HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOTICE OF RESURFACING OF PUBLIC SWINGPOOLt)ate: Reef Received pr- DOH Operatitl ro STATE 0, F F LOR I DA ... . ... ... .. DEPARTMENT -OF:HSALTH NOTICE, O.F;',PgSt)PFACING:OF:PU.BL,.IC SV ProiectlFecllity Name..SUNiyllrR'PALMS,RESORT ..... ..... ........ Address of Pool... .8800,0KEECHOBEE RD 8. Lo�%"&� -So uN:N:dl I owner Name.SUNWER- PALMS MEMPEA MrailinawAddress: UOODKEECH.013E8ifkb.City FT l ­ 5. PublioPool Resurfacing :13 !!ding: Code :C.o.mpllance:Check List;: ERCE zipc. 34945 ALMS a7C-11;,:772-4.68-85l 2 _ Stater rL zip.-:+':34945 ........... eveled to:4 + I . thl . lntandAhe:d.b.Wnw4rd: Qip of:the: gqtbor h 1.0h, r.0 [.h MA mm) between the . h! 601:00 lowest.po d' 61pallefromithe ji0r.-th the: drain Must te:maintained: ongjnay osiijed+ 4 or pripased, riot to exceed. 08W.' construcfidn;steihdO+rd'.5,.tFlorida Sulldlngcodo-(�B.c . ).4ec (Florida ....... . .. . Tile installed parrm + �rn 494. Wheil ­ ­ _ptkingpi tallaid -d1tedon"454 markOds.i. ar t V W'ShO a ,jpaj�ltjod byvW4 to Oprk the:: arm. a S... :,a Munsell oolor va Ve: ronzeW to four. be :slip resistant too, must be. installed m to requirements wb6rom applicable, the slood break.rinairking of Section oeti g . t . Iii .. ne- , installed 2 feet' (61 Q mml before F .101 .3) 45461.2.2.3 and a Y ++---+ the arking. SO-454A. .. .... . . ... .. : installed lh.accardahOO W! h: $OOWA 454J... . Depth, frarkem and NO:DIV.ING* ffiolikOlml .....(F]30.454. .14, The pool ladder must hava: a;3 to 64nch -0A tdA,62'MM')l cloarrance: ' m'the poor we w.criq stibrac*ed' ladder(s phal.belnstalle4 ltplace ladddr(t)In conformonce :with Sectibn 4F13C 454. T. NOl0.-Ensure l nghas.been Floridajor1cfwpuildingi Code 454.:lA0A2'Eq oten 1bondi : lbspected.4000000 byjurisdictional building :.author ,: . . ... ..... Should tesotf a c I nq wo*$ afte r# the : step. riser heights; no riser S..h. Olt exceed :12 1 &Ns (M.: M.. O)l.b.r. po pls and .for spas, and the: intermediate..tisers shalt: be'made uniform jF C:454AAOi-j0):N.OT the fit inch allow filprpool step ftarA§ a code mo . 06 Vonffip Building :Co mm" isslooteas :approved for the 2020. Iffiedition. 5BCravislon, d: and p i�-btdcedwladd ' or Step treads: that- pr*Udo.lroMJ..h.. e. vp a. ol. w.a.IPsh6ll:bd:t OVO. 0... M.W000dwit4awbis.. Or reconstructed lorneet thwnequiremen 454.12 lor,4 2 5 2 (FBG 454.1,40 1.47)' Errscrre Florida prtrtdirtg Code 454 �.'f t? 42 Equlpr�teo#ral bon�ing fi s been inspected grid verifieit by Us ofSectim .&lor .... ... ... jurlsdret anal wilding puthpr4. OH Resurfacing Wifidaffon Fom, 1213012D10,.:.Rt,il(3,64E;9i00I. F..A.C;:. page I b(2* py E�_7, e 6. Note Florida' -t. wilona Code sedtldft,464,1...,4 Color. Fool floors and WOO. . : arid'.shallbaw): the, charaptOddlObf reflecting rather than absbr.bin.019h..t 7 . w; W . I �shall . . .. be I comprised oF6 noopowtod: white cemon - der con titjou�:: -bin. e component, The: finish. coating #hOjj have a.dry lightness level (CIEL value redeciahpovaluai(CIE YValue),of $Ojo:cir.grepler, as.deteM.in6d:byPest n dtilizingloosog.methodology :IiOM,American Stend6rd:A STM-04006,* ASTI constructed otfiberglass, thorMOPMSO&�or;stpinoss steel shall boo, ct 0- requiremen. 't :pool mie jIpr-,FInI&h:CaIbr Selection (Odhfor yp f , ow line below) WHITEWTH SMALL BLUE 9P-FCS RoWement Ttle. CoW Selection (print :or:type on - wills .b.6.160! STEP TILES & BELLY BAND. NO S ID ONIALOLUE; .... ... ............ son* or other ant . P on trapm en t`4 'a' F40 0 Note.. if suaid;q - 668 - 6t draincovers,: .with... completed W41,57.1omonder.s.514XIT Florida:atut'6s: lUote-If deck alteradoh$ OM In the scope Of'wOtk,:the i.w8.t.d.ec.k.'Must:beM current Boma Building: CodOADA requirements. R , 8 - ARKS.:... WEARE ALSO) tNSTAtLING THIN PAVERS I -I CONCRETE DECK &.DSCO DRAIN. .. . . . . . . . . CERVICAT IPN:OF:OWNER The undersigned owner, Qr-OWPWrOPresentative,.hOre,oy.,:?grgips:to.oper.ate accordance with tht.40*0meht Florida Statutes, and Administrative: Code: kFA.C.: and:mO101h. the; original o . r . the: resurfaced cons 0 j! ng cod n-454.1that.Is approved: 0r aCc department, he undersigned OWI!er:;.o.rq.Wnp,r.p:re.presentative, furt.Ker'oPrp d rtfta F DA 4.1.10. w h enun. e—akkn,fftbeiresuffac1hgotoi Name: (PrIht or pH:Resu6c7jng.*W6McaOoa Form., 121301201.9;:Rule 64E-9001. FAC. Page I -dr. 1 tall be . .. in color 3Ih coating floors and ionentI6OthetWth0 -scindlaggregBte 'reaiierw pndp: wet luminous: Lilts provided by the Manqfficturer, E.14-77, ASTME-11476' Pools v. th&::Same intet.7 . r (sh color are replaced, PrOV140: DOH: OroVed or. meet t posit desCt(becl:inthis.:notiflcation:in: OW 64E-R Of the: Florida Lio,ij camp fi , w! Rant 01heFlodda a 'd.by-theJudsdictIona 1 boilding, comply withAhO Mqu Irements:of1he ............... ... the FAC . :and the FBC. STATE: OFTLORID '09PARTIVIENTOF HEAL Vn rjo,nCF_ 0FRESURFACING 6FPUBLIC:SV 0 io Fabilitv Name:. 170) Address of Pooi 813OQ OKE . EC. H . OBEE RD 2'. Owner Names: MailingAid Use Only POOL County LUCIE: Zip: 34945. -_W-m 772-468.8, 512 3. $gildlng Depart.Namer. -SANT LUUlt:-.(.;oUUN.1r FT PIE 15­1­1'-Statil�nAzipi VIRGINIAAVE... I RG Wdresw �23.: 0* 0 Phone: 4: 06fitiaft Name:,.. FAMILYPOOL8 INCI.-w- cpC,+#..: 1456929. hone::(772 878w.8452 . .... E.Mall FAMILY POOLSIN.0 0K.-COM w. .5. Pubtiol P001 ResUrfacing., Building iCode Compliance QbOC* List;:.......... the t: v+ aria the downward Lipbf. th6igutwe I d to Within. 1 A Inch (6.4 thth) bowtoon hfolies and :0n ned.0"r 'in slope from the lip to. 1 5 maintained �jo e thee: Main ked ly d &.6ased.. not xc .. eedinew construction. standards. (Flbrida Building CadiF:0 ) section 454.1 101:1.): Tile step ma. ings:installed PerrO4UIrements of Section 464.1,2 :(F.SC 464.1.16 WS 0011M ?-a:A4ufi-S#11:c0* value tom zero to MarW11gs.are �speclfied by code fa be dark, the term "da.... h.. e I f6jjr.: Must be slip : resistaritko. :.Where,applicableV. the. slope brek m..arki.n- :mus...t.. b..6 ifist0edd : meet] arecpirem S� of r on 4.54,12;2r9o2 Ind a safety line installed 24661010 MMlbdore the arking. (FSQ464i1.1 G.4 4.54,1.2_&�PB.Q.50�10: Deptbmae.kiceivinsiWIled in :accordance min Section ors -a.hd.NO DIVING -Mar race L. N...ewcross.-b'*.'d [adder(s) d -454, �2,51 er(s)8h.01.1.09. (F00041110 1 .5) JVbk:En.§um. Pjorlda.Suild/jTg 4�41. 10.A2Eqd1p660Atie bondhwhosbeen inWap'too and :verified 0yjudsftV0oaf b V:: authority. Should rwirfacingwor.ft affect lh e* step: r1serbolg0tsi no risershalf: on 00.0 12 ruches (306 mm) -T& 00,6hs: 16) NOTE-. th.61244ch-. andfor-sDas.. and-thO 'all 'bW-Mad'a-vi*6 (it 50 454, allowande tot', h8S,:aPPfvv9d:fbrfh# 2f120: FBC.::r.ev1W0n,.1* edition, -Stop: treads :ihat-;i)ro.tr.ud6.-from :.the.:0.6.6 . 1. W-11 . I .shall be removed and 'OpliacbdWith cross braced ladder or reconstructed to Meet therequirdilbbrits.d.f. Sootibn 547) )Date: Ensure :.Florida :.Biiifding..:Codo. 4544­.104* 21: E­404P0*tjW-handin11; he# o inspected and v&Oed by jud?sdfatlonal bkResuffachg N66fitaUon:.Fprrn,:1.2/30i2019*.: 130e 64E.9.601 ..:'FAC. Page 1 of 2: BuIlding i.2 Codb. Sectioh. 454': j. 4.:0o*::PpOIWbors:and wallb j ' and 4haffhave. the:.0hamoteastic of r6r.I.M.Ong theahan absorbing. #Ofit.: T i wallied whitewmentifibus: binder do#. sishall be h'bhpgM#I7__ .,component. The Finish coating, thWlli: havo:O. dry .110.t.n.e.ss4evet (CIE L. Vaw rofiectancevetue.t(CIE'Yvalue) :.of utilrzrng p4ting methodologyfibm Aritencarr -TA .... .. .. AMD4.086,,AS constructed Of.1,70prplasg, IherM ':pr b '0 shall e. sw0cf Pool k7f6rt0rP!nish::C.oIbr SO/ection. (print TbtI*type .w dire !beI.dw): WH";WITH SMALL BLUE AGGREGATE SPECS ReOf ement Tile Color Seldction (p". w:typo .oin litre below):. STEIN TILES &MLY SAND NON SKID OOLONIAL 13LUS Note. �4t.$0Ow:duU.6t:drain covers,, sumps arother ant, -~Ontsafe Y with ootrtpietod D1,444.157form onder.s. 5KO315,. Florida $(Otutea= 1Vote:. if rleckalterativti are mile scope of work, the:wet deck rni must ... 'b 0 current'Horlde BuIlding COO.A.D.A requirements. REMARKS' WE ARE ALSO MaTALLINGLTHIN PAVER.t-ftla .CONCRETE :..DECK :&-..t)P-CO,'DkA'lNi ........ . . .. .... .. . ....... . . .. .... . ...... . . .......... .................... ..... ....... . .. ........ . URTMICATIOMOF OWNER The :undersigned :ownt.,.orowner's representative, hereby. OgreO$:tOO.P9we# :accoed6iic'e,:w'!,th:the :-:(,eOUk#m.t,ni5ofChapter 514-of original or. the -resuffated.t' AM! Administrative todd (PA.C.'I and: m.al Irital.n. tho i.i.o.n.4.54a.tha.t:lt:appeovigd:.*o'.t::a,.*teI department. The undersig6od.o.wher*..or..(jwnee�s r6presentative, further. agrees. Fgcthapter.4Sectioe 454.1.10.,IWh�n.uiid�ett)igth6re�Urfacl.09project her Name, THiS:$ECTIQN'FO)t OQHVS E -W I O.N.L. 6H Resurfadrig:Miftabri Form, I2I3Q/.2a19j:RuIe: 04E0.001, FAQ: Page 2:01 . W,patt . W in :color coating floma4gy 060n . t together 6gother with a sandl6gOr" qg6ta orgreater and :a wet ltirriirrvtrs lilts provided by ffie:manufacturer, #14t,'OT V9100 Pools . the same. jnWafio.r. ftn.j;h.:coIor are replaced~_ provideDOH appm"O.OrMeet. pool described: in this: notification 10 Ater W-96fthe Florida: bythojt r1s,palonal building iu " & k cqM'pjVwith the r6cloirements,of. the praWslons of the V,A-Carwd ftTQP-,S Date 454.1.10.1 Modifications. Modifications include nonequivalent changes or additions to the recirculation system, treatment equipment, physical structure or appurtenances. Replacement of the pool or spa shell is considered to be construction of a new facility and shall be processed as such. The installation of new decking is not considered a modification if it is installed in conformance with Section 454.1.3.1, and deck markings are upgraded in accordance with Section 454.1.2.3. Resurfacing the pool interior to original nontoxic, slip -resistant and smooth specifications or equivalent replacement of equipment are not considered modifications. However, the following items shall be addressed during resurfacing projects: 454. The lip of the gutter must be leveled to within 114 inch (6.4 mm) between the highest and lowest point and the downward slope from the lip to the drain must be maintained as originally designed or increased, but shall not exceed new construction standards. 454.1,10.1.2 Tile step markings must be installed meeting the requirements of Section 454. 454. Where applicable the slope break marking must be installed meeting the requirements of Section 454. and safety line must be installed 2 feet (610 mm) before the marking. 454. Depth markers and NO DIVING markers must be installed in accordance with Section 454.1.2.3. 454. The pool ladder must have a 3 to 6 inch (76 to 152 mm) clearance from the pool wall. New crossbraced ladder(s) shall be installed in place of non cross -braced ladder(s) in conformance with Section 454. during a pool resurfacing. 454. Should resurfacing works affect the step riser heights, no riser shall exceed 12 inches (305 mm) and the intermediate risers shall be made uniform. 454. Recessed treads that protrude from the pool wall shall be removed and replaced with a cross -braced ladder or reconstructed to meet the requirements of Section 454. hitps://www.floridabuilding_org/Upload(Modifications/Mod 7070 TextOlModification.pdf PREP & PLASTER POOL - BLUESTONE OR EQUIVALENT EXPOSED AGGREGATE SURFACE PREP & PLASTER GUTTERS REPLACE (2) #5 6"X6" BULLNOSE & UP TO (10) TOTAL COLONIAL BLUE CUSTOMER SUPPLIED 6"X6" BULLNOSE TILE (IF FAMILY POOLS NEED TO SUPPLY THE COLONIAL BLUE TILE THERE WILL BE A COLOR VARIATION DUE TO EXISTING TILE OUTDOOR EXPOSURE AND DYE LOT FLUCTUATIONS) REPLACE 12 GUTTER GRATES REPLACE (1) 12"X12" MAIN DRAIN F&G VGBA COMPLIANT REPLACE EXITING BELLY BAND TILE 28 LN FT 1"X1" OR 2"X2" UNGLAZED BLUE AT 2" WIDE REPLACE 75 LN FT POOL & SPA COMBINED 2"X6" NON SKID STEP TILE COLONIAL BLUE PREP & PLASTER SPA - BLUESTONE OR EQUIVALENT EXPOSED AGGREGATE SURFACE SURFACE REGROUT TOP BEAM TILES SUPPLY & INSTALL 4000 SQ FT OF RENO SIZE 1" DESERT SANDSTONE CASTLESCAPE PAVERS SUPPLY & INSTALL 120 LN FT DECO DRAIN TAN COLOR . REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BACC Sunnier Palms Resort 8800 Okeechobee Rd Ft Pierce, FL 34945 304-281-5115 120 Ln Ft Pool 36 Ft Rectangle Spa Existing Concrete Deck 1-866-294-4011