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FIrM Ma ,4tt proyal menu > PrW ud of AgQ11caEk>n So -arch > 6WI 2gL�Ln List � A pp I ica t;on Ge#ai
FL # FL389-Rl0
Application Type Revision
Code Ver5lon 2020
Application Status Approved
Comments -
Product Manufacturer American Shutter Syr>tems Associaborl. Inc.
Addre f-Phone/Emait 4268 Westrcads Drive
est Palm Beach, FL 33407
� 5611 209-8 63
b eeley ea stern metal, corn
Authorized Signature Bill Fe-eley
Technical Representative
Quality Assurance Representative
CategM 5 h utt ers
Subcategory AecorMon
Compliance MeM4 Evaluation Report from a Florida Izegistared Architect or a Licensed Florida
Profession& Engineer
Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect' Name who developed Walter A.. MIIit, Ir. P. E.
the Evan u k)in Repoft
Florida License PE-44167
Qtwity ASS L-a & 8 ntity Natkmaf Accre(kabop and Manag-em&nt r n stitute
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 1 /31/ 0 1
Validated By John Henry Kampmaro ;F.
Validation Checklist - Ha rdcopy Received
Certificate of Independence FL3$ R10-M CQ165S _W.8M-.jZd-f
EL389 _C:0I C01 65S8� LADE3��
Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year
AST# E- 1886 1 2
ASTM E- 1996 2012
A TM• E-330 20,02
TAS 201, 202, 203 1994
Egt.riya lence of Product Standards
Certified By
Florida Building Code Online
5ectl on s from t he Cod e
Mips;/1-wfllor-idabuiIlia g,or /pr/pr_upp— tl. as px 9p .,
Product Approval Method
Date Submitted
Date Validated
Date Pending FBC Approval
Date Approved
Summary of Products
Method 1 Option D
10/ 15/2020
11106120 0
1V06/20 20
12/ 15/20 0
FL #t
M adel., dumber or Name
Bertha HV Accordion Shatter - Slade
Extruded aluminum interlocking blades retained
by tracks (top
3 - (NGn-- HZ7) - Drvvg 20-1655
and bottom) for storm protection
Limits of Use
Installation Instruction
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
FL-389_R 10_-jI_QR 1NG ASSA_ BLADES. pdF
Approved fior use ioutsfde H : Yes
Veered By ; America n Test Lab of South Florida,
h-i- ,
Impact Resistant-: Yes
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A
Evatuation Reports
Other; Large Wssile Level T".Max span is 12r-3-" for 40 psf
positive A D load and 13'1 for 35 psf negative A D lead the
Created by Independent Third party, Yes
HV 3 blade w/o window b4ade, for 110 psf ASO tGad for
HV3 blade w/o win-dow blade and 8r-11" for 62 psf, 9�41" for
55 psf HV3 blade aw/w~rindow blade working in uni cn.Max.span
for HV3 blade /o window blade for fnstallations Mto Metal'
Strad walls is 79' for max. A li pressure rat in
84{r fOr eet 5 for other spans and A D
s res.
Bertha HV Accordion hotter -Blade 1
Extruded aEuminum interlocking blades retained
by tracks (top
Daly- (Non-HVHZ)- Drwg 20-1 E4
and bottom) for storm pr-otectior,
Lira its of Use
Installation Instructions
Approved for use in H id : No
FL389_RIO II_DRI G__,A SA_ BLADE 1, pof
Approved for use outside RVHZ,. lies
Verified : Americzrr Test Lab of South FWrid a{
Impact Resistant: lies
i Created by Independent Third Party: eS
Design Pressure: N/A
Evaluation Reports
Other: Large missile level '°'Wr. Max. Span is 16",Cr, for 30
A_WA_�Q1, pl f
p.s.f negative ASD lead depending on centermares and locking
Created by Independent Third party; Yes
r c d oG u-rfc-r the HV 1 b!a e of - " for x -7.2 p s f.
A.S.D. load for HV Diade for Keystone mountings 7"-000 p.s, f.
for metals stud mountings and F-O" for 110 p.s.f. for HV 1A
working in unison. See sheets 7' 11 and 2-0 respectivei'y of -
installation drawings for other spars and pressures.
38 Bertha HV Accordlon Shutter-
es retairied
, Extruded aluminum i��Opvotie`ctlon
by tracks (top
COMBO- ( or-VHZ)- Dr -16
and botto
Limits of Use
Installation Instructions
Approved for use In i� VH Z,. No
FLU � � 1 � I I � � A� A_� LA�� 1_ pd f
Approved for use outside HWZ. Yes
VerrTied : Am erica n Test Lab of 'South Mrlcl.3,
Impact Resistant: Yes
Created by independent Third Party: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A
EvalivatiGn Reports
Other: Large missile. Max. 16'-Off span at 30 p,s.f A D load
for Blade 1 and 18'-0" fbr Blade 2. See schedules on sheet 12,
Created by Independent Third party: Yes
35 &PA3 2a reSPOCtfv
Eck IV�xt
The State of Rorida ks an AA{ EE0 a mploy a r. 5taEe=U t � ; A"essitifiAy Statement ; ; Refund nd State nrMnl
U Rder Florida law, email addresses are pu blk- -records- It You do not want your e - mall address released In re s pan se to a puNic-recordsreq u-e5t" do rat send el eat r on fc
mall to this entity. Instead, contact the o by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any (Iuestlou, please coy ct 650_487_1311 'Pursuant to Becton
455, 27 50), Fk)ilda Statutes, effect ly-c Oct r 1, 2012, ftensees fte n sed under Chapter 455, F.S. Must pr ov Ide the Deportment with an er a rl address If they have
one. The a malls provided may be used for oftl cial corn n-wn k ation wrt h the €€cerksee. However enr all addresses are p u b-Hc fecard. if you -do not wish to supply a Personal
address, please provide #Cre Department v0th a(i Mall Ciddre&S WWch Can be made availWe to the public. To determine W Mu are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S,
pie -,se dick byre
P rad uct AppS 0 1 Acmp#s:
2 of ? 1 1, 5:13 P