HomeMy WebLinkAboutWalsh WH Permit app 4160 n highway a1a 1104a.pdfAll APPLTCABLE tNFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICAT|ON TO BE ACCEPTED Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning ond Development Services Buitding ond Code Regulotion Division COmmefCial 2300 Virginio Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (77 21 462-1553 Fax: (77 2) 462-157 I Residentia, \a PERM IT APPLICATION FOR:Water Heater PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address:4160 N Hiqhwav 41A 1104- A Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: 1423-506-0067-000-2 Lot No Block No. Project Name:Walsh Water Heater DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: like for like water heater chanqe out- 50 qallon electric New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter (Affidavit required) CONSTRUCTION I N FORMATION : Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: _Mechanical _ Gas Tank _ Gas Piping _ Shutters Windows/Doors _ Pond Roof Pitch_ Electric p etumOing - Sprinklerst-_ Generator Sq. Ft. of First Floor:Total Sq, Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: S 2400.00 Utilities: _ Sewer _ Septic Building Height: lf value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. lf value of HAVC is 57,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: Name Mariva Walsh Address: 4160 N Highway 41A 1 1 04- A_. State: I LCity: Ft Pierce Zip Code: 34949 Pax: Phone No. 772-878-5123 E-Mail: njohns@mirandacompanies.com Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Name:Don Miranda Company: Miranda Plumbino & Air Conditioninq Address: 750 NWEnterprise Dr. Suite 100 City: Port Saint Lucie State: FL ziP Code:3i986 Fax: Phone No 7728785123 E-Mait njohns@mirandacompanies.com State or County ticense CFC1427227 Wnurrue iluer* -- Not Applica6te Address: zip: ---Fhil" MORTGAGE COMPANY:,v,vn r 'uA\rE LUtvtpANy: _ Not ApplicableName: Address: City:__zrp:-- phone: FEE SIMPLE TITL Name: zip: BoND,NG.'MPANY' G Address: Zip: --Eono ill#1:il;:',Ul'lTl|ir?r'iffJry,7ghH!Bffi.!ifiiih!,s,"ieiffi}[fl?:#{ilii.,'.,s,'$ff1}r,f4i,*il*w*li.d,,t,,,,, ,?,ii*?, ll::i;li:'.1':"#if Ii:ilil:t5,"lijr:m***rB[;ii1;-'s,l1,.3;kfti:dl,.;t*1";,,perrorm,hework The-following building permit applications are e ilfiIil,,#T,;m:m::ii:ifliili['iJ!::fl*,fftr,'#J::[1,il;rfry;J,"^"#,ii,1i,"ti0,r,,,,,,,.*ARNING ro owNER: Your railure to Record a Norice o, .or*ffi;ffi;::il::T:H#l"J;:1"'rmprovements t 1;il#*'ir::ht\ STATE OF Ft COUNTY OF agent for Offiil ..".- online Notarization SwogJo (or affirmed) and subscribed before me ofL-/Physical Presence or ontina r\rn+r,i-^+:^ this _ day of Personal ty Known l{;- produced tdentificationType of ldentificatiEn-- Name of purcon mllii! statement. STATE OF FLORIDA SlorEe{or affirmed) and subscribed before me of_[.rPhysicalPresenceor Onlinp[\tnrrri:r+i^..-- Online Notarization PersonallyKnown i../'ORproducedldentification Type of I dentificat6n-- Produced ev. ture of Notary pubilFtate otary public- State of ,"GGr_,3gS,n REVIEWS ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW 2oz h py statement. FRONT VIEW @o TOP VIEW COLD WATER INLET ELECTRICAL ACCESS PANEL ELEMENT AND THERMOSTAT ACCESS 4.. 45 ,/t.000 I 45.000-Y TANK DRAIN Figure 2 - Dimensional Drawing - Staged Operation Specifi cations and Dimensions Water Temperature Ratings Residential Models Storage Capacity A B c D E Safety Listing Hot / Cold lnlets Shipping Weight (Lbs. Est.) Min. Delivered Temp. Max. Delivered Temp. High Temp. Limit EVR04OC2X**x 40 5 3/4" 46"s4 1 /4" 19 1/Z',B"UL174 3/4', NPT 104 1100F (43.3 C) 1 500F (6s.s c) 1700F (76.6 C)zEVR052C2Xxxx 52 58 1/4"66 3/4"118 Table 2 - Specifications and Dimensions - See Table 3 for Electrical Specifications Model ## Elements and Thermostats Available Wattage Voltage Full Load Current in Amps (Single Phase) EVR*x*C2X030 2 3,000 240 13 EVRx**C2X045 4,500 10 EVR*x*C2X055 5,500 23 - *x* Refers to Model Tvpe and Gallon Size - See TableTable 3 - Electrical Specifications lncluding Corresponding Wattages / Voltages / Amperages for Model Specifications and Dimensions EVR052C2XO45N06 Example Model Number product rype Rated vortase liliiilHl,, Disits construction I L 2Jo\ // / N..Jn.rl()v Y \ F -./sru,,tt,:,,.u,.t,,\ r-t--\ k. EVR 052 C2 X 045 N 06'*-.r- + \ .-r- ? R a te d C a p a c i ty 1 c a r 1 il#"il' I * I i r " lf i:; ;IJJ-:JJJ Figure 3 - Example Model Number and Desription - See Warranty for Coverage Details lp-531 Rev 001 Rel. 000 Date 6.4.21 Type ELECTRICAL ACCESS PANEL 14 Part 9 - Replacement Parts Figure 8 - Replacement Parts - Staged Operation TEM#DESCRIPTION PART # I JUNCTION BOX COVER {W/SCREWS)6060P-98s 2 IHERMOSTAT - UPPER 6060P- 1 008 IHERMOSTAT - UPPER ("U" MODELS ONLY)6060P-00 I 3 iHERMOSTAT - LOWER 6060P- r 009 IHERMOSTAT LOWER {"U" MODETS ONLY)6060P-002 4 IHERMOSTAT PROTECTIVE COVER .UPPER 6060P-9?4 THERMOSTAT PROTECTIVE COVER -UPPER (U-MODELS ONLY)6060P-634 J IH ERMOSTAT PROTECTIVE COVER.LOWER 6060P-9s2 THERMOSTAT PROTECIIVE COVER-LOWER (U-MODELS ONLY)6060P-636 6 ACCESS PANEL 6060P- r 87 7 ;CREWS. ACCESS PANEL 6075P-006 8 VOUNTING BRACKET 6060P-955 \IOUNTlNG BRACKET ("U" models only)6060P-9s6 I :LECTRIC ELEMENT - 3000W 6060P-939 :tECTRIC ETEMENT - 4500W 6060P-938 :LECTRIC ELEMENT - 5500W 6060P-937 t0 )RAIN VALVE 6070P-009 il )IP TUBE - 40 GAL )IP TUBE. 52 GAL. 6060P- I 034 6060P- r 035 2 \IPPLE/HEAT TRAP 6060P- I 038 3 IEMP/PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE TP r 000 4 JUNCTION BOX COVER W/ KNOCKOUTS iW/SCREWS)6060P-982 5 PROTECTIVE INSULATION 6060P-965 PARTS FOR UNITS WITH BOLT-ON T-STAT BRACKETS ONLY-NOT SHOWN 6 IHERMOSTAT MOUNTING BRACKET-BOLT-ON 6060P-633 7 SPACER 6060P-979 8 NUTS 6060P-935 9 ELEMENT PROIECTIVE COVER 6064P-?97 WHL-026-A 06/03/2t Ip-631 Rev.001 Rel.000 Date 6.4.21