HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED 2020 Self Adhered Metal UL product approvalCCVUijFr,=T34� as usirteis & Professional Regulation F Krq Fkrne Ltg In Lkw ReglsVatlan Hpt TgpK;s Subr.--iL sulinh Lrge 9Wts & FbGS r ocj-o Product AMr-DvalWHR: R,blic user p,odua Amoy Menu t FnadurL RLdM 1Z!7 or Sea-:y :3. amou4:CW0e1 Li 6t :P' APP1kmVon DMUM - Applicatifl n 7w pe Revf lion Collet Vgr$i a n 2 G2 0 Application Status Approved commen is Archived ftogm ens --so--ma us &ITS !SIM map Linli Search Product Manufacturer Soprwar Inc. Canada) Ad d reSs) Phone/Emal1 1640 rut H mq�gartyr DrUrnrnon4vdler NDN-US 00000 (819) 4 7B-240D rn ernathl ell*5oprema.ca Authch-ized 5i 4 mature Marc -Eli enne Mathieu nemathio Lu@soprema,ca T"hnii;el Repre5enLative Marc -Etienne MathEeu A-dd ressOhon of Erna it 1688 level- Bere-h mmins, M icha ud D,rurnrrron�1viller NON -US 00000 (8191 478-240-0 fxt 3-327 mernathieuo5aprema . ca Quality ,aS,L MCR R,epM!GentatiWe Jear<-Francois Coke, Phril). Address/Ph a ne(Emihil 1640 rue Haggarty Drummoniduille (888} B 11-3145 jf mosoprema,ca Categ ury Routing Subc.amgorV Underlayrments Compliance Method Evalu ati on Repo r# from a flpriida Registe red Arch itect or a Licensed Flo rid Prafessi anal Engineer Evaluation Deport - H ardcopk R1,ece iveo Florida Eng1-neer or Ar4;hiteC Name who dVeloped the Robert J_ M. NPeminen Exal uation Report Florida L.tcense PE-591EE Quality Assura nee E mi ty Ul- LLC Quality Assurance contract Explratlon Date 1 2V2023 VaWazzed By John W. Knezevlr-hr PE Vakldatlon Checklist - Hardropy Reraived Curtl+lute of independence FL25G9 11�2 CQI 20�1 01 COI NIEMINEN.,W1 Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) ASTM D 1970 2015 ASTM 04601 2012 ASTM D4798 2011 FM 4474 2011 FR!3A TRI Sixth Edition 2016 TAB 103 2020 U11-1897 2015 Equivalence i)F ProdtFr-L 518rldwds CarLifled By Secti-ans From the Oude Prod u i;t ApprGyal M ethpd Date Submitted Date Va kd ated D.Ate Pending FBC Appriyva I Oate Approved Date Rewised Su rFk nn[y Qf products FL 9 Model, Num6er -or Na rii a Method 1 Opticm D 04(113{2021 04119/2021 04{Z{f2021 06108/2021 07f29/2021 Description Sopre ma RoDf lUncle rlaym a nt5 for Self e d h e'i n g roof underiaym a n#!s use in FOC HVHZ juri5dicti0ns Limits -of USe Installation InStrUr_t1onr, Approved for use in HV H Z: Yas F42 569 R22 I1 2021 04 19 FI RA L ER S0PR E MA HVHZ FL2 569- Approved for use outalde NV HZ: No RzLrwf Impact Resistant: N/A Verlfled Sy; RGhert Nleminen PE-5-91-66 Design Pre -%sure: NIA Created by Independent Third Parlor: Yes Gther: Refer La ER Secti-an 5 for Limits of Use, Evaruation Reports FL2569 R22 AE 2021 04 19 FINAL ECG SOPIPE-MA MV"Z fL258q- i I�f Created by tniftendent Mrd Party; Yes 25 .2 Scprenrla Roaf underPaymnents for S-elf adihering roof undarlayrinent5 use In FSC riDn-FIVHZ j;lrl5diOUn:r;i. L I m Its of Use install ation Instruedons Approued for U" In HVHZ: No t-,5�$,.&22 11 ZQZ1 Q�1-.,1,2 ,FINAL ER SOPREMA NGN- App roved for use outside HVH Z; Yes HVH Z FL2 569-R 2 2 -I Impart Resistant: WA Verified By: Robert F,flemirtenr P-E. PE-59166 De51gn Pressure., +WN-150 Created by Independtrlt Third Party. Yes Other: 1.) Refer to ER Sei;tlon 5 for I;, mit5 cf Use, 2.) Evaluntron Deports The design pressure nnteb+d htri@M pertains Lci FQ569 R2.� AE 2021 04 19 FINAL �R SORREMA NON- underlawment syskems used ibeneattE adhesive -set the 11VHZFL?5f3_5 R22.p,9 Systems. Refer to ER Section 5.13,3 for details_ Created by Independent Thlrd Party: Yes u Qznka[t .a5 :: ?&R) Mair 5eon$ RO@6, TaKaNssee Fl 35,399 Ph¢ce. 85D-487-L824 The5&aLt aF Florida is an A,5}fEG emplbyer. " :_. r it�teri :: AcCC$SIb1S')! StattT:ri :: Reuaa 5taterr.Crrt LJrm16;rfkrirla Law, Vrnfd pdonpWV are j3pl;&; rerrQrpp, Et VqV W oat want year a-rmaill a4EF re*aHj In ►Esp01se to a 1pudic-reor0s request, do not :5epd -eleccranic rYrail to LNm entity_ I.-istead, rontart LhealYim bk pharre ar by tradltJanal rrpll_ it you haw any gVCVI¢n$r RI99% cmtact 850-M7.I H3. IPuri;Liak bDSeMom 453.27511 FlerkM Stmuce5, e%itw& Mob- li, WiL likernsees lici!mo d under Chap4er455, AS- must provide the department with an email adores$ itth" have orb. Tryrq of IIF pnyMcd may Oe. VWO rgrOMIgl CammUNC; 'tea with#hie licensee, I-rohoe4er email acWress tare pijNle reo}h3r Hym do mixwldh w jupply a persarhaill eddress, please prtride [Fie Gepermen` with an email addrea vetkh con he made awarlatslr+ to thrt po-031c. Th dQte—Ine It you are a licensee Linder Chapte+ 455, RS,r please click helL. Fmduct Appro-Ma7 Accepitz: rnrFe uC: a fe NEnna I etc. Ce&fieotr of Authorization W�245� 353 Chri sti an Street, U n it #1a Oxford, CT 0E478 (2031262-9245 ENGINEER EVALUATE TE5T CONSULT REPORTEVALUATSON 50PREMA, Inc. Evaluation Report 3m-S0PC-21-FHCE:R.A 1640 rue Haggerty Drummondville, Quebec a2C 5P$ Canada 1819) 478-240o FL2569-R22 (HVHZ) Date of Issuance: /19/2021 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report Is Issued under Rule 61620-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of constructian materiais In the State of Florida, The cfocurn entation subrin tted has been reviewed by Robert Werniner), P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Build-Ing Code. aad Florida Building Code, Residential Velurne, The products described herein have been evaluated for com piiance with the 7' Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, High Velocity Hurricane Zane sections noted herein, DUCRIPVON: SO PR E M A Roof U rrde rl aym a nts for use i n F BC HV H Z jurisdictio ns LASELINGb Labeling shaII be in accords nce with the requirem-ents the Accredited Quality Assuranc-e Agency noted herein and FBC 1587.1,1. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE, 7hi5 Evaluation Report isvalid untii su h time as the named products) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance or production facility+ Iacatic n(s) cLhanges, or Code prauisionF, that relate to the products) change. Acceptance of ou r Eva I uati o n Rep orts by the n a m ed clie nt co n �,tlt utes agreeme n t to not! fy N E fM 0 ETC, PLC of a ny cha nges to the p ra diet(s)r the Qua lity Msura nce or the produ ct i o n f a ci lity I ocatic ri(s�, N EM Q ETC, L LC req ui re s a co mpl ete rev i ew of i is Eval u at i on Re R o rt reiative to updated Code req ullrernenis with each Coda Cycle. ADVER71SE M ENT: The Florida Product Appraral Number (FL#) preceded by the words "NEryl01 etc. Eva luated+' may be display-ed iii adverti5irtg literature, if any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, there it shall be done in its entirety, INSPEC71ON: Upon request, a copy of this entife Evaluation, Report shall be provided to the user bV the manufacturer or its distri butm end shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 7, Prepared by+. y5,}41511rF1r1,,, 4 lip z flo E r ,. fill err�i rt n,. E. .T �: # The facsim,uc set! apot fiN was authorized by Robert Ni:min4n, P-E. r1afrdo Regrsiratrorr IVY, S9J G-6r FOr;da DCA ANf1983 `�, on 9019}2023. This does k nrye 211 are eterkmaicelly signed ".�w.ry.,,,,,� na d44UrniCnY. CERTIFICATION OF INOEPCNOCNCC : 1, 1IEMV ETC, LLC does not have, nor clues It intend to acquire cir wilI it acquire, a financial iMerest in any company manufacturing or dishy buting products it eva I uates. 2. NEVI 0 ETC, LLC is n of owned, ope rated -or controlled by a my company, rnan ufa-Eturing u r d istri butiei6- PrOdUCt& it eVaivates. 3. Robert Nieminer), P_E. does not have nor will acquire, a financla9 interest in any, company, manufacturing or distributi-ng Products for whk-,h the -evaIuati-on repo:rt�are 1312ing issued, 4, Rabert Niemin-&nr P_E, does n-ot have, nor will acclUlre, a financial ifltere5t i-D arw}r other entity} involved in the approval praue55 of the 0rod vCL 4. ThEs is a h ui Id i ng code ev-a luation- N-eith e r NET ETC, LLC nor Robert N i ern i n are, P_ E. a re, i n a nV waYr the oesigner of Record far any, praj ect on ti is hi-ch thi s Eval uati an F eperk, o r p reviou5 versio ns the reof, i5f was v sod for permitting or design gu i dance url less retaine(i specifi ca I Iyr fo r t h at purpose. V101!� MEMO ETE, LLC ROOFING7 COMPONENT EVALUATION: M 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 f4NEM0 I etc. Product Category: Ben l'i ng Sub -Category, Undulayment Co m phance 5tatemem: SOPRE MA Roof U n Berl aym a nU, a s produce d b V SEEP RE MA, I rrc, � ha ire d e rnonstrate d cc rnplja nce wit h the following sections of the 7 " EdIta on (20201 Florida Building Code, High Velocity Hurricane Zone through testing in accordance with the fDIIowing Standards. Ccrnpliance i5 Subject to the Ir1stalikion Requirpmen ts and Lirnitation s 1 Con-ditions of Use set forth herein, Section Prove Standard Year Tom, 110 Ma teria I standard ASTM 01970 2015 TAS 110 M a terial standard ASTM 04601 2012 TAS 110 m aterW Standard TAS 10a 242C TAS 110 Accelerated Weat Keri ng ASTM D4798 2G11 Entlt Examination Reference Date ER0 (TST6049� TAS 103 (MS) S4351002,14-1-131 02{21?2014 E RU (TST6049) AST M ai 970 (QC) 5A4870.04_ 14 •S 04/02/2014 CR0(TSTf�p4q) ASTM 01970 SOH) 544R70,04.14-1 04/10{1014 -ER0 (TST-6049) ASTM C 1-970 (N45) 544870.Q4.14-4 0411012 Q 14 ERa (TSTi S0491 A5TIVI 01970 (01­1� S40540,10.14 10/31/2014 ERa (TST6049) Ten5iJe Adhesion / tong Term Aging SDPC-SC76 45.02,15 02113/2.015 ERa (TST6049) ASTIVI 04798 SDPC-SUS20.04,14 04/27/2015 N E MO (TST£0491 ASTPO D IS 701 TAS 110 (QQ SC)PC-SC89 70. 08_ 15-111 04/2 512-018 N E MO (T5T6049) Til a Sl i ppa go 45-SOPC-18-002.09.18 0912212018 N E MO (T5T6049) ASTM D4601 (MS) 4q,S0P• 19.5SM BS •01.A W11/2019 N E MO RST6049) ASTIVI D4601 (O 141 4q -SOP- 19.ESMSS -01. B 03/12/2019 NEMIO (TST$049� ASTM D,4798/01-970 (OH & MIS} 45-50PC-18-OD2,95.19.A 0513112019 NEMO (TST6D49p Tensile Adhesion f Long Terra Aging 4p-DOW-19-5SLAP-01,A,R2 02/1012020 NCMO{TST6049) Peel adheslon existing uride rlayments) 4j-SDPC- 19-SS UIDL-04.A 0V12/2020 NE [SIC (TAT 49) Peel a& Psion ( axis k i nS u ride rlaym eats) 4j •SOPC-2H•SS DO L-01.A D110712021 KEM0 (TST60491 ASTIVI 01970 (MSS 4j-50PC-21-55U0L-01.A /19/2021 P RI (T5T5878) ASTM 01970 (M SI SOP-064-02-01 12/0312C13 Frerna, Inc, (PDM3511) Equivalency Denaration SA SMOOTH PLY 40 08/29/201S UL, LLC (QUA952.5) Qu@Iity ControI MLA File No. R16814 12/20/2015 U I,, LLC (QUA9625) Qua I ity Control M LA File No, R27605 05/08/2019 UL, LLC AQUA-9625) QvalityCorntrol ServireC❑rrtirmatiorr 06/29/2020 U L, LLC (QUA9625 � auaiity Control Florida BC IS Currernt PRODucT F Product Material Standard Piant(5� DescrTption LA 5TO-BON D TU HT ASTM D 1970 and I Gulfport, MS self -ad hering, nari-wove n po Iyester fabri c su rfacedr S'RS TAS 103 modif ed b It um a rr roof u nde rlayrn ent Tri-guilt S{A HT TLC ASTM D187D and Gulfport, IAS self-adlieringr non -woven polyest-er fabric surfaced, 585 U nde rlayme nt TAS 102 m Qd ifi ed bitumen roof u n der layment k ASTOBOND Shield ASTIVI 01970 Dra. mmo r1# all e, CSC se If -a dh a ri ng, woven poiyet hylene surfaced, 5Ek5 rn od ifi ed bitumen roof u nd oriayment availaE le i ri two w id# hs; 3 6 a nd 45 inch _ self-"herirlg, woven polyethyrene surfaced, 585 mvdifie-d RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY 40 ASTM 01970 Crurarnoindvill@�, CLQ bitumen roof undqRrl aYmL% t NEM0 ITC, LLC, Evaluation RepGrt 3rn-SOIL[-214$+GE A CexTicureofArithorir. won ip32455 2' EpITION (20201 ESC HVH7 EVALUATION FL25G9-R21 (HVHZ) PREMA �*bf UnderlaYmentS ReMiSh3n ID-- 04jtS/2021 Page 2 -017 4.5 4A 4.7 4,13 4.9 4,10 4.11 4.12 4,13 4,14 4,15 4.16 4,177 4,18 44MEMO I QCC. PRODUCT F Prod u ct M ate rIa I Sta n dard Plant(s) Description LAST050 N D Sh ie Id H T ASTU D1970 Dr u rn mortdvI lie, QC seEt-edhering, wove n po lyrethyle na sa rfaced, high ternpefature, SRS modified bit urn en roof and-erlayrnent LASTOBO ND Pro H T- N ASTM D1970 Dru m ma n duiller QC self-adh eri ng, wove n polyethtiylen a su rfaced, W modified bitumen roof uriderlayment available in two widths; 36 and 45 inch LAST DBO NO Pro HT-5 ASTM D1970 Driummo n duiller QC self-adh eri ngp wove n polyethylene stl rfacedr hIgh temperature, ��5rnodiBed bik4irr en roofunderlaymneht Envi roShrel d ASTM D1970 Dru m mon dvi Ile, QC self-adh eririgr w7ve n pQ1yethyler1-0sv rf-aC0(lr high temperature, SRSmodifled bitumen roof and-adaymant LASTOBOND fro A5TIVI 01970 Dru mmondViller QC self-adherin9rsrass-rnat rei nforc-ed, sand-s urfacedr 5BS Gulfport, IVIS rnVdified biturra$rj FOOf �mderIayrrnent wadsMrthwr OH LASTOBOND Smoothy Seal ITT ASTIVI U1970 Gulfport, MS self-adherIng, glass -mat relnforecd, fiGm-surfaced, SRS Wadsworth OH modified bttu rnenin roof underlayment Tri-Built Smooth IHTS/,A ASTIVI D1970 Gulfport.. MS self-9 dhe rl n& 81 a ss-m at relriforced,film-suffaced, SSS U nderlayme nt W2d5w0r1hr OH mod If ed bivu ntien roof under layment PrimeSeurce Grip -Rite ASTIVI 01970 Gulfport, IDS self-adherin& glass -mat relrtiforced, film surfaced, 5R5 Smooth Seal HT Wadsworth, 04 modified bIAumen roof underlayenent RESISTO LB123f ASTfVI B1970 Drummortidwile, QC 5eIf-adherinE,, gl ass -mat relrrforced, $as G uldpart, M S modified bltu anon roof undprilaVment Wadsworth, DH TRI-BUILT $arid-11$A Shl ngIe ASTIVI D1970 Drumm and vill er QC se If-adhe ri ng, gl a ss-m at re i nforced, sand-su rfaced, 555 U oderlaymie nt � S modified bitumen roof underlayment ' `,Gulfpar} 74 adswo{ 4 hr 0 u I PrimaSouret Grip -Rite 1=avo- ASTIVI 01970 Dri, rnmo nduill ar QC 5e If -a dhe ri ng, $la ss-rn at re i nforced, sand-surfam4r S65 & Malley Protector Gulfport, MS modified blturnen roof underlayment Wadswort-h, OH 5R 5 T❑ p5h ie Id ICE & WATER ASTM D1970 lD rumrn ondvil I % QC self -ad heri ng, gl ass -mat reinforced, san"u raced, SRS DEFENDER Gulfport, NIS modified bitumen roof underlayment Wadsworth, OH RESI$70 L01744 ASTM D1970 Drummondville, QC self -adhering, glass -mat reinforced, sand-su ftcedr $85 Gulfport, MS modified bi tui nen roof underlaymerit Wadsworth, C#H MODIFIED SOPR,A-G ASTM D4601, Type II Gulfport, M5 Fiberglass reinforced, W rnodified asphaltic base shut Wadsworth, OH 5-1 This is a Build i ng Code Eaaluatio n, Neit h e r N EMJC ETC, L LC nor Robert N ieminen, RX - a re, in a ny way, the D es igne r of Record fu r a ny proi a rt on w h7 i c h this Evaluat i on Report, o r previ ous versI ores thereof, is/was used for De rrn tting o r design guida n ce u n l ess reta i n ed specif i ca I IV fo r that pufpose- 5-I This Eva Iuation Report is not for use in FBC Non-liigh Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions (i.e., outside of 8roward and Mi-arni- Dade CQunties). 5.3 This Evaluation Report p e rtains to above -deck roof components. hoof decks and structural mernhers shall be in accordance with E$C requirements tci the satisfaction of the Auth7orlty Having Jurisdiction, 5 A Th Is Evaluation Report d oes n of i nclude eval u at i-a n -of fi re c la ss if cation - ftefe r to FRC 1516 fo r requi rements a n d I i m i tatic ns regarding roof assembly We classification. Refer to FBC 2603 for requfrements and limitations concerning the use of foam Viastic insulation. NEMIO ETC, LLC. Evaluation Report 3m-5OPC-21-F13CER-A CArxf-r4l�re of AUtbonzotioP #32455 71m EDITION JZD20) FIBC HVHZ EVALUATION EQSr69-R22 (KVHZ) SOPREIVIA Rtof Underlary m nts Revislon 0: Ix4,f19 1 Rage 3 Uf 7 5's fONEMOjetc. SOPRE MA Roof U nderlayments maybe used wit h a ny p reps red roof cove r wh ere the prod ct is pfef a I IV r fi fere nced based � this within F3C e p pro -+al d of u ments. If not I i 5ted, a recluest may Ay be made to the uthorl ty Havi egg J u r on eP eaakr.at;o n Co mb i ned wit h suppo rti n g data for the pre p ared roof covering. s.6 A I I o w a b I t PnOf Over5� F&C 50an= 1J ride rl aym ent LASTOBOND TU HT, Tri-guilt SSA HT TU Underlaym-Crit LASTDBOND Shield, Pro FIT-Nr RESISTO 5A SpADOTH RLY 40 LASTOBON D Shi el d FIT, P ro HTi -S _ EnviroShleld LASTORDN D EDO, RES 15T0 L61236r TR 1- BUILTSaod-111SA Shingle Vnderlayment, Grip -Rite Eav-2 &ValIf!y Protector, TopShi eI d LEE & WATER DEF E h1DER, RMSTO L81244 LA-STOBEwND Smooth Sea 1_LTr Tri-Built Smooth HT SIA Underlaymeni;, Gf'P-RitA Srn oath Seal. HT _ Ad h e live -sex the is I i mite d to u se of t h e fo I I Gw i n g v r7d erl ayment / ti I e-adhesive combinations, IA Ad L AN`! E UN DE RLAYM ENT / TLLEADH£SIVE COMBIMATp I 5.15-1 N0 TABLE L. ROOF COVER OPTIONS T S 218MV), TA5110f5J1j, R S115 RASi A 119&120 C_I.aY and Concrete Tile A5pho It A���e- �edh a rrical h�+l 5h I ngLes Attach set Y015 Y Y�5 I See 5.6,1 a r .Ryas 1313 FA 0-tall Yes ve5 Ye-5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes slate or Skate - Type. shiingles Yes Yet Yes Yea Y�5 230 Wood Yes Y05 Ye$ Yes Y�5 TABLM Florida Product Approwa I Onderlayrnent Adhestve L TO BOND TU HT, Tri-Bui It S/A HT TU Underlavrn ant Oopont "Tile SorLd" Roof Tile AdhesiYe ICF, Atlheaives and 5,ea1ants ffPalysat` AH 160-" 5.7 A I I ayw able �Libstrates.' 17— TABLE 2. 'SUB5TRATE 01PTION S FOn ADH ERE a U N DE RLAYMENT5 substrata�s (detlgned to meet wired I-nads fof prOjectj - Pr I mne r I teri l(s� FL22525 RDA 20-1124.07 Un.derlaym@fvt Appllcation r__ e Deck A5TM D42 LASTOBDND shield, LASTOBOND 'Pro HT-hI. RESISTO sA s M DDTH P LY 40, LA.STDBDN D insu lation toptional � El estoco I Stick Uro shield HT, LASTOBDN D Pro HT-S, EnviroShield, LASTOBC) MUTLa HT, Tri-Ru t5}A }JTTU len4-nrlayrn.2nt, LASTDBOAD ECO, self- RES15TO LB12 9 6. T 111-8 UILT 5a n d-R 5A 51h I ngle adhering und.2d ayment, Grip -Rite Eave & Vall" Base Sheet (pptional) EI astoro I Stick ZeTQ Protector, Top$hield I-CE & WATER DEFENDER, RESISTO LB1244, LASTOBO ND Smooth Seal HT, Tri-Built Srnc�otin HT SIA Underlaymentor -Grip-Rite Smooth Seal HT 'StrUrtural corrcret42 Yes ,j),a ns Deck Pri PM or SF_CU-ROCK .Gypsurn-Fiber Roof $card ASTM D-126. TYPe 11 felt 3 .Refer M Tide Monujoc[unees or Adhe iw hd�ra+� arCrrr rrs Ft rr'd� r r��c# ruti++Qt for Oar rt rnir+9 moment Evph,atiorw R part srn S()Piz.z141BCER.A KEM0 ETC, LLC. FL2569-a22IHVHZ� ar#i��eete a#,dUtlMu�iMr;OdA4#�455 �"'' EDM7I0�1 ����� F6� FIV�-I� ALUAiI�Fk QPREMA Llewls1�5r1 0' d4{19�Q21 Fto4f Llndmrlment� Pagt Al of 7 Llnderfayment TA,B LE 2: SUB$'J RATE OPMM FOR ADH ERED UNIaER LAYM ENTS ADplicatlon T}rpe OONEMOJetc. SV�Strate$ (designed to meet wind loads for project) Primer Matabrialls) LA-STQBDN D TU HTr Tri• Bu I It S/A HT TU Und-erlayment, RESISTO M236, TRI-BUILT self. Existing rxr5ting sand -surfaced, glass -fiber Sa nd.R SA Shl ngl a UnderlaVrmen k, Grig�-RkRE51 STO EXTER IOR P Rfl�l ER surfaced, min era I -surfaced or Cave & Valfey Protector or TopShiaId ICE adh�*ring substrata f1FM-su(f;3eed 1`00f UndeFlayment* A7ER DEFENDER * piorhi iX.:*pJorsC# of vr?V exr'strn9 SLi&St ate in (7 rerogJte47r=-qff) rnst04;1 an is at the discreflan of the17,�taller oriaMe Avih rrtyHowir?yJurisd crkw. ShOuld a q.Ue%? 0q errise as to the 541itability -of ar! existing substrate to receive LAS FOBONO TU HT, Tri-�,Vair 51A MT YU UndMaYmemr, FT25TO L01236� TRI-BUKT-Sand-P SA Shingr a Ujiderleyrrient, Grrp•Rize Fawe & VcNfey Protector or TopShieW XE & W4 TER D€J`CNDER self adhering urt&r0oyrhent5. r-untorr RESJ5 TO technical supp+7rt- 5.9 Attachment Limitations. Refer to Section 6 5-9 Expn%urp Limitations: TAaLE 3: EXPOSURE LiMFTATIONS U.nde rlayrne nt Pre pared Roof Corer Maximum In$t-aII-PtiQn Type Exposure (days) LASTO BGND Eco, RESISTO LB12�6, TRI-RUILt Sand-R $A Shirp.,Ie Underla anent, Grip -Rite MechaArteIJy attached 30 Ease & Vailey �Irntector, To p5bi-eld ICE & WATE R DE FELT D ER or R E.SISTO LB 1244 LA$T060Na Shield, LAM BOND Pro HT-N, RE51STO SA SMDDTH PLY 40, LASTDRDND �hleId H Tr LASTO BOND Pro HT -Sr E rrvlroSh ie Id, LASTO RON D Smoot h Sea I -i T, Tri-Bu ilt Smooth HT Meehan holly attached 90 SIA Underlayment or Grip•Rite Smooth Seal HT LASTDB0ND TU HT or Tri-Built S/A HT TO Underlayme,tit MerchanicaMy attached c,r ISO ad hasiae-set the roof sy-5te m 5.10 Tine S I i D13ape Limitations, When lea ding roof ti I es on t h e u n de rlaym ent In dJ rect -deck the roof asst�m Wes, the maximum roof slope 5 hall be a s follows. Th es a sl ape I i m i to t in ns ra n o n Iy be exceeded by usi ng batters during I aad i ng of th a roof tiles. TABLE 4. TPL-F SLIPPAGE L,IMITATION5 FOR DIRECT -DECK TILE Ir+ISTALLATIDNS Linde rMaym ent Tile Profile Staging Method Maximum Slop Fla t Max_ 10-1ile sk a-ek 6:12 Lugged Max.10-tile Stick 5,12 DDu ble-tile stacking method, as shown below 6 ;12 L TO13OND TU FIT, Tri- Built S/A FAT TU Underlaymr ,nt LuEged Jr NEMO ETC- LLC- Ewa luation Repiart Zim-S M-21-F R.A Certif rime of AarthoeiMti,an #3245.Y FT" EDITION (20201 FRL RVHZ :EVALUATJDN FL2569-1422 J}'IWZ) SOPREMAL Roof U nde rlayments Reiftilon a 04/19 021 PaS@ 5of7 fONEMOjetC. 6.1 SOPRE MA Roof Und a rlaym eats shall be installed in accordance with 50 FARE MA published instal Iasi Dn instructions subj-ect to the Limitation& set fortft in Section, 5 herein and the specifics noted below, 6.2 Be -fasters any loose de, rking panels, and check for protruding rail heads, Sweep the substrate thar-aughly to remove any dust and dehrl5 prior to application, and pfilme the substrate cif applicable). 6.3 Appro%red AggmblisE 6_11 Deck Type 1: Wood, Non -Insulated Deck Descriptr on; M i n.. 19132" p lywood or woad pla n k System Type E: Ra se s heet roech an ica I ty fastened to d eck; underl ayrne n It a dhered to ba se sheet Base Sheet, One or more plies of FBC HVHZ Approved ASTM 0225, Type lJ felt or MODi FI ED SO P RA- G with a r•ninirnuni 4-inch side lap and 6-inch end lap, fastened to deck. Fastening; FBiv HVHZ Approved nails and tin caps (FBC- HVHZ 1517,5)r 6-inch ot. at the lap -edges and 12-Inch o,c. in a staggered grid- pattern between the overlaps. Cap Ply, LA-5TOB0ND TU H r or Tri-8ullt S/A HT TU Undedayment, self -adhering and back -Mailed max_ 12-iinch o.c. using FBC HVHZ Approved nails and kin raps (FBC HVHZ 1517,5). Su rfacing; FBC HVHZ Approved mechanic. -Ally attached or adhesive -set ti Me roof system. Refer to Table 1A for allowable the adhesives alnd Table 4 for U I e stagging limitations. 6.3, 2 Deck Type 1' Wood, ion -Insulated Deck %50ption; Min- 19/32" plywood orweed plank System Type E: B a se s h eet meth an ita I I y fastened t o d eck; underl ayme n t a d bared to ba se sheet Base Sheet: One or more plies of FBC HVHZ Approved ASTM 1D22Br Type 11 felt or MODIFIED SO P RA-G with e minimum 4-inch sJde lap and 6-inch end lap, rnechanir�aIly fastened to deck. Fntening, FRC HVHZApproved nails and tin caps (FBC HVHZ 15175), 6-inch o.c. at the lap -edges and 12-inch O.C. in a staggered grid -pattern between the overlap.. -cap Ply: LASTOBOND Shield LASTOSOND Pro HT-N, RESISTO 5A SMGDTH PLY 40r LASTUDOND Shield HTr LASTOBOND Pro HT-5, Enaireshield, i,ASTCROND TU AT, Tel -Built SIA HT TLC Underlaymentr LASTO BON D Smo oth Seal HT, Tr i -S u i I t Son oot h HT SIA U n d e rlayrnent or G ri p-Bite S month Seal HT, self - adhering. Surfacing, F SC HVHZ Approved asphalt shingles, rineta I pa n e I;r metal shingles, slate, slate -type shingles, wood shakes or wood shingles. Deck Tyrpe T; Wood, Non -Insulated Deck De ription, M i n _ 19/32- PI ywo od or woo d pia n k System Type E- Base Sheet - Fastening: Cap Ply; Surfacing: Base sheet mechanically fastened to deck; underl ayment adhered to base sleet One or more plies of FBC HVHZ Approved ASTM D 226, Type 11 felt or MODIFIED SO P RA-G with a mini rnu rn 4-rnch• side lap and 6-inch end tap, rnechanlr-ally fastened to deck. F BC HVHZ Approved n ai Is a nd t I n ca ps (F RC HVHZ 1517.5), 6 -i nch o.c. at th e i a p-ed Res a nd 12-1 rich ox. in a staggered grid -pattern between the overlaps. LASTO BON D ECO, RESISTO L 131236, TR 1-B U I LT $and - R SA Sh ing1 a Underlaym a ntr Grip- Bite Eave & Va I I ey Protector, Tu p5hiel d ICE & WATE R D EFE N DE R or R ESISTO LB 1244, sel f-ad h ering. f BC HVHZ A p proved as p h alit shiingl es, sI ate, s sale -type shi ngl es, wo ad slakes o r woad sri i ng I es. NEMO ETC, KC. Evaruatbn Report ni-50PC-11-FOCERA Cent plrggf AwtihorrrbEft5*.M32455 7TM 01TION Q021)) FIOIC HVHZ EVAtVATION EU.5a9-R22 [HVHZ� PREMA FMf Und erraVments R0,400M 0- 0411912021 Page 6 flf 7 60 NEMD I etc. As req u i red bV the Build i n g Off icia I or Autho rite+ H avi n g J u r i sdictao n to p ro perly eval uate th e i n stallation of th i s prod o fit. Contact the n a me d aA e ntity for ma n ufactu r i n g facilities cage reds by FAC . Ru le 6IG 2 0-3 QA re q uire ments_ Refer to Section 4 herein for products an6 production Iocalians having reset codified ma#erial standards, LPL LLC—QUA962Si (414) 248-6409F Kari�n.buchrnannPul-co rn N EM D 17C, LL1C_ CertrfKv cdfAWthwiz rfaR-94455 - E ND 0 F EVALUATI.ON R Fp0 RT - 7'w EDITION (20) FBC HVHZ EVALUATION SOPREMA PA�of Lind2d3y milts Eaa1kratlon Report 3Fn-S0PC-21-FSCER.A FI.2SrGgLR2-2 {HVHZj Revi5r0A 0; {i9{2021. Page 7 of 7