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Revisions; Please see attached letter from Architect
OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: REVISION FEE: LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: — RECEIPT # l PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982.5652 (772) 462.1553 " PRO,IECT INFORMATION DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: G&G BUSINESS NAME: J- c fe- QUALIFIERS NAME: G u /c ADDRESS: / i ,C CITY: STATE: � PHONE (DAYTIME): !2 j;2 SSG j-3.3,574- OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME: ARCFIITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME, ADDISS: 03 �G CITY: ,h v G STATE: PHON (DAYTIME): SLCCC. 9123109 Revised 06/30/17 �EG�N6D ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: a VY6 5 ZIP: &a fG �. FAX: "��ja — �'J S'-- �.1 /K s ` ZI a o 4�i. Iwm ZIP: John M. Foster - Architect Member - American Institute of Architects - LEED AP 11205 Ridge Ave. Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 (772) 370-9464 jmfarch@gmail.com Florida Reg. No. 8511 Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 SLC Permit #2012-0558 WolfLube Warehouse & Offices 4774 S. Jenkins Road Revisions to Plans as noted below: September 30, 2021 1) Connection of CECO Building Systems girts on west facade modified to connect directly to reinforced masonry structure. 2) Sheet D-3 added to plan set. To the best of my professional knowledge & belief, the proposed modifications meet the requirements of the 2020 Edition of the Florida Building and applicable provisions of ASCE 7-16. If there are are questions regarding these revisions, please contact me as shown above. Jokri M. Fo-5tcr - AIA ' •U ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ....................... ficCd modified girt CECO "CL-150" oteel clip w/ �vo; ( -},1/2" x 1 1/2" ?,, ,5H-12` (4-} 1/2` x 1 1/2" �-325 bolts u u - 25 bolt (} 'u x 9 _' � 3 amchor bolts32 � ` ` °�-!-top o arapettiwall i tl ll II 11 colum1l �t. 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Eaoten formo at location shown in Peta![ 5/P-3 above M10F, to concrete beam pour, Aid (2) 2 #3 invented stlrrupo at each co+lncetion. - - - - - - - - - - - - q D RE R L -A N q R q D ... ... .. ........... - - - - - - - - - - - L- - ....... - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Florida t3uildlme Gore 2017, 6 th Edit om -160mph - Ex ooure"C"_3-Second burnt Imtermal presoure coefflo emt == 0.1a warchourpe & Offtern dcefgn cdao enclosed structure _ - - - - _ - _ - - - _ - - Loadlme pock as open Structure. - - - 1 ` 2 " nou h o enin I dim Floor Wall building height 30' ?oof Fitch -- 0.5 /12 I I p 0 20' 0" 18' 0 " MOTE: Modfficatiofio to CL-150 cli ,5 & C/Z 1'rt5 ohall be effected with metal fabirication 5aw5 & (�Fi) x , f h �Hp t m ° �<° S_ < o ° V !L � IL • ci. rM preoo Operated metal twlot drlllo4 Sheet V V t E: CuTTwO TORCHES SHALL NOT' 13E UOEO FOP THEOE OPEPATION Thfo 5hcot to Fyet of 3 otcel Structural rrcmbero from EC uileIifie 5yotemo Jab #17- -717 2- .. .. ,. � .. . ,. ... . ...................................,............................. ............................................................................. n5d) 1i Z/