HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPfituAding and Code Regulation Division Commerdal, Residentla V--. 13,00 Virg1h, ia,Aveauei. Forr;�Pfercelt 34981 Phone-., (772) 462-1553 Fax (772)'4621-15,78 CBDG Funding PERMITAPPLICATION FOR., R R,�OF Will "AN ROM 00R$ D R/B I WINDOW,,':& 4 D—OMRSIO. PACT. IME! !U, offidav Itrequlreal New Electrical:Electrical:Meter ,"Second Electrical Meter: Additional work, tobe: perkefried.' 'd tits 'it k,, 0 t under permi. --cl e a that apply. Name; WUGHESOREN. NamTERKA _Adc#ress 4020: 'U .AN DR Comparty- ALL 20NSTRVOTQN IMPROVE MENT' City, LLIAMSVILLE Mate: NY '. Address .744PERUNKLE ST zlpcbdew 14221 _City. -9996 RATON state,,* FL Phone: No. $6.141,64116 E- tip Code, _33480 a mail',toormitm mtr@-01-Com Phone N&Jfij,-36&0�,4� FBI Infee$ImeTOHoldtOt hetpage(Jf different: EW111UW _qraaQj,CoMoWQ#: 60.to Ove-.0whot ifstectAbovo) State , OtUunity License COC fj491 lf'value of construction Is.2500,ormore,r,a RK0ROE Notice of Commencemenflt:requiredi iff VaItte o.f'HAV.C, more, a REC- OWED Notice, of Commencement is required. p, 4 Moil I '!x g k" K­ k;_ A. A00kabI6 AO Addre $tow 0, a zjQn_ w 'ph Z" "ONG COMPAk* —Not ApOlkable A 4W AVATA' A msw, '* A PlIcationis;,hereby Made to,*alrf a .erMit-to d1o.the work,'and OWNIM/ CONTRACTOR. ,AFFIDVIT installation as indicated. I certify, that no, work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance, of a ptlrmita St.. :LucitCountymake.s n..d rep.riesontAtionthatis I antin 'aCiperm-ist. will authorize "1heI permithol der to,build,the wbfoct structure, which 4conflicts,witb:aniappI ,i leHomeownerst0u et bAaw or andcdvonantsthatrestrictmay or prohibit such structure. Pleasecor itwithyDurHomeownersAssbcidtioand review -your deed for ny restrictions which may apply:. 10eonsideratton Of th' no ofthis requested. ' I'd ,o"re yYee that will inall e'e $per PO.0 `in accord r� riuiti� the a.prove'd pansthe FloridaF[qr10a'$0!jjngCqe p�StLuc" C Amendrne its,:; The following builtilndpermit polic t'onsare a pt,ftoffi Ud'rg6 og a fullanc urrencyr_vieW rooffi",A4d. 1 hs r non accessorywstrudtures; Sw. MM ; _ 'i 1 ing.pools fences,walls signs, s.cree.n.:..00MS"":and;:accessoiy,. uses; to. another -reMd.4ntial use WARNINGTO OWN.Egli. Your Jaifut* to RecOtdA Notice- dftdin 1 mieh it Ipaying" t 0 for O0' i000 May resu.. in wl; m-,,p-rovemetnts.to,your property. A.Nonce ;ofcohmenge i t be recorded in, the public -records _ fit. LUunY: post on the WOMthftrst"Anspecid you t0 obtainfjNan-cIng col%t' with len'der.or an,:Ott.omey,.before,.comme�n-'cing work or rec0ding. YQur Notice. of Commefte tc N 4A A. (signature oflN or t Fl. . ida) n 0 Commission No,. 3—M (Seal lf IG Ilk 10Pff" KA(HRY N ANN KING S. G 317660 �G 'j 3 my Com-ml,13SID"" 4- G &2023 S py� u, 11c REVIEWS' FRONT ZONING SI PERM$0R, PUNS V EG TATIQN :'S-A .0'.R MAN.GROV COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW: REVIEW. - GATE RECEIVED