HomeMy WebLinkAboutpermitM i;l * 0 9 A V X -.. F: a,.,:) r�, T. F, 0 mn g? .,- W 2 4. r- PILL PV. � cis ;EIIW B E C N A ---"R APPLU-Cf-VTION TO BLc. ACCEIDTED I L 0 0' t,q D,te-, 9/2912021 + -v - 1:4 .......... ........ Fian}sing ana DevetQpen'Selvi-ces Or Bvilaing ancli Coaele. Reg. ula+6.on Division. zlF- 31F z� UOT ��;rgir. to Avenue,, Fort Fien., e FL 34982 Pfione.-!p (772,11., 624-1-553 F&xv- (772) 462-1578 ,W E4 K N M1,12'Ap"' um . r . I V kJ" 't" M E N LOCATI n�:sn �­ :, S. !3oi t> z�pamnrer Ku Addres:> Permit Number,: Mic -tion a- *t A P� To m rre; F. - C W X ,K,esiaen!9 ttal .k }"'�71�' Int.}t'tNf.1,s�'#�%lt�—�'�--�!Q4�J� I i-#i�iE— {t�H ice} LQ�- 24�i (OR 3�86G-22J.�]-) i.���� D�SC$"��$@t`�3`�: mop -jpj.EC3ffr f" Ir. r7zc=rYSa 1312w-5W-�0052-000-4 "Iroper-it'ry Tax ID #W Lot N Si'r t e P i a n Na m eyck No., P 'er,-4.,Ynea-StaphanieWh"te v� Ign tbac.ks FT-o.nt R t 51, d e :Jor d e rp T-A L I J U IF` ION `,H W..�-t�TREPCE�iEt�IT 40.AL EL�CT�tI�'A-TER ER emk MORIN t "" ION ,...L)NSTRUCT'JON INFORM -,A, -t —check all ttutl-Otf, Additiona.-work- tb-- -be, pe rmed under tms. perm'l` a pu've V EW r I' H.VAC AhMA& PC.M ULW Gas Tank Plumbing Total!.. Sq. Ft of Construr...,tton. C Co•st of Conti+uctiofll. 1695. 0., .nG,as Pip%,.ng 0--- -SprihnMens N&4F.YK03FpV M_ Ge-P, .,rato Sq. Ft, of R'TE 1 1 11 W diws/Do. o rs t 'Ro-of M s • F ors w � � .............. ,JtmtZOIC Sewer leZ�:2 15 1E3&:WC#L.6&Cr%.W 0L turcz: q k )�S' rid X:;�d 33v L1=_Y_rr:b cazxhEE&,=&�, a.L� 4jbApjffihhw%h,=_,,�,h Nam-e Sty han .e White Address. 5616 Spanimsh Ri"ver RD. C 0 PIERCE AIM*- FL Z�tatel. 34951 P %4,, C C.� Phone330-2- 99 FE'llimn. 5,zimpie Title Holder on �nexl,- -a r it t IT e, frabn:nthe owrier fisted above) sept�e VARMNWRA'Alp Buildingei��t� Roof psteh 12 A M DIM • B3BEV Cw�p� FORA DELTA &4ECFM-ny.. Addr,ess: 8402 LAUREL FAIR GIR: SUITE I I I c A ityr T M."PA t # 3F L Lip Code.. 33610 866-21 M72.9 phneNt E,h1a,ij. FLPERMITS-eDE-LTAMECtiAN-ICAL..COM ,- C C 425917 I Stab..;,a. ;2,)?fr Count.,v Lioceffse_ft*F. 7 LILL= rr =LT IP4 Ll nlr�_ If %mlue of ccxn, structIO'.1,_11- 1"I's $2500 or irtare- a RECDRD-sr,,tD Nofice of Con, ric.'aame;2at i . Is..require.d. I U. W e u wr n 4 N, SUP" EgN. ENT1,1 i ry N LI 2,:LIAW R M AT-1 tj N:f, 010 D r +'+ j&'. p E 151ap'. I N E N R/ E N15 G I E E R L A ' c al'OP e mots i Ar PAN Y N a m e - Steomnie White N D I MUTRROBE NJ 1e=_%rr_MWA-rMWK95-A �_s2ilYvlr .T. 0 A C'1�--Cilr-eSS'n 5616 Spanish RiVer RD L rp i e ssv 5616 Spanish River RD 43 �•FTMERCE Z�v rL V,* ff !itate C[Ir y TA&IPA 7S Jf�i+i f. V%� te, P P, cry, n e zip Phone, able 13ONDING CO3J;0?ANYs Not Applicabl'e I IVI Net Applic ame& N a P a el. 4r d res S LAW.F.L FAIR CIR SUITE 1. 11 ..e •-%r,- ecz%n a Address YC18 *-9p.�M-rX2 kco 4 z ffj§571 e P,-- IL D P ones zap* h pb-%h- Pr" One t;WN-t*1"gR - CONTRAC:!*irr,,,jR tippl-r 1 bta��`��it to do the wort allation as hidica I certif, y tha.-t- novvork h commenced iar,'for to-w- the issuo�NFlce of, a permit,, 3111 DE 4rMit WX allrhn 7P 14PIP prr njdpr tn h S,t-4 -Lucie C,,o-unni, makes no re-pres entat*on, tbat is �zrant R tho r r 12 er _P ri W,q-11cn us, in coln ct th ar4y a-pphecaible- Ho me Owners Assocafio*i ruies, bylaws -or are cavenais that an restrict or prohibit such. a=rcture, Please e:o�nsuf$ with. your Home Owners Ass,cirC-iat€01n ail.-d revsew ytaur d��r�efor any re.,--sttdctJon_,_:, wiiich may apply,. In core_sMeratuon -cl-3-f. the RrantYng )f c, ta-ii -s reque�ttmiit, t Ica herev a.�,xee tf�a-11-- vv;[t. in. all ries�.��tnct_s.thp- i-vork M 10% �l�r�s� In acco, W.1"th thp a rovl:�_D d the. Flo.a P LV ri g, gvlffding CodRes St. Lu.C--ge tou�tv Amendments, The following building permit apt i.-: Lt 7�uncferRora 40H � fi L are om ad�titrsc:rwull conrrerx I& -0 A ��:C�sw;�r� S t r U �:t�rres, s i w m m. i n.g poicfs fences,s o ry uses ta a -ri- ot h e r in.,nn-rPf�#Pn�;;I P wadls,, signs, sroireen room,,�n d a cce s ly W Amy to K.- e 41%tice.of Co mencement. wy WARNING. T, C.'t, -CaWINEK ,. q AM improvements to your property.. A Notip.� 0-IF Cn.,me cement must, fay i insp---ection, -k-ev I @ P b e TO r e, t rst ,n f If vn u n tend to oibtzl 11 1 W a i: z aag %i�;Ou t Mi- W. I W comme'' cin worK,- r rec 'Ic t�L .�4_��ni for ���rr��a- toaesse ont C rS" ture. n..,f ownery L I .� ��- r of Ce, I. 0 �NI'0--i 1 0 l rl I e � otng i�tstru��en� ��rw1V----s act;ncvigedged beforemethis ?074W20, - P% bass of__�"e�_,�r� .- 20Z t- by rtcement e fth I r! n n�_ v befo re We� iresu-ft n your payi 0ng tt i v-'c e fy� r recorded and posted en the shror -C ir A SIP ign-c--;:ture of Conte 'cto Li n F- HOD de.r STATE t+$F FLORIDA COUNTY OF -E'W - ----------- f The fobOM9 ---cknom4edge-a before me 1n_.S_,Lrument was this dzy of L 20 02x=,t­ by Y. ame of pefson 9,,ntaking stzt,, ment m of person frizi, ing s. \/'OA Personally Kriown V, OR,.. Prodluced Ident'Ification. Pe2lAsona'_' Know-il. OR Produced dentificat"On I y ton ' Iden-fification Type of ild-enI.-ifica Type -o*r P cd c d Produced C_ Yk�. N �.5tu- re 0 ht it e JBIJF6-7 P 4b LY il-t -M.,:DINA 4PM 4P 196 jb 4.. of q- 1p 4P .0 'Cht Y I & FA Comm"ssion No-. W. 41 Co m mr s s'06on N y r N 11F W A dr ......... 4P L 7PRES- Jime 1-1 KiL�V12 KPRES; &j'17* r P 1pu 2 T� kJOL rk.Nn 'k 6 L Rers y -r %A hrU Undenw,if"31M T REVIEWS FRO% I U I -10-NING 1 ]3- - U P 2 R V I S 0 R PLANS V E G � E TA T 10 N S A RR;r COUNTER P-;! oi E V - zi E tvk! REVIEW REVIEW R LcIv" .1 EW I REVIEW -%RnN E Aut I E W E ECf,._�JVED DATE O ET "'D r. Rev. 8j2/17 L i t