HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Termite Treatment�c�rme� CGrls�vc� one �Y��,, JUy-1=1-200' 1,0.:0gP FROM: TO: 33f 1-9CEI r EDp:2r2 .. � �.ti.u�.��.uu.. � rHuc r►t/ ul JUN 1 1 2013 ► t Luchr County Inspect o-%. Luce C arty, FL 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 3498� (772) 462-2172 CER.TIFICATIZ OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCT -ION SOR, TR.FArnW NT PERAUT # S L C —1 '�- 09 - 0 6 ffJOB ,AD]D"SS PEST CONTROL CONTRACTO E )f l '' T CONTROL LIC��1We, the uAdersiigued, hergby certify that we brave Faretmited the ,abov"aaar9bW W10ftucllon for subterranean terxWta In a=rdenco whit the gWndards of the National Post Control Anod, adon. Square Ant of mva treawl: Ij e• Percentage of Isolutlou; ]Date of trvatx>nent: 6/ 7 13 C1 F'ootin � lot :Creatcrlcnt C! Ro-t�roac 0 Stab 0 :[st Tf0Rt3Mcnt fa Re-tresat 0 Driveway G] Xst'I'munent C.� 1Ke-treat E) Pools 0 Iat Tmatmelit 0 Re-ttvat Total gallons limed; Tinge of VOC1104.2.6 CoAfleaate afProteetke TL eat -fit orpmvendonoftanx#ae- A weather resistant jobsim peaselm8 Word Shah de praVOed to readve dteplicate Trearmew CarniZwea as each required promotive ire 46=1 is complere4 providing a ropy for the person Om perr►ux is issued t'o and another copy for the building permit, frlssa T reattxerrat C.rrt�f cafes shall provide the ps*dact uaed identity of the appiicaror, floss aad dot. ot'the treratmant, site locatron, area truuCA ehamicul useet, peroentCorcetetradon and number ofsallpns used, td establish a ver&ble ,retard a fttiloucdve traWmant: Ifthe the Coil chemical barrier tr ciftd for termite prevewtoa is gnrd, fliwl avartor trrMane W steatj lie cpmpieted prior to final btdldtagopprvval. `At Lurie CovoJ y m1dr s for the fowl inspecdon for CO, a POMO Aeat SRicl w to be plaeod on the de adcat pwW1 boat cover, Ys tag AR the troximats mud aRtax of apyncuilons. �.pt'i'xieutxnea�t . POriMeWr for Final Inspection NOTE. ,�Jtgg�as>bll<A're qt' e�Gttl' T111" s m "At bet a c0"Wk avd farm for each reguirea frealrpent or re -rear nVnt and thk oirn Mrtett be -pn a% jtHb &1 to bs jlxt lrue+f refit by >t#t8,t ,���or ai titre df Marc ins, pc nor the svhedukd i�Jsµeadon wX Revlta6113im dmg fag. q.mfmwdian fooC4, Wit 'I-Z!Me FRI 11: S1pi l 11). 20-MAR-2012 01:59 FROM:SOUTH C"­T 01/04/2012 12:40 772462E 7723446042 SLC Tn' %26443 P.1/1 PAGE 01 / 81 PERMIT #' COUNTY "W Virginia Ave - Fort Piero, IFIL 34982 s2-2172 Fox 772-462.1 TIE OF TERM E T � SENT C�RTI��CO� �. COk'ST� UCTZOM Soxt-TRH ENT BUILDERICONTM; I UK: PEST CONTROL CONTRA, REST` CONTROL LICENSE We, the undersigned, hereby subterranean termites in am Square feet if area tr*ed: LO_6 Percentge of solution: Date of Tmtment:: Footing 'm Treatment ____Re­Taat Driveway _1* Treatment Treatment Re Treat; 'JOB ADDRESS: i . that we have pretnsat w me =me jesuibed cr ,with the standards of the Natlon l 7est Conoxl ) ,S'/' them)cals wed.- l Total gallms Tlme of �Siab _'Re: 1 Re~ 2 lrcJ perimeter t Ngvie: 77teris moot be Ampl(nd IEairr 'fir a pbndlt arr� 1 ift ra be pad qp aby rye hupedwaf &V ofMch #L vacum erbbesxd* M"04.2-6 0vtMboft td mxfttme lit bmrnt l�r pravrr�0'�rr oft »!t}x dw9,be pm v tkd to rea-A" dupe thwbog"tCart as wcr MIA PMvMft a ow for die pin V* mania ins 63� by MW &wffiw copy'b Cerb sbeliprt ohe pit ems¢ 1da�rrt�Y afbf'+B �� � � abemtr W wac� pe r►t va4"wr arrd numb' afga+Gr m usad, � bz+eb<nent .�"t�rc c��l barr#3r r»e>yhed �-[�ar»rf� prerffi to av4*&!dpdbr 9 ap1vW, St tacle County "quhes liar thqw flnel inspection liar COO a Pm e b 6;lfll-1 Inspection r 0 w,t and ffib *rm Mlothe w ft job ftPsd*n c+ri71 far? a r�r'rn re3&&vt a ba veacme deabnertT.!. btu p�e»rt�l['ate deme ftabnarea �Es used, ArtaiVtWWshall Trent Stkkar to be phmd an 2 '0 2012 • .. �['Cuc.:. l .lye , d1/U4/1b12 12:40 '7-724b26443 SLC INSPECTIONS PAGE 01/01 Fort Pierce, FL 34992 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMS TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT r/ ®7— DE PERMrT #: - JOB ADDRESS: Fall s �r v b iAJ Rya e,4 I �e BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: w &Acti awz rl-0 Awie- IMEA PEST CONTROL CONTRACTIDR: �� PEST CONTROL- LICENSE #; //D We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described conskr=tlon fnr subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square fleet if area treated: Percentage of solution: Date of Treatment: Footing �10 Treatment ,-Re-Treat Drtveway 15t Treatment Ile-Treat ✓other Y9i 0.A cS�/9F 14 Treatment Re -Treat Chemicals used: Total gallons used: Time of Treatment: Slab 15tTreatment _Re -Treat Pools ., I51Treatment Re -Treat Perimeter for Final Inspection Signature of Exterminator Note. Th&e mart be a wmpleaed harm far each mquihod twtmwt orre-&atment and dWs form must be wt Me job site to be pkW d up by the m-TecW at ifte of ead� 1wpecVm or the saYwduled awpecfta v471 fail and a re iospedlon fee FSCW&2-6 CeiM lte of ftMMe Tre kwent for prWUntM of I&M&% A w WUW raFztarltft*M pa%%V board .gall be p m ded to re+aerine &*V1wte Treahrie+nt Certifmkw as each rWwr d prate 0 w baaftnent w =W proff ttrg a copy for the person the permit fs f and to and zwffier copy for Me btdktlnp perm Rex 77* TtwbnW Ca tfiitaie sIlpmt A* the pm&xt tm4 lidentfty of ft applkWar, brae and date of tie bralvwt, sle Ivcatffvn, area treated, dwmkal mad, pm7t mnowWaffw and oumberefodkms used, to estabdtsh a verilrable rem of pratechw btadrnwt_ IfMeWd*nzncal banYw methad fvrtemlte prevw&w Is used, fins/ extt°rw bWhVwt-0all be mmpk wpntr to fithal buck% appmw• St Lucia County requires for the final inspection for CO,, a Pwmnent Sticker to be placed on