HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAAAPPLICABLE INFO ;tUIUST BE COMPLETED'FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Gate; 101612021 Permit NuMn O:r, s Build:Eng Per..rnit -Applicati0 , Planning and Development Servites . Building -and ;Co.:de Reguloti6ii. D vision . 2300 > irgir iQAvenae Fort Pien e'FL 34982 Phone: ,(772) 462 1553 Fax: (772},4624,57' 9 COii1hner,Cla� X`. -9,0 deOfiaf PERMIT APPCICATIIj1V FOR:; ToS.,elect fresm dropbox2 click arrow at the end ofi line Address:. �TBD Legal Descn,ption: 'NETTLES ISLAND ING A"Cf�NDCl-SECTION 1 TRACT T-4 ANa"LOT 138 AND LOTS 1;59 THRU 162' (t)75 AC` 32,67Q ;SF} (AS PER. PLAT DEDICATION DATED 4502-501..1601 0001 ,se,s9 retwrt6x P'raperty-•Tax ID#: Lot No Sife Plan Name." :NETTLES ISLAND' Block IVo:: Pro/eet Name:, Setbacks- Front.... sack Right Side; Left.Sidc:. ar_-_ tc}»zTaZ.*.», M�, REPLACE EXISTING 100,AMP:THREE PHASE FPL FEED FOR EXISTING "ST. LUCIE COUNTY UTILITY LIFTSTATION METER': ' Jiy�S e 'a E` ? hi' s '� ':"`�iXY' ,. "w g v��T"#„�,d`�+'n C�d�°" "�" ' S`�'�'#� Y v_ kITRucc�a�aTla g �3 nrona wor to ,e: a orme uri ert rs-permrt"—c ec a appy :° [�j ❑HVAC IJ Gas 6hk ❑Gas Piping � Shutters Windows/Donis, Electric. � Plurribing :Sprinklers � GenO.Aor: 1'Roof Total Sq: Ft of Construction: .` ;S Ft. of First'Floor - OSewer 4,95Q QQ _S,eptic awlding;Meight: . Cost of'Construetion.;$' Utilities ^ "I' f. Name OUTDOOR RESpRTS AT NETTLES ISLAND,ING' Name: GHRISTOFHER W 'RIGHMOND Comp'any;. ,, RICHMOND ELEETRIC,;INC Address- 98011 S. OCEAN DRIVE" JENSEN BEAGH; . FL City; State: - .Address.' 3086,.ENTERPRISE,ROAD FORT PIERCE. .. ;State F L. Zip Code Phone No. Zip Code:. 34982 Fax °: 772=461-t90T E=Mail:: Ph'one;Na. 772-461-1051 E Mail; DEANA@RICHMONDELECI`RICING COM Fili irf fee s�rriple Titie HbIcidt an next page (if dOterent Stateor County license. EC00,01963 from the Owner I+ste'd ;above)' If`valueW. construchon 'is_.$2500 or more,`a RECORDED Notice of Gorrin5encemetit 5 required. N City: State: i C ty:, St Zip: SIMPLE TITLE. HOLDER:: Of. . .. DiN0Applicable M....PA.NY: Ujme` Addresv Address- City •z1W ZO: Phone:, Phone: I certifyAhzit no',wdrk or,inst6.11atiOn,,h4s;cbftiMericiid pri&t0 the issuani:6:6f o.b6rinit., nti' will 1z e, .1p rn ra ne a dermit 1 -author' e tfi 06ft In cons ider.ati6n;ofthe,grp'ritihg,qfth s requested permit;, I do.:her6by agree that I WHIJ4 all respeds;.perform. the work, in at66eda'nce:'With''t'hez"pp'rOved plans, 'Ih6flde d guild h des�.and'.St"Lqpie Cbq#tV,,-AmL-njdments. ,J a. _i g .0 The, - f6116Wirig building permit -a . ppli-catibris.are=eXempt from .undergJd16Jg'a­,full c I oncurterity.-teV.i6W,.'robrft,,'ad'ditions; 'accessory structures, swimming pools, fences,, walls, signs,screen, rooms -and iccessory., useslo,'another -non-resi.dential, use-, Tn_,n*WMFRv V6arfailtjrp taRpenrd.-a'Nioiice:oftommencement'mav!restiltin:vourr)av!nL-,.i%h1ce for before the fir'st]nis­ectiqh: It you intend t6blotain Mc corrimencing'.WOrk or recordj ing vour Notice of Comm th,,10hder or -an _01 _.Signaturptof dwnerj'Lesspe/Ag'eipf STATE OF FLORIDA CC)U,NTYO'F 'ST.W;CI�E Th e, f olg o i I ng instrument'was,acknowledged beforerne thq d" Y' 'of Oar &rL 26ZI—,by' Signature of Contraft6elUcense-Holder STATE. OF.VLOOMA', COUNTY 0 STA.UCIE The for I strumeni was acknoWledgedbefore -me this, day 'o l .20, IL by ,CHRISTOP 01#01*R 'CH _W"Ni*M641) Of'pers On',acknowledging:;) pp., q ckho W16d ng L Jwt (Signature of'NotaryPdblic:.;,Sfateof"Fibfid.Y)(Signature of Notary Pbblic-,St,ate;of,FI6rida), I Persqnall'y Known 'OR Produc'e_d Identificitionz Personally.,L)(nown x OR;Produc6d Identification P TOP of,-ldpntIfi6ati9­n*oducdd: Type of I.dentificaticin Ptdduced Commission Nq. q9326515,, R6vl8eil 07/15/22014 VEGETATION SEA TURTLE I MANGROVE REVIEW''"' 1. 'REVIEW, I kEVIEW 12