HomeMy WebLinkAboutNork WH changeoutAil APPLrC2,T NFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Dale: / / ,Permit Number: S1f I,UGilIg Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building ond Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginio Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-7553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential x PERM IT APPLICATION FOR:Water Heater LOCATION:PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Address:7001 Willow Pine Way Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: 3322-621-0049-000-0 Lot No, Block No. Project Name:Nork Water Heater DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: like for like water heater chanqe oul 50 qallon electric New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter (Affidavit required) CONSTRUCTION I N FORMATION : Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: _Mechanical _ Gas Tank - Gas Piping _ Shutters - Windows/Doors - Pond _ Generator - Roof - PitchElectric_ Plumbing _ Sprinklers Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: S - Sq. Ft. of First Floor: 2400.00 Utilities: - Sewer - Septic Building Height: lf value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required' lf value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: Name Robert Nork Address: 7001 Willow Pine WaY City:Port Saint Lucie State:I Zip Code:. Phone No. 34986 Fax:Elee_ Fax:, 772-878-512i E-Mail: njohns@mirandacompanies.com Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Name: Don Miranda Company: Miranda Plumbinq & Air Conditioninq Address: 750 NW Enterprise Dr, Suite 100 City Port Saint Lucie State: FL Zip Code:3j986 Fax: Phone No 7728785123 E-Mail njohns@mirandacompan ies.com State or County ticense CFC1427227 SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable Name: Address: City:State: zip:Phone MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: Address: City:State:Zip:_ Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable Name: Add resS: City: zip:Phone: BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Namel Address: City: Zip: _ Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie Countv makes no reDresentation that is erantine a oermit will authorize the oermit holder to build the subiect structure which is in conflict with anv a'pplicable Home OwEers AsSociation rules, bvlaws or and covenants that mav restrict <ir prohibit such structure, Please consult with !'our Home Owners Association and review'your deed for any restrictions Which may apply. ln consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments, The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residentlal use ..WARilI]tIG TO OWIIIER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMIIIENCEMEIIT MAY RESULT II{ YOUR PAYING TWICE FON IMPROYEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A IUOTICE OF COMiIEIUCEIIIENT MUST BE RECORDED AITID POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE F|RST IISPECTTON. IF yOU il[TEmD TO OBTAillr FTNANCTI{G, CONSULT wlTHYotJBIENDERoRANATToRNEYBEFoREREcoRDlNGffiENcE|llENT.,, SignaT0rE6f-6wner/ Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY Qf stuucte The foreoing instru"ent was acknowledged before me Name of person making statement. Personally (6e1ryp xxx OR Produced ldentification Type of ldentification (-- (Signature of Notary Public- State / -24d Signffi'ffi ntractor/License H older STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY Qf stt-ucie The forqoing instrumo.* ur15 s6knqvvlsdged before me Don Miranda Name of person making statement. Personally Known xxx OR Produced ldentification Type of ldentification Produced- (Signature of Notary Public- VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW FRONT COUNTER RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED H. Applications RELIEF VATVE DISCHARGE LINE TO SUITABLE OPEN DRAIN 6" AIR GAP Figure 4 - Piping Detail - NOTE: Drawing is meant to demonstrate system piping concept. Heat traps are optional. PIPING NOTEST .l . Minimum pipe size should match connection size. Upsize pipe accordingly if greater flow is required. 2. A thermal expansion tank suitable for potable water must be sized and installed within this piping system between the backflow preventer and the cold water inlet. 3. All circulators should have an integral flow check. 4. Drains and check valve between unit and storage tank will assist in purging air from system. 5. These drawings are meant to demonstrate system piping only. The installer is responsible for all equipment and detailing required by local codes. ln Massachusetts, you must install a vacuum relief valve per 248 CMR. 6. Mixing valve application is optional, but recommended to help prevent scalding. See Part 3 for more information. Part 4 - Wiring This unit is factory wired to a junction box on top of the water heater for field wiring connection. These heaters are equipped and wired for the maximum possible input allowable (seeTable 3 for listing of inputs and amperage requirements). The voltage requirement and dedicated wattage load for the heater is specified on the rating label of the water heater. Consult your local power company to determine if your 9 electrical service is adequate for the additional load of the heater. Refer to the wiring diagrams for field connections. All wiring must conform to local code and the National Electric Code, and should be done by a qualified licensed electrician or the local electric utility. Grounding can be accomplished by using approved conduit and fittings or other approved conductive material. A grounding wire is provided on the junction bracket.This grounding wire must be used in the installation. Be sure to ground the water heater. The preferred way to ground is with rigid metal conduit between the main panel and the water heater junction box with approved end fittings (check codes on the use of flexible conduit). lf making a separate ground, a green ground wire is provided in the water heater junction box. Replace the junction box cover and insulation after you have made the wiring connections. Failure to follow these instructions could result in property damage, severe personal injury, or death. Figure s - Dual Element ModelWiring Detail, Staged Element Operation - Green Wire for Grounding the Water Heater J U NCTION BOX . ['Ft, - FACTORY WIRING FIELD____ WIRING Ztrl L1] IYO JPP- R -FLRMOS_A_ AND H GH TEN/P L NI T LrlF I =uo OUv U PPER HEATING Lrll) mELEMENT- .OWt-R THLRI\IAS'] AT -[l I I =uo s1509 5 lp-631 Rev.001 Rel.000 Date 6.4.21 JUNCTION HEAT TRAP 6.'MINIMUM --.: CAUTION Tank must be full of water before the power is turned on. Heating elements will be damaged if energized for even a short time while tank is dry. Failures due to "dry-firing" ARE NOT covered by warranty. WANHIRIGL./ HEATING NtlElvlENI tY LOWER \ FRONT VIEW 0o TOP VIEW TEMP/PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE COLD WATER INLET ELECTRICAL ACCESS PANEL 4t. 45.00't4Y ,/t 5.00" TANK DRAIN Specifi cations and Dimensions Water Temperature Ratings Residential Models Storage Capacity A B c D E Safety Listing Hot / Cold lnlets Shipping Weight (Lbs. Est.) Min. Delivered Temp. Max. Delivered Temp. High Temp. Limit EVR040C2X*xx 40 5 314', 46"s41/4" 191/z',B'UL174 314', NPT 104 1100F (43.3 C) 1 500F (6s.s c) 1 700F (76.6C)tvRo52c2x"**52 58 1 /4"66 3/4"118 Table 2 - Specifications and Dimensions - See Table 3 for Electrical Specifications Figure 2 - Dimensional Drawing - Staged Operation rages-r*xReferstoModelTypeandGa]lonSize.SeeTable2 for Model Specifications and Dimensions EVR052C2X045N06 Example Model Number product rype Rated vottase liliiil:il,.] Disits construction A c21o\ -4.4,1;1:;l,l,EVR,O52 C2 X 045 N 06r*J,l\.rr-- V Number.r,))/opnrutionk\i_1rli:.t, Rated capacity {cil) Elements * . i,,i,,, ,*"r. Nor srrrutr,,r "r,,. coverage Figure 3 - Example Model Number and Desription - See Warranty for Coverage Details lp-631 Rev.001 Rel.000 Dtrte 6.4.21 Model ## Elements and Thermostats Available Wattage Voltage Full Load Current in Amps (Single Phase) EVR*x*C2X030 2 3,000 240 13 EVR***C2X045 4,500 19 EVRx**C2X055 5,500 23 OULET ELECTRICAL ACCESS PANEL HOT W 14 TEM#DESCRIPTION PARI # I JUNCTION BOX COVER (W/SCREWS)6060P-983 2 IHERMOSTAT - UPPER 6060P- r 008 IHERMOSTAT - UPPER ("U" MODELS ONLY)6060P-00 r 3 IHERMOSTAT - LOWER 6060P- r 009 IHERMOSTAT LOWER ("U' MODELS ONLY)6060P-002 4 IHERMOSTAT PROTECIIVE COVER .UPPER 6060P-994 IHERMOSTAT PROTECTIVE COVER -UPPER {U.MODELS ONLY)6060P-634 IHERMOSTAT PROTECTIVE COVER-LOWER 6060P-9s2 IHERMOSTAT PROTECTIVE COVER-LOWER iU-MODELS ONLY)6050P-635 6 ACCESS PANEL 6060P- I B7 7 SCREWS - ACCESS PANEL 6075P-006 8 MOUNTING BRACKET 6060P-955 MOUNTING BRACKET ("U" models onlY)6050P-956 I ELECTRIC ELEMENT - 3OOOW 6060P-939 ELECTRIC ELEMENT - 45OOW 6060P-938 ELECTRIC ELEMEN]. 55OOW 6060P-937 r0 )RAIN VALVE 6070P-009 ll )IP TUBE - 40 GAL )IP TUBE.52 GAL. 6060P-1 034 6060P-r 035 l2 NIPPLE/HEAT TRAP 6060P- r 038 3 TEMP/PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE TP I 000 4 JUNCTION BOX COVER W/ KNOCKOUTS (W/SCREWS)6060P-982 5 PROTECTIVE INSULATION 6060P-965 PARTS FOR UNITS WIIH BOLT-ON T-STAT BRACKETS ONLY-NOT SHOWN 6 THERMOSTAT MOUNTING BRACKET-BOLT-ON 6060P-633 7 JPACER 6060?-979 B \ UTS 6060P-93s 9 :LEMENT PROTECTIVE COVER 6060P-997 WHL-026.A o6/03/21 Figure 8 - Replacement Parts - Staged Operation 1p-631 Rev. 001 Re1. 000 Date 6.4,21 Part 9 - Replacement Parts Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser -- All rights reserved. Property ldentification Site Addless: 7001 Willow Pine WAY SeciTown/Ran get 22 I 3 63 I 39F. Parcel ID: 3322-62 I -0049-000-0 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Robert C NoLt< (LF EST) Irene Nork (LF EST) 7001 Willow Pine WAY Port St Lucie, FL 34986-3333 Legal Description POD 6 PUD I AT THE RESERVE WILLOW PINES WEST AT PGA VILLAGE (PB 42-33) LOT 40 (OR 1960-l 132; 3962-1t24) Use Type: 0100 Account * 153177 Map ID: 33/22N Zoning: Planned Un Total Areas Finishedtunder Air (SF): Gross Sketched Area (SF): Land Size (acres): Land Size (SF): Current Values Just/Malket Value: Assessed Value: Exemptions: Taxable Value: $200,600 $ 149,398 $s0,000 $99,398 Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownershiP. . Past taxes are not a reliable pro.iection of future taxes'. The sale of a property witl pionipt the temoval -of all exemptions, a:sseismrint ca[s, anit special classifications. I ,'7 5l 2,34s 0.06 2,505 Taxes fbr this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office Zl Download TRIM for this palcel: Download PDF El Building Design Wind Speed Occupancy CategorY I II III & IV Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: A1l infonnation is believed to be comect at this tirne, but is subject to change and is plovided without any waffanty' O Copyright 2021 Sairit Lucie County Plop6r'ty Appraiser'. All rights reserved. Natalie Johns From: Sent: To: nataliejohnsT8@ g mail.com Tuesday, September 28,2021 10:14 AM Natalie Johns Time: 9:3? AM I Otr tllcTRlc sHocxr wAnrrrcl cAUTloH! r E'ilt".-'ift., rrcj FCQ f1?rt t' I ti' slArr -,:[ t";. i. : n_-I lr a