HomeMy WebLinkAboutCeiling attach Marino\WARE® Product Submittal Data PRODUCTNAME: 250S137-33 05.40.00 Cold-Formed Metal Framing MARINO\WARE PART 212SC20 PROPERTIES: t A.Web(in) 2-1/2" Yield Strength Fy(KSI) 33 v B. Flange(in) 1-3/8" Tensile Strength Fu(KSI) 45 I _� C. Lip(in) 3/8" Design Thickness(in) 0.0346" ' Mils 33 Minimum Thickness(in) 0.0329" Available Finish G90 Gauge 20 { <; . SECTION PROPERTIES GROSS SECTION PROPERTf6S Cross Sectional Area:A(in') 0.197 Weight of Member:(lb/ft) 0.67 4 I Moment of Inertia:Ix(in4) 0.203 {r Section Modulus:Sx(in3) 0.163 Radius of Gyration:Rx(in) 1.015 I L. Gross Moment of Inertia:ly(in4) 0.052 Gross Radius of Gyration:Ry(in) 0.S15 EFFECTIVE SEC77ON PROPERTIES Moment of Inertia-Deflection:Ixe(in4) 0.20 Section Modulus:Sxe(in 3) 0.16 _ r '— - / Allowable Local Bending Moment:Mal(in-k) 3.11 Allowable Distortional Bending Moment:Mad(in-k) 3.09 i Allowable strong axis shear away from punch:Vag(Ib) 975 Allowable strong axis shear at punch:Vanet(Ib) 399 TORSIONAL SECTION PROPERTIES St,Venant Torsional Constant:Jx1000(in') 0.079 O Torsional Warping Constant:Cw(in ) 0.076 Shear Center to Centroid on Principal X-axis:Xo(in) -1.141 Shear Center to Mid-Plane of the Web:m(in) 0.677 Radius of Gyration on the Centroid Principal axis:Ro(in) 1.612 Torsional Flexural Constant:P 1-(xo/Ro)2 0.499 e CODES & STANDARDS AI SI S100-12&I CC ES ESR-4C 2 Framing meets ASTM A 1003,A 653,&C 955 Meets IBC 2015&2012,FBC 2014,CSS4 code compliant GREEN INFO LEED v3&LEED v4 credits available REC zVED • Contact Technical Services for more information. JAN 16 2020 .Lucie County,Ferm'ttlog For more information,please contact Marino\WARE Technical Services at 866-545-1545. a.. This technical information reflects the most current Information available and supersedes any and all publications,effective 1/S/2017 4 www.marinoware.com ®Copyrighl2017by Wale lnd.svies,Inc.All rig♦ r"a''ed Faxed lu"VAP,109PT.s �� �,• POWDER FASTENERS b r...... .w........... .._...�. �..W.. ..... t- . We maintain only llie highest standards in the materials,production techniques and quality control measures used to manufacture our fasteners,assuring consistent,optimum quality in every fastener. FASTENER TERMINOL06Y SUFFIX K=Knurled X=Collated C=100 count B=Black SD=Washer M=1000count E=Ramguard TH=Top Hat SELECTION CHART Designed for use in concrete and structural steel applications. Available in 100-pack or 1000-pack per box. WM T fifi.ice.•'�?J�•j�. 0 'ti'K_' IILH if4. 1ji) R� kS.Z - 15068 3/4 (19.1) 5000 Shank diameter=.74S Head diameter=.300 ' ' ► ' Designed for use in concrete and structural steel applications.100 per box. �. Gi D Y] £T "'0,U45A.. R ff 03' ast '`Crfais�tZ[. i 1503K 1/2 Knurled (12.7) _ _ _ 5000 ". ' 1508 — 1 (25.4) 5000 E310 I4A: {1512 1-1/2 (38.1) 1000 1514 2 . 6G.8) 1516 2-1/2 (63.S) 800 76 'iG00 Shank diameter=.145 Head diameter=.300 f Washer increases bearing surface against the material to be fastened. 100 per box.16 gage metal washer.7/8"diameter washer. 150650 1 3/4 (19.1) 1000 .}. ..x � '' .�� "�' .,�.Ti:-.` _ _ ...:—.J: ��3.i�i;;tti-=• ''i:r;f" .. 1S10SD 1-1/4 ya�� j(31.8) 1000 45 1514SO 2 (50.8) 1000 1 4F .�:.''. _ r4- i :: :k.w ii tJry'1�'.tt j �-:;•,; 15245DP" 3 (16.2) 600 `Square washer indicares 3"pin has been installed Shank diameter=.145 Head diameter=.300 Coated to improve corrosion resistance in treated lumber and other applications. 100per box.Recommended for treated lumber a pphcations. fi �ifET 15yy16E 21/2 t63S) 800 •a`�>5liso✓' :1 I.�+I/->-:r *J:J}� •Fi 5 :;f�:•? �=C' "�; 15245DE" 3 (76.2) 600 Shank diameter= 145 "5quore washer indicares3"pin has been installed "ISOO Series Coated with RamGuard Head diameter=.300 %'c'IArli.R.4AISCT COff +� ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-1799 CBC and CRC Supplement Reissued June 2016 This report is subject to renewal June 2017. www.icc-es.orp 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council' DIVISION:03 00 00—CONCRETE Section:03 16 00—Concrete Anchors DIVISION:04 00 00—MASONRY Section:04 05 19.16—Masonry Anchors DIVISION:05 00 00--METALS Section:05 05 23—Metal Fastenings DIVISION:09 00 00--FINISHES Section:09 22 16.23—Fasteners REPORT HOLDER: ITW RAMSET 700 HIGH GROVE BOULEVARD GLENDALE HEIGHTS,ILLINOIS 60139 www.ramset.com loch s up p d.tt�ra.iri s et.c am EVALUATION SUBJECT: RAMSET AND DUO-FAST POWERACTUATED FASTENERS AND CEILING CLIP ASSEMBLIES 1.0 REPORT PURPOSE AND SCOPE Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation report supplement is to indicate that Ramset and Duo-Fast PowerActualed Fasteners and Ceiling Clip Assemblies, recognized in ICC-ES master evaluation report ESR-1799, have also been evaluated for compliance with the codes noted below. Applicable code editions: If 2013 California Building Code(CBC) 9 2013 California Residential Code(CRC) 2.0 CONCLUSIONS 2.1 CBC: The Ramset and Duo-Fast PowerActualed Fasteners and Ceiling Clip Assemblies, described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of the master evaluation :report E-Sri-1799i comply with CBG Chapters 19, 19A, 22, and 22A, provided the design and installatlgn are in a=rdarrce with the 2012 International Building Code® provisions noted in the master report and the additlbri�f r-aquittemenis of Ci3C C,hapi6m 19, 19A.22-8n'a)22A,as applicable. 2.2 CRC: The Ramset and Duo-Fast PowerActualed Fasteners and Ceiling Clip Assemblies, described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of the master evaluation report ESR-1799 comply with the CRC, provided the design and installation are in accordance with the 2012 Internalion'sl Residential Code'k provisions noted in the master report. This supplement expires concurrently with the master report, reissued June 2016. ICr.'•L•:S h'whiation Reports arc not to be c•onstnted as n'preseraing aesthetic-or on),other attributer not speeVically addrerred,nor are Nicy to he ctmrtrued as an endorsement ofthe subject of'die report or a«cmnatondatiun jar la use.There is no ivarronry byir'C 1:1whtation Service,1.1,C,express or laplled•ar to any finding or uther matte•in this report,ur ar to any product covered by the report. Copyright C 2016 1CC Evaluation Service.LLC. All rights reserved: Page 1 of 1 9/27/20/ Self-Drilling E Mptal Screw I Metal Screws I Screws and Nails I Fasteninr-;�ystems I Simpson Strong-Tie (hitps://www.slEmagg�-.cam/t Secarr.;h strongtie.corn Home(� ) Fastening Systems(/fasteningsyslems/category) ) Screws and Nails(/screwsandnails_fasteningsystems/category) ) Metal Screws Vmetalscrews_screwsandnails/category) T& © © ® Self-Drilling E Metal Screw RECEIVED JAN 16 2020 ST. Lucie County, Permitting t s T _ ki+ i P Key Features Hex-washer head Clear zinc finish Recommended for use with certain Simpson Strong-Tie connectors #3 drill point(max.total drilling thickness 0.35") Bit included in each box(replacement driver bit — BITHEXR38-134) Applications . Cold-formed steel framing Codes • ASTM C1513 compliant Related Links Fastening Systems Technical and Ingtaltation(Votes(/products/fastening-systems/technical-notes Catalog Pages • Product Information: 2 C-F-2017(Fastening'Svstems) page 99 thttn'//embed Widencdn net/Odf/blus/ssttoolbox/8yngopv4VVC-F-2p17- pO99.gdf?.u=gwur.7d • Technical Data and Loads:®C-F-2017(Fastening Svstems3 gage 374 fhttg•//embed widencdn.neVpdf/p)us/sstico[boLukaloshh6lw/C-F- 2017-p374.Ddf?u=gwur7r] )s://www.strongtie.com/metalscrews scrawcanrinnilc/a crro ,/n/coif-Hrillinn_o_n olol_o rn.. S,c�icv aen-urming t metal Screw 1 Metal Screws I Screws and Nails I Fastening Systems I Simpson Strong-Tie Related Literature f Fastening Systems Catalog f C-F-2017 A full-color catalog containing Simpson Strong-Tie fastener solutions, including our Strong-Drive@,Deck-Drive®,Quik Drive@ and stainless-steel product lines. l CATALOG j fIresources/literature/fastening-systems-catalcct) t� t Sistemas de Fijaci6n C-F-15SP Informaci6n completa de nuestra linea de tornillos y clavos,grapas y clavos en sarta,tornillos en sarta y sistemas de autoalimentaci6n de tornillos Quik Drive@ para sistemas de sujeci6n. �. CATALOG ' r f 1 j ! _ f (httos:llembed.widencdn.net/ddwnload/ssttooibax/5188w36k1 d/C-F-15SP.nd11?u=cirrry1n) Connectors for Cold-Formed Steel Construction COm�calprp � C-CF-2017 A catalog including specifications, load tables and installation illustrations for our cold-formed steel connectors and clips. .• „ •' CATALOG Uresou rc esll iteraturelcold-form ed-steel-cat al c g) Product Information Table s://www.strongtie.com/metalscrews_screwsandnails/e_screw/p/self-drilling-e-metal-screw 2/4 - -•- �..,, .,,,,,,,y �, �,o,JI,ICW� Ivleidl JI;I CVVJ I Jl;IeWS 8nO IVa11S t rBSlenlflg JySle R1S I JIfT1pSUn JlrUn9-Ile Length Screw Drive Head Head Point Point Packaging Modei No. (in.) Size Type Diameter Type TPI Size ` Type * Coating/Material quantity UPC (in.) 3/8 in. Hex DrIl El81414B 1 #14 0.500 Washer 14 3 Clear-Zinc Coating 2500 746056101604 Hex Head Point 3/8 in. Hex Drill E1131414R100 : 1 414 Hex 0.500 Washer 14 3 , point Clear-Zinc Coating 100 746056119401 Head Load Tables .,_....��,.:,�...�,.,��;�e:i�xw�[s�a�.-.•emu Screw Strength (lb.) NOW f. lodal #14x 1" E1B1414 3,130 5,395 f 1,565 2,700 1,045 1,800 Cold-Formed Steel Member Connection Loads, Steel to Steel t 2 Al 14) Des"0 ASS 200 1295 i 605 850 1,045: 390 ' 505 920 1,1601,655 105 140 250 320 455 � I ' #14 x 1";E1B1414 0.242 0.5 LRFD 300 :145 • f30 ,1;`801;56, 85 760 1,380J.740;2,��i0,160• 21:0 j 3$0•j ��0 :68p t ; I stral ength 600 890 trn9 1,810 2,555 3,1301,1701,520`2,760 3,475 4,960. 320 415 755 955 !1,360ZI I I 1.Screws shall extend through the connection with a minimum of three exposed threads per AISI General Provisions Standard Section D1.3. 2.Tabulated loads are based on calculations per AISI S100-07 using the thinner steel member in the connection.A safety factor of 0=3.0 and resistance factor q)=0:5 were used to determine the ASO and LRFD strength values. 3. Loads are based on cold-formed steel members with a minimum yield strength, Fy,of 33 ksi and tensile strength, Fu, of 45 ksi for 43 mil(18 ga.)and thinner,and a minimum yield strength of 50 ksi and tensile strength of 65 ksi for 54 mil(16 ga.)and thicker. 4. For other pertinent information, please refer to the Irn ❑rtant Informatton 1 roducts/connecters/cold-farmed-steel-connecto s/technical- notes and General Nate. 1 roducts/cvnnectors/cold-formed-steel-connectors/technical-notes) eneral-notes pages. Related Products lid. �.�� • � - :�..s:d�'�:�iL+T '�t-:�'��•a±xy ;��K� ;� s!//www.stronglie.com/metalscrews_screwsandnails/e_screw/p/self-drilling-e-metal-screw. 3/4 IIIIIIIV L IvIVtaI ollew IVICIdI owuwb Dwews ano IVaus I rasiening ayslerns I olmpson auong-Ile Driver Bits (/d rive rb its_screwsan d nai Is/b it_sc rewb it/p/driver-bits) -s://www.stronglie.com/melalscrews_screwsandnails/e_screw/p/self-drilling-e-metal-screw 4/4 R ECE-` JAN 1 8 2020 ST_ Lucie County, PerlMffting Home ) Fastening Systems(/fasteningsystems/category) ) Collated Screws for the Duik Drive®System(/collatedscrews fasteningsystems/category) Collated Interior Wood Screws(/collatedinteriorwoodscrews_collatedscrews/category) 1115W U © (M DWC Drywall Screw (Collated) i�•ny�••wfri3ltlfP_frz�[S!rC'!mrdva'.e`t� sdl Z 3.S"�� r � I '.'��� hit s:ll+n�ww.stronatie.caml) Searci slrongiiacom F Key Features • Bugle head • #2 Phillips(driver bit in each box;replacement bit model BIT21?) • Coarse threads • Sharp point • Curved collation Applications Drywall to wood Codes • ASTM C1002-04 Type W Related Links • Fastening Systems Techrtical and Installation Notes(/products/fastenincl-system s/technical-nots) Driver Bits Ildhverbits screws andn ails/bit screwbit/p/driver bits) catalog Pages s�C f 2017(Fastening Systems).parse 270(li tuJlembed widenedii i)8L/ fflalustssttoolbox/2rliaki++viuun/C-F-2017-io270.pdf?u=pwur7rI 3elated Literature 'resources/literaturelf asterling-systems-catalogI !/www_strongtie.com/collatedini�rinrwnnricrrP•�rc —I1.10 4am^ o•^r+,.,^ ^�^.^•.^ +•^ ^^•^" ^^ Fastening Systems Catalog [fs MV=- �; C-F-2017 .9 . A full-color catalog containing Simpson Strong-Tie fastener solutions, including our Strong-Drive®, Deck-Drive@, Quik Drive@ and stainless-steel product lines. ry !f ass. CATALOG M� .-w" RR TZ Q -.. f sistemas de Fijacion > ! C-F-15SP Informacion completa de nuestra linea de tornillos y clavos,grapas y clavos en sarta,tornillos en sarta y y sistemas de autoalimentacion de tornillos Quik Drive@ para sistemas de sujecion. CATALOG a ---- --..—.......... -..� fhgps•llembed widencdn net/downlvad/ssttoOJbox/6138w36kId1C_F_15SP.adf?u-cimvin) Product Information Table _.. _�__.,_ —____ i _.. . _. _—..... _.�___-.•..R .� ..____...�.�--- - ._ ._.--- Compatible TI Length Screw Drive Head Thread Point Packaging Model No. C Coating/Material Quantity Quik Drive@ C UPC (in.) Size Type Type Type I T ype ` — Tools , DWC114PS 11/4 #6 #2 Bugle Coarse Sharp i Gray-Phosphate 2500 PR0200 746056015925 Phillip s Head f Threads i Point�.. Coating I .... .. _ I � .�....�...._....,_J.— -..... }— ._..#2 Bugle Coarse I Sharp Gray-Phosphate -I DWC158PS 15/8�, #6 2500 PR0200 746056025023 { Phillips Head Threads i Point Coating DWCIPS 1 #6 #2 Bugle Coarse Sharp Gray-Phosphate _ 2500 PR0200 746056051619 Phillip s ` Head Threads Point Coating f #2 'Bugle Coarse Sharp ` Gray-Phosphate I DWC212PS 21/2 #6 1500 i PR0250DW i 141111117711 Phillips Head Threads Point I Coating #2 Bugle + Coarse Sharp Gray-Phosphate PR0200, DWC2PS 2 #6 746056039488 2000 i Phillips Head Threads Point Coating PR0250DW //www,strongtie.com/collatedinleriorwoodscrews_collatedscrews/dwc cscrew/p/dwc-drywall-screw 2/3 HCKDWC174PS 17/4 g 42 Bugle Coarse Sharp Gray-Phosphate 1000 PR0200 746056056911 Phillips Head Threads Point Coating HCKDWC158PS 15/8 46 #2 Bugle Coarse Sharp Gray-Phosphate 1000 PR0200 746056056904 Phillips Head Threads Point Coating Related Products N., !i Quik Drive@ PRO200 Drywall System Quik Drive@ PRO250DW Drywall Attachment (/quikdrivesystems_quikdrivesystems/pro200_gdsystem/p/quik- (/quikdriveattachments_quikdrivesystems/pro250dw_gdattach/p/quik- drive-pro2 00-d rywall-system) d rive-pro250dw-drywall-attachment) Driver Bits (/d riverb its_screwsand n ai Is/b it_screw b it/p/driver-bits) l/www.strongtie.com/collaledinleriorwoodscrews collated screws/dwc cscrew/oldwe-drywall-screw ���