HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOLYGLASS - MTS UNDERLAYMENT.pdf(1)Florida Building Code Online ,;ixril. aCIS Home log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications search Us 6CIS Site MapjJ pCoProduct Approval USER: Public User �(U+nks rnContact L'N�] A- PnoduCt ftpyv7l Mena a Product or ai1plittion Search > plit4Sivn Lis i a Application netall FL # FL5259-R31 Application Type Revision Code Verslon 2020 Applicatlon Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer PDLYGLASS USA Address/Phone/Email 1111 W. Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (954)233-1330 Ext242 ma 1p ert@ polyg I a ss.co m Authorized Signature Maury Alpert rnalpert@polyglass.com Technical Representative TECH REP Address/Phone/Email 1111 West Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (866)602-8017 uspolyglasstechnical@polyglass.com Quality Assurance Representative QA REP Address/Phone/Emall 1111 West Newport Center Drive Deerfleld Beach, FL 33442 (888) 410-1375 uspolyglasstechn[cal@polyglass.com Category Roofing Subcategory Underlayments Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed 'Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert Nieminen Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/21/2022 Validated By ]ohn W. knezevlch, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL5259 R31_ CO1 2020,.E COI NTEMINEN.pjf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Ye - .Sir ASTM D1970 2015 ASTM D226 2009 ASTM D4798 2011 ASTM D6163 2015 ASTM D6164 2011 ASTM D6222 Z011 ASTM D6509 2015 — —41--.-.. a ...... arc ........�........., —� ' xwR.. n....6C.r A.. .n W n9,. Al:.. n..n.n o n ..=% A.. 4 01 nk.. Of nee. �a ..n 2/412021 Florda Building Code Online FM 4474 2011 FRSA/TR(, Slsth Edition 2018 UL 1897 2015 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option 0 Data Submitted 10/22/2020 Data Validated 10/26/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 11/01/2020 Date Approved 12/15/2020 Date Revised 12/21/2020 Summary of Products R A 1 Model, Number or Description Name I 52$9.1 POIy91 ROOF ROO(Ing pOdQflaympnt5 . undeeayayments ' of Limits Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVH2: No Approved foruse outside HVH2: Yes BILIHILE Impact Resistant: N/A Created By: Robert PParty: 6 Design Pressure: + dentNiesennee Created by Independent ThIN Party: Yes '. pressure i Other: 1.) The design pressure in this Evaluation Reports ' I application relates to one paruse in undo die rot! undems. 31LReL Refesystem!oruse 5.the systems. Refer to 5.8.3 for oNer Created by Independent Third Party: Yes j is edSection mad I systems and associated maximum design tores. 2.) Refer ER Section 5 for other other T i limits of use. WE ... Us :: H.ebl, S.-0me. n M Men— a1019 -1apa Tre SRfe M flMOa is an WEED employee Coserest200J-i011sees of FNX :; Mvem slel :: q(R Wlfty strecann[:: Refund shhv�n,na PnGus Approval Accepts: CE®©F-1 1EI Credit Card Safe ENGINEER EVALUATE NEMO I etc. Cardenas, Of Authodioffon#32455 353 Christian Street, Unit #13 Oxford, CT 06478 (203)262-9245 TEST CONSULT Polyglass USA, Inc. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-R27 1111 West Newport Center Drive FL5259-R31 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Date of Issuance: 02/24/2009 (954) 233-1330 Revision 27: 09/30/2020 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Cade, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the Pit Edition (2020) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Polyglass Roof Underlayments LAeaUNO: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein and FBC 1507.1.1. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report Is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance or production facility location(s) changes, or Code provisions that relate to the product(s) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the named client constitutes agreement to notify NEMO ETC, LLC of any changes to the producil the Quality Assurance or the production facility location(s). NEMO ETC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Florida Product Approval Number (FLO) preceded by the words "NEM01 etc. Evaluated" may be displayed In advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report Consists of pages 1 through 17 Prepared by: ' '" AAA) A `wti "A uses RobertJ.M. Nieminen, P.E. c- -'o*s-??s,:f Florida Registration No. 99166, Florida DCAANE1983 h'4��Oxi�<,:•+` n fanlmlleualappeanngwsauthUedby Mb Nleminm,P.E.m '' " W/3012020. This dues not some as in eleoronaaM slgnea document. CERPTICOmONOFINPEPENDENCE: 1. NEMO ETC, LLC does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial Interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. NEMO ETC, LLC is not owned. operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products far which the evaluation reports are being Issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P. E. does nothave, nor will acquire, a financial interest In any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. S. This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, In any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 02019 NEMO ETC, LLC ONEMOletc. ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION: qd+Ida. Product Category: Roofing Sub -Category: Underlayment Compliance Statement: Roof Underlayments, as produced by Polyglass USA, Inc., have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the 7th Edition (2020( Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein. Section Propert Standard Year 1504.3.1 Wind resistance FM 4474 2011 1504.3.1 Wind resistance UL1897 2015 1507.1.1 / R905.1.1 Material standard ASTM D226 2009 1507.1.1, 1507.2.4, 1507.2.9.2/ Material standard ASTM D1970 2015 R905.11, R905.2.8.2 2507.3.3/ R905.3.3 Material standard FRSA/rRI, 5hol, Edition 2018 1507.11.2/ R905.11.2 Material standard ASTM D6163 2015 1507.11.2/1 Material standard ASTM D6164 2011 1507.11.2/ R905.11.2 Material standard ASTM D6222 2011 1507.11.2/ R905.31.2 Material standard ASTM 06509 2015 TA5110 Accelerated Weathering ASTM 04798 2011 Entity Eaami nation Reflirli'le Date Entity Examinationefere Rn Dole ERD IT5T cast Wind Uplift 1175I08,011 08/13/2001 ERD (TST 6049) 30/90 physicals PLYG-SC119000317 03/10/2017 ERD pST 60491 Wind Uplift 11776.06.02 01/16/2003 ERD (TST 6049) TAS 103 PLYG-SC32115.08.17 OWOU2017 Ego ITR 6049) Wind Uplift P1740.01.07 011104/2007 FED rot song) TAS 103 PLYG.SC13035.0.17 10/31/2017 Ego RSf 6049) ASTM 01970 P5110.04.07.1 04/11/2007 FM par IBM Wind Uplift 3004091 01/12/2000 ERD PST 6049) Wind Uplift Masai 03/21/2008 ICC-ES(EVL23961 IBCCompllaiue UR-1697 NIOV2029 Ego PIT 6049) Wind Uplift P30540.IID9-Rt 12/3012M MO(OR 1592) HVH2Complli NOA 17-0614.22 07/06/2017 ERDMTW491 Tensile Adhesion 11,11030.11.09.1 11/30/2009 MTIITST2508) ASTM M798 1K20H7A on701/2008 ERD(TST 60491 Wind Uplift P11030.11.09-2 1113012M NEMORST6049) ASTM D1970 4-PLYG-18-004.03.18 03/29/2018 ERD(T5r60491 ASTM M977 P11031 1113012M NEMORST6049) Wind Uplift AL-PLYG-18-003A1.19 01/11/2019 ERD RSTfi049) ASTM D1970 P33360.0610 06/25/2010 NEM0(TSr6049) ASTM D6163 45-PLYG18-002A3.19.A 01/24/2019 ERD (TST 6049) TAS 103 P33370.03d1 0310212011 NEMO RST 6049) ASTM D6222 45,PLYG-28-002.05.19 C 051 ERD (PIT 6049) Tensile A4M1esi0n P33370.04.11 04/26/20ll NEMORST6049) ASTM D1970 4hPLYG-I9-SSUDL-0OA 09/30/2019 Ego (TST 049) ASTM 01970 P37300.10.11 10/19/2011 NEMORST6049f TAS 103 4S PLYG-18-004.M.196 10/08/2019 ERD)RTW49) TAS 103 P40390.018i 08/06/2012 NEMORST6049) TAS 103 45-PLYG-18-004.10.191 M/08/2019 ERD PIT 6049) Tensile AdM1esion M0390.08.12.2 08/07/2012 NEMORST6049) TAS 103 45-PLYG iIG A .IOi 10/09/2019 ERD DST 6019) Terele Adhesion C43420.09.12-3 09/11/2012 NEMO(TST60,19) TAS 103 4pPL(G-19-55UDL-0]A 10/10/2019 Ego li goes) Wind Uplift P39680.03.13 03/04/2013 NEMOUSTSOM) TAS 103 4SPLYG-184104.12.19F 1ZI1812019 ERD p5I BW9) ASTM D1970 P45370.04.13 04/26/2013 Ni DST 6049) TAS 103 4hPLYG-I9-SSUDL(3A 02/021202D ER)(196049) Wind Uplift P1738.02.07-E2 04/29/2013 NEMODST goes) ASTM D1970 4SPLYG-Sh(XP1p.HLN Wn4n020 Dan RW 6049) Wlnd Uplift 11757.04.01-1-E1 04/30/2013 NEMO DST We) ASTM DI9M 45-PLYG31-0 .OLID.K 01/1412020 ER0(RT 6049) ASTM Di 1`3759) 13-3A OS/06/2013 NEMO(IREPI) TAS 103 45-P1YG-I8-0M.01.2D.A 01/16/2020 ERO RST 6049) ASTM D6509 P37590.03.13-1-RI 06/26/2013 Ni PST W991 ASTM D61M 45-PLYG-I8-04K.01.20.8 01/1612020 ERD)TST 6049) Wind Uplift P41630.08.13 08/06/2013 NEMD RSr W49) ASTM D6222 45-PLYGAIlog 2.19 K-Rl 01/07/2020 Ego pla 6049) ASTM D4601 P45940.09.13 09/04/2013 NEMO PST 601 TAS 103 PLYGSC35835.05.20.A 05/29/2020 ERDRST6049) Wind Uplift P1I751.05.03-Rt 11/26/2013 NEMO p5T equal TAS 103 4hpuns-21455UDL-01 07/O6/2020 ERDDST049) Wind Uplift P31781.11.03-R1 11/26/2013 NEMO PST 6049) ASTM D6222 4R-PLYG-I9-SSM8B415.A 07/23/2020 ERD PST 6049) 30/9Dphysicals P45270.05.14 05/12/2014 NEMO(TST6049) ASTM D4798101623 41 PLYG19-SSUOL-0SA 09/20/2020 ERD DST 049) Tensile adhesion 09/08/2014 NEW) D46M9) ASTM D1970 41-PLY3-20 SSUDL-05A 0130/2020 EEO PST W491 Tem3endheFl— 020.09.144 09/08/2014 NEMO PST 601 TAS 103 4hPLYG20-SSUDL-0sC 09/3012020 ERDITTW49) Tenaileadhesion P46520.10.14 10/03/2014 NEMO PST 60491 TAS 103 4hPLYG-2OS9UDL.11 09/30/2020 NEAR) ETC, U.C. Evaluation Report P32060.OLD9-R27 CMIf4ute47Aafnisposeeiri an EDITION (20201 FBC NOWHERE! EVALUATION FIS259.1131 Polyglass Roof Underlayments Revision 27:0 130/2020 Page 2 of 17 Iffitur, Examination Reference Date grow Examination ERDMG049) ARM D19r0/D . P43290.30.14 10/17/2014 PRI mr 5878) Ten511e MM1eslon ERD(RT 6049) TAS 103 PLYGSC7550.03.15 03/24/20M Per fra 5878) TAS 103 ERB(IST 6019) Tenelleadheslm P40390.d.15 OUT13/2015 PRIM 5878) 775103 ERDITSr6049) TAS 103 P44360.19.14-111 05/18/2015 Pat 075878) TAS 103 ERo IT5T6W91 Wind Uplift PLYG-SC8905.05.16-1 05/17/2016 PRI FM 5878) ASTM D6222 ERD(TST6W9) ASTM D1970 10G.&CIOU10.06.16Q 06/27/2016 PRI FIST 5878) ASTM D6164 ERD iT5T 6049) Tensile adhesion PLYGSC10130.06.162 05/27/2016 Polyglass USA Pill. Affidavit ERD(M 60491 TAS 103 PLYG5C10130.0G.1G3 D5/27/2016 Polyglass USA Materials Affidavit ERD FIST Was) ASTM D1970/04798 PLYGSC8080.07.16 W/16/2016 UL (QUA9625) Qualltytantrol ERD fT5T 60491 Wind Uplift PLYG-SC12015.10.16 10/12/2016 UL(QUA9625) Quality Control ERB (I5r 6049) TAS 103 PLYG-SC130A0.12.16 12/27/2016 UL (QUA9625) Quality Con Vol �s 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 ONEMOjetc. Reference Date PRI01121 04/08/1002 PUSA-0ill 07/14/2003 PUSHAB"2-01 09/29/2005 PUSA.0550202 1Z/10/2007 PUSA0614o4o OWS/2008 PUSA-088 02-01 07/29/2009 Mule-HldeCrossUg 03/01/20U8 Polystick Compound 08/18/2022 Service Confirmation OLl 09/13/2018 Service Confirmation(T)l 11/02/2G19 Florida RCIS cement drY•lSFf-+I a7#faiiGrrltc - Product Material Standard Plant(s) Description Elastobase ASTM D6163 FL Fiberglass -reinforced, SBS modified bitumen base sheet Elastobase P ASTM D6164 FL Polyester -reinforced, SBS modified bitumen base sheet Elastoflex S6 G ASTM D6164 FL, PA Polyester -reinforced, SBS modified bitumen cap sheet fRSA/TRI 09-18 Elastoflex S6 G FIR ASTM D6164 FL Polyester -reinforced, SBS modified bitumen cap sheet FRSA/TRI 09-18 HydraGuard Dual Pro ASTM D1970 FL Nominal 50-mil thick dual -layer rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, fiberglass reinforced, with a polyester fabric surface HydraGuard Tile Pro ASTM D1970 FL Nominal 60-mil thick dual -layer rubberized asphalt FRSA/TRI09-18 waterproofing membrane, fiberglass reinforced, with a polyester fabric surface Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet ASTM D6222 FL Polyester -reinforced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet FRSA/TR109-18 Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet ASTM D6222 FL Polyester -reinforced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet (FIR) FRSA/TRI09-18 Polyflex G ASTM 06222 FL Polyester -reinforced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet for FRSA/TRI 09-18 use as an alternate to Heat Applied "Cap Sheet" in the "Two Ply System" from FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition beneath mechanically fastened or adhered tile roof systems Polyflex G Fill ASTM D6222 FL Polyester -reinforced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet for FRSA/TRI 09-18 use as an alternate to Heat Applied "Cap Sheet" in the "Two Ply System" from FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay RooJTlle Installation Manual, Sixth Edition beneath mechanically fastened tile roof systems Polyflex SA P ASTM D6222 FL, TX Polyester -reinforced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet FRSA/TR109-18 Polyflex SA P Fit ASTM D6222 FL, TX Polyester -reinforced, APP modified bitumen up sheet FRSA/TR109-18 Polyglass Base ASTM D6509 FL Fiberglass -reinforced, APP modified bitumen base sheet Polyglass G2 Base Sheet ASTM D4601 AL Fiberglass -reinforced, asphaltic base sheet NEMO ETC, U.C. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09.1127 aniff reafAmawe 112455 7" EDITION (2020)FSC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-1131 Polyglass Roof Underlayments Revision 27: 09/30/2020 Page 3 of 17 NEMOI etc. ;'€. 7;raiy+rdi+>l3ta. nit=1,�N _ Product Material Standard Mantis) Description 4.15 Polystick IR-Xe ASTM D1970 FL, PA, TX Nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, with an aggregate surface 4.16 Polystick NITS Plus ASTM D1970 FL, NV, Nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing FRSA/TRI09.18 PA,TX membrane, glass fiber reinforced, surfaced with polyolefinic film surface 4.17 Polystick MU-X ASTM D29701 FL, NV, PA Nominal 54-mil thick dual -layer rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, fiberglass reinforced, with a polypropylene film surface 4.18 Polystick TU Max ASTM D1970 FL, PA, TX Nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing FRSA/TRI 09-18 membrane with a 190 g/m2 polyester fabric surface 4.19 Polystick TUP FRSA/TRI09-19 FL, PA, TX Nominal 130-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass-fiber/polyester reinforced, with a granular surface 4.20 Polystick TU Plus ASTM D1970 FL, PA, TX Nominal 80-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing FRSA/TRI 09-18 membrane, glass fiber reinforced, with a polyester fabric surface 4.21 Polystick XFR ASTM D1970 NV,TX Nominal 80-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing FRSA/TRI 0948 membrane, glass fiber reinforced, surfaced with textured film surface IGId411/hf(sR(Y 5.1 This is a Building Code Evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zane jurisdictions (i.e., Broward and Miami -Dade Counties). 5.3 This Evaluation Report pertains to above -deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 5.4 This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of fire classification. Refer to FBC 1505 for requirements and limitations regarding roof assembly fire classification. Refer to FBC 2603 for requirements and limitations concerning the use of foam plastic insulation. 5.5 Polyglass Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product is specifically referenced within FBC approval documents. If not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof covering. IPonatekMU-Xhas begVernhnthetweenmpamse, feslln95o in seforth In Section 4.3, Note fAS 0197IS, should established As and NEMO ET ronditlom. Agreement between purchoserondseller, assetJerth In fealon 4.3, Norc ] P)A9TM p19Jb1f, shoultl be establishedRe to slip 2060. 2.0 NEMp ETC, LLC. Evaluation Report P33pfie.L5259.R31 CmtAmre o/AUthONatbn p321$5 ]^' EDITION yglu, Roof NON-HVHraints EVALUATION FL52592020 Polyglass Roaf Underlayments Revision Z]:09/3p/ie2g Page 4 of 17 ONEMO[etc. 5.6 Allowable Roof Covers: TABLE I: ROOF COVER OPTIONS Clay and Concrete Tile Meal Slate or Wood Asphalt Dso231 Slete4ype Mathenlal AOhedve-E.m"s) Shingles Shingles Shakes N502.91 Undedayment Shingles Shingles N90]]1 Austin Set laws) IM7.1) (ISW.8) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Elastobase Un•mrnm Im Rn•s1M Inauesl.es. IRR• e. µnen.x.m PRemX•laex6. Uh•nmemoxxs. sool."Rex se•sa31 W5.)) gamM.) Ma,taeexl 'nee) leaem Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ElastobaseP I..,. Im...e. We.ea.et IMenw•m IRneu.mm µam.".tm IRnemnemous. n3x43tp111 See S.R31 see S831 a336.Tpelp SS6,isMR iWelll TKKNYes Yes Polyglass Base No heanala.t IaseneIDne No No No No Y.6.a.51 see 5.u1 Yes Yes Polyglass G2 Base No Olanea6 Imeaem.a, No No No No No 5e•SRal e583) ElastoRex 56 G No Yes Yes ISee5.6.11My. No No Elastaflex S6 G FR No Yes No No No Yes Yes HydraGuard Dual Pm Yes No N0 aose 4= 5M13 Been .. /RxstulYes Yes HydraGuard Tile Pro Yes Yes aveo,.ILIA Baevv m Its IseesclI 1iew.1.1.0 /RSR.SuI Mule-HIde SA-APP Cap Sheet No Yes Yet No NO Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) No Yes yess.tl No No N0 No No (See POIyflexG No Yes N0yet No N0 No N0 15ee5.a.11 PolyRexG FR No Yes No N0 No No No N0 Polyllex SAP No Yes Yes No No No No No Ise tl Polygex SA P FR No Yes Yes stl No No No N0 No Yes Yes Polystick lR-Xe Yes No No No No Yes UaawbvsSm.m UammW lwuu /Resn t.ul /Res.1.131 Yes Yes Polystick MTS Plus Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes O.W.lsuvvu Bdmmbe,luzvu /R905.2.1M /aNs,1 R31 Yes Yes Polystick MU-X Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 0aelor,11547.1.18 (OW.ripslsonvu /R905.1.131 /R9]5.1.131 Yes Yes Palystick TU Max No Yes txYes tl Yes Yes No B Ivtn,lam.u3 haaana.ssm.113 /saoS.l.u3 imism R Yes Yes Polystick TUP N0 Yes Yes No No No Uemmae.lwuu UaawyR ssml.v3 (sees e.tl IAus.1.u1 Iwns.ua3 Yes Yes Polystick TU Plus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes oa .o,1501.1.0 Baawp.ssmvu Isees.6.11 /R9aS.vu1 /Yeat m Yes Yes Polystick XFR Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes UysunpRlu3a.0 Bammm.lsm.u3 /R9a3.l.SA1 /R933.v1.31 NEMO ETC, I.I.C. Evaluation Repast P12060.02.09.RZ7 CenlQeaNafAutneriadene32a55 7- EDITION 120201 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION F15259-R31 Polyglass Roof Underlayments Revision 22: 09/30/2020 Page 5 of 17 ONEMOletc. 5.6.1 Adhesive -set tile is limited to use of the following underlayment /tile -adhesive combinations. TABLE 2A: ALLOWABLE UNDERLAYMENT /TIM-ADHESME COMBINATIONS2 Undedayment Adhesive Florida Product Approval Polystick TU Max or Polystick TV Plus DAP FORM Touch'n Seal StormBond Roof Tile Adhesive" FL14506 HydraGuard Tile Pro, Polyflex SA P, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick Dupont Tile Bond" Roof Tile FL22525 TV Plus Adhesive' Elastoflex 56 G, HydraGuard Tile Pro, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA- ICP Adhesives and Sealants APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex G, Potyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, "Polysete AH-160' FL6332 Polystick TV Par Polysdck TV Plus Elastoflex S6 G, HydraGuard Tile Pro, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet Mule -Hide SA- ICP Adhesives and Sealants APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex G, Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA PFR, Polystick TU Max, "Polyset•RTA-1" FL6276 Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus 5.7 Allowable Substrates: TABLE 2: SUBSTRATE OPTIONS FORADHERED UNOERWIVIENTS Substrates (designed to meet wind loads for project) Underlayment Application Type Primer Materlai(s) HydraGuard Dual Pro, (Optional)ASTM plywood,OSB, Southern Yellow Pine or Huber Engineered HydraGuard Tile Pro, ys Pol uck JR- Deck/ D41 Woods ZIP System- Panels Xe, Polystick MTS Plus, Polystick sheathing sheathing 041 struttuml concrete MU-X, Polystick TU Max, self- ASTM C1289 Type II Class 1 polyisocyanurate, ASTM Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, adhering Insulation ASTMC1289 Tr Polystick XFR, Mule -Hide SA-APP D41 o W 041 or WB-3000 SECURlyisocyanurate-campof Board Prime or SECUROCKGypsum-Fiber Roof Board Prime Cap Sheet, Mule SAPor -Hide x SA Cap SheetSAP Base Sheet N/A ASTM Type ll felt Elas[obase,ElasmbasePorMule- F,Polyflex Polyflex SA P FR all Base Hide Nall Base Oeck ASTM D41 structural concrete Insulation (Optional)ASTM DensOeck Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Elastoflex SG G or Elastoflex S6 G hot asphalt D41 FR ASTM 0226, Type llfelt, Elastabase,ElastobaseP,Mule. Base Sheet N/A Hide Nail Base or Polyglass G2 Base Deck ASTM D41 structural concrete Inwlaucm (Optional)ASTM DensOeck Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board torch- PolyflexG or PolytlexG FR applied D41 Elastobase, Elastobase P, Mule -Hide Nail Base, Polyglass Base Sheet N/A G2 Base or Polyglass Base 2 Refer to Tile Manufacturer's arAdhesive Manufacture/s Florida Pmduct App/oval for Overtuming Moment Resistance Performance. NEMO ETC, LLC. Evaluatloa Report P3206o.02.M.R27 C,mylmre idAufM,amkn a32455 7v'EDITION (2020)FBC NON-HVHL EVALUATION FUZ59 R31 Polyglots Roof Underlayments Revlxlan 27:09/30/2020 Page 6 of 17 NNEMO I etc. 5.8 Attachment Limitations: 5.8.1 For use under mechanically attached NON -TILE prepared roof coverings, attachment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's installation Instructions, but — far mechanically attached underlayments or base sheets - not less than FBC 1507.1.1 or 119D5.1.1. 5.8.2 For use under tile roof systems, attachment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions, but — for mechanically attached base sheets - not less than: • FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, Appendix A,Table l(forTwo- Ply Asphalt Applied Hot Mop Underlayment) or • Section 5.8.3 herein (for other underlayment systems). 5.8.3 Wind Resistance for Underlayment Systems in Tile Roof Applications: The following wind uplift limitations apply to underlayment systems that are not prescriptive in the FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition. The Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads, and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already been applied). Direct -to -Deck: The maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed that required under FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Cloy Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Table 1A or the critical (highest) design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609 or FBC Residential Chapter 3. #1 Maximum Design Pressure =-52.5 osf: Deck: APA rated,7116 CAT,0.418 in., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Joints: Min. 4-Inch wide strips of Elastoflex SA-V over all OSB Joints Base Ply: Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. g2 Maximum Design Pressure=-90 osf: Deck: Min.15/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer. None Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Potyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. 83 Maximum Design Pressure =-97.5 osf: Deck: Min.15/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: PG100 or ASTM D41 Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick MTS Plus,self-atlhered. Underlayment Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Potyllex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Potystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered and back -nailed within the sehredge- clge side laps using 12 ga. x 1W ring shank nails through 32 ga.,1-5/8" diameter tin caps spaced 12-Inch o.c. g4 Maximum Design Pressure=-105 psf: Deck: Min.15/324nch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: WB-3000 Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR). Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered and back -nailed within the selvedge -edge side laps using 12 ga. x 1W ring shank nails through 32 ga.,1-5/8" diameter tin caps spaced 12-Inch o.c. NEMO ETC, U.C. Evaluation Report P33060.03.09.RZ7 Cerosane p7Authahadon#32a55 7'" EDITION (2020) lot NON.HVHZ EVALUATION FL5359-103 Pulyglass Roof Underl,naaTts ItWsloa 27:09/30/2020 Page 7 o117 NNEMOletC. p5 Maximum Design Pressure=-135 psf: Deck: MIn.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: (Optional) PG300 or ASTM D41 Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick NITS Plus, self -adhered. Joints: Min.4-Inch wide strips of Elastonex SA-V over all plywood joints. Underlayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet jFR), Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick W Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. #6 Maximum Design Pressure =-315 psf: Deck: Structural concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: PG100 orASTM D41 Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick NITS Plus, self -adhered. Undedayment HydraGuard Tile Pro, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P Fit, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. R7 Maximum Design Pressure =-622.5 psf: Deck: Structural concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer. PG100 or ASTM D41 Underlayment: Elastonex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torchapplled. p8 All other direct -deck, adhered underlayment systems beneath tile roof systems carry a Maximum Design Pressure of AS psf. Mechanically -Attached ease Sheet: The maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed that required under FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Table 3A or the critical (highest) design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609 or FBC Residential Chapter 3. Alternatively, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed at least the Zone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609 or FBC Residential Chapter 3. Elevated pressure zones shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are ANSI/SPRI WDS, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1.29, Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 137. Assemblies marked with an asterisk' carry the limitations set forth In Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 (February 2020) for enhancements. a9 Maximum Design Pressure=-30.0 psf*: Deck: Min.15/32-inch OSB to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.254nch long x 1-Inch head diameter round metal cap nails Spacing: 6-Inch o.c. at the 3-inch ode side laps and 6-Inch D.C. at two 12) equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick NITS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. a10 Maximum Design Pressure =-37.S psf': Deck: Min.15/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nall Base(poly-nlm top surface) Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch long x 1-Inch head diameter round metal cap nails Spacing: 6-inch D.C. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-Inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick NITS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P Fit, PolystickTU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. all Maximum Deign Pressure =-37.5 psf': Deck: MIn.19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: One (1) or two (2) layers ASTM D226, Type It felt Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch long x 1-inch head diameter round metal cap nails Spacing: 6-Inch o.c at the 3-inch wide side laps and 12-Inch D.C. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. Ewluaaan Report P32060.02.09-a27 NEMO ETC, I.I.C. FL5259 R31 <ertlJlmte a/AmM1w4otbn p32455 7"'EDITION yglasslRoof Veded,nantsLUAFee NON.HVHZ maN Revision d7:09/30/2020 Page 8 of 17 NNEIVIOletc. #12 Maximum Design Pressure =-45 Vsfa: Deck: Min.19/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: One (1) layer ASTM D226, Type II felt Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-Inch x 3/8-Inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/8-Inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 4-Inch c.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 4-Inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply: (Optional; for use with self -adhering underlayment only) Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FRI, Poly0ex SA P, PolyRex SA P Fit, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. N13 Maximum Design Pressure =-45 psf-: Deck: Min. 19/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction ofAuthority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Two (2) layers ASTM D226, Type It felt Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.2S-Inch long 3/84nh head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/8-Inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 9-Inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 9-Inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply: (Optional; for use with self -adhering underlayment only) Polystick MIS Plus, self -adhered. Undedayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), PolyRex SA P, Polyfiex SA P FIR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered or Elastofiex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. #14 Maximum Design Pressure =-45 osf: Deck: MIn.15/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet Elastabase(sanded tap surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: Simplex MAO( Cap Fasteners Spacing: 9-Inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 18-Inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment ElastoRex S6 G, applied I full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyfiex G, torch -applied. 815 Maximum Design Pressure = -45.0 osf: Deck: APA rated,7/16 CAT,0.418 in., Exposure 1, 058 sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction ufAuthodty Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base(poly-film top surface) Fasteners: 12 ga. annular ring shank nails with I-5/8' diameter tin caps Spacing: 6-Inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-Inch o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Undedayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet PR), Polyflex SA P, Polyfiex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. 016 Maximum Design Pressure = -45.0 psf: Deck: APA rated,7/16 CAT, 0.418 In., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet Elastobase(sand top surface) Fasteners: 12 ga. annular ring shank nails with 1-5/8" diameter tin caps Spacing: 6-Inch o.c. at the 3-Inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underayment: Elasto0ex 56 G, applied In full mopping of hot asphalt. 817 Maximum Design Pressure =-45.0 psf: Deck: APA rated, 7/16CAT,0.418 in., Exposure 1. OSS sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elostobase or Polyglass Base Fasteners: 12 ga, annular ring shank nails with 1-5/8" diameter tin caps Spacing: &inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-Inch o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Undedayment: Polyfiex G, torch -applied. #18 Maximum Design Pressure=-52.5 psf: Deck: MIn.15/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase(sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch-pplied cap) Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: 9-Inch o.c. at the 2-Inch wide side laps and 12-Inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment Elasto0ex S6 G, applied In full mopping of hot asphalt or PolyBex G, torch -applied. NEMO ETC, U.C. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-R27 unfrah, UfAu Mrniw p31455 JTM EDITION J20201 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATON FL5259-R31 Polyglass Roof Bnderiayments Revision 27: 09/30/2020 P., 9 of 17 NNEMOjetc. 1119 Maximum Design Pressure =-52.5 psF: Deck: MIn.15/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having lurisdicton. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners: Simplex Original Cap Nails Spacing: 64nch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.o at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyftex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. #20 Maximum Design Pressure=-52.5 psf: Deck: MIn.15/324rich plywood to meet Project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly-fllm surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: Simplex Original Cap Nails Spacing: 6-Inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-Inch o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mapping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. #21 Maximum Design Pressure =.60 psf: Deck: MIn.19/32-Inch plywood to meet Project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having lurisdlction. Base Sheet: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-Inch long x 3/8-Inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/8-Inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 8-Inch D.C. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 8-inch o.c. at three (3) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. #22 Maximum Design Pressure =-60 psf: Deck: MIn.19/324nch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: OMG H22 Standard RoofgHp with OMG Flat Bottom Metal Plates Spacing: 12-inch o.c. at the 4-Inch wide side laps and 124nch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G. torch -applied. #23 Maximum Design Pressure =-60.0 psf: Deck; APA rated, 7/16 CAT, 0.418 in., Exposure 1, OISE, sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners: Simplex lvl XCap Fasteners Spacing: 8-Inch ox. at the 3-Inch wide side laps and 8-inch ce. at three (3) equally spaced staggered center rows. Primer: PG100 or ASTM 041 primer applied to stress plates. Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. 024 Maximum Design Pressure =-60.0 psf: Deck: APA rated, 7/16 CAT, 0.418 in., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase (sand top surface) Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: B-inch o.c. at the 3-Inch wide side laps and 8-Inch o.c. at three (3) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. 025 Maximum Design Pressure =-60.0 psf: Deck: APA rated,7116 CAT, 0.418 In., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Polyglass Base Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: B-inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 8-inch o.c. at three13) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment Polyflex G, torch -applied. NEMO ETC, I.I.C. Ewluatlon Rep." P32060.OL09-R27 Cenlfianre as AurM1airanka p32455 EDITION(2020) FBC NON HVHI EVALUATION FL5259-R31 P01yglas, Ruaf Underlayment, Revhlon 27:09/30/2020 Page 10 of 17 ONERA(Dletc. g26 Maximum Design Pressure =.67.5 osf: Deck: MIn.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Polyglass 62 Base or Polyglass Base (requires use of torch -applied undedayment) Fasteners: 12 ga. x 1.25-Inch long x 3/8-Inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/8-Inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 8-Inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 8-inch o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastofiex 56 G, applied In full mopping of hat asphalt or torch -applied or Polyfex G, torch -applied. g27 Maximum Design Pressure=-67.5 osf: Deck: APA rated, 19/32 CAT, DS78 in., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film tap surface) Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with two (2) screws per plate installed 180' into the holes of the plate, parallel to the width direction of the sheet. Spacing: 12-Inch o.c. at the flinch wide side laps and 12-Inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Primer: (Optional) PG1Uo or ASTM D41 primer applied to stress plates. Base Ply: (Optional) Palystick WITS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, PalystickN Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. g28 Maximum Design Pressure = -67.5 osf: Deck: APA rated, 19/32 CAT, 0.578 in., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase (sand top surface) Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners &Plates with two (2) screws per plate installed 180' into the holes of the plate, parallel to the width direction of the sheet. Spacing: 12-Inch o.c. at the 4-Inch wide side laps and 12-inch ox, at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: ElastoBex 56 G, applied In full mopping of hot asphalt. H29 Maximum Design Pressure=-67.5 pzf: Deck: APA rated, 19/32 CAT, O.S78 in., Exposure 1, OSS sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Polyglass Base Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with two (2) screws per plate installed 18W into the holes of the plate, parallel to the width direction of the sheet. Spacing: 12-Inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment Polyflex G. torch -applied. #30 Maximum Design Pressure =-75 Ds : Deck: MIn.15/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Polyglass G2 Base or Polyglass Base (requires use o/ torch -applied underluyment) Fasteners: Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex plates, OMG #14 HD with OMG 3"Galvalume Steel Plates, OMG Roofgrip#14 with OMG Flat Bottom Plates (AccuTmc), Trufast HD with Tr afast 3-Inch Insulation Plates or Simplex MAU Cap Fasteners Spacing: 10-Inch o.c. at the 4-Inch wide side laps and 10-inch o.c. at three (3) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastofiex 56 G, applied In full mapping of hat asphalt or torch -applied or Polyflex G, torch -applied. #31 Maximum Design Pressure =-90 psf: Deck: MIn.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: &Inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 6-Inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. UndedaymenC Elasto0ex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hat asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. H32 Maximum Design Pressure =-90 osf: Deck: MIn.15/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase(sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied can, or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: OMG #12 Standard Roofgdp or OMG #14 Heavy Duty with OMG 3" Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Metal Plates Spacing: 6-Inch o.c. at the 4-Inch wide side laps and 6-Inch o.c. at three (3) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment. Elasto0ex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torchapplied. NEMO ETC, LLC. Evaluation Report P32060.02.09 R27 Cem#kaW0JAucWoorbnp3215s 7"EDDION(2020) FBC NON.HVNZ EVALUATION FUZ59-1131 Polyglass Roof Underlayments Revhioa27:09/30/2020 Page 11 of 17 #33 #34 #35 036 N37 838 ONEMOletc. Maximum Design Pressure=-90 psf: Deck: Min.15/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase (sanded top surface) Fasteners: Trufast#12 OF or Trufast H14 HD with Trufast 3' Metal Insulation Plates Spacing: &inch o.catthe 4-inch wide side laps and&inch o.c.atthree (3) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. Maximum Design Pressure=-90 Pitt: Deck: Min.15/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Polyglass G2 Base or Polyglass Base(requJres use of torchapp/7ed undeApyment) Fasteners: Dekfast#14 with Dekfast Hex plates, OMG #14 HD with OMG 3' Galvalume Steel Plates, CMG Roofgrip k14 with OMG Flat Bottom Plates (ACCHTrac), Trufast NO with Trufast 3-Inch Insulation Plates or Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: 9-inch oo, at the 4-Inch wide side laps and 94r ch ox, at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Undedayment Elastoflex 56 G, applied In PoII mopping of hot asphalt or torch -applied or Polyflex G, torch -applied. Maximum Design Pressure =-90.0 psf: Deck: APA rated, 7/16 CAT,0.418 in., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with two(2) screws per plate Installed 1800 into the holes of the plate, parallel to the wldth4raction of the sheet Spacing: 9-inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Primer: PG300 or ASTM D41 primer applied to stress plates. Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Untlerlayment Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (Fit), Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FIR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. Maximum Design Pressure=-90.0 psf: Deck: APA rated,7/16 CAT,0.418 in., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase (sand top surface( Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with two (2) screws per plate installed 180' into the holes of the plate, parallel to the width -direction of the sheet Spacing: 9-inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 12-Inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Untlerlayment Elasticities S6 G, applied In full mopping of hot asphalt. Maximum Design Pressure =-90.0 psf: Deck: APA rated, 7/16CAT,0.418In, Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or PolMlas50ase Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with Two (2) screws per plate installed 180' into the hales of the plate, parallel to the width -direction of the sheet Spacing: 9-inch o.C. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 12-Inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center laws. Untlerlayment: Polyflex G, torch -applied. Maximum Design Pressure =-97 5 psf: Deck: Min.19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.254nch x 3/B-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 4-Inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and flinch o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick NITS Plus, self -adhered. Undedayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FRI, Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. NEMO ETC, LLC. Evaluation Report P32060.03.09.R27 catp,nrgfAxhw Ibe<324S5 7- EDITION (2030)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION 115259-R31 Poydass Roof Undedayment, Revislon 27:09/30/2020 Page 12 of 17 LZ to 13aaed OZOt/0E/60:LZ u0lzpaa sivaumepapun 3OO8 eaelOMod Tee 6SZSli NOUVn1VA3 ZHAH-NON 383 10206 NOII103 �,t .... uwID+uornnv/oat Jrl a3 LZW60'ZD'D90ZTd yoda8 uollenle, '311'D13 OW3N '11e4dse 10410 Sulddow ii^1 ul paidde'9 95 xa6olsel3 :luawAepapun 'smw laluan palae8els paoeds Allenba(9)aaryl le'a'0 pul-9 pue sdel apls aplm 43ul-b-ql le'o'o 43ul-g :euped5 1-04S alp to --!P-! P-41P!m 041 of IO11eletl'ale!da411osa1o404Z 01-1.08T Pa4elsul aleld Sad MOM (Z)om1411m saleld 9 vaualsei lse}es1OA isvina :vaualsed (a3epns col pues) asegolsel3 :1aa45 ase8 •uOlp!Psunf 8ulneH AlpoglnVlo uolpels!9es of vuawannb.paloldlaaw O18u14leays 850'Talnsodx3'v18Tb-0'1V39T/1'palw VdV :43a0 :is O-SOT-= OMSS ld u !sa0 wnwlxeW VVU 'palaype-gas'snld f114311SAIod to d Ill ppAlod'xe W nl ppsAlod'HA d VS xaOAlod'd tl5 xallAlod'(8i) laa4S de0 ddV-VS OP!H-a!nW'Iaa4S de3 ddtl-ds aplH-a1nV4 :3uawhepapun -pata4pe-nas'snld SlW plIsAlod(Ieuolld0) :Aid ase8 saleld smis al papdde Lawud Tb0 NjS to OOI9d :lawnd 'smog taws pata88eis Pe3ed s Allenba (El aw41le y o Wu!-g pue sdel apls apim spupb a41 le'3'u 43u.19 :eupedS 1-04S -4110 uolpal!p-41pIm Oql of laileled'aleld D4110 sa!04 a4l Olul .081 papelsul aleld lad smalls (Z) Oml 411m saleld 9 vaualsei lsei-euaA 15Vdna1 :slaualsei (weiins dol wig -Mod) asee lleN aplH-ainW to asegolsel3 aaa45 ase8 'uOIVlpspnf eulneH 4111041-V 10 uolpelsnes of sluawallnbalAafmd laaw of Pul4leags OSO'T amsotlx3"u18Tb'O'1V39T/L'Palet VdV :4380 as 0-SOT-=amssatdu lsa0 wnwlxeW £bn 'palldtle-4wol'9 xa3Alad1Dlle4dse104108ulddow llnl u! Pallddle'995 xouOlsel3 anal ePapun -mal laluaa pataBOeis pe3eds Allenba(E)aw411e-3-04m1-9 pue stlei apls oplm 43ul.Z 0411e 1143ul-g :BupedS vaualsei del XXVW xaldwl5 :slaualsei (dn papdde-4vol tol aepns wl3-Mod to tle3 papdde-423011011e4dse-1041ol a3¢pns dol popues) asegoue13 :1 a,S asee -uoNsipspnf BulneH AIN041AV 10 uolVelsnesol sluawal!nbat paloid laaw al poomAid 43ul-ZE/ST-u!W :p" .Jsd SOT-=amssaldu IsaO wnwlxeW ZVp 'pa!id&-4wm'9 xaUAlod uuaw w-pun sm laluao paiageels pweds Allenba(b)mope D-04w1-9pue stlei apls aplm 43ui-b a4lle'3-043u.19 :euped5 vaualsei duo XXVW xeldwlS :vaualsei asee sse18410d to asegolsei3 :laa4S asee volpipspnf YDIAeH A41jo4lnV 10 uolpelslles of sluawaulnbw palold laaw of Bul41eags 850'I amsotlx3 "ul OLS'0'M ZE/6T'patel VdV :pa0 :155-16-=amssald u !sa0 wnwlxeW TV# 'lle4dse lo410 8uicdow pn10! pandde'9 9S xailolsel3 :luawAepopun 'smw talual pata88e3s paaeds Alienha(b)inol le•3•o 43uI-9pue sdel apls ap!m. 4ouPb a41 le vo yaul-g :8uped5 slaualsei tle3 m" xaldwl5 :vaualsei (aDePns dol pues) asegolsei3 :Aaa4S asee volplpsunf HulAeH qu041nV to uOlpelsnes of nuawannbw pafoid laaw of aul4leags 9SO'I wnsodx3 "ul 8L5'0'IV, ZE/6T'POIW VdV :X3a0 :1s S-L6•=ainssaldu ISaO wnwlxeW ObN 'palagpe-lias'snld nl X3nsAlOd 1O d ❑1 VllsAlOd'xeW (U X3nsAl-d'8i d VS XDUAIOd'd VS xa3Aiod'I83)1aa4S tle3 ddV-VS OPIH-al-0112a4S tle3 ddtl-VS OPIH-alnW guawAepapun 'pata4Pe-11as'snld Slut 1311st4od(leuopdo) :Aid asee saleld ssaws of paildde Lawud 160 V41SV la 0019d :Lawud smw tame, pala88els pands Allenba(0)tnol le'o'O 43ui-9 pue sdel apls ap!m y3uPb a4l le v'o 4ou!-g :8uped5 vaualsei de3 XXVW xeldw!S :vaualsei (anpns dol w!g-Aiod) ase911e14 -PIH-alnpi 10 asegolsei3 IONS ase3 'uolplpslinf SUTADH Aluo4lnV to uolpelspes at sluaw mnbat palmd laaw of Bu141ea4s 8S0'T amsotlx3 "ul 815.0'1V3 ZE/61'Palet VdV :4300 4s S'L6-=amssa3du Isaa wnwlxeW 6Eq ��a OMN0 NNEMO[etc. n45 Maximum Design Pressure=-105.0 osf: Deck: APA rated, 7/16 CAT, 0.418 In., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Polyglass Base Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with two screws per plate installed 180' into the holes of the plate, parallel to the width -direction of the sheet Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at three (3) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Polyflex G, torch-applled, #46 Maximum Design Pressure=-112.5 psf: Deck: MIn.19/324nch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdictian. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-Inchx 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1.5/&inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 6-Inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-Inch o.c. at four 14) equally spaced staggered center rows. Primer: PG100 or ASTM D41 primer at all tin -caps Base Ply: Polystick NITS Plus, self -adhered Underlayment Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex 5A P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, selfadhered. H47 Maximum Design Pressure=-120 osf: Deck: MIn.15/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied rap) Fasteners: OMG #12 Standard Raofgrip or OMG 014 Heavy Duty with OMG 3' Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Metal Plates Spacing: 6-Inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at five (5) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment Elastoflex S6 G, applied In full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. R48 Maximum Design Pressure=-120 psf: Deck: MIn.15/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase (sanded tap surface) Fasteners: Trufast#12 DP orTmfast#14 HD with Trufast 3' Metal Insulation Plates Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 4-Inch wide side laps and 6-Inch c.c, at five (5) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hat asphalt. U49 Maximum Design Pressure = -227.5 osf: Deck: APA rated, 19/32 CAT, 0.578 In., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poh film tap surface) Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with one (1) screw per plate, In the center hole. Spacing: 9-inch o.c. at the flinch wide side laps and 9-inch o.c. at four 14) equally spaced staggered center rows. Primer: PG 100 or ASTM D41 primer applied to stress plates. Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick NITS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TO Plus, self -adhered. #50 Maximum Design Pressure = -127.5 psf: Deck: APA rated, 19/32 CAT, 0.578 in., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase(sand top surface) Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & Plates with one (1) screw per plate, in the center hole. Spacing: 9-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 9-inch o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment Elastoflex 56 G, applied In full mopping of hot asphalt. R51 Maximum Design Pressure=-127.5 osf: Deck: APA rated, 19/32 CAT, 0.578 in., Exposure 1, 050 sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Polyglass Base Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners &Places with one (1) screw per plate, in the center hole. Spacing: 94rch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 9-inch o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment Pulynex G, torch -applied. NEW ETC, I.I.C. Evaluation Report P32060.02.09.827 IrVhusroJAUWrhocx i<55 7- EDITION 120201 FBC NON.HVHZ EVALUATION FL52S9-R31 Polyglass Roof Undinhyments Revision 27: 09/30/2020 Page 14 of 17 NNEMO I etc. 5.9 Exposure Limitations: TABLE3: EXPOSURE LIMRATIONS UndeNayment Prepared Roof Cover Installation Type Maximum Exposure(days) ElastabaSe,Elastobase P, Polyglass G2 Base or Polyglass Base Mechanically attached 30 Polystick lR-Xe or Polystick MU-X Mechanically attached 90 HydraGuard Dual Pro, HydraGuard Tile Pro, Polystick MTS Plus, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus or Polystick XFR Any type (per Table l) 180 ElastoRex 56 G, ElastoFlex 56 G FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Poly0ex G, Polyflex G FR, Polynex SA P or Poly0ex SA P FR Adhesive -set file roof system SBO Mechanically attached UNLIMITED 5.10 The Slippage Limitations: When loading roof tiles on the underlayment In direct -deck tile roof assemblies, the maximum roof slope shall be as follows. These slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof tiles. TABLE 4: TILE SLIPPAGE LIMITATIONS FOR DIRER -DECK THE INSTALLATIONS Underlayment Tile Profile Staging Method Maximum Staging Slope Elasto0ex 56 G or S6 G FR Flat or Lugged &tile stack is over 2) Prohibited without battens HydraGuard Tile Pro Flat or Lugged 6-tile stack(4 over 2) 7:12 Polyflex G or G FR Flat or Lugged 6-tile stack (4 over 2) 4:12 Polyflex SA P or SA P FR Flat or lugged 6-tile stack(4 over 2) 4:12 Polystick MTS Plus Flat 6-tile stack(4 over 2) 5:12 Lugged 6-tile stack (4 over 2) 4:12 Polystick TU Max Flat 6-tile stack l4 over 2) or 10-tile stack 7:12 Lugged 6-tile stack(4 over 21 7:12 Lugged 10-tile stack 6:12 Polystick TUP Flat or Lugged 6-tlle stack(4 over 2) 7:12 Polystick TU Plus Flat or Lugged 5-tile stack(4 over 21 7:12 Flat or lugged 10-tile sock 6:12 Polystick XFR Flat or Lugged Prohibited without battens Prohibited without battens NEMO ETC, U.C. Evaluation Report P32050.02.09.RZ7 2rtgkare OyAushvMH-132455 7- EDITION (2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FUZ59-R31 Polyglass ROOF Uoderlayments ReWSIon 27: 09/30/ZOZO Page 0 of 17 6.1 Polyglass Roof Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with Pol Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. NNEMOJetc. installation instructions subject to the 6.2 Re -fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application, and prime the substrate (if applicable). 6.3 Elastobase, Elastobase P or Mule -Hide Nail Base: 6.3.1 Non -Tile AOOIIcations: 6.3.2 Shall be installed In compliance with requirements for an approved mechanically attached underlayment (ASTM D226, Type II) In FBC Table 1507.1.1.1 or FBC Residential Table R905.1.1.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed, and the manufacturer's installation instructions. FBC requirements take precedence over the manufacturer's installation instructions. Elastobase, Elastobase P or Mule -Hide Nail Base may be covered with a layer of Polystick IR-Xe, Polystick NITS Plus, Polystick MU-X, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick XFR, Polyflex SAP, Polyflex SA P FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), self -adhered, Elastoflex S6 G or Elastoflex S6 G FR in hot asphalt or Polyflex G or Polyflex G FR, torch applied. Roof cover limitations are those are those associated with the top -layer underlayment, asset forth In Table 1. Tile Applications: Elastobase (poly -film top), Elastobase P (poly -film top) and Mule -Hide Nail Base are limited to use as a mechanically attached base sheet in the 'TWO-PLY SYSTEM" from FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, followed by Polystick NITS Plus, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick XFR, Polyflex SAP, Polyflex SA P FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), self -adhered or Polyflex G or Polyflex G FR, torch -applied. Tile roof Installation method Is limited by the selected Cap Sheet, as set forth In Table 1. Refer to Section 5,8.3.2 herein for attachment requirements. Elastobase (sanded -top) and Elastobase P (sanded-top)e are limited to use as a mechanically attached base sheet in the "TWD- PLY SYSTEM" from FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, followed by Elastoflex S6 G, Elastoflex 56 G FR or an FBC Approved Mineral Surfaced Cap Sheet (ASTM D6380), asphalt -applied or Polyflex G or Polyflex G FR, torch -applied. Tile roof installation method is limited by the selected Cap Sheet, as set forth in Table 1. • When Elastobase (sanded -top) or Elastobase P (sanded -top) is followed by asphalt -applied Elastoflex S6 G, Elastoflex 56 G FR or FBC Approved Mineral Surfaced Cap Sheet (ASTM D63801, refer to FRSA/TRI, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Table 1 or Section herein for attachment requirements. • When Elastobase (sanded -top) or Elastobase P (sanded -top) is followed by torch -applied PolyflexG or Polyflex G FR, refer to Section herein for attachment requirements. 6.4 HydraGuard Dual Pro, HydraGuard Tile Pro Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick IR-Xe, Polystick MTS Plus, Polystick MU-X, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus or Polysdck XFR: 6.4.1 General: All seal -lap seams (selvage laps) must be firmly rolled with a in accordance with Polyglass requirements to ensure full contact and adhesion. For HydraGuard Dual Pro and HydraGuard Tile Pro, align the edge of the top sheet to the end of the glue pattern (the sheet will overlap the fabric). Mew of ovelap seam of HydraGuard Dual Pro and HydraGuard me Pro MEMO ETC, U.C. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-1127 [emla•re olAutmnr•rroe a3N66 7-EDMON (2020) FRC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FLR59.R31 Polyglass Roof Undedayments Revislon 27: 09/30/2020 Page 16 0117 NNEmo I etc. 6.4.2 Nan -Tile Applications: Shall be installed In compliance with requirements for an approved self -adhering underlayment (ASTM D3970) in FBC 1507.1.1.1 or 1507.1.1.3 or FBC Residential R905.1.1.1 or R905.1.1.3 for the type of prepared roof covering to be Installed, and the manufacturer's installation instructions. When installed over a mechanically attached base sheet of FBC Approved ASTM D226, Type It felt, Elastobase, Elastobase P or Mule -Hide Nail Base, the base sheet shall be fastened in accordance with FBC 1507.1.1 or R905.1.1. 6.4.3 Tile Applications lexcludes HvdraGuard Dual Pro. Polystick lR-Xe and Polystick MU-Xl: Shall be installed In compliance with the requirements for Self -Adhered Membrane set forth in FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition and the manufactureds installation instructions. Refer to Section 5.8.3 herein for attachment limitations. Refer to Table 4 herein for tile staging limitations. 6.4.4 Multi -Ply Underlayment Systems: Polystick MTS Plus or Polystick XFR followed by HydraGuardTile Pro, Polyflex SA P, Polystick MTS Plus, Polystick MU-X, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus or Polystick XFR is allowable for use under mechanically attached prepared roof systems. Umits of use are those associated with the top -layer material. This is not a requirement, but is allowable If a 2-ply underlayment system is desired. Polystick MTS Plus followed by HydraGuard Tile Pro, Polyflex SA P, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus is allowable for use under adhesive -set tile systems. Limits of use are those associated with the top -layer material. This is not requirement, but is allowable if a 2-ply underlayment system is desired. 6.5 Elastoflex 56 G or Elasta0ex S6 G FR: 6.5.1 Shall be Installed in compliance with requirements as an alternate to the "Hot Asphalt Applied Cap Sheet" in the "Two Ply System" in the FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Refer to Section 5.8.2 and 5.8.3 herein for attachment limitations. Refer to Table 4 herein for tile staging limitations. Shall be installed in compliance with requirements as an alternate to the "Heat Applied Cap Sheet" in the "Tw the FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, and the installation instructions. Refer to Section 5.8.3 herein for attachment limitations. Refer to Table 4 herein for tile staging limitations. :Iulia,tHt�'ri if IraR7#ajf lhli Sd, i { As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction to properly evaluate the installation of this product. ':� IURYJI°fd:S51 f Il l�d'1 aAhddi: Contact the named QA entity for manufacturing facilities covered by F.A.C. Rule 61G20-3 QA requirements. Refer to Section 4 herein for products and production locations having met codified material standards. r, e�elduid'trt<'gn (d?lalt11d 9. UL LLC — QUA9625; (414) 248-6409; Karen.buchmann(OuLcom -END OF EVALUATION REPORT - NEMO ETC, I.I.C. Evaluation Report P32060.02.09-R27 Certl/kare ofAurMr4erim N32455 7- EDITION 12o2ol FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-1131 Polyala.. Roof Unrlerlayments Revision 27: 09/30110i0 Page 17 of 17