HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCM-L %-'n +-UjL1zi X . M I LLE Y Q;LERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT _ FILE # 4924680 OR BOOK 4686 PAGE 194, Recorded SAINT LU IE COUNTY 09/17/2021 11:36:03 Permit No. State of Elerlda Counter of St. Lucie £ of COMMENCEMENT Tax Foltu No. a- 2- I-0421.00-8 The Q ndersigned hereby gives notice that i mprovernent will b 2 made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. Legal Description Of Property, (and street address if avaiiab lej NETTLE6 ISLAND Ili t A ND 5E TIC%% II PARCEL 235 AN0PRo-RATiA SHARE [N COM No. cN ELEMENT General description of improve ent Install u rri n hotter der Iftformation or Lessee Info rmat] on hf the LeSSee contracted far the Improve rnent Name y Sooft Rtctnr darn&rRector Andress 235 NW s -Blvd Jensen Bead, FL 34957 Interest ire property. Dwri Eli' N arne andaddrm of fee simple titleholder (if different from Cwnar listed above) ._ Contractor's Name: Expert Shutter Services Contractor Add ress; 668 SW Whitmore Carl e Port St Lu ciel F L 34984 Phone Number: 77 -871-1 15 Surety (if applicabl-e, a copy of the pavrnent bead is attached): Arnount of head` _.._ Name and address: Phone number: ].ender Name: � _ Phone Number: Lender's address; Persons wfthin the State of FEartdR designated by Owner upon wh= notices or other duzu me nts may be served as provided by section 13(1) (a)7,.p Ftorlda Statutes; Name: Phone Number: Address: In addition to himself or herself, Ownerdesignates of - to receEve a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided In Section 7� (1) (b), E1odda Statutes. Phone number of per"n or entity desIgnated by owner: _ Expiratlon date of notice of cornmencementz (the expiration date may not be before the completion of construcVon and final payment to the contractor, but wlIt be I year frorn the date of recording unless a different data is specified) WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY I-H E OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATI ON O F TH E NOTICE OF COMMEN CEM ENT ARE CONSIDERED I MPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713.. PART I, SECTION 71 .13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AN0 CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR I MPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE 0 � COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTE D Q N THE 10 B WE BEFO RE THE FIRST INSPECTION. I F YOU INTEM D TO 06TAIN H NANCI N G., CONSU LT WITH YOUR LE I DER OR AN ATTC RN EY BE FORE COMMEN CI h1 G WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NO-110E OF COMMENCEMENT. Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I have read the fore of ng notice of commencement and that the facts stated therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Sisnsturn& owner or Lessde, or ner's or Lessee"s Authorized Of#icC-r/Director/Partner/Manager (SIRrpato nfrs Tiitle/off ice) - The for-egoing instrument was ao#nowledsed before ripte this day of Q� A r-,% By NaVne of Person mi (Signature of Notary l uhk - state of Florida) We,, OrStarnp Commissioned Name of N as for Type of authority (e.g, officer, trustee) hanon c)'hga Pa on behalf of whom instrument was executed OTA y PUBLIC Personally known -_ cr produced ideniIfication STATE OJP F L O RQA Orr m# GE3258050 Type of Identification produced