HomeMy WebLinkAboutVargas Permit App (FP)All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE CC) MPLETED FOR APPLICATIaN TO BE ACCEPTED permit Number. Elate: Building Permit Application p�orinjrrg -orrd De vel-opmeri � Services Building on d Code Reg U10601', Da vision 2300 Vf rg+nia Avenue, F.Ort pierce ft 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: {7721462-1578 Commercial PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION' Address- _ r Property Tax ID ##; - Site Plan 'Name= Froject Narne: - DETAILED DESCRIPTION CF WORK: ---------------- A N � .-4 cim I n q v r� New Electrical meter Seoand Electrical Meter CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Reside-ntial �V/ Lot N Block No. Additional workto be perform-ed under this permit- check all that appiY; i echanicM _GasTank —Gas Piping—Shuttefs �1f z"! Doer � Per d � _ Electric plumbing _Sprints lers _ 6enurator : oof �Iipitch Total Sq. Ft of C[)nstruction. 5q, Ft_ of First Flood: Cost of Construction: Utilities, —Sewer _Septic Building Height OWNER/LESSEE: NarnP- M tiMIL Acid re ss; City: F Name, Company - State • L I Ad dress,. Zip Code:? _ Fax - Ph one NO- _7 I- ~ Fill In fee simple Title Holder on next page if different City: State: Zip Code: Fax: Phone No - L E- aiIL f fro m th a Own of I isted a b eve) I state or County Liitan!K if as lue of con st ruction js 2500 o r m ure, a FIiECORDED N of Ito of commencement is regU I rod, if value -of H AVC is $ t,500 o r mo re, a RE CORDED Notice of COm iris nCe me Mt is requi red SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION. DESIGNER/ENGINEER- Not Applicable Na rile: Address: City: State.: ZIP' Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: �A of Applicable Name; Address- City - Zip: Phone: MORTGAU COMPANY: lot Appiicahle Name; City: _ zip: —. State: Phone: BONDING COMPANY, Warne, AddrCs5; City: Zip: Phone. - I .t Applicable OWN ER/ COI TRACTO R AF F I DVIT: Application i s hereby rn ade to obte i n a pe rmit to do the work and fn stal ratio rk as i nc i c.ated_ I ce rtify that n o wn rk or iris[ a I Wtiran ha s cornmen cad pri or to the i s sua nro of a pe rmit, St. bucie Cou nty m akes no reprcwnta tion tha t is gra nting a perm it will aut huriz e t he a rr'n i t holder to build the subject structure which i s i n comf I ict with a nor a pplrc a ble H ornc Own ers Association r ules, bylaws or a nseco�rc rya nt-5 th at may restrict or prate ibit su c h st ru ctu re. P Lease consu I t wit h you r H orne owne rs Associati-on and nevi ew you r deed for a ny rest rictron s wh ich may a pply. I n cc nside rati on of t he gra nti ng of this requ este d perm i t, I do h ereby agree t hot I will., wn all respects, perform th a work in accor4lance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St, Lucie CountyfArnendrnents. The fo IlavAng bu i I d i ng perm i t appl icatio ns are exempt from un d e rgoGng a fu II concu rrency review. room -a dd iti ons, acre sso ry stru cturesr swi mrn i rig pool s, fences, wa I I s, sign 5, 5c reen roe m s and a Ccessory uses to a noth er n o ri-resid errtia I use WAR NIN TO OWNER Your failure to Record a Notice -of Commencement may result in pay[ng twig for improvements to your property. A Notice of Comrnencernent must be recorded in the public records of St. Lucie counter and qosted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, cons-ult sari#h lender or an rney be -tore q omm encing work or recordAR tour Notice of Cornrnencernent. r Signature cf Owners fsseelContr for as Agent for Owner 5ignatureof ContrEictor Icertiie H0Ider STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ... i � .�� COUNTY OF � . Sworn (or affirrnad) and subscribed before me of Swor or affirrn-edj and subscribed before me of _ li sl e I Presence �$ r D rrli rie Notarization P h y� i-cal Pre5e nce -or Online Not rr atl on this day of iCf l r 202-1 by this day of sY� . 202 f by Barn a of p erson m a ki ng statement. N-3 m a of person ma k i ng statement, Personally Known _ _. R Produced Ide ntificat iu n � Personally Ian -own OR used lde r,tq facatao n Type of identification Typeof Identification Prone Pro ced 1 r _. mn-m (Sign tuie of blot ry P u blit- nature of Notary Public. State u r Ni1� Pub6C �1a9e Or FI B Co m mission N c_ ,}�' Notary P��li� lace miss -mission No- I e� � Ile S G or �iyro�rrrt�resi Cs 393w'rrrn�si Epp' a 0347. 3 Expires OrIM2Q23 aF �ti REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERMO R PLANS VEGETATIQN SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVI EVE REVI EW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED oar. 516120 9W w r, 0 so r'r G 41DAA Qlr M w Ln Q 0 0 del 4 a g a a c Q m Ln o C � G C a [5 InL 3 O z I a F c WE iF r av