUSSET: 4 (EACH) AT CAP BOTTOM CHORD & 4 (EACH) AT BASE TRUSS TOP CHORD. GUSSETS MAY BE STAGGERED AT 4'-0" O.C. FRONT TO BACK FACES. MINIMUM TWO (2 EA.) CONNECTIONS AT EACH TRUSS. OPTION NO. 3 - 2X4 VERTICAL WOOD SCAB: 2X4 SPF #2, FULL CHORD DEPTH SCABS AT EACH FACE. ATTACH AT 8'-0" O.C. w/6 (EACH) 1 Od BOX NAILS (0.128" x 3") PER SCAB: 3 (EACH) AT CAP BOTTOM CHORD AND 3 (EACH) AT BASE TRUSS TOP CHORD. SCABS MAY BE STAGGERED 4'-0" O.C. FRONT TO BACK FACES. MINIMUM TWO (2 EA.) CONNECTIONS AT EACH TRUSS. OPTION #1: TEE-LOK MULTI -USE CONNECTION PLATE. OPTION #2: APA RATED GUSSET. OPTION #3: 2X4 VERT. SCAB. ATTACH EACH PURLIN TO TOP CHORD OF BASE TRUSS. PURLIN & CONNECTIONS BY OTHERS. BASE TRUSS. (REFER TO TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.) PURLINS SPACED ACCORDING TO MAX. SPACING OF TOP CHORD OF BASE TRUSS. SPACING IS NOT TO EXCEED 24" O.C. & PURLINS TO BE LOCATED AT JOINT OF EACH BASE TRUSS. ** IMPORTANT NOTE ** THIS DETAIL IS VALID ONLY FOR SINGLE PLY BASE TRUSSES SPACED AT 24" O.C. OR LESS. Ryan Bays, P.E. 491231 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946 JULY 17, 2017 1 TRUSSED VALLEY SET DETAIL - SHEATHED I STDTL05 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772409-1010 VALLEY TRUSS (TYPICAL) SECURE VALLEY TRUSS W/ ONE ROW OF 10d NAILS 6" O.C. GABLE END, COMMON TRUSS, OR GIRDER TRUSS DETAIL A GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1. NAIL SIZE = 3" X 0.131" = 10d 2. WOOD SCREW = 4.5" SDS25412 SIMPSON OR EQUIVALENT. 3. INSTALL SHEATHING TO TOP CHORD OF BASE TRUSSES. 4. INSTALL VALLEY TRUSSES (24" O.C. MAXIMUM) AND SECURE TO BASE TRUSSES AS PER DETAIL "A". 5. BRACE VALLEY WEBS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INDIVIDUAL DESIGN DRAWINGS. 6. NAILING DONE PER NDS - 01. 7. VALLEY STUD SPACING NOT TO EXCEED 48" O.C. BASE TRUSSES - -E END, COMMON 3S, OR GIRDER TRUSS TRUSS CRITERIA: WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-98, ASCE 7-02, ASCE 7-05: 146 MPH WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-10: 170 MPH MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = 30 FEET ROOF PITCH = MINIMUM 3/12 MAXIMUM 6/12 CATERGORY II BUILDING EXPOSURE C WIND DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE: 1.60 MAX TOP CHORD TOTAL LOAD = 50 PSF ATTACH 2X4 CONTINUOUS #2 MAX SPACING = 24" O.C. (BASE AND VALLEY) SYP TO THE ROOF W/ TWO MINIMUM REDUCED DEAD LOAD OF 6 PSF ON THE TRUSSES. SIMPSON SDS25412 (1/4" X 4.5") OR EQUIVALENT WOOD SCREWS INTO EACH BASE TRUSS. Ryan Bays, P.E. # 91231 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946 FEBRUARY 5, 2018 1 TRUSSED VALLEY SET DETAIL I STDTL06 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 SECURE W/C VALLEY TRUSS (TYPICAL) GABLE END, COMMON TRUSS, OR GIRDER TRUSS O SHEATHING) N.T.S. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1. NAIL SIZE = 3" X 0.131" = 10d 2. WOOD SCREW = 3" SDS25300 SIMPSON OR EQUIVALENT. 3. INSTALL VALLEY TRUSSES (24" O.C. MAXIMUM) AND SECURE PER DETAIL „A„ 4. BRACE VALLEY WEBS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INDIVIUAL DESIGN DRAWINGS. 5. BASE TRUSS SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH A PURLIN SPACING EQUIVALENT TO THE RAKE DIMENSION OF THE VALLEY TRUSS SPACING. 6. NAILING DONE PER NOS - 01. 7. VALLEY STUD SPACING NOT TO EXCEED 48" O.C. BASE TRUSSES WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-98, ASCE 7-02, ASCE 7-05: 146 MPH WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-10: 170 MPH MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = 30 FEET ROOF PITCH = MINIMUM 3/12 MAXIMUM 6/12 CATERGORY II BUILDING EXPOSURE C WIND DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE: 1.60 ATTACH 2X4 CONTINUOUS #2 MAX TOP CHORD TOTAL LOAD = 50 PSF SYP TO THE ROOF W/ TWO MAX SPACING = 24" O.C. (BASE AND VALLEY) SIMPSON SDS25300 (1/4" X 3") MINIMUM REDUCED DEAD LOAD OF 6 PSF ON THE TRUSSES. OR EQUIVALENT WOOD SCREWS INTO EACH BASE TRUSS. Ryan Bays, P.E. # 91231 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946 JULY 17, 2017 TRUSSED VALLEY SET DETAIL STDTL07 (HIGH WIND VELOCITY) A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772409-1010 ATTAC WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-98, ASCE 7-1 WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-10: 170 MPF MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = 30 FEET CATERGORY II BUILDING EXPOSURE B OR C WIND DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE: MAX TOP CHORD TOTAL LOAD = 50 PSI MAX SPACING = 24" O.C. (BASE AND V,4 SUPPORTING TRUSSES DIRECTLY UNDER r i r 00Ca V-0 i DC DESIGNED WITH A MAXIMUM UNBRACED LENGTH OF 2' - 10" ON AFFECTED TOP CHORDS. NOTES: 1. SHEATHING APPLIED AFTER INSTALLATION OF VALLEY TRUSSES. 2. THIS DETAIL IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR SPF-S SPECIES LUMBER. FOR BEVELED BOTTOM CHORD, CLIP MAY BE APPLIED TO EITHER FACE. CLIP MAY BE APPLIED TO THIS FACE UP TO A NON -BEVELED MAXIMUM 6/12 PITCH BOTTOM CHORD ]H I NON -BEVELED BOTTOM CHORD CLIP MUST BE APPLIED TO J THIS FACE WHEN PITCH EXCEEDS 6/12 (MAXIMUM Lpl.,�, 12/12 PITCH) P.E. # 91231 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946 FEBRUARY 17, 2017 1 STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL I STDTL08 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST, LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772409-1010 TYPICAL 2X4 L-BRACE NAILED TO 2X4 VERTICALS 7z; VERTICAL STUD SECTION B-B F USSGEOMETRY AND CONDITIONS WN ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. VERTICAL 2X6 SP OR SPF STUDVBRACE #2 DIAGONAL BRACE (4) - 16d NAILS16d NAILS SPACED 6' O.C. (2) lOd NAILS INTO 2X62X6 SP OR SPF #2 2X4 SP OR SPF #2L HORIZONTAL NAILED TO ERTICALS SECTION A -A W/(4) - 10d NAILS DIAGONAL BRACE 4' - 0' O.C. MAX. SEE INDIVIDUAL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR TRUSS DESIGN CRITERIA. 12 PROVIDE 2X4 BLOCKING BETWEEN Q VARIES TO COMMON TRUSS THE FIRST TWO TRUSSES AS NOTED. TOENAIL BLOCKING TO TRUSSES * WITH (2) - 10d NAILS AT EACH END. ATTACH DIAGONAL BRACE TO BLOCKING WITH (5) - 10d NAILS (4) 8d NAILS MINIMUM, ROOF Bjt��3X,4=PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO r SHEATHING 2X4 STD SPF BLOCK 1 v * DIAGONAL BRACING ** L - BRACING REFER W V v flI / / REFER TO SECTION A -A TO SECTION B-B 24' MAX. / NOTE: 1. MINIMUM GRADE OF #2 MATERIAL IN THE TOP AND BOTTOM CHORDS. 2. CONNECTION BETWEEN BOTTOM CHORD OF GABLE ENO TRUSS AND WALL TO 12' MAX. NAILS BE PROVIDED BY PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT. 3. BRACING SHOWN IS FOR INDIVIDUAL TRUSS ONLY. CONSULT BLDG. ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER FOR TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT BRACING OF ROOF SYSTEM. 4. 'L' BRACES SPECIFIED ARE TO BE FULL LENGTH, SPF OR SP #3 OR / BETTER WITH ONE ROW OF 10d NAILS SPACED 6' O.C. 3/ TRUSSES @ 24' O.C. S. DIAGONAL BRACE TO BE APPROXIMATELY 45 DEGREES TO ROOF DIAPHRAGM AT 4'-0'0.C. 6. CONSTRUCT HORIZONTAL BRACE CONNECTING A 2X6 AND A 2X4 AS SHOWN 2X6 DIAGONAL BRACE WITH 16d NAILS SPACED 6' O.C. HORIZONTAL BRACE TO BE LOCATED AT SPACED 48' O.C. ATTACHED THE MIOSPAN OF THE LONGEST GABLE STUD. ATTACH TO VERTICAL GABLE TO VERTICAL WITH (4) - STUOS WITH (3) 10d NAILS THROUGH 2X4 (REFER TO SECTION A -A) 16d NAILS, AND ATTACHED 7. GABLE STUD DEFLECTION MEETS OR EXCEEEDS L/240. TO BLOCKING WITH (5) - B. THIS DETAIL DOES NOT APPLY TO STRUCTURAL GABLES. OIAG. BRACE IOd NAILS. 9. DO NOT USE FLAT BOTTOM CHORD GABLES NEXT TO SCISSOR TYPE AT 1/3 POINTS TRUSSES. IF NEEDED 10. 10d AND 16d NAILS ARE 0.131'X3.0' AND 0.131'X3.5' COMMON WIRE NAILS HORIZONTAL BRACE RESPECTIVELY. (SEE SECTION A -A) 11. SOUTHERN PINE LUMBER DESIGN VALUES ARE THOSE EFFECTIVE 06-01-12 BY SPIB/ALSC. END WALL MINIMUM STUD SIZE SPECIES AND GRADE STUD SPACING WITHOUT BRACE 2X4 L - BRACE DIAGONAL BRACE (2) DIAGONAL BRACES AT 1/3 POINTS MAXIMUM STUD LENGTH 2X4 SP #31 STUD 12" O.C. 3-8-10 5-6-11 6-6-11 11-1-13 2X4 SP #31 STUD 16" O.C. 3-3-10 4-9-12 6-6-11 9-10-15 2X4 SP #31 STUD 24" O.C. 2-8-6 3-11-3 5-4-12 8-1-2 2X4 SP #2 12" O.C. 3-10-15 5-6-11 6-6-11 11-8-14 2X4 SP #2 16" O.C. 3-6-11 4-9-12 6-6-11 10-8-0 2X4 SP #2 24" O.C. 1 3-1-4 1 3-11-3 1 6-2-9 9-3-13 DIAGONAL BRACES OVER 6' - 3' REQUIRE A 2X4 T-BRACE ATTACHED TO ONE EDGE. DIAGONAL BRACES OVER 12' - 6' REQUIRE 2X4 I -BRACES ATTACHED TO BOTH EDGES. FASTEN T AND I BRACES TO NARROW EDGE OF DIAGONAL BRACE WITH 10d NAILS 6' O.C., WITH 3' MINIMUM END DISTANCE. BRACE MUST COVER 907 OF DIAGONAL LENGTH. T OR I BRACES MUST BE 2X4 SPF #2 OR SP #2. Ryan Bays, P.E. # 91231 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946 MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = 30 FEET EXPOSURE B OR C ASCE 7-10 190 MPH STUD DESIGN IS BASED ON COMPONENTS AND CLADDING. DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE: 1.60 CONNECTION OF BRACING IS BASED ON MWFRS. FEBRUARY 17, 2017 T-BRACE / I -BRACE DETAIL I STDTL09 WITH 2X BRACE ONLY NOTES: T-BRACING / I -BRACING TO BE USED WHEN CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING IS IMPRACTICAL. T-BRACE / I -BRACE MUST COVER 907 OF WEB LENGTH. THIS DETAIL NOT TO BE USED TO CONVERT T-BRACE / I -BRACE WEBS TO CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACED WEBS. A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST, LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772409-1010 NAILING PATTERN T-BRACE SIZE NAIL SIZE NAIL SPACING 2X4 OR 2X6 OR 2X8 10d 6" O.C. NOTE: NAIL ALONG ENTIRE LENGTH OF T-BRACE / I -BRACE (ON TWO-PLY TRUSSES NAIL TO BOTH PLIES) NAILS BRACE SIZE FOR ONE -PLY TRUSS SPECIFIED CONTINUOUS ROWS OF LATERAL BRACING WEB SIZE 1 2 2X3 OR 2X4 2X4 T-BRACE 2X4 I -BRACE 2X6 2X6 T-BRACE 2X6 I -BRACE 2X8 2X8 T-BRACE 2X8 I -BRACE BRACE SIZE FOR TWO-PLY TRUSS SPECIFIED CONTINUOUS ROWS OF LATERAL BRACING WEB SIZE 1 2 2X3 OR 2X4 2X4 T-BRACE 2X4 I -BRACE 2X6 2X6 T-BRACE 2X6 I -BRACE 2X8 2X8 T-BRACE 2X8 I -BRACE T-BRACE / I -BRACE MUST BE SAME SPECIES AND GRADE (OR BETTER) AS WEB MEMBER. NAILS WEB NAILS NAILS WEB I -BRACE T-BRACE Ryan Bays, P.E. 491231 e Blvd SECTION DETXT e,FL34946201 FEBRUARY 17, 2017 LATERAL BRACING RECOMMENDATIONS I STDTL10 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772409-1010 TO MINIMIZE VIBRATION COMMON TO ALL SHALLOW FRAMING SYSTEMS, 2X6 OSTRONGBACKO IS RECOMMENDED, LOCATED EVERY 8 TO 10 FEET ALONG A FLOOR TRUSS. NOTE 1: 2X6 STRONGBACK ORIENTED VERTICALLY MAY BE POSITIONED DIRECTLY UNDER THE TOP CHORD OR DIRECTLY ABOVE THE BOTTOM CHORD, SECURELY FASTENED TO THE TRUSS USING ANY OF THE METHODS ILLUSTRATED BELOW. NOTE 2: STRONGBACK BRACING ALSO SATISFIES THE LATERAL BRACING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BOTTOM CHORD OF THE TRUSS WHEN IT IS PLACED ON TOP OF THE BOTTOM CHORD, IS CONTINUOUS FROM END TO END, CONNECTED WITH A METHOD OTHER THAN METAL FRAMING ANCHOR, AND PROPERLY CONNECTED, BY OTHERS, AT THE ENDS. USE METAL FRAMING ANCHOR TO ATTACH TO TOP CHORD BLOCKING BEHIND THE VERTICAL WEB IS RECOMMENDED WHILE NAILING THE STRONGBACK INSERT WOOD SCREW THROUGH OUTSIDE FACE OF CHORD INTO EDGE OF STRONGBACK (DO NOT ATTACH TO VERTICAL ATTACH TO VERTICAL USE DRYWALL TYPE SCREWS) WEB WITH (3) - 10d SCAB WITH (3) - 10d NAILS (0.131' X 3') NAILS (0.131' X 3'). r ATTACH TO VERTICAL \ \ I WEB WITH (3) - 10d 3 NAILS (0.131' X ') USE METAL FRAMING J ATTACH TO VERTICAL ANCHOR TO ATTACH WEB WITH (3) - 10d TO BOTTOM CHORD NAILS (0.131' X 3') ATTACH 2X4 VERTICAL TO FACE OF TRUSS. FASTEN TO TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD WITH (2) - lOd NAILS (0.131' X 3') IN EACH CHORD ATTACH TO VERTICAL SCAB WITH (3) - 10d NAILS (0.131' X 3') TRUSS 2X6 4' - 0' WALL STRONGBACK (TYPICAL SPLICE) (BY OTHERS) ATTACH TO CHORD WITH (2) #12 X 3' WOOD SCREWS (0.216' OIA.) INSERT SCREW THROUGH OUTSIDE FACE OF CHORD INTO EDGE OF STRONGBACK (DO NOT USE DRYWALL TYPE SCREWS) THE STRONGBACKS SHALL BE SECURED AT THEIR ENDS TO AN ADEQUATE SUPPORT, DESIGNED BY OTHERS. IF SPLICING IS NECESSARY, USE A 4' - 0' LONG SCAB CENTERED ON THE SPLICE AND JOINED WITH (12) - 10d NAILS (0.131' X 3') EQUALLY SPACED. ALTERNATE METHOD OF SPLICING: OVERLAP STRONGBACK MEMBERS A MINIMUM OF 4' - 0' AND FASTEN WITH (12) - 10d NAILS (0.131' X 3') STAGGERED AND EQUALLY SPACED (TO BE USED ONLY WHEN STRONGBACK IS NOT ALIGNED WITH A VERTICAL). BLOCKING (BY OTHERS) Ryan Bays, P.E. # 91231 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946 FEBRUARY 17, 2017 1 LATERAL TOE -NAIL DETAIL I STDTL11 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 NOTES: 1. TOE -NAILS SHALL BE DRIVEN AT AN ANGLE OF 45° WITH THE MEMBER AND MUST HAVE FULL WOOD SUPPORT (NAIL MUST BE DRIVEN THROUGH AND EXIT AT THE BACK CORNER OF THE MEMBER END AS SHOWN). 2. THE ENO DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 3. ALLOWABLE VALUE SHALL BE THE LESSER VALUE OF THE TWO SPECIES FOR MEMBERS OF DIFFERENT SPECIES. TOE -NAIL SINGLE SHEAR VALUES PER NOS 2001 (LB/NAIL) DIA SP OF HF SPF SPF-S .131 88.0 80.6 69.9 68.4 59.7 c� o .135 93.5 85.6 74.2 72.6 63.4 J n .162 108.8 99.6 86.4 84.5 73.8 ri .128 74.2 67.9 58.9 57.6 50.3 0 Z 0 J .131 75.9 69.5 60.3 59.0 51.1 in .148 81.4 74.5 64.6 63.2 52.5 N M VALUES SHOWN ARE CAPACITY PER TOE -NAIL. APPLICABLE DURATION OF LOAD INCREASES MAY BE APPLIED. EXAMPLE: (3) - 16d NAILS (0.162' DIA. X 3.5') WITH SPF SPECIES BOTTOM CHORD FOR LOAD DURATION INCREASE OF 1.15: 3 (NAILS) X 84.5 (LB/NAIL) X 1.15 (OOL) = 291.5 LB MAXIMUM CAPACITY ANGLE MAY VARY FROM 30° TO 60° 45.00' ANGLE MAY VARY FROM 30" TO 60° THIS DETAIL IS ONLY APPLICABLE TO THE THREE END DETAILS SHOWN BELOW. VIEWS SHOWN ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. SIDE VIEW (2X4) 3 NAILS NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE 45.00' SIDE VIEW (2X6) 4 NAILS NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE ANGLE MAY VARY FROM 30° TO 60° 45.00' yan ys, P.E. 4 91 1 445 t. Lucie Blv uite 201 F. fierce, FL 1 16 FEBRUARY 17, 2017 1 UPLIFT TOE -NAIL DETAIL I STDTL12 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772409-1010 THIS DETAIL SHALL BE USED FOR A CONNECTION RESISITING UPLIFT FORCES ONLY. BUILDING DESIGNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOADS IN OTHER DIRECTIONS. TDE-NAIL WITHDRAWAL VALUES PER NDS 2005 (LB/NAIL) DIA. SP DF HF SPF SPF-S L7 .131 59 46 32 30 20 z O J .135 60 48 33 30 20 L .162 72 58 39 37 25 J 2 O .128 54 42 28 27 19 ILD z Z OJ .131 55 43 29 28 19 W .148 62 48 34 31 21 J __1 N Q � Z .120 51 39 27 26 17 O z .128 49 38 26 25 17 O .131 51 39 27 26 17 J .148 57 44 31 28 20 NUTES: 1. TOE -NAILS SHALL BE DRIVEN AT AN ANGLE OF 30' WITH THE MEMBER AND STARTED 1/3 THE LENGTH OF THE NAIL FROM THE MEMBER END AS SHOWN. 2. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 3. ALLOWABLE VALUE SHALL BE BASED ON THE SPECIE WITH LOWER NAIL CAPACITY BETWEEN THE TWO MEMBERS IN THE CONNECTION. VALUES SHOWN ARE CAPACITY PER TOE -NAIL. APPLICABLE DURATION OF LOAD INCREASES MAY BE APPLIED. EXAMPLE: (3) - 16d NAILS (0.162' DIA. X 3.5') WITH SPF SPECIES TOP PLATE FOR WIND OOL OF 1.33: 3 (NAILS) X 37 (LB/NAIL) X 1.33 (DOL FOR WIND) = 148 LB MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE UPLIFT REACTION DUE TO WIND FOR WIND OOL OF 1.60: 3 (NAILS) X 37 (LB/NAIL) X 1.60 (DOL FOR WIND) = 177 LB MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE UPLIFT REACTION DUE TO WIND IF THE UPLIFT REACTION SPECIFIED ON THE TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING EXCEEDS 147 LEIS (177 LES) BUILDING DESIGNER IS RESPONSIBLE TO SPECIFY A DIFFERENT CONNECTION. ►+* USE (3) TOE -NAILS ON 2X4 BEARING WALL + * USE (4) TOE -NAILS ON 2X6 BEARING WALL NEAR SIDE FAR & L TOP PLATE OF WALL VIEWS SHOWN ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY IL NAIL NAIL 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 FL 34946 SIDE VIEW END VIEW FEBRUARY 5, 2016 TYP 2x2 NAILER ATTACHMENT I STDTLI3 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 I.Z) x 4 2x2 NAILER ATTACHMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS MAX LOAD: 55 psf Roof Load, 170 mph, ASCE 7-107 29'-0" Mean Height, Exp. B, C or D. Ryan Bays, P.E. # 91231 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946 April 11, 2016 TYPICAL ALTERNATE BRACING DETAIL STDTLI4 FO EXTERIOR FLAT GIRDER TRUSS A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. 12 FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 VARIES (4) 12d TRUSS 24" O.C. IA / (4) 12d UPLIFT CONNECTION (SEE ROOF TRUSS) EXTERIOR FLAT GIRDER MAX 3011(2'-611) 2x6 #2 SP (Both Faces) 24" O.C. SIMPSON H5 # 91231 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946 FEBRUARY 17, 2017 STANDARD REPAIR DETAIL FOR BROKEN CHORDS, WEBS, AND I STDTL15 DAMAGED OR MISSING CHORD SPLICE PLATES A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772409-1010 TOTAL NUMBER OF NAILS EACH SIDE OF BREAK * X (INCHES) MAXIMUM FORCE (LBS) 15% LOAD DURATION SP OF SPF HF 2X4 2X6 2X4 2X6 2X4 2X6 2X4 2X6 2X4 2X6 20 30 24" 1706 2559 1561 2342 1320 1980 1352 2028 26 39 30" 2194 3291 2007 3011 1697 2546 1738 2608 32 48 36" 2681 4022 2454 3681 2074 3111 2125 3187 38 57 42" 3169 4754 2900 4350 2451 3677 2511 3767 44 66 48" 3657 5485 3346 5019 2829 4243 2898 4347 * DIVIDE EQUALLY FRONT AND BACK ATTACH 2X_ SCAB OF THE SAME SIZE AND GRADE AS THE BROKEN MEMBER TO EACH FACE OF THE TRUSS ( CENTER ON BREAK OR SPLICE) WITH 10d NAILS (TWO ROWS FOR 2X4, THREE ROWS FOR 2X6) SPACED 4' O.C. AS SHOWN (.131' DIA. X 3'). STAGGER NAIL SPACING FROM FRONT FACE AND BACK FACE FOR A NET 2' O.C. SPACING IN THE MAIN MEMBER. USE A MIN. 3' MEMBER ENO DISTANCE. THE LENGTH OF THE BREAK (C) SHALL NOT EXCEED 12'. (C=PLATE LENGTH FOR SPLICE REPAIRS) THE MINIMUM OVERALL SCAB LENGTH REQUIRED (L) IS CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: L = (2) X + C •10d NAILS NEAR SIDE +10d NAILS FAR SIDE l?"I" TRUSS CONFIGURATION AND BREAK LOCATIONS FOR ILLUSTRATIONS ONLY THE LOCATION OF THE BREAK MUST BE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE REQUIRED X DIMENSION FROM ANY PERIMETER BREAK OR HEEL JOINT AND A MINIMUM OF S' FROM ANY INTERIOR JOINT (SEE SKETCH ABOVE). DO NOT USE REPAIR FOR JOINT SPLICES NOTES: 1. THIS REPAIR DETAIL IS TO BE USED ONLY FOR THE APPLICATION SHOWN. THIS REPAIR DOES NOT IMPLY THAT THE REMAINING PORTION OF THE TRUSS IS UNDAMAGED. THE ENTIRE TRUSS SHALL BE INSPECTED TO VERIFY THAT NO FURTHER REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. WHEN THE REQUIRED REPAIRS ARE PROPERLY APPLIED, THE TRUSS WILL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE LOADS INDICATED. 2. ALL MEMBERS MUST BE RETURNED TO THEIR ORIGINAL POSITIONS BEFORE APPLYING REPAIR AND HELD IN PLACE DURING APPLICATION OF REPAIR. 3. THE ENO DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID Ryan Bays, P.E. UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. #91231 4. WHEN NAILING THE SCABS, THE USE OF A BACKUP WEIGHT IS RECOMMENDED TO AVOID 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 LOOSENING OF THE CONNECTOR PLATES AT THE JOINTS OR SPLICES. Fort Pierce, FL 34946 S. THIS REPAIR IS TO BE USED FOR SINGLE PLY TRUSSES IN THE 2X_ ORIENTATION ONLY. 6. THIS REPAIR IS LIMITED TO TRUSSES WITH NO MORE THAN THREE BROKEN MEMBERS. FEBRUARY 17, 2017 1 SCAB APPLIED OVERHANGS STDTL16 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772409-1010 TRUSS CRITERIA: LOADING: 40-10-0-10 DURATION FACTOR: 1.15 SPACING: 24' O.C. TOP CHORD: 2X4 OR 2X6 PITCH: 4/12 - 12/12 HEEL HEIGHT: STANDARD HEEL UP TO 12' ENERGY HEEL END BEARING CONDITION 1U111x•'1 1. ATTACH 2X-SCAB (MINIMUM #2 GRADE SPF, HF, SP, OF) TO ONE FACE OF TRUSS WITH TWO ROWS OF 10d COMMON WIRE NAILS (.148' OIA. X 3') SPACED 6' O.C. 2. THE ENO DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE W000. 3. WHEN NAILING THE SCABS, THE USE OF A BACKUP WEIGHT IS RECOMMENDED TO AVOID LOOSENING OF THE CONNECTOR PLATES AT THE JOINTS OR SPLICES. 2X SC NOTE: TRUSS BUILT WITHOUT AN OVERHANG. THIS DETAIL IS NOT TO BE USED WHEN OVERHANG HAS BEEN BROKEN OFF. IMPORTANT THIS DETAIL TO BE USED ONLY WITH TRUSSES (SPANS LESS THAN 40') SPACED 24' O.C. MAXIMUM AND HAVING PITCHES BETWEEN 4/12 AND 12/12 AND TOTAL TOP CHORD LOADS NOT EXCEEDING 50 PSF. TRUSSES NOT FITTING THESE CRITERIA SHOULD BE EXAMINED INDIVIDUALLY. REFER TO INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGN FOR PLATE SIZES AND LUMBER GRADES Ryan Bays, P.E. # 91231 4451 St. Lucie Blvd, Suite 201 Fort Pierce, FL 34946