HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter; St. Lucie Gardens Non-Confirming LotsThCES 'DEPARTMENT �Plannirig p�vslori. ST. LIJCIE e4i7'N I'I' �ur}e-1'2, 2019 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Matthew J . Toeniskoetter J T: Holdings, Inc. LIN�A.BAR r'z_ 1. 590I S US Highway' 1 CHAIR DiSTRI&T3a Fort P erce,_:FL 34982 CATHY TOWNSEfVD RC • St: Luce Gardens Non=Conforming Lots (3414-5014008-150-7 &:3:414=5:Q'1 vtcECtIAiFz D18t,RIC5T 10Q6 350-5 ;App licability ofFlor.ida State Stattite.Sectian 704:0.1 CHRIS.DZADQVSKY Dear;:Mf Toeniskoetter , DISTRICT1 This letter is ►rc; regards to your request: ,for additional research pertaining. "to the: SEAM MITCHELL :applicabllity of. Florida :Statute Section'704 I# with respect to the 'fohowing> iwo,non- DISTRICT>2 conforming lots located' on-Gulotti' Place in- St.:"Lueie Gardens.' Parcels3414-501-1008- 1.5.0 7'& 34154-'S01-10Q6 `350 S The County >Attorney's offi'ee;has reviewed the section:in. FRANNIE HUTOWNSQN fight of the subject;parcels. and'.has,found the following: DISTRICT,4 The above referenced parcels were: under the: aame ownership prior .to July, 1, 1084: i.owARo N. TiPToIV adoption of tl e.L-md.,.Development Code ,After-being:sold to separate owners i_n.201'7 and' COUNTYADMWf5TRA17OR "201.8 the..individual lots 'became. non .coriformai g, pars' ""to Section 1 Q:QO 0.4 'of the St. Lucie- County `Land: Development= Cade. The original lot had access through -the 1-971 DAN MCIN—WRR agreement -which created access easements to benef t>theaots<in. St: Lucie Gardens. CddNt'(At ORNE-Y The: ea'sement;;lcnown as, Gulotti Place !crosses_-- over the. eastern portion,.of Parcel ID No:; MAILING, AooREss 3'414 .,SO1, 1006 35Q=,5. The other. grcel:does nothave dkect access to Gulott `Place or any 2300 VI,RGINIA AtrENUE other- roadway. Due to; the: parcels lack of road frontage, the1ot split which occurred was FORT PIERCE, FL=34962 riot in_coinpl ance with the requirements"'of the, St Lucie -County Land DevelopmehtCode. PHONE Consequently the two parcels -can, onlybe developedas ones,single-family residential lot.: f772?° 462=2822: _ Section 704.01, Florida Statute; creates: statutory easements for certain lots that may, TDD., otherwise be,landlocked: Furthermore, a "statutory way of;necessity eAsts )Xft any land (772Y4624428 being used fora dwelling s shut Oft by lands:sa that.no pract catroute ofegress or'ingress. ,is available to thenearest public or private>road in.Wh'ichthelandloeked owner`has vested FAX (772) 462 t;58:1 easements rights. While,this, b*.enable`the_ow e- r of the western of thetwo lots to make, a, clairit':for physical accessao the adjoining lot; the statutory,easement is not.sufficient to:. WE891TE. meet the requirements of Section' 10.,OQ.Q4 of Land Development Code. STLUCIECQ..G'OV ST. L Q 0 1 E.W0, R Pa:ge-'2 Of 2: Given -the go , p prior ownership history of,,the 'lbts;,the :.noncompliatit.-iiature, of.,ther -lot, split, and the lkk .of 'legal toad frontage, -the Planning and Dovolopment, Services Department recommends comb riing--theparc6jsjpto a single lot ih: ordpr,,toremedy ,the.�situ4ti'o on:, If you have any quesfionsor. doncem's please L feel free to contact the Ttannin - and _g _b0_61opmerit Services Department.. Siftcerdly, K ristopher M-NIXtain Asgoclwte PlAfirief Attachments: ' s�- (J).M'dmo C6, Usitei 01Wh,P't4hq'j'n' ''ID evel6pm-0nf9,ervjqOs Director. Linda Pendarvisl.,Tlanning.Manager. Melissa, Brubaker, Zoning &-.Pe.nnitting Supervisor lleatEe r Y-bi ui-ni g; Assistant County Gwner Pro, ropl�rty, J6hn Biitqy SOMR-0-1 LUCIEWORKS INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Kristopher McCrain, Associate Planner FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney" C.A. NO.: 19-0766 DATE: May 31, 2019 SUBJECT: St. Lucie Gardens Non -Conforming Lots — Applicability of Section 704.01, Florida Statutes Pursuant to your request, I have reviewed the applicability of Section 704.01, Florida Statutes, to the following two non -conforming lots located on Gulotti Place in.St, Lucie Gardens: Parcel ID No. 3414- 501-1008-150-7 and Parcel ID No. 3414-501-1006-350-5. The two parcels were underthe same ownership prior to July 1, 1984, but they were conveyed to separate owners in 2017 and 2018. The original lot had access through the 1971 agreement which created access easements to benefit the lots in St. Lucie Gardens. The actual travel way of Gulotti Place crosses over the eastern portion of Parcel ID No. 3414- 501-1006-350-5. The other parcel has no direct access to Gulotti Place or any other road. Based on the prior ownership and lack of road frontage, the lot split which occurred with the above -referenced sales was not in compliance with the Land Development Code's requirements. Accordingly the two parcels may only be developed as one single family residential lot. Section 704.01, Florida Statutes, creates statutory easements for certain lots which may otherwise be landlocked. While this may enable the owner of the western of the two lots to make a claim for physical access over an adjoining lot, the statutory easement is not sufficient to meet the requirements of Section 10.00.04 of the Land Development Code given the prior ownership history of the lots, the noncompliant nature of the lot split, and the lack of recorded road frontage. Combining the parcels into one lot again may serve to resolve the situation, but that will be up to the owners. If you require anything further with regard to this matter, please let me know. HY/ Copies to; Planning and Development Services Director Development Review Coordinator