HomeMy WebLinkAboutWARRANTY DEEDMICHELLE R. MILLER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4849246 OR BOOK 4592 PAGE 2584, Recorded 04/16/2021 12:14:54 PM Doc Tax: $2485.00 r This Document Prepared By and Return to: Christopher J. Twohey, PA 844 SE Ocean Blvd. Suite A Stuart, Florida 34994 Parcel lD Number: 3522-607-0014-000/6 Warranty Deed This Indenture, Made this 1st day of April , 2021 A.D., Between Dale F. Scott and Deborah K. Scott, as Trustees of the Scott Family Trust under Agreement dated July 1, 2019, and Individually, as husband and wife of the County of Palm Beach , State of Florida , grantors, and Juan Sebastian Calderon, as Trustee of the Juan Sebastian Calderon Revocable Living Trust dated January 17, 2019, and any amendments thereto and Cristina Maria Calderon, as Trustee of the Cristina Maria Calderon Revocable Living Trust dated January 17, 2019 and any amendments thereto whose address is: 7115 SW 70th Ave., Miami, FL 33143 of the County of Miami -Dade , State of Florida , grantees. Witlnesseth that the GRANTORS, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10) and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTORS in hand paid by GRANTEES, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said GRANTEES and GRANTEES' heirs, successors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Saint Lucie , State of Florida to wit: Unit No. 318, of Building No. A of DUNE WALK BY THE OCEAN a/k/a SAND DOLLAR NORTH, a Condominium, according to The Declaration of Condominium recorded in O.R. Book 408, Page 2436, and all exhibits and amendments thereof, Public Records of Saint Lucie County, Florida; together with an undivided share in the common elements appurtenant to such Unit and all other appurtenances to such Unit as set forth in the Declaration of Condominium. SUBJECT TO: 1. Taxes for the year 2021, and all subsequent years; 2. Zoning restrictions, prohibitions and other requirements imposed by governmental authority; 3. Restrictions and matters appearing on the Plat or otherwise common to the subdivision; and 4. Public utility easements of record, if any. *The Trustee is invested with full rights of ownership and is specifically granted the power and authority either to protect, conserve, sell and convey, or to lease, or to encumber, or otherwise to manage and dispose of the real property described herein and all other powers without Iimitation, provided for in Florida Statute 689.071 and 689.073. and the grantors do hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In Witness Whereof, the grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: Dale F. Scott nd Deborah K Scott, as Trustees of the Scott Famil ustt r ec dated July 1, 2019 By: ( (Se Printed Name: Llowltopher y Dale F.cott us e a In ividually Witness P.O. Addres . 2066 He ita a Dr., ,V`llirAton FL 3-- RJ Angels G- Jard2n 3 By:<CA_�(Se Printed Name: Deborah K. Scott, Trustee and Individually Witness P.O. Address; 2066 Hermitage Dr., Wellington, FL 33414 State of Florida County of Martin The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of ❑./ physical presence or ❑ online notarization, this 1 st day of April , 2021 , by Dale F. Scott and Deborah K. Scott, as Trustees of the Scott Family Trust under Agreement dated July 1, 2019, and Individually, as husband and wife who are personally known to me or who have produced their Florida driver's license identi.fi ,:a*+•; CHRI5TOPHERJ.TWOHEY Commission # HH 008652 Printed Name: hn .ors Expires July 28 2024 s opher J. Twohey r � OFf;°` Notary Public BondsdThroTroy Fain insurance BO es-7o19 My Commission Expires. calderon Laser Generated 6y Misplay Systems, lnc. 2021 (863) 763.5555 acTorm FLWD-1