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APPROVED Florida Statute Electrical - Zapata, Alejandro(1)
6HSWHPEHU, 2021 Dear Whom It May Concern, Project Name:$/(-$1'52=$3$7$ +,&.25<'5,9()2573,(5&()/ ,QVWDOODWLRQRI N:'&5RRIWRS396RODU6\VWHP 3HU )ORULGD 6WDWXWHUHYLVHG , -RVHSK-%UDYR3(D OLFHQVHGHQJLQHHU SXUVXDQW WR &KDSWHU FHUWLI\WKDWWKH 39HOHFWULFDOV\VWHP DQG HOHFWULFDOFRPSRQHQWVDUH GHVLJQHG DQG DSSURYHG XVLQJ WKH FRGH UHTXLUHPHQWVDQG VWDQGDUGV FRQWDLQHGLQ WKH )ORULGD %XLOGLQJ&RGH If you have any questions regarding this project, please feel free to contact me. 6LQFHUHO\ -RVHSK-%UDYR3( MRHE#EDUXQဨFRUSFRP Barun CorpIDesign and EngineeringI610.202.4506Ichrisk@barunͲcorp.comIwww.barunͲcorp.com P