HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof Framing Plan5/8"plywood fastened to framing of gable end as per Nailing Notes --\ New Addition CAI=N Rear Elevation Scale: 1 /4""= 1'-0" Existing Roof Plan Scale: 1 /8""= 1'-0"" EXISTING RESIDENCE New Front Elevation Scale: 1 /4""= 1'-0" OPEN 5/8""c.d.x. plywood on Gable End, fasten per Nailing Notes—\ EXISTING ENTRY Existing Residence Right Elevation Scale: 1 /4""= 1'-0"" New Gable Roof Cricket Trusses EXISTING RESIDENCE Attic Vents Calculation FRONT ENTRY Attic Area: 240 s.f. / 150 = 1.60 s.f. required. Venting Provided: 8 x 16 soffit vent: 50 sq. in. each vent 5 Vents along ceiling = 250 sq. in. 250 sq. in. / 144 = 1.73 s.f. Total Ventilation Provided: 1.73 sq. ft. Climatic & Geographic Design Criteria Weathering: Negligible Termite Area: Very Heavy R Sca Design Loads Roof Live Load: 20.0 p.s.f. Floor Live Load: 40.0 p.s.f. A Wind Speed: 160 MPH ind Importance Factor: 1.0 Building Category: II Wind Exposure: B Internal Pressure Coefficent: .18 Structure Designed: Open Soil bearing capacity: 2000 p.s.f. Area Tabulation Rear Porch 213 s.f. Front Entry 240 s.f. Total 453 s.f. FXiSTIN(. RFgTnFKjr.F NEW ADDITION Occupancy Type: Group R Construction Type: V Number of Stories: One Project Area: 453 s.f. 7th Edition Florida Building Code: Residential 7th Edition Florida Building Code: Existing Buildings: Alteration Level II 2017 National Electric Code NFPA 70 KIMAI Annr--rnni Project Data Street Address: 2401 Melon Court City: Ft. Pierce County: St. Lucie State: Florida Scope of Work' Replace the existing roof with a new framed pitched roof and a new covered roof at the entry ar (3 C w O L- W Z C� -- w W 0 J � Z W U_ o U) `� W �-i—i V J N QO M J Lo li c0 ai cc i U-) a� 00 a U v M a. o LO O M NT Q C U LU to C Lo C'4 ~ O � tti00 r z UO LU N r v Q 00 ry T 00 N 0 I- 0 I— LU - n 0 (D 00 � z U v 2 0 C 0 a � cr_ cTJ z C o ILL �- N 0 IX date revision 5/25/21 Noted replace roof at existing rear porch A8/15/21 Plan Review Comm. Wind Speed ANCE t U ITY cc drawn S.I. checked s.l. date 2/23/21 scale as noted job number 21002 sheet A-1 14, (2) 2 x 10 Ridge Board Fasten plys with (2) rows of 10d nails 12-o.c. with 2-edge di Top of Existing CBS Wall (2) 2 x 10 Ridge Board Fasten plys with (2) rows of 10d nails 12-o.c. with 2-edge di Top of2x8 Beam 0.00' F.F.E. � Set New Handmade Trusses directly above the existing roof trusses. Fasten the to the existing wall with (1) HTSM20 with (10) 10d to truss and (4) 1 /4"x 2 1 /4"Titen to the existing CBS wall 1175 lbs. Allowable Uplift Existing 4/12 Pitch Wood Trusses 24"o.c. — Uetall A -A )GE TO COLUMN MSTA24 Straps with 10d per strap (2) MGT Tie Down with (1) 5/ 8-dia. A.T.R. with 12"min. embedment into conc. Drilled and Epoxy with (22) 10d to beam RIDGE TO COLUMN (4) MSTA24 Straps with (14) 10d per strap MSTA24 with (14) nails per strap (2) 2 x 8 beam with 1 /2"plywood flitch between (4) MSTA18 Straps with (14) 10d x 1 1/2" nails per strap. 4 x 4 P.T. Column ABU44 Post Base Anchor (1) 5/8" dia. x 6- Wedge Bolt to concrete and 0 2) 16d nails to column. 2500# Concrete Pad Footing with (1) #5 rebar 6-o.c. each way (`r)h jmn A Ream np-tnil 1 x 10 p.t. Trim Board Entry Cross Section Scale: 1 /4-= 1'-0" fastened to bottom cord as per Nailing Notes Roof Wind Zones Scale: 1 /8 1'-0" Fasten gussets to each framing members with 8d nails 6""o.c. staggered 2 x 6 Fascia with Alum. Drip Edge Verify with existii See Connector r 4' Line of the existing Gable End overhang Rafter to Fridge Beam with (3) 16d Typical - (2) 2 x 10 Ridge Beam Fasten plys with 16d at 12"o.c. staggered — New Cricket Existing Existing 1 4/12 pitch 4/12 pitch L Existing 4/12 pitch \Z �6V ....... I I Line of the I a I Existing :'::' I iz Overhangs I ai I I z I I Existing New New � 4/12 4/12 4/12 pitch I I I I I L_------ — — New Entry Roof New Roof Plan Scale: 1 /8"= 1'-0- (1) MSTA24 Bend over Top of rater and ridge centered with (5) 10d x 1 1 /2- each side of ridge Typical New Gable End 72 1 NEW � NEW z Existing Existing 4/12 pitch 4/12 pitch � 1 ew � IExisting au 4/12 pitch .N w I New Roof Crickets Existing 4/12 pitch 1 Metal Roof Panels over 5/8-c.d.x. plywood fastened Peel & Stick Underlayment to rafters as per Nailing Schedule LU28 Hanger at each rafter with (8) 10d to ridge board & (6) 10d x 1 1 /2"to rafters 2 x 8 No.2 SYP—/ _— Applied Uplift: 250 lbs. Rafters 24-o.c. Allowable Uplift: 850 lbs. r- Ir "~ ew Rear Porch Cross Section 1"11'-0" See Rafter /Ledger Attachment Detail Line of the existing Gable End overhang Existing Pre Eng. Wood ` Trusses 24"o.c. Remove the existing overhang Existing CBS Exterior Wall Fasten Rafter to ledger with (1) MTS18 with (14) 10d x 1 1 /2". Bend strap on ledger as needed Galv. Flashing along the New to Existing Roof Intersection 6 p.t. Ledger fasten he top cord of the existing ses with (3) 16d Existing Roof Truss Rafter /Ledger Attachment V OL Cv o M L W Z CO J LL LO cc cc �.�, nn �•+�J U FLL) Q W L W � 00 J LPL r� Q ai z a W o -�LO W 4-) VJ C CD Q Q} CZ U W cB d C N LO T o CO Uoz C/) d 00 T J N ,--, Q -'E a W Q3 L L 0 t • 3 z U o C) 0 C Q Q) LLCDm� \V T N 0 0 date revision 4/1/21 Roofing & Under layment products 5/25/21 Noted replace roof at existing rear porch drawn s.l. checked s.l. date 2/23/21 scale as noted job number 21002 sheet A-2 STRUCTURAL NOTES: All reinforcing steel shall be high strength billet steel and shall conform to ASTM A-615 grade 60 specifications. Lap continuous reinforcing 48 bar diameters or 30"" in beams and in slabs. Lap bottom steel over supports and top steel at midspan. Hook discontinuous ends of all top bars. Reinforcing steel shall have a minimum of 1" concrete cover, or as follows: BOTTOM TOP SIDES Beams: 1 1 /2°" 1 1 /2" 1 1 /2" Slab on Grade: 1 1/2" 1"" _ Structural Poured: 3/4" 3/4" _ Poured Walls: _ _ 3/4' Slabs exposed to the weather 3/4" 1 " Reinforcing steel shall be detailed and fabricated in accordance with the "Manual of Standard Practice of Detailing Reinforcing Concrete Structures" and the current "ACI Building Code 318" All structural steel shall conform to current ASTM Specification A-36 All wood in contact with masonry shall be pressure treated or approved seperating material. All dimensions shall be verified in field by the contractor. If there are any discrepancies the Architect or Engineer shall be notified before proceeding. No slump over 5" shall be permitted for any structural concrete without the Architect or Engineer approval. All Design and Construction shall be inaccordance with the current American Concrete Institute (ACI). and the American Institute of Stee Construction (AISC), The Florida Building Code and all applicable local codes. Structural Concrete shall attain a minimum ultimate compressive strength (Fc') in 28 days as follows: Column Footing: 2500 p.s.i. Footing sizes and reinforcing are based on allowable soil bearing capacity of 2000 p.s.i. All footings shall bear in virgin soil. If this is not the case, the Architect or Engineer shall be notified before proceeding with the work. Timber (Heavy Timber Construction) Wood rafters to have a Stress Grade of Fb=1200 p.s.i. Roof members should be secured to the beams or other structural components with hurricane anchors for wind uplift. All wood members shall have a minimum fiber stress in bending of 1200 p.s.i. with 1 /360 max. deflection. All bolted connections shall be 1 /2" Cadmium plated or better. SHEATHING NAILING NOTES Nailing Pattern Zone 1: 8d at 6-o.c. field & 4"o.c. edges Zone 2: 8d at 4"o.c. edges & field Zone 3: 8d at 4-o.c. edges & field Pneumatic Nails Pneumatic or mechanicaly driven nails will be accepted under the following conditions: Min. nails size 8d or larger ring shank with Min. shank diameter:.113 Min. Length: 2- Min. Head Diameter:.280 Full Round Min. Ring Diameter .012 over shank dia. Min. 16 to 20 Rings per Inch Note Gun nails shall be permitted as an acceptable fastener from any manufacturer Wood screws meeting the same size requirement may be used in lieu of nails without comment Nailing Schedule ROOF & FLOOR DIAGRAM Use sheathing with #8 gun nails at 6"o.c. at supported panel edges and #8 gun nails at 6"o.c. at intermediate supports. ROOF SHEATHING TO GABLE END FRAME Use #8 gun nails at 4"o.c. EXTERIOR SHEATHING Use #8 gun nails at 4"o.c. at panel edges and #8 gun nails at 4-o.c. at panel top and bottom and 6"o.c. in field Connector Schedule Truss Bearing Rafter Connector Qnty. Connector Fasteners Point Uplifk ID Uplift All rafters to Frame ALL <1000 MTS18 1 1000 (14) 10d x 1 1/2" U.N.O. Connector Notes: Do not substitute connectors Do not sheath rafters before all straps are in place Lateral forces perpendicular and parallel to wall has been considered (less than 300 p.l.f.) A.T.R. = All Treaded Rod Drill and Epoxy Set all A.T.R. Use either "Hilti- C-100 or Simpson Epoxy Tie Epoxy PRODUCT APPROVAL Approval Number Product Model Number Manufacturer Attachment Method Building Rated Design Pressures Product Rated Design Pressures FL#: 28113.1 Roofing IM100 Nailstrip Panel Integrity Metals #10 x 1 "Low Profile screws 5-o.c. along nail strip. -45.0 -108.5 FL#: 2569.1 Underlayment Tri Built HTT Soprema Self Adhering -45.0 -150.0 wp gf' Porch existing existing Existing Door to new Rear Porch Existing Light at Front Entry w��p gI existing New Entry ELECTRICAL LEDGEND SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE TTT CEILING FAN WITH LIGHT OPTION DUPLEX OUTLET } SWITCH ALL 120V SINGLE PHASE 15 & 20 AMP BRANCH CIRCUITS SUPPLYING OUTLETS THAT ARE NOT GFCI MUST BE AFCI. TAMPER PROOF RECEPTICALES MUST BE INSTALLED IN 120 VOLT, SINGLE PHASE 15 & 20 AMP BRANCH CIRCUITS Q � C'V O00 M L. ,r v Lu z 1* M ILL� y� b4 U r� _L 00 ® J LL r- w � "" z U M a v U w Q � V) C) 0 w M �4--) 1.! J CZ ai Q CZ > U w N v � T C)00 O Z ,--. C) C14 U w 0 Q M T Existing Electric Plan scale: 1 /8" = V-0­ �- Lag bolts to be used only in shear connections with minimum 4" threaded penetration past steel plate. Lag bolted conditions shall be drill tapped no larger than the J N 0 internal thread diameter and shall not be hammer driven. Q Q) E d w Q N li m � GENERAL REQUIREMENTS � z v Q v All work to be as per the current edition of the Florida Building Code 2 p C and meet or exceed all applicable local requirements. Q _� 0 II General contractor is responsible for all labor, materials, utilities, testing, ILL waste removal, storage, securing of site, accomodation, transport/freight, LL M � CD N and all other cost related to the completion of this project., unless explicitly identified here. 0 Q Owner is responsible for all municipal related charges such as impact fees, and water connection, except building permit fees, which are to be included in the construction bid. General contractor to check all drawings for errors and ommissions and bring them to the attention of the architect prior to starting any work, or date revision ordering any materials of the respective division of work. If such errors 4/1/21 Roofing & Under and ommissions are not reported in writingto the architect, any resulting layment products damages or costs shall be born entirely by the general contractor. 5/25/21 Noted replace roof at existing rear porch Architect is not responsible for the contractors method or means of construction. drawn s.l. General contractor is to keep the site in a clean and safe state through checked out the course of construction. On building turnover, general contractor tc S.I. clean all surfaces so as to be free of dust, grease, stains, scuffs, etc. date 2/23/21 Unless otherwise noted, the installation of specified hardware shall scale as noted conform to the manufacturers instructions and standard practice. job number 21002 All plans and drawings are not considered complete until they have been sheet reviewed and approved by the Building Department A-3 and the building permit has been issued.