HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions; Modification to the foundation plan'ILE OFFICE USE ONLY: COPY,, kk DATE FILED: � � • , �'fi� � PERMIT # 1 I U -1 - 0.0 07 RE)gSION FEE: RECEIPT # r . PLANNING & DEVELC INTY BUILDING & CODE RE D l 2300 VIRGIN FORT PIERCE, (772)462 APPLICATION FOR BUIL: PROJECT IT 1. LOCATION/SITE I ADDRESS: -� (1G i.an 1`��le(bf l�►e rdr} �j ei�R , L 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: I l e concrete gye1 fir -Ke Pwkeo d)d no} (,Le4t+ �600 PS i sk(uJV rwk oSmeeefS�gneGtI a moc), �,J,-N 1a -�e '(m, '�1�,. 'In I�e� ok �e 44)ke/ 4S�ennWcAk 0,� j��h�� over. 7 Ce m&)cc(j on I�CludrS G"�inC �e 4emwoAA OL, \4 urn` MO(10 �' djk'' Cd f Seek le i 4& cram 5�(���raS RnS:n2er 3. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #:CC>(. I S b O 'ST. LUCIE COUNTY CERT. #: n "gyp G (p I ' cl - BUSINESS NAME: (rAer CanSf(-uCV1otj QUALIFIERS NAME: (,t to k ADDRESS: 31C)o Uk Vt S v�i kSU o ke 306 CITY: Sebf - n STATE: L 9(0(o - K7 98 ZIP: 331?0 PHONE (DAYTIME): FAX: - 51 4. OWNER/BUILDER INF RMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: FAX: 5. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: - NAME: (Loper 3+n see., lAr-� . tec-+ Al Gac5 ul o S�V-UJurC„` �n�i.11 zer ADDRESS: %0 C1e lest Su, C Z60C^ CITY: STATE: Ff. ZIP: 33'-(o{ * PHONE (DAYTIME): 5(ef - 935 q70 7 FAX: 933 - 7o5 SLCCC: 9/23/09 Revised 04/26/2010 Marmer Construction Inc. 3200 US Hwy 27 S, Ste 305 Sebring FL 33870 k"� r 863-314-9851 License: CGC1516900 Notes To: St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce FL 34982 Prepared By: Item Quantity Description Transmittal Date: 12-09-2011 Project: 20110018 Indian River Drive 3415 South Indian River Drive Fort Pierce FL 34982 1 2 Letter giving builder two options to correct 2 2 Letter detailing locations for Option 2 3 2 Plan Detail for Option 2 4 2 Concrete Testing results Mr. Johnson, The first letter from the engineer that is enclosed was his original letter to the previous builder giving him two options to correct the concrete defeciency. They have chosen to go with Option #2 so the second letter and the plan detail is for the Option #2 correction. I have attached a card with my contact information, should you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to call me. Thank you. .Wy i } ,y 4 t ek ,() 7 - 0®0 ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR CO P ANCE REVIEWED BY DATE I I/ h(v J, PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE Please sign and date this form as proof that you are in receipt of the above listed items. Return form to Marmer Construction Inc. Signed: Date: a ALBERT A. GARGIULO P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER License NQ PE .32582 A r• Dear Mr. Pantuso, :324 Sunset Rd. West Palm Beach, FL. 33401 Phone: (561) $86-5554 Fax: (661) 6884646 Email: AAGARGIULO@AOL.COM The concrete foundation that was recently constructed for the new residence at 3415 S. Indian River Drive has failed to reach the required compressive design strength based on the testing,reports (see attached) provided by the following engineers: • A.M. Engineering & Testing, Inc. — Project No. 1328 Report No's 46 & 47 • Ardaman & Associates, Inc. —File No. 11-5468 Based on these test reports and the structural design requirements I have fisted two options for resolving this construction problem. Either of these options shall be performedat no additional cost to the owner. Foundation Recommendation Options: Existing Stemwall Locations: 1. Remove all concrete footings, stemwall, reinforcing, underground plumbing where required, etc. and construct a new spread footing and stemwall structure as shown on the current permitted structural drawings. 2. Sawcut existing stemwall and vertical reinforcement as required to provide a new 4" slab with 16" deep x 32" wide monolithic concrete footing. The new monolithic footing shall poured directly over the abandoned existing stemwall and, compacted fill. See attached detail for reinforcing. Sincerely, rr 4 Fr x Qrl6ert P.E. /.. i•. FL. License No. PE 32 ALBERT A. GARGIULO, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER License N4 PE 32582 UU i �gg t� k Dear Mr. Pantuso, 324 Sunset Rd. West Palm Beach, FL. 33401 Phone: ' (561) 686-5654 Fax: (561) 688-6546 Email: AAGARGIULO@AQL.COM The proposed monolithic footing design that was submitted on November 8`h, 2011 as resolution to the existing unacceptable low strength concrete footings shall be installed at the following locations. All existing stemwall locations directly under bearing walls. All existing stemwall locations at exterior porches. All existing exterior column locations. A new monolithic footing shall also be installed over all existing unacceptable low strength concrete interior pad footings. The monolithic footing over the interior pad footing shall be poured down to the top of the existing footings at a width equal to the existing footing. Steel reinforcement shall be as scheduled on the existing permit drawings. The 6 mil vapor barrier shown on the permit drawings shall also be installed under all new slab pours and shall be continuous over all existing interior pad footings. erg r } } A� x <" v REM I 4 8" CONC. BKOCK 9 GAUGE LADDER TYPE GALV. IST FLOOR WALL REINF. #5 ® 48" O.C. MAX AND AT ALL CORNERS AND OPENINGS V SI�°, Y !' J o o z° 0 r HORIZONTAL RE I NF. c� o EVERY OTHER COURSE 48 BAR PIA. LAP o � ° m ADV. GRADE #5 VERTICAL WITH BOTTOM y2" BLOCK RECESS HOOK @ 48" O.C. .- (1) #5 CONTINUOUS - TOP #4 TRANSFER BARS @ 16" ,0 SAWCUT EXISTING STEMWALL AND VERTICAL 2'-0" O.C. REINFORCING " o 0'-0—Q � Ld 0 ° X x w > ° ° LL Q Q w o a ° ° I ° ° \//\\// P.LP. MONOLITHIC CONCRETE o LLI ~ Ld m co a o �" 2 w I 1 �-0), ° a Q. //\\/ \\/\\ \\/\\ // // // \/ //\// FOOTING W/ WWF 6X6 W 1.4XW 1.4 - MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,000 PSI AND �, Ld >' Q o- >n �.� o o `I _ ° / / /\\/\\/\\/\\ \\ \/\\ \ \\/\\ WATER CEMENT RAt10 = 0.6 / �" X � I�YL /\//\//\//\// //\//\ \// 0 w a M \//% //% \\ \ \%\\ MAX. MAX. z ►LL _ o w w o o m a \\\\\\ l� \\%\\/\\% \//\ (3)#5 CONT.- PROVIDE 3" MIN. COVERAGE ZLi_ z p O 1� OLL- U) L ° T.O. SPREAD FTC. Q z - _ I ° #5 @ 12" O.C. BOT. PROVIDE J1 uj : wo w u- ° a 3" MIN. COVERAGE r- >, W TREATED COMPACTED FILL z J ~ XiSfi G FOOTING PORTION OF EXISTING '-" ?:. MAIN STEMWALL TO REMAIN Q U . NEW M0N0oUTHK4� E0o 00TNG 1 SCALE 3/4' -19-09 I Ia mm d. s M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. t590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE d r PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 ;o (772) 924-3575 OFFICE - (772) 924-3580 FAx COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE CYLINDERS ASTM C31, C39,C 172, C 511, C 617 and C 1231 Client: Malasky Homes, Inc. Date of report: 10/10/2011 1300 N. Florida Mango Boulevard, Suite 15 Project No.: 1328 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Order No.: 11-00621 Report No.:. 46 Contractor: Client Project: 3415 S. Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce Mix design strength: 3000 psi @ 28 days Supplier: Maschmeyer MIX Required strength: 3000 psi @ 28 days Mix no.: DATA Additive: ---- Date sampled: 09/26/11 Set no.: 1 of 2 Time sampled: 8:10 am No. of cylinders cast: 4 Sampled by: JC Truck number: 177 FIELD Slump: 7'/Z in (ASTM C 143) Ticket number: 830126 DATA Air content: ---- (ASTM C 173, C 231) Time batched: 7:07 am Concrete temperature: 88°F (ASTM C 1064) Quantity on truck: 10 cu yd Ambient temperature: 87°F Water added @ site: 0 gal Weather conditions: Cloudy Location of placement: Footings, Southeast Corner Test Age Dia- Area Max Compressive Frac- Date (day) ( Y) meter (in) in (sq ) Load (lb) Strength (psi) tore Type Pq A 0/3/2011 7 4.04 12.82 18,370 1,430 3 1 /10/2011 14 4.05 12.88 23,400 1,820 3 Type I Typez TEST I RESULTS 1 /24/2011 /21/2011 28 56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 Type 3 Type 4 **Low day break** **Low 4 day break** 1 REMARKS Type 5 Type 6 Distribution: Malasky Homes, Inc. (3) Reviewed by: A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc. I C"py Donald W. Moler, P.E. LU E Florida Registration No. 60675 t, lz r t t Ci t ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE PORT Sr. LUCIE, FLoRiDA 34986 (772) 924-3575 OFFICE - (772) 924-3590 FAX COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE CYLINDERS ASTM C31, C39,C 172, C 511, C 617 and C 1231 Client: Malasky Homes, Inc. Date of report: 10/10/2011 1300 N. Florida Mango Boulevard, Suite 15 Project No.: 1328 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Order No.: 11-00621 Report No.: 47 Contractor: Client Project: 3415 S. Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce Mix design strength: 3000 psi @ 28 days Supplier: Maschmeyer MIX Required strength: 3000 psi @ 28 days Mix no.: ---- DATA Additive: ---- Date sampled: 09/26/11 Set no.: 2 of 2 Time sampled: 9:20 am No. of cylinders cast: 4 Sampled by: JC Truck number: 179 FIELD Slump: 4%Z in (ASTM C 143) Ticket number: 830131 DATA Air content: ---- (ASTM C 173, C 231) Time batched: Concrete temperature: 87°F (ASTM C 1064) Quantity on truck: 10 cu yd Ambient temperature: 870F Water added @ site: 0 gal Weather conditions: Cloudy Location of placement: Footings, Northwest Corner Test Age Dia- Area Max Compressive Frac- Date (day) meter (►n) (sq in) Load (lb) Strength (Psi) ture Type 0/3/2011 7 4.04 12.82 22,610 1,760 5 1 /10/2011 14 4.04 12.82 27,170 2,120 Type] Type z TEST 1 RESULTS 1 /24/2011 /21/2011 28 56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 Type 3 U Type 4 rl **Low 7 day break** REMARKS 11 Type 5 Type 6 Distribution: Malasky Homes, Inc. (3) Reviewed by: A. M. Engineering and Testing, Inc. • Donald W. Moler, P.E. c� 1 Florida Registration No. 60675 . ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE PORT ST. LUc1E, FLORIDA 34986 (772) 924-3575 OFFICE - (772) 924-3580 FAX COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE CYLINDERS ASTM C31, C39,C 172, C 511, C 617 and C 1231 Client: Malasky Homes, Inc. Date of report: 10/27/2011 1300 N. Florida Mango Boulevard, Suite 15 Project No.: 1328 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Order No.: I1-00621 Report No.: 46 Contractor: Client Project: 3415 S. Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce MIX Mix design strength: 3000 psi @ 28 days Supplier: Maschmeyer Required strength: 3000 psi @ 28 days Mix no.: ---- DATA Additive: ---- Date sampled: 09/26/11 Set no.: 1 of 2 Time sampled: 8:10 am No. of cylinders cast: 4 Sampled by: JC Truck number: 177 FIELD Slump: 7%3 in (ASTM C 143) Ticket nttmber: 830126 DATA Air content: ---- (ASTM C 173, C 231) Time batched: 7:07 am Concrete temperature: 88°F (ASTM C 1064) Quantity on truck: 10 cu yd Ambient temperature: 870F Water added @ site: 0 gal Weather conditions: Cloudy Location of placement: Footings, Southeast Corner 1; Dia- I Max Compressive Frac- Date (day) meter (sgrn) Load Strength tune .— (in) (lb) - (psi) Type 0/3/2011 7 4.04 12.82 18,370 1,430 ! 3 Type I Type 2 1 /10/2011 14 4.05 12.88 23,400 1,820 3 TEST 1�124/2011 I 28 I 4.04 12.82' 26,340 2,050 3 I�RE, L LTS 11"/2vl i �6 I �.0^v ^v.00 0 0 I I ! T•7c, Type "*Low 1 day break** ** Low 14 day break** REMARKS "Low 28 day break** Type 5 Type 6 Distribution: Malasky Homes, Inc. (3) Reviewed by: A. M. Engmeeri ag awl 'Testing, Inc. /Ili d W. M7er, P.E. Florida' egistration No. 6067-51 A.M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. 3 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE PORT ST. LucIE, F[ARIDA 34986 (772) 924-3575 OFFICE - (772) 924-3580 FAX e �9 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE CYLINDERS ASTM C 31, C 39, C 172, C 511, C 617 and C 1231 Client: Malasky Homes, Inc. Date of report: 10/27/2011 1300 N. Florida Mango Boulevard, Suite 15 ProjectNo.: 1328 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Order No.: 11-00621 Report No.: 47 Contractor: Client Project: 3415 S. Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce Mix design strength: 3000 psi @ 28 days Supplier: Maschmeyer MIX Required strength: 3000 psi @ 28 days Mix no.: ---- DATA Additive: ---- Date sampled: 09/26/11 Set no.: 2 of 2 Time sampled: 9:20 am No. of cylinders cast: 4 Sampled by: 3C Truck number: 179 FIELD i Slump: 4'/z in (ASTM C 143) Ticket number: 830131 DATA 1 I Air content: ---- (ASTM C 173, C 231) Time batched: Concrete temperature: 87°F (ASTM C 1064) Quantity on truck: 10 cu yd Ambient temperature: 870F Water added @ site: 0 gal Weather conditions: Cloudy Location of placement: Footings, Northwest Corner Test Age Dia- Area Max Compressive Frac- Date (day) (_ meter (in) ( s 9 in) Load (lb) Strength (psi) tore Type VN �/ _•_ 5 I 1 10/2011 14 4.041 12.82 27,170 2,120 Type I Type 2 T TES` `1t�/24/2011 RE'S LTS 1 /21/2011 28 So' 4.051 0.00 12.881 0.00 I 30,380 0 1 2,360 0 3 j I L ll(•ry l a 33 Type 1 **Low 7 day break** `� **Low 28 day break** ` "MARKS —I l� L�i Type 5 Type E ' Distribution: �1als(�y 'C L";f Reviewed by: A. M. Engineering and Testing, Ine. ��/� 2 7 ll .Do lrta d W. Moler P.E. ( ' Florida Registration No. 6016753 F 6 , DAMAN & ASSOCIATESINC. ,s k we, 60 NW CONCOURSE PLACE, UNIT 1 9 PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 (772) 878-0072, FAX (772) $78-0097 C6yf S VE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE CORES PROJECT NAME: Pantuso Residence PROJECT LOCATION: 3415 South Indian River Drive, St. Lucie County, FL PROJECT CLIENT: Mr. George Pantuso REPORT DATE: 11/1/2011 FILE NUMBER: 11-5468 DATE CORED: 10/27/2011 CORE ID 1 2 3 4 5 ITEM CORED Footing Footing Footing Footing Footing AVERAGE CORE LENGTH (in) 9.14 8.19 8.84 8.00 11.17 NOMINAL MAX. SIZE OF AGGREGATE (in) 1 1 1 1 1 REINFORCEMENT STEEL YES I r-N0-1 YES I NO YES 1 NO YES ! r-N-51 YES 1 NO CORE PREPARATION WET 1 E0 WET 1 DRY WET ! DRY WET / DRY WET ! DRY TIME FROM CORING TO BREAKING (days) 5 5 5 5 5 DATE TESTED 11/112011 1111 /2011 1111 /2011 1111 /2011 11/112011 AVERAGE PREPARED LENGTH (in) 7.09 7.09 6.94 6.87 6.69 AVERAGE CAPPED LENGTH (in) 7.33 7.35 7.25 7.17 7.03 AVERAGE CORE DIAMETER (in) 3.67 3.68 3.67 3.66 3.55 CROSS -SECTIONAL AREA (In) 10.58 10.64 10.58 10.52 10.46 TOTAL APPLIED LOAD (lbs) 23,230 36,200 18,450 31,870 23,610 DIRECTION OF APPLIED LOAD WITH RESPECT TO HORIZONTAL PLANEPerpendicular OF CONCRETEAS PLACED p dicular Perpendicular Perpendicular Perpendicular Perpendicular TEST STRENGTH (psi) 2,200 3,400 1,740 3,030 2,260 LID COEFFICIENT 2.00 2.00 1.98 1.96 1.93 LID CORRECTION FACTOR 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 CORRECTED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 2,200 3,400 1,740 3,030 2,260 TYPE OF FRACTURE 2 2 3 2 2 REMARKS: CONCRETE CORES WERE PREPARED AND TESTED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-42, C-617 and C-39. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF CORES: 1 Southeast Entrance Column Footing 2 Southeast Stem Wall Footing 3 West Stem Wall Footing 4 - North Interior Stem Wall Footing 5 - Garage - Southern Stem Wall Footing . TYPE 1 FILE CUALPY H 9 TYPE 2 FRACTURE TYPES 1 E P P TYPE 3 TYPE 4 TYPE 5 TYPE 6 ARDAMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 5950 Oyllolysyncd by DwJ. Zdlak, P,E. Dan J. Zrallack, P.E. kd•, �;�;,;:C•VS. �a Os10: 2011.11.01 15.49:19.04W By= Dan J. Zrallack, P. E. Florida License No.: 63911 AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS AND AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OUR REPORTS 1S RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL